The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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286 The Quran 37: 28 28 They will say, ‘You came to us from a position of power.’ a 29 They will say, ‘No! It was you who would not believe – 30 we had no power over you – and you were already exceeding all limits. 31 Our Lord’s sentence on us is just and we must all taste the punishment. 32 We led you astray as we ourselves were astray.’ 33 On that Day they will all share the torment: 34 this is how We deal with the guilty. 35 Whenever it was said to them, ‘There is no deity but God,’ they became arrogant, 36 and said, ‘Are we to forsake our gods for a mad poet?’ 37 ‘No: he brought the truth and confirmed the earlier messengers; 38 you will taste the painful torment, 39 and be repaid only according to your deeds.’ 40 Not so God’s true servants. 41 They will have familiar provisions b –– 42 fruits – and will be honoured 43 in gardens of delight; 44 seated on couches, facing one another. 45 A drink will be passed round among them from a flowing spring: 46 white, delicious to those who taste it, 47 causing no headiness or intoxication. 48 With them will be spouses – modest of gaze and beautiful of eye – 49 like protected eggs. c 50 They will turn to one another with questions: 51 one will say, ‘I had a close companion on earth 52 who used to ask me, “Do you really believe that 53 after we die and become dust and bone, we shall be brought for judgement?”’ 54 Then he will say, ‘Shall we look for him?’ 55 He will look down and see him in the midst of the Fire, 56 and say to him, ‘By God, you almost brought me to ruin! 57 Had it not been for the grace of my Lord, I too would have been taken to Hell.’ 58 Then he will say [to his blessed companions], ‘Are we never to die again after our earlier death? 59 Shall we never suffer? 60 This truly is the supreme triumph!’ 61 Everyone should strive to attain this. 62 Is this the better welcome, or the tree of Zaqqum, 63 which we have made a test for the evildoers? 64 This tree grows in the heart of the blazing Fire, d 65 and its fruits are like devils’ heads. 66 They will fill their bellies eating from it; 67 then drink scalding water on top of it; a The Arabic expression ‘from the right-hand side’ conveys the meaning of being in the right or approaching from the most honourable angle, or with power and influence (see verse 30). b See 2: 25. c Arabs described beautiful women as being as precious as the ostrich eggs they protected from the dust with feathers. d The disbelievers said, scornfully, ‘How can there be a tree in the Fire?’

37: 113 Ranged in Rows 287 68 then return to the blazing Fire. 69 They found their forefathers astray, 70 and rushed to follow in their footsteps – before the disbelievers [of Mecca], 71 most men in the past went astray, 72 even though We sent messengers to warn them.73 See how those who were warned met their end! 74 Not so the true servants of God. 75 Noah cried to Us, and how excellent was Our response! 76 We saved him and his people from great distress, 77 We let his offspring remain on the earth, 78 We let him be praised by later generations: 79 ‘Peace be upon Noah among all the nations!’ 80 This is how We reward those who do good: 81 he was truly one of Our faithful servants. 82 We drowned the rest. 83 Abraham was of the same faith: 84 he came to his Lord with a devoted heart. 85 He said to his father and his people, ‘What are you worshipping? 86 How can you choose false gods instead of the true God? 87 So what is your opinion about the Lord of all the Worlds?’ 88 then he looked up to the stars. 89 He said, ‘I am sick,’ 90 so [his people] turned away from him and left. 91 He turned to their gods and said, 92 ‘Do you not eat? Why do you not speak?’ 93 then he turned and struck them with his right arm. 94 His people hurried towards him, 95 but he said, ‘How can you worship things you carve with your own hands, 96 when it is God who has created you and all your handiwork?’ 97 They said, ‘Build a pyre and throw him into the blazing fire.’ 98 They wanted to harm him, but We humiliated them. 99 He said, ‘I will go to my Lord: He is sure to guide me. 100 Lord, grant me a righteous son,’ 101 so We gave him the good news that he would have a patient son. 102 When the boy was old enough to work with his father, Abraham said, ‘My son, I have seen myself sacrificing you in a dream. What do you think?’ He said, ‘Father, do as you are commanded and, God willing, you will find me steadfast.’ 103 When they had both submitted to God, and he had laid his son down on the side of his face, 104 We called out to him, ‘Abraham, 105 you have fulfilled the dream.’ This is how We reward those who do good – 106 it was a test to prove [their true characters] – 107 We ransomed his son with a momentous sacrifice, 108 and We let him be praised by succeeding generations: 109 ‘Peace be upon Abraham!’ 110 This is how We reward those who do good: 111 truly he was one of Our faithful servants. 112 We gave Abraham the good news of Isaac – a prophet and a righteous man – 113 and blessed him and Isaac too: some of their

286<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quran 37: 28<br />

28 <strong>The</strong>y will say, ‘You came to us from a position of power.’ a 29 <strong>The</strong>y<br />

will say, ‘No! It was you who would not believe – 30 we had no power<br />

over you – and you were already exceeding all limits. 31 Our Lord’s<br />

sentence on us is just and we must all taste the punishment. 32 We led<br />

you astray as we ourselves were astray.’ 33 On that Day they will all<br />

share the torment: 34 this is how We deal with the guilty. 35 Whenever<br />

it was said to them, ‘<strong>The</strong>re is no deity but God,’ they became arrogant,<br />

36 and said, ‘Are we to forsake our gods for a mad poet?’ 37 ‘No:<br />

he brought the truth and confirmed the earlier messengers; 38 you<br />

will taste the painful torment, 39 and be repaid only according to your<br />

deeds.’<br />

40 Not so God’s true servants. 41 <strong>The</strong>y will have familiar provisions<br />

b –– 42 fruits – and will be honoured 43 in gardens of delight;<br />

44 seated on couches, facing one another. 45 A drink will be passed<br />

round among them from a flowing spring: 46 white, delicious to those<br />

who taste it, 47 causing no headiness or intoxication. 48 With them will<br />

be spouses – modest of gaze and beautiful of eye – 49 like protected<br />

eggs. c<br />

50 <strong>The</strong>y will turn to one another with questions: 51 one will say, ‘I<br />

had a close companion on earth 52 who used to ask me, “Do you really<br />

believe that 53 after we die and become dust and bone, we shall be<br />

brought for judgement?”’ 54 <strong>The</strong>n he will say, ‘Shall we look for<br />

him?’ 55 He will look down and see him in the midst of the Fire, 56 and<br />

say to him, ‘By God, you almost brought me to ruin! 57 Had it not<br />

been for the grace of my Lord, I too would have been taken to Hell.’<br />

58 <strong>The</strong>n he will say [to his blessed companions], ‘Are we never to die<br />

again after our earlier death? 59 Shall we never suffer? 60 This truly is<br />

the supreme triumph!’ 61 Everyone should strive to attain this. 62 Is<br />

this the better welcome, or the tree of Zaqqum, 63 which we have<br />

made a test for the evildoers? 64 This tree grows in the heart of the<br />

blazing Fire, d 65 and its fruits are like devils’ heads. 66 <strong>The</strong>y will fill<br />

their bellies eating from it; 67 then drink scalding water on top of it;<br />

a <strong>The</strong> Arabic expression ‘from the right-hand side’ conveys the meaning of being in<br />

the right or approaching from the most honourable angle, or with power and influence<br />

(see verse 30).<br />

b See 2: 25.<br />

c Arabs described beautiful women as being as precious as the ostrich eggs they<br />

protected from the dust with feathers.<br />

d <strong>The</strong> disbelievers said, scornfully, ‘How can there be a tree in the Fire?’

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