The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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168 The Quran 16: 32 will have everything they wish. This is the way God rewards the righteous, 32 those whose lives the angels take in a state of goodness. They will say to them, ‘Peace be upon you. Enter the Garden as a reward for what you have done.’ 33 Are the disbelievers waiting for the angels to come to them, or your Lord’s Judgement? Those who went before them did the same. God did not wrong them; they wronged themselves. 34 So the evil they had done hit them and they were surrounded by the very thing they had mocked. 35 Those who worshipped others alongside God say, ‘If God had willed, we would not have worshipped anything but Him, nor would our fathers. We would not have declared anything forbidden without His sanction.’ Those before them said the same. Are the messengers obliged to do anything other than deliver [their message] clearly? 36 We sent a messenger to every community, saying, ‘Worship God and shun false gods.’ Among them were some God guided; misguidance took hold of others. So travel through the earth and see what was the fate of those who denied the truth. 37 Though you [Prophet] may be eager to guide them, God does not guide those who misguide [others], a nor will they have anyone to help them. 38 They have sworn by God with their strongest oaths that He will not raise the dead to life. But He will – it is His binding promise, though most people do not realize it – 39 in order to make clear for them what they have differed about and so that the disbelievers may realize that what they said was false. 40 When We will something to happen, all that We say is, ‘Be,’ and it is. 41 As for those who emigrated in God’s cause after being wronged, We shall give them a good home in this world, but the reward of the Hereafter will be far greater, if they only knew it. 42 They are the ones who are steadfast and put their trust in their Lord. 43 [Prophet], all the messengers We sent before you were simply men to whom We had given the Revelation: you [people] can ask those who have knowledge if you do not know. 44 We sent them with clear signs and scriptures. We have sent down the message to you too [Prophet], so that you can explain to people what was sent for them, so that they may reflect. 45 Are those who plan evil so sure that God will not make the earth swallow them up, that punishment will not come on them from some a Cf. verse 25.

16: 61 The Bee 169 unimagined direction, 46 that it will not catch them suddenly in the midst of their comings and goings – for they cannot frustrate God – 47 or that it will not catch up with them gradually? Indeed your Lord is kind and merciful. 48 Do the [disbelievers] not observe the things that God has created, casting their shadows right and left, submitting themselves to God obediently? 49 It is to God that everything in the heavens and earth submits, every beast that moves, even the angels – they are free from arrogance: 50 they fear their Lord above them, and they do as they are commanded. 51 God said, ‘Do not take two gods’– for He is the One God –‘ I alone am the One that you should hold in awe.’ 52 Everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him: everlasting obedience is His right. Will you heed anyone other than God? 53 Whatever good things you possess come from God, and when hardship afflicts you, it is to Him alone you cry out for help, 54 yet when He has relieved you of your hardship – lo and behold! – some of you attribute partners to your Lord. 55 Let them show ingratitude for the favours We have shown them; ‘Enjoy your brief time – soon you will know.’ 56 They set aside part of the sustenance We give them, for [idols] about which they have no true knowledge. a By God! You will be questioned about your false inventions. 57 They assign daughters to God b ––may He be exalted!––and the [sons] they desire to themselves. 58 When one of them is given news of the birth of a baby girl, his face darkens and he is filled with gloom. 59 In his shame he hides himself away from his people because of the bad news he has been given. Should he keep her and suffer contempt or bury her in the dust? How ill they judge! 60 Those who do not believe in the Hereafter should have the contemptible image, and God should have the highest one: c He is the Mighty, the Wise. 61 If God took people to task for the evil they do, He would not leave one living creature on earth, but He reprieves them until an appointed time: when their time comes they cannot delay it for a moment nor can they bring it a The pagan Arabs gave part of their crops and livestock to their deities (6: 136). b Some of the pagan Arabs called angels the daughters of God. This is doubly blasphemous because of the contempt in which daughters were held in a warrior community, to the extent of female infanticide as described below. c Their image of God is that He can only have daughters, though they themselves have contempt for their daughters.

16: 61<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bee 169<br />

unimagined direction, 46 that it will not catch them suddenly in the<br />

midst of their comings and goings – for they cannot frustrate God –<br />

47 or that it will not catch up with them gradually? Indeed your Lord<br />

is kind and merciful. 48 Do the [disbelievers] not observe the things<br />

that God has created, casting their shadows right and left, submitting<br />

themselves to God obediently? 49 It is to God that everything in<br />

the heavens and earth submits, every beast that moves, even the<br />

angels – they are free from arrogance: 50 they fear their Lord above<br />

them, and they do as they are commanded.<br />

51 God said, ‘Do not take two gods’– for He is the One God –‘ I<br />

alone am the One that you should hold in awe.’ 52 Everything in<br />

the heavens and earth belongs to Him: everlasting obedience is His<br />

right. Will you heed anyone other than God? 53 Whatever good<br />

things you possess come from God, and when hardship afflicts<br />

you, it is to Him alone you cry out for help, 54 yet when He has<br />

relieved you of your hardship – lo and behold! – some of you<br />

attribute partners to your Lord. 55 Let them show ingratitude for<br />

the favours We have shown them; ‘Enjoy your brief time – soon<br />

you will know.’<br />

56 <strong>The</strong>y set aside part of the sustenance We give them, for [idols]<br />

about which they have no true knowledge. a By God! You will be<br />

questioned about your false inventions. 57 <strong>The</strong>y assign daughters<br />

to God b ––may He be exalted!––and the [sons] they desire to themselves.<br />

58 When one of them is given news of the birth of a baby girl,<br />

his face darkens and he is filled with gloom. 59 In his shame he hides<br />

himself away from his people because of the bad news he has been<br />

given. Should he keep her and suffer contempt or bury her in the<br />

dust? How ill they judge! 60 Those who do not believe in the Hereafter<br />

should have the contemptible image, and God should have the<br />

highest one: c He is the Mighty, the Wise. 61 If God took people to<br />

task for the evil they do, He would not leave one living creature on<br />

earth, but He reprieves them until an appointed time: when their<br />

time comes they cannot delay it for a moment nor can they bring it<br />

a <strong>The</strong> pagan Arabs gave part of their crops and livestock to their deities (6: 136).<br />

b Some of the pagan Arabs called angels the daughters of God. This is doubly<br />

blasphemous because of the contempt in which daughters were held in a warrior<br />

community, to the extent of female infanticide as described below.<br />

c <strong>The</strong>ir image of God is that He can only have daughters, though they themselves<br />

have contempt for their daughters.

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