The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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170 The Quran 16: 62 forward. 62 They attribute to God what they themselves dislike while their own tongues utter the lie that the best a belongs to them. Without doubt it is the Fire that belongs to them: they will be given priority there! b 63 By God, c We have sent messengers before you [Muhammad] to other communities, but Satan made their foul deeds seem alluring to them. He is the patron of these present disbelievers d too, and a painful punishment awaits them all. 64 We have sent down the Scripture to you only to make clear to them what they differ about, and as guidance and mercy to those who believe. 65 It is God who sends water down from the sky and with it revives the earth when it is dead. There truly is a sign in this for people who listen. 66 In livestock, too, you have a lesson – We give you a drink from the contents of their bellies, between waste matter and blood, pure milk, sweet to the drinker. 67 From the fruits of date palms and grapes you take sweet juice e and wholesome provisions. There truly is a sign in this for people who use their reason. 68 And your Lord inspired the bee, saying, ‘Build yourselves houses in the mountains and trees and what people construct. 69 Then feed on all kinds of fruit and follow the ways made easy for you by your Lord.’ From their bellies comes a drink of different colours in which there is healing for people. There truly is a sign in this for those who think. 70 It is God who has created you and in time will cause you to die. Some of you will be reduced, in old age, to a most abject state, so that, after having knowledge, they will know nothing at all: God is truly all knowing and all powerful. 71 God has given some of you more provision than others. Those who have been given more are unwilling to pass their provision on to the slaves they possess so that they become their equals. How can they refuse to acknowledge God’s blessings? 72 And it is God who has given you spouses from amongst yourselves and through them He has given you children and grandchildren and provided you with good things. How can they a i.e. sons. b This meaning of farata is supported by Razi. c The disbelievers used to swear by their idols, so here God swears by Himself. d This refers to the disbelievers of Mecca. e The Arabic word sakar means ‘wine’, ‘juice’, or ‘vinegar’ (al-Mujam al-Wasit).

16: 86 The Bee 171 believe in falsehood and deny God’s blessings? a 73 Those they worship beside God have no power to provide anything for them from the heavens or the earth: they can do nothing. 74 So do not make up images about God: God knows and you do not. 75 God presents this illustration: a slave controlled by his master, with no power over anything, and another man We have supplied with good provision, from which he gives alms privately and openly. Can they be considered equal? All praise belongs to God, but most of them do not recognize this. 76 God presents another illustration: two men, one of them dumb, unable to do anything, a burden to his carer – whatever task he directs him to, he achieves nothing good – can he be considered equal to one who commands justice and is on the straight path? 77 All that is hidden from view in the heavens and earth belongs to God. The coming of the Hour of Judgement is like the blink of an eye, or even quicker: God has power over everything. 78 It is God who brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and minds, so that you might be thankful. 79 Do they not see the birds made to fly through the air in the sky? Nothing holds them up except God. There truly are signs in this for those who believe. 80 It is God who has given you a place of rest in your homes and from the skins of animals made you homes that you find light [to handle] when you travel and when you set up camp; furnishings and comfort for a while from their wool, fur, and hair. 81 It is God who has given you shade from what He has created, and places of shelter in the mountains; garments to protect you from the heat, and garments to protect you in your wars. In this way He perfects His blessings on you, so that you may devote yourselves to Him. 82 But if they turn away [Prophet], your only duty is to deliver the message clearly. 83 They know God’s blessings, but refuse to recognize them: most of them are ungrateful. 84 The day will come when We raise up a witness from every community, when the disbelievers will not be allowed to make excuses or amends. 85 When the evildoers face punishment it will not be lightened for them nor will they be given any respite. 86 When the idolaters see the partners they joined with God they will say, ‘Our Lord, these are the partners we used to invoke beside You,’ a i.e. claim that the partners they ascribe to God are the ones to give them such blessings.

16: 86<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bee 171<br />

believe in falsehood and deny God’s blessings? a 73 Those they worship<br />

beside God have no power to provide anything for them from the<br />

heavens or the earth: they can do nothing. 74 So do not make up<br />

images about God: God knows and you do not.<br />

75 God presents this illustration: a slave controlled by his master,<br />

with no power over anything, and another man We have supplied<br />

with good provision, from which he gives alms privately and openly.<br />

Can they be considered equal? All praise belongs to God, but most<br />

of them do not recognize this. 76 God presents another illustration:<br />

two men, one of them dumb, unable to do anything, a burden to his<br />

carer – whatever task he directs him to, he achieves nothing good –<br />

can he be considered equal to one who commands justice and is on<br />

the straight path? 77 All that is hidden from view in the heavens and<br />

earth belongs to God. <strong>The</strong> coming of the Hour of Judgement is like<br />

the blink of an eye, or even quicker: God has power over everything.<br />

78 It is God who brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing<br />

nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and minds, so that you<br />

might be thankful. 79 Do they not see the birds made to fly through<br />

the air in the sky? Nothing holds them up except God. <strong>The</strong>re truly<br />

are signs in this for those who believe. 80 It is God who has given you<br />

a place of rest in your homes and from the skins of animals made<br />

you homes that you find light [to handle] when you travel and when<br />

you set up camp; furnishings and comfort for a while from their<br />

wool, fur, and hair. 81 It is God who has given you shade from what<br />

He has created, and places of shelter in the mountains; garments to<br />

protect you from the heat, and garments to protect you in your wars.<br />

In this way He perfects His blessings on you, so that you may devote<br />

yourselves to Him. 82 But if they turn away [Prophet], your only duty<br />

is to deliver the message clearly. 83 <strong>The</strong>y know God’s blessings, but<br />

refuse to recognize them: most of them are ungrateful.<br />

84 <strong>The</strong> day will come when We raise up a witness from every<br />

community, when the disbelievers will not be allowed to make<br />

excuses or amends. 85 When the evildoers face punishment it will<br />

not be lightened for them nor will they be given any respite. 86 When<br />

the idolaters see the partners they joined with God they will say,<br />

‘Our Lord, these are the partners we used to invoke beside You,’<br />

a i.e. claim that the partners they ascribe to God are the ones to give them such<br />


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