Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems

Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems

Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems


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A. Buchleitner et al. / Physics Reports 368 (2002) 409–547 447<br />

When a static electric or magnetic eld is added, see Section 4, some additional non-zero matrix<br />

elements exist, but sparsity is preserved. The eigenvalues can then be calculated us<strong>in</strong>g an e cient<br />

diagonalization rout<strong>in</strong>e such as the Lanczos algorithm [115–118].<br />

Because—<strong>in</strong> the presence of a micro<strong>wave</strong> eld—the system is unbounded, there are <strong>in</strong> general no<br />

exact bound states but rather resonances. Us<strong>in</strong>g Sturmian functions, the properties of the resonances<br />

can be calculated directly us<strong>in</strong>g the complex rotation technique [119–125]. The price to pay is to<br />

diagonalize complex symmetric matrices, <strong>in</strong>stead of real symmetric ones. The advantage is that the<br />

resonances are obta<strong>in</strong>ed as complex eigenvalues En − i n=2 of the complex rotated Hamiltonian, En<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g the position of the resonance, and n its width. All essential properties of resonances can be<br />

obta<strong>in</strong>ed from complex eigenstates [126].<br />

3.2.3. Simpli ed 1D and 2D models<br />

Because explicit calculations for the real 3D hydrogen atom may be rather complicated, it is<br />

fruitful to study also simpli ed 1D and 2D approximations of the real world. Let us rst consider<br />

the simpli ed restriction of the atomic motion to one s<strong>in</strong>gle dimension of con guration space,<br />

H0 = p2<br />

2<br />

− 1<br />

z<br />

with the external driv<strong>in</strong>g along z,<br />

with z¿0 ; (113)<br />

V = Fz cos !t : (114)<br />

The energy spectrum of H0 is identical to the spectrum <strong>in</strong> 3D [127]:<br />

E (1D)<br />

n<br />

= − 1<br />

with n ¿ 1 : (115)<br />

2n2 Such a one-dimensional model allows to grasp essential features of the <strong>driven</strong> atomic dynamics, and<br />

provides the simplest example for the creation of non-<strong>dispersive</strong> <strong>wave</strong> <strong>packets</strong> by a near-resonant<br />

micro<strong>wave</strong> eld. The classical dynamics live on a three-dimensional phase space, spanned by the<br />

s<strong>in</strong>gle dimension of con guration space, the canonically conjugate momentum, and by time. This is<br />

the lowest dimensionality for a Hamiltonian system to display mixed regular–chaotic character [3].<br />

For a circularly (or elliptically) polarized micro<strong>wave</strong>, a 1D model is of course <strong>in</strong>adequate. One<br />

can use a two-dimensional model where the motion of the electron is restricted to the polarization<br />

plane. The energy spectrum <strong>in</strong> two dimensions is:<br />

E (2D) 1<br />

n = −<br />

with n ¿ 0 : (116)<br />

2(n +1=2) 2<br />

It di ers from the 3D (and 1D) energy spectrum by the additional 1=2 <strong>in</strong> the denom<strong>in</strong>ator, due to<br />

the speci c Maslov <strong>in</strong>dices <strong>in</strong>duced by the Coulomb s<strong>in</strong>gularity.<br />

3.2.4. Action-angle coord<strong>in</strong>ates<br />

In order to apply the general theory of non-l<strong>in</strong>ear resonances and non-<strong>dispersive</strong> <strong>wave</strong> <strong>packets</strong><br />

derived <strong>in</strong> Section 3.1, we need the action-angle coord<strong>in</strong>ates for the hydrogen atom. For the simpli ed<br />

1D model, the result is simple: the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal action I and the canonically conjugate angle are de ned

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