The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)


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6: 147<br />

Livestock 91<br />

which they do not pronounce God’s name [during slaughter], falsely<br />

attributing these [regulations] to Him: He will repay them for the<br />

falsehoods they invent. 139 <strong>The</strong>y also say, ‘<strong>The</strong> contents of these animals’<br />

wombs will be reserved solely for our men and forbidden to<br />

our women, though if the offspring is stillborn they may have a share<br />

of it.’ He will punish them for what they attribute to Him: He is all<br />

wise, all aware. 140 Lost indeed are those who kill their own children<br />

out of folly, with no basis in knowledge, a forbidding what God has<br />

provided for them, fabricating lies against Him: they have gone far<br />

astray and have heeded no guidance.<br />

141 It is He who produces both trellised and untrellised gardens,<br />

date palms, crops of diverse flavours, the olive, the pomegranate,<br />

alike yet different. So when they bear fruit, eat some of it, paying<br />

what is due on the day of harvest, but do not be wasteful: God does<br />

not like wasteful people. 142 [He gave you] livestock, as beasts of<br />

burden and as food. So eat what God has provided for you and do<br />

not follow in Satan’s footsteps: he is your sworn enemy. 143 [God gave<br />

you] eight animals, in [four] pairs: a pair of sheep and a pair of<br />

goats – ask them [Prophet], ‘Has He forbidden the two males, the<br />

two females, or the young in the wombs of the two females? Tell me<br />

based on knowledge if you are telling the truth.’ 144 And a pair of<br />

camels and a pair of cattle – ask them [Prophet], ‘Has He forbidden<br />

the two males, the two females, or the young in the wombs of the two<br />

females? Were you present when God gave you these commands?’ So<br />

who is more wicked than he who fabricates lies against God with no<br />

basis in knowledge in order to lead people astray? God does not<br />

guide the evildoers.<br />

145 [Prophet], say, ‘In all that has been revealed to me, I find nothing<br />

forbidden for people to eat, except for carrion, flowing blood,<br />

pig’s meat – it is loathsome – or a sinful offering over which any<br />

name other than God’s has been invoked.’ But if someone is forced<br />

by hunger, rather than desire or excess, then God is most forgiving<br />

and most merciful. 146 We forbade for the Jews every animal with<br />

claws, and the fat of cattle and sheep, except what is on their backs<br />

and in their intestines, or that which sticks to their bones. This is<br />

how We penalized them for their disobedience: We are true to Our<br />

word. 147 If they [the disbelievers] accuse you [Prophet] of lying, say,<br />

a i.e. scriptural evidence, cf. verses 143, 144, and 148.

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