Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems

Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems

Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems


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A. Buchleitner et al. / Physics Reports 368 (2002) 409–547 443<br />

of such states is given by Eq. (82) which can be rewritten, us<strong>in</strong>g Eq. (100), as<br />

Number of trapped states 4 |q| : (103)<br />

At the center of the island (states with small<br />

a ( ; q) reads [95]<br />

and=or large |q|), an approximate expression for<br />

<br />

a ( ; q) ≈−2|q| +4 + 1<br />

<br />

|q|<br />

:<br />

2<br />

(104)<br />

It does not depend on (what physically means <strong>in</strong> our case that the states deeply <strong>in</strong>side the resonance<br />

island are <strong>in</strong>sensitive to the boundary condition). When <strong>in</strong>serted <strong>in</strong> Eq. (102), it yields exactly the<br />

energy levels of Eq. (78), with = N . Hence, the Mathieu approach agrees with the harmonic<br />

approximation with<strong>in</strong> the resonance island, for su ciently large islands.<br />

For a ( ; q) ¿ 2q, the pendulum undergoes a rotational, unbounded motion, which aga<strong>in</strong> can be<br />

quantized us<strong>in</strong>g WKB. For small |q|, a ( ; q) ≈ 4([( +1)=2]− =2) 2 (where [ ] stands for the <strong>in</strong>teger<br />

part), see [95]. With this <strong>in</strong> Eq. (102), one recovers the known Floquet spectrum, <strong>in</strong> the limit of<br />

a vanish<strong>in</strong>gly weak perturbation. Note, however, that <strong>in</strong> this rotational mode, the eigenstates are<br />

sensitive to the boundary conditions (and the a ( ; q) values depend on ). This is essential for the<br />

correct → 0 limit.<br />

Around a ( ; q) =2q, the pendulum is close to the separatrix between librational and rotational<br />

motion: the period of the classical motion tends to <strong>in</strong> nity (critical slow<strong>in</strong>g down). That expla<strong>in</strong>s<br />

the locally enhanced density of states apparent <strong>in</strong> Fig. 9(a).<br />

In Fig. 9(b), we also plot the semiclassical WKB prediction for the quantized a (q) values.<br />

Obviously, the agreement with the exact “<strong>quantum</strong>” Mathieu result is very good, even for weakly<br />

excited states, except <strong>in</strong> the vic<strong>in</strong>ity of the separatrix. This is not unexpected because the semiclassical<br />

approximation is known to break down near the unstable xed po<strong>in</strong>t, see Sections 2 and 3.1.3 above.<br />

The Mathieu equation yields accurate predictions for properties of non-<strong>dispersive</strong> <strong>wave</strong> <strong>packets</strong> <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>periodically</strong> <strong>driven</strong> <strong>quantum</strong> <strong>systems</strong>. Indeed, <strong>in</strong> the range a ( ; q) ∈ [ − 2q; 2q], the classical motion<br />

is trapped <strong>in</strong>side the resonance island, and the correspond<strong>in</strong>g <strong>quantum</strong> eigenstates are expected to<br />

be non-<strong>dispersive</strong> <strong>wave</strong> <strong>packets</strong>. In particular, the lowest state <strong>in</strong> the resonance island, associated<br />

with the ground state of the pendulum = 0, corresponds to the semiclassical eigenstate N = 0, see<br />

Eq. (78), and represents the non-<strong>dispersive</strong> <strong>wave</strong> packet with the best localization properties. As<br />

can be seen <strong>in</strong> Fig. 9(b), the semiclassical quantization for this state is <strong>in</strong> excellent agreement with<br />

the exact Mathieu result. This signi es that Eq. (81) can be used for quantitative predictions of the<br />

quasi-energy of this eigenstate.<br />

As already mentioned, the characteristic exponent does not play a major role <strong>in</strong>side the resonance<br />

island, as the eigenvalues a ( ; q) there depends very little on . However, it is an important parameter<br />

outside the resonance, close to the separatrix especially at small q. Indeed, at q = 0, the m<strong>in</strong>imum<br />

eigenvalue is obta<strong>in</strong>ed for =0 : a0( =0;q= 0) = 0. This implies that, even for very small q,<br />

the ground state enters most rapidly the resonance island. On the opposite, the worst case is =1<br />

where the lowest eigenvalue is doubly degenerate: a0( =1;q=0)=a1( =1;q=0)=1. As we are<br />

<strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> the ground state of the pendulum (the one with maximum localization), the situation<br />

for = 0 is preferable: not only the state enters rapidly the resonance island, but it is also separated<br />

from the other states by an energy gap and is thus more robust versus any perturbation. We will

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