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A <strong>STUDY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>PETROPHYSICAL</strong> <strong>PARAMETERS</strong><br />

<strong>FOR</strong> <strong>QUICK</strong>-<strong>LOOK</strong> <strong>PETROPHYSICAL</strong> EVALUATION,<br />



Miss Weenawadee Bahae<br />


<strong>FOR</strong> THE DEGREE <strong>OF</strong> THE BACHELOR SCIENCE<br />

DEPARTMENT <strong>OF</strong> GEOLOGY FACULTY <strong>OF</strong> SCIENCE<br />



การศึกษาคาตัวแปรที่เหมาะสมสําหรับการประเมินคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพเบื้องตน<br />

ของหินจากการหยั่งธรณีหลุมเจาะ<br />

ในบริเวณพื้นที่สิริกิติ์ตะวันออก<br />

โครงการเอส-1 แองพิษณุโลก<br />

วีณาวดี บาเหะ<br />

ภาควิชาธรณีวิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย<br />

โทร: 0-8154-08932, e-mail: mew_35@hotmail.com<br />

บทคัดยอ: ในการประเมินศักยภาพของชั้นหินกักเก็บปโตรเลียมนั้น<br />

สามารถประเมินไดจากขอมูลคุณสมบัติทาง<br />

กายภาพ (Petrophysics) ของชั้นหิน<br />

ซึ่งในแหลงน้ํามันสิริกิตติ์นั้นปจจุบันไดนําขอมูลคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพของชั้นหิน<br />

มาแปลความโดยใชโปรแกมที่เรียกวา<br />

Geolog6 ซึ่งในการดําเนินการนั้นมีวิธีการที่ซับซอนและใชเวลามาก<br />

ดังนั้น<br />

จึงไดมี<br />

การศึกษาเพื่อหาคาตัวแปรตางๆ<br />

ที่จะนํามาใชในการแปลขอมูลคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพของชั้นหิน<br />

โดยอาศัยโปรแกรม<br />

Microsoft Excel ซึ่งสามารถใชงานไดงาย<br />

และใชไดทันทีที่หลุมเจาะหลังจากที่ไดรับขอมูลคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพของชั้น<br />

หินแลว ซึ่งวิธีการนี้เรียกวา<br />

การประเมินคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพเบื้องตนของหินจากการหยั่งธรณีหลุมเจาะ<br />

(Quick Look<br />

Petrophysical Evaluation)<br />

การวิจัยครั้งนี้เปนการศึกษาจากขอมูลหยั่งธรณีหลุมเจาะจํานวน<br />

10 หลุม ของพื้นที่บริเวณสิริกิตติ์ตะวันออก<br />

โครงการเอส1 แองพิษณุโลก โดยทําการศึกษาจากชั้นหินกักเก็บปโตรเลียมที่สําคัญของพื้นที่ซึ่งไดแก<br />

ชั้นหิน<br />

K และ L<br />

จากการศึกษาทฤษฎีพื้นฐานของการแปลขอมูลจากการหยั่งธรณีหลุมเจาะและการประเมินคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพ-<br />

เบื้องตนของหินสามารถนํามาใชในการวิเคราะหขอมูลหยั่งธรณีจํานวน<br />

10 หลุมของพื้นที่ที่ทําการศึกษาและเลือกคาตัว<br />

แปรที่เหมาะสมที่ไดจากการเฉลี่ยของผลการศึกษาทั้งหมด<br />

ดังนี้<br />

คาเฉลี่ยจากการอานขอมูลหยั่งรังสีแกมมาในหินทราย<br />

และหินดินดาน นําไปสูการคํานวณคาปริมาณหินดินดาน(Vsh)<br />

คาความตานทานไฟฟาปรากฏของน้ําในหินทราย(Rwa)<br />

และในหินดินดาน(Rwb) ซึ่งเปนคาคงที่ที่ใชตลอดสําหรับการศึกษาครั้งนี้<br />

นําไปสูการหาคาความอิ่มตัวดวยน้ํา(Sw)<br />

ขั้นตอมาเปนการอานขอมูลหยั่งความหนาแนนและขอมูลหยั่งนิวตรอน<br />

นําไปสูการคํานวณเพื่อนหาคาความพรุน<br />

จากนั้น<br />

เปนการประมวลผลดวยวิธีการ Quick Look Petrophysical Evaluation และไดทําการเปรียบเทียบผลการแปลความโดย<br />

วิธี Quick Look Petrophysical Evaluation กับวิธีการแปลความโดยใชโปรแกรม Geolog6<br />

ผลการศึกษาที่ไดพบวา<br />

การประเมินคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพของชั้นหินดวยวิธี<br />

Quick Look ที่เดิมใชกับแหลง<br />

กักเก็บกาซนั้นสามารถนํามาใชกับพื้นที่สิริกิตติ์ซึ่งเปนแหลงกักเก็บทั้งกาซและน้ํามันได<br />

โดยใชไดดีสําหรับการหาคา<br />

ปริมาณหินดินดาน และ คาความพรุน สวนคาความอิ่มตัวดวยน้ํานั้นยังใชไมไดผลเนื่องจากไดคาความแตกตาง<br />

(deviation) คอนขางสูง นั่นคือ<br />

อยูที่ประมาณ<br />

22% ซึ่งอาจเนื่องมาจากการเลือกคาของตัวแปรที่ไมเหมาะสมและการใช<br />

สมการที่ตางกัน<br />

จึงอาจตองมีการปรับคาของตัวแปรบางตัวเพื่อใหคาความแตกตางออกมานอยที่สุด<br />

Keywords: Quick Look, Petrophysical evaluation, Sirikit east<br />


A <strong>STUDY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>PETROPHYSICAL</strong> <strong>PARAMETERS</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>QUICK</strong> <strong>LOOK</strong> <strong>PETROPHYSICAL</strong><br />


Weenawadee Bahae<br />

Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University;<br />

Tel: 0-8154-08932, e-mail: mew_35@hotmail.com<br />

Abstract: The common practice for petrophysical log analysis in PTTEP is employing Geolog 6<br />

software. The software requires more complicated procedures and hence time. At the rig site, where<br />

immediate impression on the well result is needed, the simply MS excel worksheet was in-house developed<br />

for a quick-look petrophysical analysis. Quick-look petrophysical evaluations are used by oil companies to<br />

allow well site geologists to quickly make an approximate evaluation of the wireline log data at the well site.<br />

This allows the geologist to quickly identify any potential hydrocarbon bearing intervals and helps in the<br />

selection of intervals for pressure testing. The accuracy of the results depends on accuracy of the input<br />

parameters.<br />

This project analyzed wire line log and mud log data from 10 wells in the Sirikit East area, S1 Project,<br />

Phitsanulok basin, North of Thailand, which study from the main reservoir such as formation K and L. After<br />

learning the basic principles of petrophysical logging tools and interpretation, the Quick-look evaluation<br />

technique was studied. The 10 wells were analyzed and a set of input parameters were chosen by taking<br />

averages from the results. The inputs were mostly average values of gamma readings in sand and shale,<br />

used to compute shale volumes (Vsh), and apparent formation water resistivity in sand and shale, Rwa and<br />

Rwb respectively. These values were seen to be fairly constant for the wells being studied. An additional<br />

step was added to the standard quick-look method. The normal method of computing porosity does not<br />

include any correction for gas effect on the density and neutron tools. An option was added where gas<br />

corrections could be applied if required.<br />

The final step of the project was to compare the results of the quick-look evaluations with those<br />

produced by the petrophysical evaluation carried out by the S1 Asset. The results agreed very well in<br />

volume of shale and porosity, which is shown the deviation value is approximate 2-3% and 4% respectively.<br />

The result have some different values of water saturation which depend on some parameters such as matrix<br />

and shale parameters and use different equation to calculate water saturation because the deviation value is<br />

shown rather high approximate 22%. This quick-look method is shown to work rather well in this field and<br />

probably to adjust in some parameter for next study.<br />

Keywords: Quick Look, Petrophysical evaluation, Sirikit east<br />


Acknowledgement<br />

This report has been accomplished with the help, suggestion and encouragement of<br />

many people. Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank PTT Exploration & Production Public<br />

Company Limited, especially to Khun Kiatisak Kuntawang, Khun Wanida Srithongtae, Mr.Terry<br />

Higgins, Khun Suphawich Thanudamrong and Khun Parinya Pholbud for giving me a great<br />

chance to do this project and also provide me with the company’s data needed for this project.<br />

I appreciate help and support from Dr. Vichai Chutakositkanon, Khun Wanida Srithongtae and ,<br />

Mr.Terry Higgins who are my advisors and always give me excellent suggestion and<br />

encouragement. Acknowledgement is also expressed to Khun Parinya Pholbud, Khun<br />

Kriangkrai Varejaroenchai, Khun Sutasinee Kittisupalauk, Khun Nattapong Tanapuntanurak,<br />

Khun Sudarat Chareonsrisomboon, Khun Pinyada Taweepornpratomkul, Khun Tanaporn<br />

Chareonpan and Khun Kannika Preecha for their kind support, help and useful advice.<br />

I would like to deeply express thank to all lecturers in the Department of<br />

Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Punya Charusiri,<br />

Assist. Prof. Virote Daorerk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Visut Pisutha–Arnond, Assoc. Prof. Dr.<br />

Thanawat Jarupongsakul, Assist. Prof. Dr. Somchai Nakapadungrat, Assist. Prof. Dr.<br />

Sombat Yumuang, Assist. Prof. Dr. Chakrapan Sutthirat, Assist. Prof. Dr. Thasinee<br />

Charoentitirat, Assist. Prof. Montri Choowong, Dr. Vichai Chutakositkanon, Dr. Kruawun<br />

Jankaew, Dr. Thanop Thitimakorn, Dr. Yoshio Sato, Archan Pitsanupong Kanjanapayont,<br />

Archan Akaneewut Chabangbon, Archan Malatee Taiyaqupt, Archan Bussarasiri Thana for<br />

giving me their knowledge, experiences and suggestions.<br />

My thanks are also to my seniors and colleagues especially Khun Muchimaporn<br />

Khamphutorn and Khun Ladda Sunthong for giving me encouragement, support and advice<br />

through the past time.<br />

Thanks are extended to my family, all geology classmates and juniors for their<br />

helpfulness and cheerfulness in the last three years. Finally, I appreciate all supports<br />

from the others that have not been mentioned.<br />


Contents<br />

Abstract (Thai) I<br />

Abstract (English) II<br />

Acknowledgements III<br />

Contents IV<br />

List of Figures V<br />

List of Tables IX<br />

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION<br />

1.1 Rationale 1<br />

1.2 Study Area 5<br />

1.3 Objective 5<br />

1.4 Scope of study 6<br />

1.5 Methodology 6<br />

1.6 Previous works 9<br />

Chapter 2: REGIONAL GEOLOGY <strong>OF</strong> PHITSANULOK BASIN 13<br />

2.1 Regional Geology 13<br />

2.2 Structural Evolution 15<br />

2.3 Stratigraphic and Depositional Environment 21<br />

2.4 Petroleum System 23<br />

IV<br />



3.1 Introduction to Well Log Interpretation 31<br />

3.2 Well Logging Tools 31<br />

3.3 Log Interpretation Derived Parameters 32<br />

Chapter 4: METHODOLOGY 34<br />

4.1 Data Used 34<br />

4.2 Log Evaluation Workflow 34<br />

4.3 Quick Look Analysis 41<br />

Chapter 5: RESULT <strong>OF</strong> WORKS 46<br />

5.1 Result of the computation from Quick Look Excel Software. 46<br />

5.2 The computed result of parameter of 10 wells compare with 47<br />

S1 petrophysical Method.<br />

5.3 To compare the results of the quick-look evaluations with those 48<br />

produced by the petrophysical evaluation carried out by<br />

the S1Asset.<br />


6.1 Discussion 49<br />

6.2 Conclusion 54<br />

6.3 Recommendations 54<br />

Reference 56<br />

APPENDIX 57<br />


List of Figures<br />

Figure 1.1: Picture showing the S1 Concession in Phitsanulok Basin (Thai Shell,1997) 3<br />

Figure 1.2: Picture showing the Location of study area in north eastern of 4<br />

Sirikit Field (Thai Shell,1997)<br />

Figure 1.3: The flow chart of this study. 8<br />

Figure 2.1: Depositional history of the Phitsanulok Basin. (Modified from TanapornC, 14<br />

2008)<br />

Figure 2.2: Structural frame work of the Phitsanulok basin, Thailand (Thai Shell,1997) 18<br />

Figure 2.3: Structural model of phase I & II of Phitsanulok Basin (Thai Shell,1997) 20<br />

Figure 2.4: Structural model of phase III & IV of Phitsanulok Basin (Thai Shell,1997) 21<br />

Figure 2.5: Schematic stratigraphy of Phitsanulok basin (Bal et al., 1988) 22<br />

Figure 2.6: Picture shows the stratigraphic chart in Phitsanulok basin (Bal et al., 1988) 23<br />

Figure 2.7: Source rock distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008) 24<br />

Figure 2.8: Reservoir properties distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008) 25<br />

Figure 2.9: Hydrocarbon migration distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008) 26<br />

Figure 2.10: Seal distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008) 27<br />

Figure 4.1: The Quick Look Formula for Petrophysical Analysis (applied from 39<br />

Arthit Field)<br />

Figure 4.2: The example of Quick Look Excel Program of Sirikit East well. 39<br />

Figure 4.3: The example of log reading in Sirikit East well. 40<br />

VI<br />


List of Figures<br />

Figure 4.4: The Example of cross plot between Resistivity of free water (Rwf) and 40<br />

bound water (Rwb)<br />

Figure 5.1: The example of summary computing data sheet of Quick-Look for 46<br />

Formation Evaluation of LKU-X07 well.<br />

Figure 5.2: The computed result of Volume of Shale of 10 wells compare with 47<br />

S1 Asset.<br />

Figure 5.3: The computed result of Porosity of 10 wells compare with S1 Asset. 47<br />

Figure 5.4: The computed result of Water Saturation of 10 wells compare with 54<br />

S1Asset.<br />

Figure 5.5: Comparison results of the quick-look evaluations with S1 Asset. 48<br />

VII<br />


List of Tables<br />

Table1: Greater Sirikit East reservoir information summary (updated from 29<br />

Sirikit East Field Development,1996)<br />

Table 2: The matrix density, fluid density and PEF(Photo Electrical Factor) for 35<br />

some common compounds.<br />

Table 3: The average of Rwa and Rwb from 10 wells. 44<br />

VIII<br />


Chapter 1<br />


1.1 Rationale<br />

Nowadays, there are many kinds of energy resource such as coal, wind, solar<br />

cell and petroleum which are very important for human. However the most important<br />

energy resource is petroleum. Since human have known the petroleum, it have been<br />

used for many advantages such as the fuel for vehicle, producing electricity and used<br />

polymer industry. Because of its advantages, the petroleum is needed to develop<br />

economic of countries, so one of the important key to success in the exploration and<br />

production for new potential area is the study of the sand reservoir.<br />

The S1 Concession is located in the Phitsanulok Basin in northern Thailand<br />

(Figure 1.1) near Lan Krabu district, Kamphaeng Phet province, approximately 400 km<br />

north of Bangkok. The concession contains Sirikit Field which is Thailand’s largest<br />

onshore producing oil field.<br />

The Sirikit field is located in the south western part of the S1 concession close to<br />

the village of Lan Krabu, some 50 km from the nearest major town of Phitsanulok. This is<br />

the main producing field of the Phitsanulok Basin, a major extensional structure of<br />

Oligocene age, overlying folded partly metamorphosed, and block faulted, Mesozoic<br />

basement, is high potential petroleum reservoir. The basin is a half graben with up to 8<br />

km of Tertiary sediment infill situated at the triangular intersection of two regional strikeslip<br />

fault zones, the Mae Ping Fault Zone and the Uttaradit Fault Zone. The basin fill has<br />

been subdivided into 8 formations namely in ascending order: Khom, Nong Bua,<br />

Sarabop, Lan Krabu, Chum Saeng, Pratu Tao, Yom and Ping Formation. However, the<br />

Tertiary Basins in Thailand are mostly covered by Quaternary sediments therefore, the<br />

petroleum exploration have to use the subsurface exploration technique.<br />

The study area is located in the northeastern part of Sirikit Field, (Figure1.2) is<br />

situated in S1 concession of PTTEP Public Company Limited is the first commercial and<br />

the largest onshore oil field in Thailand, which covers five provinces: Phichit,<br />

Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Kamphaeng Phet and Uttaradit.<br />


I am interested in the petrophysical evaluation and to know working of geologist<br />

at the rig site in this particular oil field. Therefore, I would like to study the fundamental of<br />

petrophysical evaluation for formation namely should be to start to learn a quick-look<br />

petrophysical analysis. In addition, to evaluate the Volume of shale, Porosity and Water<br />

saturation and classify the fluid type bearing in reservoirs. The fundamental<br />

petrophysical principles will be provided me to understand the petrophysical<br />

parameters for Quick-Look petrophysical evaluation . This study comprises of<br />

interpretation of wire-line logs and Quick-Look analysis. The results will be used to<br />

define petrophysical parameters and perform petrophysical evaluation. The presence of<br />

shale strongly affects the physical properties of the reservoir rock and induces a<br />

significant effect on the respond of the most open-hole logging tools especially<br />

resistivity logs in hydrocarbon zone.<br />

Now, Sirikit East Field use Geolog6 program for petrophysical evaluation, which<br />

is the complex method and dawdle over the time . So that, to have this study for<br />

petrophysical evaluation by using Microsoft Excel, which is easy to use and do it at the<br />

rig site suddenly after you got the wure line log data. So this method known as Quicklook<br />

petrophysical evaluations.<br />

Quick-Look Excel Program is use in Sirikit East Field is apply the method which<br />

will get from Arthit and Bong Kot Field, the gas zone area. Because of Quick-look<br />

petrophysical evaluations are used by oil companies to allow well site geologists to<br />

quickly make an approximate evaluation of the wireline log data at the well site. This<br />

allows the geologist to quickly identify any potential hydrocarbon bearing intervals and<br />

helps in the selection of intervals for pressure testing.<br />


Figure1.1 Picture showing the S1 Concession in Phitsanulok Basin (Thai Shell,1997)<br />


Figure 1.2 Picture showing the Location of study area in north eastern of Sirikit Field<br />

(Thai Shell,1997).<br />


1.2 Study area<br />

The Sirikit East was discovered by LKU-X01 since 1995. The 3D seismic<br />

acquisition was done in 1998 and followed up by field development plan. The<br />

comprehensive geology of the Sirikit East area has been studied since 1998. During<br />

2000 – 2004, there was very limited activities happen in Sirikit East Area due to constrain<br />

of resources. In 2005, it was Pre-Depth Stacked Migration processing on 3D seismic<br />

data. It leaded to the success of LKU-X11 to LKU-Z04 wells.<br />

The Sirikit East Field is located to the northeastern of the Sirikit Main Field, is<br />

situated in S1 concession of PTTEP Public Company Limited is the first commercial and<br />

the largest onshore oil field in Thailand. Sirikit Oil Field which lies in the Phitsanulok<br />

Basin (Figure 1.2) covers five provinces: Phichit, Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Kamphaeng<br />

Phet and Uttaradit. It is far from Bangkok about 400 kilometers. The license area of Sirikit<br />

East area is about 1.98 square kilometers which was presented in Figure ……<br />

The Phitsanulok Basin, one of a series of Tertiary rift-related structures in central<br />

and northern Thailand, is high potential petroleum reservoir. The tectonic history of the<br />

area is complex: the original, extensional, half graben was deformed during deposition<br />

of the upper reservoir sequence by left-lateral strike-slip faulting (Knox & Wakefield,<br />

1983).The basin fill has been subdivided into 8 formations namely in ascending order:<br />

Khom, Nong Bua, Sarabop, Lan Krabu, Chum Saeng, Pratu Tao, Yom and Ping<br />

Formation. However, the Tertiary Basins in Thailand are mostly covered by Quaternary<br />

sediments therefore, the petroleum exploration have to use the subsurface exploration<br />

technique.<br />

1.3 Objective<br />

This study concentrates on well log approaches to study the petrophysical<br />

parameters for Quick-Look petrophysical evaluation in Sirikit East area.<br />

The main objective is to identify the reservoir properties. To define petrophysical<br />

parameter for formation evaluation and to determine Volumn of Shale, Porosity and<br />

Water Saturation by using wireline logging data, core data, cuttings and pressure data<br />

of well.<br />


1.4 Scope of Study<br />

The whole data for use based on the main reservoir such as formation K and L of<br />

Sirikit East Area. All data in this senior project is supported by PTT Exploration &<br />

Production Public Company Limited. The database is composed of:<br />

- Wire line log data of LKU-X07, LKU-X08, LKU-X09, LKU-X10, LKU-X11, LKU-<br />

X12, LKU-Y04, LKU-Y05, LKU-Z04 and LKU-Z06 consisted of gamma ray log, resistivity<br />

log, density log and neutron log.<br />

- Mud log data of LKU-X07, LKU-X08, LKU-X09, LKU-X10, LKU-X11, LKU-X12,<br />

LKU-Y04, LKU-Y05, LKU-Z04 and LKU-Z06.<br />

1.5 Methodology<br />

1. Study previous works that are related to this project including (Figure 1.3);<br />

1.1 Research and publications relating to Quick-Look petrophysical<br />

evaluation.<br />

1.2 Study regional geology, structural evolution, stratigraphy,<br />

depositional environment and petroleum system of Phitsanulok Basin and study area.<br />

1.3 Collect preliminary studies including well log digital data, well<br />

formation, deviation data and well report.<br />

2. Learning methods of basic petrophysical evaluation including;-<br />

2.1 Basic Log Interpretation in Shaly Sands.<br />

2.2 Basic Petrophysical evaluation by using Geolog6 program and<br />

Microsoft Excel Software, applied from Arthit and Bongkot gas field.<br />

3. Interpret wireline logging data of 10 wells in the study area by hand and using<br />

Geolog6 software.<br />

4. Define petrophysical parameters for petrophysical evaluation such as GRmin,<br />

GRmax, Rt, RHOB and NPHI.<br />

5. To measure and find the proper parameter for petrophysical evaluation by<br />

Quick Look method.<br />

6. Compare petrophysical results (Volume of Shale, Porosity, Water Saturation)<br />

between Quick Look methodology and full interpretation from S1 asset.<br />


7. Discussion and conclusion which conduce to writing report of the<br />

petrophysical analysis results.<br />

8. Presentation.<br />


Literature review<br />

Learning Petrophysical Evaluation<br />

(Basic Log Interpretation and Basic Quick Look Interpretation)<br />

Logging interpretation (10 Wells)<br />

Define Petrophysical parameters for petrophysical evaluation<br />

(GRmin, GRmax, Rt, RHOB, NPHI).<br />

To measure and find the proper parameter for petrophysical<br />

evaluation by Quick Look method.<br />

Compare parameter results (Volume of Shale, Porosity, Water<br />

Saturation) between Quick Look method and S1 method.<br />

Discussion and conclusion<br />

Report and presentation<br />

Figure 1.3 The flow chart of this study.<br />


1.6 Previous work<br />

R. B. Ainsworth and H. Sanikosik (1998) studied 3-D reservoir modelling of the<br />

Sirikit West Field, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand, reported that the Sirikit West Oil Field lies<br />

within the Phitsanulok Basin of Central Thailand. It is a satellite of the main Sirikit<br />

accumulation. Within the field, the Lan Krabu Formation represents the main reservoir<br />

interval. It is interpreted as fluvio-lacustrine in origin. The three major reservoir submembers<br />

(D, K1 and K2) are subdivided into 10 to 15 m thick parasequences bounded<br />

vertically by minor flooding surfaces. Each parasequence represents a progradational<br />

phase of mouthbar development which is terminated by a flooding event. A typical<br />

parasequence consists of facies progressing from open lacustrine claystone to delta<br />

front including mouthbars and channel sands, to floodplain sands and shales.<br />

Compared to the Main Sirikit Field, the same stratigraphic intervals in Sirikit West<br />

are up to three times thicker. This indicates a strong element of differential subsidence<br />

across the major bounding fault between the two fields. The depositional and sequence<br />

stratigraphic models for the area were used as a basis for generating 3-D geological<br />

and property models. 3-D modelling was undertaken to determine reservoir architecture<br />

and reservoir property trends prior to a new phase of field development. The Shell<br />

proprietary correlation software package GEOLOGIX and 3-D modelling package<br />

MONARCH were utilised to enable rapid evaluation of a a range of geological and<br />

petrophysical scenarios. For example. differing correlation scenarios reflecting<br />

geological uncertainties such as reservoir continuity were generated using GEOLOGIX<br />

and rapidly screened in MONARCH. The 3-D models were used for volumetric<br />

calculations, well planning, static connectivity analyses of proposed wells and as the<br />

input for dynamic flow modelling. Upscaling of the 3-D geological models was<br />

undertaken using REDUCE and dynamic reservoir simulation was performed using the<br />

MoReS simulator. History matching of the two geological models carried forward to the<br />

simulator suggested that the high reservoir continuity scenario is the most readily<br />

matched. The dynamic model is being used as a general reservoir management tool for<br />

forecasting, well planning, and for analysing further development options. Results<br />

indicate potential for further development and appraisal drilling of up to ten new wells to<br />

fully develop the field and achieve optimal oil recovery.<br />


Sombat et al. (2006) used data from Gamma Ray (GR), Resistivity (AT90),<br />

Density (RHOB) and Neutron (NPHI) logs of existing wells in AWP1, AWP2, and AWP3.<br />

They studied the Rwf and Rwb determination for Quick Look formation evaluation of<br />

Arthit Field. They present that to determine water saturation (Sw) through use of by Dual<br />

Water Equations, Ro (Resistivity of water filled rock) is a major uncertainty parameter<br />

needed to calculate precise levels of water saturation. Initially, values for Rwf (Resistivity<br />

of free water) and Rwb (Resistivity of bound water) are required in order to calculate Ro.<br />

In the wellsite, Rwf and Rwb values of each formation are obtained by using the Rwa-GR<br />

crossplots method. It should be noted that previous Rwf and Rwb determinations of<br />

formations FM0, FM1, 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D/2E were derived from a very small number of<br />

plotted values, which, therefore, might not have resulted the most accurate Rwf and<br />

Rwb determinations. Consequently, they study aims to determine more accurate Rwf<br />

and Rwb values from the crossplots by use of an increased amount of data from all wells<br />

in AWP1, AWP2, and AWP3. They can describe the result of Rwf and Rwb from the<br />

study of each formation as below:<br />

- FM0, Rwf is equal to 0.25 while Rwb is equal to 0.05<br />

- FM1, Rwf is equal to 0.28 while Rwb is equal to 0.03<br />

- FM2A, Rwf is equal to 0.20 while Rwb is equal to 0.04<br />

- FM2B, Rwf is equal to 0.30 while Rwb is equal to 0.05<br />

- FM2C, Rwf is equal to 0.28 while Rwb is equal to 0.03<br />

- FM2D/2E, Rwf is equal to 0.19while Rwb is equal to 0.09<br />

Pullarp (2007) studied the petrophysical re-evaluation log analysis of reservoir<br />

rocks in the B6/27 concession, Chumphon basin, Gulf of Thailand. Her studied was<br />

performed to determine reservoir and fluid properties which are composed of lithology,<br />

porosity and water saturation. Furthermore, she set up the methodology and parameters<br />

of reservoir rocks by GEOLOG6 software and applied for next drilling campaign. She<br />

studied two wells such as Well NNN-A04ST and NNN-B01ST.<br />


Well NNN-A04ST is located in the center part of the study area and well NNN-<br />

B01ST is lies 6 km north of well A04ST. The results show that there are significant oil<br />

reserves in the karstified Permian carbonate reservoirs. Average reservoir porosity of<br />

NNN-A04ST and NNN-B01ST is 27% and 32% respectively. Average reservoir water<br />

saturation of NNN-A04ST and NNN-B01ST is approximate 26% and 20% respectively.<br />

Net pay thickness of NNN-A04ST and NNN-B01ST is 7.91 mTVT (True Vertical<br />

Thickness) and 24.53 mTVT respectively.<br />

The results of re-petrophysics evaluation compared with the previous<br />

petrophysics evaluation have some different values of porosity and saturation which<br />

depend on some parameters such as matrix and shale parameters and use different<br />

equation to calculate water saturation.<br />

Tanapuntanurak (2007) studied geoscience of Mahidol University, studied the<br />

re-petrophysical evaluation of shaly sand reservoir in Muda field, Malay basin. He was<br />

undertaken to determine reservoirs and fluid properties which compose of volumn of<br />

shale, porosity and water saturation. He reported that five wells in Muda field are used in<br />

this study (Well A, Well B, Well c, Well D, Well E) and the results of this Re-evalation as<br />

following : shaly sand reservoir which has petroleum potential in Muda field have<br />

average volumn of shale 13.45%-30.07%, porosity 10.24%-20.49% and water saturation<br />

35.83%-57.20%, which is the highest potential reservoir.<br />

Mezzatesta (2006) studied the reconciling formation porosity and fluid<br />

distribution estimations in carbonate and shaly-sand systems represents a problem that<br />

log analysts and petrophysicists face in dealing with well log interpretation. The problem<br />

becomes especially challenging when data from conventional (e.g., density, neutron,<br />

gamma ray) and non-conventional (e.g., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), multicomponent<br />

induction) instruments are available and need to be combined in a<br />

consistent interpretation. Also, the use of effective and/or total porosity petrophysical<br />

models may lead to confusion and improper use and interpretation of those quantities.<br />

His paper proposes petrophysical interpretation models for use in the evaluation of<br />


carbonate and shaly sand reservoirs. They allow for effectively and consistently<br />

combining the various measurements under the framework of either effective or total<br />

porosity. Simultaneous and sequential solutions of the petrophysical models are<br />

proposed leading to consistent data integration and reconciliation of porosity and fluid<br />

distribution across the various available log measurements.<br />

The proposed interpretation method focuses on the integration of NMR with<br />

conventional log measurements in carbonate and shaly-sand environments. With<br />

sufficient log data, rocks having complex mineralogy can be interpreted in terms of<br />

mineral volumes, irreducible and moveable water saturation, and hydrocarbon<br />

saturation. In a shaly-sand environment, results are expressed in terms of sand, shale<br />

and fluid saturation distributions.<br />

His paper describes the mathematical formulation of the petrophysical model as<br />

well as the applied numerical techniques. Optimal interpretation results are achieved<br />

using forward modeling and a constrained, quality-weighted error minimization<br />

technique. Field data examples are presented that show the ability of the interpretation<br />

models to reconcile porosity, fluid type, and fluid distribution in the pore space.<br />


Chapter 2<br />


2.1 Regional Geology<br />

The Sirikit field is located in the south western part of the S1 concession close to<br />

the village of Lan Krabu, some 50 km from the nearest major town of Phitsanulok. This is<br />

the main producing field of the Phitsanulok Basin, a major extensional structure of<br />

Oligocene age, overlying folded partly metamorphosed, and block faulted, Mesozoic<br />

basement. The basin is a half graben with up to 8 km of Tertiary sediment infill situated<br />

at the triangular intersection of two regional strike-slip fault zones, the Mae Ping Fault<br />

Zone and the Uttaradit Fault Zone.<br />

The depositional history of the Phitsanulok Basin is intimately linked to the<br />

structural evolution of the area. The sediments can be subdivided into 3 main divisions<br />

that have been observed in other Thai extensional basins ( Figure 2.1);<br />

Sarabop Formation (Oligocene) : Predominantly clastic deposits (P member)<br />

composed of fluvial to alluvial fan & fan delta sediments deposited in a predominantly<br />

extensional structural environment.<br />

Chum Saeng & Lan Krabu Formations (Lower-Middle Miocene) : Deposition of<br />

interdigitating shales (Chum Saeng) and fluvio-deltaic (Lan Krabu D, K, L & M members)<br />

sediments in central & eastern parts of Phitsanulok Basin. Widespread transgressions<br />

alternating with extensive delta progradations resulted in thin (but areally extensive)<br />

transgressive-regressive (sand-shale) cycles characteristic of the Phitsanulok Basin.<br />

Pratu Tao, Yom & Ping Formations (Miocene-Recent) : Abrupt reduction in<br />

subsidence as structural environment became more transtensional. Deposition of<br />

clastic braided & meandering fluvial sediments (PTO & Yom) and alluvial fan/braid plain<br />

deposits of the Ping Formation. This latter depositional environment change may be<br />

associated with a structural environment shift from transtensional to transcompressional.<br />


Rock Formation Member Sub Member<br />

Ping<br />

Gas Yom Upper Yom (UYOM)<br />

Oil<br />

Oil<br />

Gas<br />

Oil<br />

Shale<br />

Pratu Tao (PTO)<br />

Chum Saeng (CS)<br />

Oil Lan Krabu (LKU) D<br />

Gas<br />

Oil<br />

Lower Yom (LYOM)<br />

Upper PTO (UPTO)<br />

Lower PTO (LPTO)<br />

Main Seal (MS)<br />

Lan Krabu (LKU) K K1<br />

Shale Chum Saeng (CS) Upper Intermediate Seal (UIS)<br />

Oil<br />

K2<br />

K3<br />

K4<br />

Lan Krabu L L1<br />

Shale Chum Saeng (CS) Lower Intermediate Shale (LIS)<br />

Oil Lan Krabu M<br />

Shale Chum Saeng (CS) Basal Shale (BS)<br />

Sarabop<br />

P<br />

Oil<br />

Oil Pre Tertiary (PTT) - Basement<br />

L2<br />

L3<br />

L4<br />

800m<br />

1400m<br />

2400m<br />

Figure 2.1 Depositional history of the Phitsanulok Basin. (Modified from TanapornC,<br />

2008)<br />


2.2 Structural Evolution<br />

2.2.1 Regional Structure<br />

The Phitsanulok Basin is the largest of the string of tertiary intracratonic<br />

extensional basins of onshore Thailand. Their formation is related to the relative<br />

movement of continental blocks which presently form the Malayan peninsula and<br />

Indochina. The rift basins occur in a roughly N-S oriented zone which coincides with the<br />

suture zone of the western Shan-Thai Block and the Indosinian Block (Helmcke, 1984;<br />

Barr & MacDonald,1991) which were joined in a continent to continent collision in the<br />

Late Triassic during the Indosinian Orogeny (Bunopas&Vella,1992). The Indosinian<br />

Block (in the literature also referred to as the Indochina Block or Craton) incorporates<br />

present day Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam as well as the Khorat Plateau in the eastern<br />

part of Thailand. The Shan Thai Block incorporates the rest of Thailand and the eastern<br />

parts of Burma (Bunopas & Vella,1992).<br />

The Late Mesozoic and Tertiary history of these continental blocks is primarily<br />

influenced by the collision of the Indian subcontinent with Eurasia. This collision was a<br />

diachronous event which caused a fundamental change in the tectonic regime in SE<br />

Asia. In Thailand it caused a tensional regime in which rift basins were formed (Bunopas<br />

& Vella,1992). The rifting is related to the clockwise rotation of the Shan-tai Block relative<br />

to the Indosinian Block. This reactivated the suture between the blocks which became<br />

the focus of the east – west spreading motion (Bonopas & Vella, 1992; McCabe, 1988).<br />

A system of N – S trending normal faults developed, starting in the south with the<br />

opening of the gulf of Thailand and gradually migrating to the north.<br />

2.2.2 Structural Framework<br />

The Phitsanulok Basin has been generated by the eastward displacement of this<br />

province, governed in turn by the movements along four major fault systems (Trump,<br />

1983)as below (Figure 2.2);<br />

1. The Western Boundary Fault System<br />

This fault is a zone of NNW-SSE running faults which have taken up the<br />

basement and basin extension as normal faults. The faults dip around 45o. Extension at<br />

basement level is in the order of 10 km. The fault system is not continuous. Separate<br />


segments are connected by NNE-SSW striking faults which locally show minor sinistral<br />

oblique slip.<br />

2. The Uttaradit Fault<br />

This fault is an ENE-WSW running sinistral wrench fault which accommodated the<br />

eastward movement of the basement. This fault turns into the Western Boundary Fault<br />

System just west of the S1 Concession and does not extend, to the west, beyond the<br />

Phitsanulok Basin. The Uttaradit Fault separates the Sukhothai depression (the northern<br />

part of the Phitsanulok<br />

Basin) from the Phichai Graben to the north. The Sukhothai depression has been<br />

downthrown to the South.<br />

3. The Mae Ping Fault<br />

This fault is a NW-SE sinistral wrench fault which primarily accommodated<br />

movement towards the SE of the Shan Thai block on the western side of the fault. This<br />

fault is a pre-existing basement fault as shown by the offset of up to 100 km of<br />

Palaeozoic rocks. (Trumpy, 1983). In the Tertiary the fault formed the relative passive<br />

southern boundary of the Phitsanulok Basin.<br />

4. The Petchabun Fault Zone<br />

This fault is a N-S running dextral wrench fault system. This zone separates the<br />

structurally complex Shan Thai Block from the lesser deformed Indosinian Block. The<br />

zone consists of several parallel dextral wrench faults with a total displacement of at<br />

least 50 km. (Trumpy, 1983).<br />

The overall framework of the major faults in the sirikit Area is show in (Figure.2.2).<br />

The pattern is dominated by N-S and NW-SE trending faults, rooted in the basement.<br />

The major faults subdivided the Sirikit Area as follow:<br />

- The Sirikit Field<br />

The Sirikit Field delineated to the W and NW by the faults systems composed of<br />

W70, W87 & W60). This fault system collectively forms the Sirikit Boundary Fault. To the<br />

east the field is delineated by the W10, W15 fault system also know as the Ket Kason<br />

Fault System. The Sirikit Field is a fault-dip closure overlying a pre-Tertiary basement<br />

high. It is fault closed in the W and E essentially dip closed in the north and in the south.<br />


- Sirikit East Field<br />

From the Sirikit East Field (including the Nong Khaem appraisal area). This field<br />

has developed over another N-S trending pre-Tertiary high. These structures are<br />

essentially fault/dip closed with the dip closure being in the north. The geology of this<br />

part of the sirikit Area and the developed/appraisal options have been described<br />

separately (Makel et al., 1996)<br />

- The Thap Raet Field<br />

Thap Raet Field is delineated by the W80 fault to the west and the W60 fault to<br />

the south-east and is dip-closed to the nirth.<br />

- The Nong Makhaam/Sirikit West<br />

The structuctural of Sirikit West are delineated by the W90 fault in the west, the<br />

W88 fault in the southwest and the W60 fault system to the east. The structure is dip<br />

closed to the north.<br />

- The Western Apprisal Region<br />

The Western Apprisal Region is closed by the Sirikit Boundary Fault in the east,<br />

the W99 to the west and the W88 Fault to the north and dip closed to the south.<br />

In this report the focus will be on the Sirikit east Field. Where appropriate the<br />

other fields or areas will be mentioned. It is the intension, however, that comprehensive<br />

descriptions for the other fields and areas will be compiled in the future.<br />


Figure 2.2 Structural frame work of the Phitsanulok basin, Thailand (Thai Shell,1997)<br />


2.2.3 Structural History<br />

The structural history of the Phitsanulok Basin and adjacent areas enclosed by<br />

the four major faults can be subdivided into four phase. The Tertiary to recent fill of the<br />

basin was subjected to extensional tectonics in Phase I, extensional to transtensional<br />

tectonics during Phase II and gradually increasing to transpressional tectonics through<br />

Phases III and IV.The evolution of Phitsanulok Basin can be subdivided into four phase<br />

as follow:<br />

1. Phase I: Extension in the basin occurs along NNW-SSE oriented faults. The<br />

extensional direction is WSW-ENE. The main extension occurs along the Western<br />

Boundary Fault System.<br />

2. Phase II: After extensional movement along the Mae Ping Fault is blocked, the<br />

Petchabun Fault had continued movement in the southern area. The divergence which<br />

during Phase I compensated for the compression in the northeast disappears and<br />

consequently the compression in the Soi Dao area increases. The start of this phase<br />

marks the onset of the deposition of the Pratu Tao Formation.<br />

3. Phase III: The extension in the northern part of the Phitsanulok Basin stops.<br />

Compression here continued and overthrusts develop in the Soi Dao area. Uttaradit and<br />

northern part of the Petchabun Fault in the northeast leads to the development of a<br />

hinge zone on the eastern flank upthrowing the Nakhon Thai area and increasing the<br />

downthrow along the Western Boundary Fault System. To the north of the Uttaradit Fault<br />

the Phichai Graben develops and maximum downthrow occurs in the Sukhothai<br />

depression which already started to form in Phase II<br />

4. Phase IV: The extension in the southern part of the area is blocked. As a result<br />

the basin is subjected to increasing compressional stresses and inversion features and<br />

dextral wrench faulting, parallel to the Petchabun Fault, affect pre-existing structures.<br />

Basaltic and rhyolitic volcanism is associated with this phase.<br />


Figure 2.3 Structural model of phase I & II of Phitsanulok Basin (Thai Shell,1997)<br />


Upper PTO – Yom Ping<br />

Figure 2.4 Structural model of phase III & IV of Phitsanulok Basin (Thai Shell,1997)<br />

2.3 Stratigraphic and Depositional Environment<br />

The depositional history of the Phitsanulok Basin is linked to the structural<br />

evolution of the area. The Tertiary basin fill has been subdivided into 8 lithostratigraphic<br />

formations, that together constitute the Phitsanulok Group. The lateral variations in the<br />

lithostratigraphy are shown in (Figure 2.5) in N-S and E-W schematic chronostratigraphic<br />

cross-sections. In the lowest section, alluvial fan and alluvial plain were deposited during<br />

Phase I of the structural history of the basin which occurred in the age Oligocene. In this<br />

section consists of Sarabop, Nong Bua and Khom Formaton. In the middle section, the<br />

depositional environment changed to that of the interdigitating, open lacustrine Chum<br />

Saeng Formation and the fluvio-deltaic Lan Krabu Formation in the central and eastern<br />

parts of the basin during the Miocene. Lan Krabu is sand and shale while Chumsang is<br />

shale. Widespread transgressions alternated with extensive delta progradations<br />

resulting in the thin but aerialy extensive transgressive-regressive cycles characteristic<br />


of the Phitsanulok Basin deltaic deposits. In the upper part of the fill, the Middle<br />

Miocene, the depositional environment changed abruptly when pure extension in the<br />

basin decreased and a transtensional tectonic component (Phase II) gained in<br />

importance. In this changing tectonic regime the sediments of the Pratu Tao and Yom<br />

Formations were deposited. The change from transtenstional to transpressional (Phase<br />

III) may be reflected by the Yom to Ping Formation transition where the dominant<br />

depositional environment switched from meandering fluvial deposition (Yom) to alluvial<br />

fan/braidplain deposition (Ping).<br />

Figure 2.5 Schematic stratigraphy of Phitsanulok basin (Bal et al., 1988)<br />


Figure 2.6 Picture shows the stratigraphic chart in Phitsanulok basin (Bal et al., 1988)<br />

2.4 Petroleum System<br />

The Phitsanulok Basin is the largest of the many Tertiary (non-marine) basins onshore<br />

Thailand has the country’s only commercial oil production (~20,000 bopd). The basin<br />

was formed by extension, with minor strike-slip movement. The up to 8 km thick Tertiary<br />

basin fill is almost entirely alluvial and lacustrine clastic. The underlying pre-Tertiary<br />

contains a wide range of rock types and formations except for Mesozoic sandstone and<br />

Permain limestone which occur only locally<br />


2.4.1 Source Rock<br />

The lacustrine contain very rich oil source rock (type I/II) in a cumulative<br />

thickness of up to 1000m. Small kitchen areas can supply large HC volumes and oil<br />

generation started 16 million years ago to the last main tectonic event (10 million years).<br />

The present-day kitchen area comprised 770 sq.km. The source rock produces a waxy,<br />

low-sulphur, high pour point crude which is light (40˚API) but heavy (14-23˚API) in the<br />

shallow reservoir due to transformation and bacterial degradation. The geochemical<br />

parameter and the carbon isotope indicating a source from mainly mature, lacustrine<br />

algae/SOM source rock, often with a distinct land plant contribution (Figure2.7);<br />

50<br />

150<br />

100<br />

Lower Clay,<br />

Chum Saeng Fm.<br />

20<br />

40<br />

Intermediate Clay,<br />

Chum Saeng Fm.<br />

VR 0.62 VR 1.20<br />

Lateral Facies Change<br />

Truncation/Onlap Boundary Est.. Source Rock Thickness<br />

20<br />

100<br />

200<br />

50<br />

Upper Clay,<br />

Chum Saeng Fm.<br />

Figure 2.7 Source rock distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008)<br />

50<br />

24<br />

*VR = Vitrinite Reflectance

2.4.2 Reservoir Distribution<br />

The alluvial and deltaic-lacustrine parts of the clastic basin fill contain numerous<br />

reservoir/seal interval sand discontinuous. The Lan Lrabu Formation fluviolacustrine<br />

sandstone constitute one of the main reservoir targets for this basin. They are fine,<br />

sorted, lithic sandstone with minor carbonate cement. They form the main reservoirs in<br />

the Sirikit Field where porosity range from 20-30% and individual sand bodies are<br />

usually thin (1-7m). Reservoir continuity has proven to be variable depending of the<br />

original of the sand body. Good lateral continuity exists in distributary channel or<br />

composite sand units whereas mouth bar and delta front sand area limited in extent.<br />

Only two potential reservoirs are identified in the pre-Tertiary basement; karstified<br />

Permian limestone and Mesozoic sandstone (Figure 2.8);<br />

Possible below Por. cutoff<br />

Pre-Tertiary<br />

N/G < 0.1<br />

< 0.1< N/G< 0.2<br />

LKU<br />

0.2 < N/G < 0.3<br />

0.3 < N/G < 0.5<br />

Figure 2.8 Reservoir properties distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008)<br />

25<br />

N/G > 0.5<br />

Eroded<br />

Pratu Tao

2.4.3 Hydrocarbon maturation and migration<br />

It is estimated that the total hydrocarbon generation is at the Sukhothai<br />

Depression at the north of Sirikit Field. In 2000, the comprehensive study of basin<br />

modeling suggested the maturation and migration as below (Figure 2.9);<br />

SBP-A<br />

HYI-A<br />

KDN-A<br />

MNN-C<br />

NOH-A<br />

KKN-A<br />

MDG-A<br />

MNN-B<br />

CYO-A<br />

BKO-A<br />

Figure 2.9 Hydrocarbon migration distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008)<br />


2.4.4 Trap and seal<br />

Both structural and stratigraphic trapping mechanisms are present in Sirikit<br />

Field. The lower and upper claystone formed as vertical seal nd thickest just to the<br />

north-west of Sirikit field. The lateral seal formed completely by juxtaposition of reservoir<br />

sands with claystone unit. Retention depends heavily on clay smear, combination with<br />

the amount of throw of the faults (Figure 2.10);<br />

Lower Clay<br />

100<br />

200<br />

50<br />

400<br />

500<br />

Upper Clay<br />

60<br />

200<br />

100<br />

50<br />

40<br />

20<br />

Alluvial<br />

Floodplain<br />

Figure 2.10 Seal distribution of Phitsanulok Basin (PTTEP,2008)<br />


Reservoir stratigraphy and depositional environment<br />

As mentioned above, the main reservoirs are located in the Pratu Tao, Lan Krabu<br />

and Sarabop formations. Only the Lan Krabu reservoirs are of interest in the context of<br />

this Greater Sirikit East Production License Application as they are exclusively holding<br />

hydrocarbons, so they only will be the object of this section.<br />

As said before, the Lan Krabu Formation is composed of 4 sub-units, the D, K, L<br />

and M members that coincide with episodes of deltaic progradations in the Lake<br />

Phitsanulok. The K and L members are the most extensive and the largest intervals as<br />

they span over the full Sirikit Area whereas the D and M are more restricted to the North<br />

of Sirikit where stratigraphic closure have occurred. The K and L are decomposed into 4<br />

parasequence sets, K1, ..., K4 and L1, ..., L4. K1, K2, K4, L1, L2 and L4 are delta<br />

dominated sequences whereas K3 and L3 show more fluvial dominated lithotypes and<br />

coincide with major Sequence Boundaries (Table 1)<br />

The main LKU members are vertically isolated by 3 major shale layers, Main<br />

Seal, Upper Intermediate Seal and Lower Intermediate Seal. Those 3 transgressive<br />

events are the result of maximum flooding events, they are thus laterally very extensive<br />

and offer integral vertical sealing as well as lateral sealing capacity through fault<br />

smearing.<br />


Member Sub Depositional Dominant lithotype<br />

member environment fractions<br />

Main Seal (MS)<br />

Chum Saeng<br />

Open lacustrine Shale<br />

Lan Krabu D (LKU D)<br />

D2<br />

D<br />

Lower deltaic<br />

Lower deltaic<br />

Mouthbar<br />

Mouthbar<br />

K1 Lower deltaic Mouthbar<br />

K2<br />

Upper to Lower<br />

deltaic<br />

Mouthbar (80%)<br />

Channel (20%)<br />

Lan Krabu K (LKU K)<br />

K3 Floodplain<br />

Channel (70%)<br />

Crevasse (30%)<br />

Upper Intermediate<br />

K4<br />

Upper to Lower<br />

deltaic<br />

Mouthbar (60%)<br />

Channel (40%)<br />

Seal (UIS)<br />

Chum Saeng<br />

Open lacustrine Shale<br />

L1 Lower deltaic Mouthbar<br />

L2<br />

Upper to Lower<br />

deltaic<br />

Mouthbar (80 %)<br />

Channel (20%)<br />

Lan Krabu L (LKU L)<br />

L3 Floodplain<br />

Channel (80%)<br />

Crevasse (20%)<br />

Lower Intermediate<br />

L4<br />

Upper to Lower<br />

deltaic<br />

Mouthbar (70%)<br />

Channel (30%)<br />

Seal (LIS)<br />

Chum Saeng<br />

Open lacustrine Shale<br />

Lan Krabu M (LKU M) M<br />

Upper to Lower<br />

deltaic<br />

Mouthbar (80%)<br />

Channel (20%)<br />

Table1 Greater Sirikit East reservoir information summary (updated from Sirikit East<br />

Field Development,1996)<br />

29<br />

Age<br />

Middle<br />

Miocene<br />

Lower<br />


The table above is summarizing the reservoir stratigraphic information together<br />

with interpreted depositional environment and lithotype fraction. The lithotype fractions<br />

were derived from the wireline log interpretation and reservoir correlation and are given<br />

as notional average only.<br />


CHAPTER 3<br />


3.1 Introduction to Well Log Interpretation<br />

As logging tools and interpretation methods are developing in accuracy and<br />

sophistication, they are playing an expanded role in the geological decision-making<br />

process. Petrophysical log interpretation is one of the most useful and important tools<br />

available to a petroleum geologist. Logging data are used to identify productive zones,<br />

to determine depth and thickness of zones, to distinguish between oil, gas, or water in a<br />

reservoir, and to estimate hydrocarbon reserves. Also, geologic maps developed from<br />

log interpretation with determining facies relationships and drilling locations.<br />

3.2 Well Logging Tools<br />

Characteristics of wire-line log<br />

Wire-line logging is one of the necessary methods for earth scientists to<br />

understand the subsurface formations. Wire-line logs used in this study include gamma<br />

ray, resistivity, density and neutron logs.<br />

3.2.1 Gamma Ray Logs<br />

This log record the radioactivity of a formation. Shale (or clay-minerals)<br />

commonly has a relatively high gamma ray radioactive response, and consequently<br />

gamma ray logs are taken as good measures for grain size ( and subsequently inferred<br />

depositional energy). Thus coarse-grain sand, which contains little mud, will have low<br />

gamma ray value, while a fine mud will have a high gamma ray value. The values range<br />

of gamma ray is measured in API (American Petroleum Institute) units and range of very<br />

few units (in anhydrite) to over 200 API in shale.<br />

3.2.2 Resistivity Logs<br />

This log measures the bulk resistivity (the reciprocal of conductivity) of the<br />

formation. Resistivity is defined as the degree to which a substance resists the flow of<br />

the electric current. Resistivity is a function of porosity and pore fluid in the rock. Porous<br />


ock containing conductive fluid (such as saline water) will have low Resistivity. A nonporous<br />

rock or hydrocarbon bearing formation has high resistivity. This log very useful<br />

for the type of fluids in formations and is frequently used as an indicator of formation<br />

lithology.<br />

3.2.3 Neutron Logs<br />

This log measures the porosity of a formation, indicating in its response the<br />

quantity of hydrogen present in the formation. The log is calibrated to limestone. The<br />

linear limestone porosity units are calibrated using the AOI Neutron pit in 19% porosity,<br />

water-filled limestone a defined as 1000 AOI units. Thais useful in measuring lithology<br />

(usually in combination with Density Log)<br />

3.2.4 Density Logs<br />

This Log is a measure of the formation’s bulk density and is mostly used as a<br />

porosity measure. Different lithology can also be determined using Density log based on<br />

return density value. For example, pure quartz will have bulk density (g/cm3) up to 2.65,<br />

coal 1.2-1.8, halite 2.05, limestone up to 2.75, dolomite up to 2.87, anhydrite 2.98.<br />

Density is mostly commonly used in conjunction with Neutron logs to determine lithology<br />

of formation.<br />

3.3 Log Interpretation Derived Parameters<br />

Rock characteristics which affect logging measurements are porosity,<br />

permeability, and water saturation. It is essential that the reader understand these<br />

properties and the concepts they represent before proceeding with a study of log<br />

interpretation.<br />

3.3.1 Volume of shale<br />

Shale contains higher amount of potassium atoms than sand or carbonate,<br />

gamma ray logs can be used to calculate volume of shale in porous reservoir. The<br />

volume of shale can then be applied as cutoff parameter. The volume of shale can be<br />

calculated by use Vsh equation see in Chapter 4.<br />


3.3.2 Porosity<br />

Porosity can be defined as the percentage of voids to the total volume of rock. It<br />

is measured as the percent and has the symbol phi, Ф. (Asquith, G., 2004)<br />

Porosity =<br />

The amount of internal space or voids in a given volume of rock is a measure of<br />

the amount of fluids a rock will hold. This is illustrated by this equation and is called the<br />

total porosity. The amount of void space that is interconnected, and so able to transmit<br />

fluids, is called effective porosity.<br />

3.3.3 Water Saturation<br />

Water saturation is the percentage of pore volume in a rock which is occupied<br />

by formation water. Water saturation is measured in percent and has the symbol Sw.<br />

(Asquith, G., 2004)<br />

Water saturation, Sw =<br />

Volume of pores<br />

Total volume of rock<br />

Hydrocarbon saturation is usually determined by the difference between unity<br />

and water saturation:<br />

Sh = 1- Sw<br />

Where : Sh : Hydrocarbon saturation<br />

Sw : Water saturation<br />

Formation water occupying pores<br />

Total pore space in the rock<br />


CHAPTER 4<br />


4.1 Data Used<br />

Petrophysical Interpretation require these data.<br />

4.1.1 General well data<br />

4.1.2 Wireline log data both digital file and hard copy<br />

4.1.3 Deviation data of well<br />

4.1.4 Surface temperature and temperature gradient<br />

4.1.5 Formation Resistivity of formation water<br />

4.2 Log Evaluation Workflow<br />

The petrophysical evaluation of Sirikit East field in this study were carried out by Geolog6<br />

software. The method of evaluation is described by the following step and log evaluation<br />

workflow is shown before in Figure 1.3<br />

4.2.1 Before petrophysics calculation<br />

1. Data loading by connect module in Geolog6, such as Main Log, LWD Total<br />

Gas and Deviation Data<br />

2. Create Standard SET, such as temperature, Working Zone and Marker.<br />

3. Create Crossplot by Neutron Log, Density Log and Gamma Ray Log.<br />

4 . Log Editing: All data need to be quality checked and edited.<br />

5. Defining the petrophysical parameters for each stratigraphic unit.<br />

4.2.2 Petrophysics Calculation<br />

1. Lithology of the formation is determined by using log data.<br />

2. Volume of shale (Vsh) is compute from GR log which is calculated by linear<br />

equation and GR is read from corrected GR log.<br />


3. Porosity will be computed from RHOB-NPHI logs by using Density Neutron<br />

equation. In this study to mention the Total porosity(PHIT), is The total pore volume per unit<br />

volume of rock. and Effective porosity (PHIE), is The interconnected pore volume or void<br />

space in a rock that contributes to fluid flow or permeability in a reservoir. Effective porosity<br />

excludes isolated pores and pore volume occupied by water adsorbed on clay minerals or<br />

other grains. Effective porosity is typically less than total porosity. For the Dual Water model,<br />

the porosity is determined from equation.<br />

Where;<br />

RHOb = Bulk density (g/cc), reading from RHOB log.<br />

RHOma = Matrix density (g/cc) (Table2)<br />

RHOfl = The density of the fluid filling the pore which the tool<br />

is investigating: in open-hole, the fluid is mainly mud filtrate (1g/cc)<br />

Table 2 The matrix density, fluid density and PEF(Photo Electrical Factor) for<br />

some common compounds.<br />


Total porosity (PHIT)<br />

The density-neutron logs calculation are used to calculate the total<br />

porosity (PHIT) and effective porosity. For Quick-Look interpretation, porosity is often taken<br />

as the average of density porosity and neutron porosity in the same matrix. On a standard<br />

display in limestone compatible scales, this is the midpoint between the density and neutron<br />

porosity logs. The equation is shown below;<br />

In case of gas effect , is much larger on neutron porosity than on the density log.<br />

In agas-bearing reservoir, neutron-density porosity average underestimates true porosity. We<br />

must give more weight to density porosity than to neutron porosity. In case of study, there is<br />

a small amount of gas by using equation:<br />

Effective porosity (PHIE)<br />

Effective porosity was derived from the Neutron-Density computation<br />

using the equation as shown below:<br />

Where:<br />

PHIT = Total porosity<br />

PHIE = Effective porosity<br />

PHIE = PHIT*(1-Vsh)<br />


4. True Resistivity of the Formation (RT)<br />

True Resistivity the formation (RT) is derived from the Laterolog resistivity<br />

(DLL,MDFL). DLL and MSFL have been corrected to estimate the true formation resistivity<br />

(RT). For well S1-East where induction log were run, AT90 has been assumed as true<br />

formation resistivity (RT).<br />

5. The water saturation is calculated from Archie’s equation.<br />

So compute Water Resistivity (Rw) and Water Saturation (Sw) were derived from step<br />

as below:<br />

- Locate a clean zone, water-bearing interval.<br />

- Compute porosity as described before.<br />

- Read value of resitivity (Rt), take deepest resistivity log (AT90)<br />

- Compute Rw by using Archie equation as below:<br />

a * Rw<br />

n<br />

Sw m<br />

* Rt<br />

If assumed that all zones are water-bearing, Sw=1, resistivity of rock is Ro, a=1, m<br />

and n exponent used as equal to 2. We know as Archie I equation as below;<br />

m<br />

F = Ro/Rw = * Rt \<br />

Where: F = Formation factor<br />

Ro = Resistivity of rock<br />

Rw = Resistivity of water<br />

To determine apparent water resistivity (Rw) by applying equation as shown below:<br />

m<br />

aRw= * Rt<br />

If that zone are hydrocarbon-bearing, resistivity of rock is Rt, Sw ≠1. We know as<br />

Archie II equation, were derived from step as below:<br />


- Compute porosity from the density log or from density-neutron cross-plot.<br />

- Read value of resitivity (Rt), take deepest resistivity log (AT90)<br />

- Compute for Sw by using equation:<br />

a * Rw<br />

n<br />

Sw m<br />

* Rt<br />

Where: Sw = Water saturation<br />

a,m,n = Constant value<br />

Rt = Resistivity of Formation<br />

Rw = Resistivity of water<br />

Ø = Porosity<br />

Note: In S1 area, always take a=1, m=1.95, n=1.85<br />

To determine water saturation, Dual water equation as below:<br />

Ro<br />

Sw ( )<br />

Rt<br />

In this part all logging interpretation are prepared for the Quick-Look Excel<br />

Program, applied from Arthit and Bong Kot Field.<br />

From the definition quick-look petrophysical evaluation is to identify the<br />

reservoir properties. Therefore the steps will be consisted of several calculations ie.<br />

thickness, volume of shale (Vsh), total porosity (PHIT), effective porosity (PHIE) and<br />

water saturation (Sw). The formulas which use to identify these reservoir properties are<br />

summarized in the (Figure 4.1) and the example data sheet for Quick Look Excel<br />

Program for formation evaluation is shown in (Figure 4.2). Furthermore, is also consisted<br />

of the example of Log reading in Sirikit east well (Figure 4.3) and Cross plot between<br />

Resistivity of free water (Rwf) and bound water (Rwb) in (Figure 4.4)<br />

1<br />

n<br />


Figure 4.1 The Quick Look Formula for Petrophysical Analysis (applied from Arthit Field)<br />

Figure 4.2 The example of Quick Look Excel Program of Sirikit East well.<br />


Figure 4.3 The example of log reading in Sirikit East well.<br />

Figure 4.4 The Example of cross plot between Resistivity of free water (Rwf) and<br />

bound water (Rwb).<br />


4.3 Quick Look analysis<br />

The concepts of Quick-Look analysis for formation evaluation are as follows:<br />

A. Calculation of TVD and TVDSS from MD and Inclination .<br />

1. Record log values for GR, AT90, RHOB and NPHI from sand and shale in waterbearing<br />

zones in each formation.<br />

2. Calculate total porosity by using equations <br />

<br />

<br />

N D<br />

b ma<br />

t<br />

and D <br />

2 <br />

f ma<br />

2 D N <br />

<br />

3 <br />

3. Determine Rwa by using equation Rt*<br />

4. Plot Rwa versus GR of sand to determine Rwf.<br />

Rwa <br />

D or<br />

Rwf is the point at the lowest Rwa value and the lowest GR value.<br />

5. Plot Rwa versus GR of shale to determine Rwb.<br />

m<br />

t<br />

Rwb is the point in the middle of shale cloud.<br />

Where: Sw = Water saturation<br />

Ro = Resistivity of water filled rock (ohm.m)<br />

Rwa = Apparent Formation water resistivity (ohm.m)<br />

Rwb = Resistivity of bound water (ohm.m)<br />

Rwf = Resistivity of free water (ohm.m)<br />

Rt = Formation resistivity (ohm.m), reading from AT90<br />

GR = Gamma Ray (GAPI)<br />

Vcl = Volume of clay (m 3 /m 3 )<br />

Ø t = Total porosity<br />

Ø N = Neutron porosity, reading from NPHI<br />

Ø D = Density Porosity<br />

ρb = Bulk density (g/cc), reading from RHOB<br />

ρma = Matrix density (2.67 g/cc)<br />

ρf = Fluid density (1 g/cc)<br />

a = Tortuosity factor (a=1)<br />

m = Cementation exponent (m=1.95 for S1)<br />

n = Saturation exponent (n=1.85 for S1)<br />


B. Estimate of Shale (Clay) Content (Vsh)<br />

The magnitude of the gamma ray in the zone of interest (relative to that of<br />

nearby clean and shale zones) is used to calculate the shale content of the formation.<br />

The linear equation is applied to evaluate shale volume with out any corrections as<br />

below:<br />

(1)<br />

The steps to estimate shale content are as below;<br />

1. Define GR value of clean sand zone (GRss) and GR value of clean shale zone<br />

(GRsh), then input GRss and GRsh into the quick-look data sheet in Figure 4.2.<br />

2. Record the GR value at zone of interest (GRlog).<br />

3. The program will generate the shale volume (Vsh) automatically by using<br />

Equation (1).<br />

C. Total Porosity (PHIT) and Effective Porosity (PHIE)<br />

Porosity is derived from the density log by using equation:<br />

Where; RHOB = Bulk density (g/cc), reading from RHOB log.<br />

RHOma = Matrix density (g/cc) (See Table2)<br />

RHOfl = The density of the fluid filling the pore which the tool<br />

is investigating: in open-hole, the fluid is mainly mud<br />

filtrate (1g/cc)<br />

The density log and neutron log calculation are used to calculate the total<br />

porosity (PHIT) and effective porosity as the below equation;<br />

- Total porosity equation in water-bearing zone:<br />

(3)<br />

(2)<br />


- Total porosity equation in small amount of gas-bearing zone (Gas corrected):<br />

- Effective porosity as equation:<br />

PHIE PHIT * ( 1 Vsh)<br />

(4)<br />

(5)<br />

1. After defined PHIN and PHID of each reservoir and then input PHID and PHIE<br />

into the worksheet, the next step is to calculate the total porosity (PHIT) in waterbearing<br />

zone by using Equation 3. If the reservoir is gas-bearing zone, Equation<br />

4 (for gas correction).<br />

2. The program will automatically generate effective porosity (PHIE) by using<br />

Equation 5.<br />

3. To check the density logging quality, Equation 6 can be applied to calculate<br />

grain density. It should be in between 2.66-2.69 g/cc. If bad hole the RHOB will<br />

be more than 0.2 g/cc.<br />


RHOG <br />

1 PHIT<br />

D. Water Saturation (Sw) Determination<br />

The Dual Water Equation is used for water saturation determination.<br />

The procedures to determine water saturation (Sw) are below;<br />

1. To determine apparent water resistivity (Rwa) by applying the Archie<br />

Equation as below:<br />

* Rt<br />

(6)<br />

a * Rw<br />

(7)<br />

n<br />

Sw m<br />


This method assumed that all zones are water-bearing zone, Sw = 1,<br />

cementation factor (a) = 1 , cementation exponent (m) and saturation exponent (n) exponent<br />

= 2, then determines the apparent formation water salinity (Rwa) as below:<br />

m<br />

Rwa * Rt (8)<br />

In S1 field, the cementation exponent (m) is equal to 1.95 and n is equal to 1.85. Then, input<br />

the Rwa values into the quick-look data sheet. This part use to compute for Quick-Look<br />

analysis step for formation evaluation. Rwa and Rwb is shown in part of index value derived<br />

from the average of Rwa and Rwb from 10 wells as shown in Table 3<br />

TVDSS<br />


X07 1800 2310 0.15 0.23<br />

X08 1940 2500 0.25 0.23<br />

X09 1960 2686 0.18 0.24<br />

X10 1980 2587 0.16 0.24<br />

X11 2120 2490 0.18 0.2<br />

X12 2050 2800 0.17 0.22<br />

Y04 2050 2820 0.18 0.23<br />

Y05 2120 2870 0.15 0.28<br />

Z04 1840 2643 0.19 0.28<br />

Z06 2400 2887 0.20 0.26<br />

average 0.18 0.24<br />

Table 3 The average of Rwa and Rwb from 10 wells.<br />

2. Plot Rwa versus GR in sandstone to determine resistivity of free water (Rwf).<br />

Rwf value of sandstone is the point at the lowest Rwa with the lowest GR<br />

values (Figure 4.4)<br />


3. Plot Rwa versus GR in shale to determine resistivity of bound water (Rwb).<br />

4. Rwb value of the shale is the point in the middle of shale cloud (Figure 4.4).<br />

In Sirikit East Field, Rwa and Rwb values of each formation are determined.<br />

(See Appendix 2)<br />

5. Determination resistivity of water filled rock (Ro) can be used the Equation 9<br />

as below:<br />

Ro<br />

Rwb * Rwf<br />

(9) 2<br />

Rwb Vcl<br />

Rwf Rwb*<br />

t<br />

6. To determine water saturation, Dual Water Equation as Equation 10 below is<br />

used;<br />

Sw<br />

Ro<br />

( )<br />

Rt<br />

1<br />

n<br />

(10)<br />

E. Reporting of the Petrophysical Analysis Results<br />

The result of Vsh, PHIT and Sw will be displayed into Individual Formation report<br />

sheet in Chapter 5 result of this study (Figure 5.1) but the details of computing data sheet of<br />

Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of 10 wells are shown in (Appendix 1).<br />


CHAPTER 5<br />

RESULT <strong>OF</strong> WORKS<br />

In this session, from the logging interpretation and the Quick-Look petrophysical<br />

evaluation method can be divided into three parts;<br />

5.1 Result of the computation from Quick Look Excel Software.<br />

Result of the computation from Quick Look Excel data sheet of 10 wells, that<br />

shown in Appendix1 but in this part shown the example of summary computing data<br />

sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of Sirikit East well. (Figure 5.1)<br />

Figure 5.1 The example of summary computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation<br />

Evaluation of LKU-X07 well.<br />


5.2 The computed result of parameter of 10 wells compare with S1 petrophysical<br />

Method.<br />

From the summary of computed data sheet of Quick-Look Excel Program from<br />

10 wells can be compare the parameter, which is most important for Quick-Look<br />

petrophysical for formation evaluation of 10 wells as below. The compare parameter<br />

value can be classify for 3 parameters such as Volume of Shale, Porosity and Water<br />

Saturation repectively. (Figure 5.2- Figure 5.4)<br />

Figure 5.2 The computed result of Volume of Shale of 10 wells compare with<br />

S1 Asset.<br />

Figure 5.3 The computed result of Porosity of 10 wells compare with<br />

S1 Asset.<br />

Figure 5.4 The computed result of Water Saturation of 10 wells compare with<br />

S1 Asset.<br />


5.3 To compare the results of the quick-look evaluations with those produced by the<br />

petrophysical evaluation carried out by the S1 Asset.<br />

This part based on a comparison of 3 parameters result, which concerning the<br />

main reservoir such as formation K and L. (Figure 5.5)<br />

Figure 5.5 Comparison results of the quick-look evaluations with S1 Asset.<br />


Chapter 6<br />


6.1 Discussion<br />

The comparisons of results both previous study and this study are following;<br />

6.1.1 Formation K1<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K1 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 35 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation K1 is 14 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K1 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 31 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation K1 is 23 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K1 shows water saturation 62 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation K1 is 30 %<br />

6.1.2 Formation K2<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K2 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 13 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation K2 is 11 %<br />


Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K2 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 29 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation K2 is 25 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K2 shows water saturation 51 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation K2 is 35 %<br />

6.1.3 Formation K3<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K3 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 15 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation K3 is 13 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K3 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 38 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation K3 is 24 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K3 shows water saturation 43 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation K3 is 39 %<br />


6.1.4 Formation K4<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K4 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 11 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation K4 is 9 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K4 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 32 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation K4 is 24 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation K4 shows water saturation 57 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation K4 is 35 %<br />

6.1.5 Formation L1<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L1 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 10 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation L1 is 14 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L1 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 21 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation L1 is 23 %<br />


Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L1 shows water saturation 48 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation L1 is 28 %<br />

6.1.6 Formation L2<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L2 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 6 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation L2 is 8 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L2 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 21 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation L2 is 21 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L2 shows water saturation 57 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation L2 is 34 %<br />

6.1.7 Formation L3<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L3 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 10 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation L3 is 7 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L3 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 26 %<br />


The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation L3 is 22 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L3 shows water saturation 62 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation L3 is 34 %<br />

6.1.8 Formation L4<br />

Volume of shale<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L4 shows average volume of shale<br />

of shaly sand reservoir is 2 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

volume of shale values of formation L4 is 7 %<br />

Porosity<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L4 shows average porosities of<br />

shaly sand reservoir is 20 %<br />

The Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log interpretation calculated<br />

porosities values of formation L4 is 22 %<br />

Water Saturation<br />

The S1 petrophysical evaluation of formation L4 shows water saturation 64 % in<br />

shaly sand reservoir while the Quick Look petrophysical evaluation from log<br />

interpretation calculated water saturation values of formation L4 is 35 %<br />


6.2 Conclusion<br />

This study was to compare the results of the quick-look evaluations with those<br />

produced by the petrophysical evaluation carried out by the S1 Asset. The results<br />

agreed very well in volume of shale and porosity, which is shown the deviation value is<br />

approximate 2-3% and 4% respectively. The result have some different values of water<br />

saturation which depend on some parameters such as matrix and shale parameters and<br />

use different equation to calculate water saturation because the deviation value is shown<br />

rather high approximate 22%. This quick-look method is shown to work rather well in this<br />

field and probably to adjust in some parameter for next study.<br />

6.3 Recommendations<br />

For next study should be used the same series such as the parameter value<br />

which use in S1 Petrophysical Evaluation derived from whole Sirikit Area, but this study<br />

only Sirikit East area which have area less than one. Thus, we should be consider about<br />

quantity and quality of the area for the same qualification.<br />

Porosity was derived by Quick Look Porosity formula (used density and neutron<br />

logs) and compare results with S1 Petrophysical Evaluation (only density log). The<br />

porosity from Quick Look Petrophysical Evaluation is less than S1 Petrophysical<br />

Evaluation, that is look like accurate value because it is derived from the average value<br />

of density and neutron logs.<br />

Water saturation is calculated by Dual Water equation. From the result the Dual<br />

Water equation is reasonable to use in Sirikit East field. But some uncertainties of Sw<br />

determination are;<br />

- The parameters of Rwa and Rwb is derived from reading the pick point<br />

of chart between Rwa and Gamma ray in clean sand zone and shale zone. Then, we<br />

could to read and define the pick point again for the least deviation parameter.<br />

- The parameters of m and n is derived from core data which available<br />

in the whole Sirikit Area, but this study only Sirikit East area which have area less than<br />

one.<br />


- Differentiation of gas and oil properties beneath the same condition water also<br />

affected Sw computation to improve the Sw, formation water should be collected and<br />

analyse for formation water salinity.<br />


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Formation Evaluation of Arthit Field. Carigali-PTTEP1 Operating Company SDN<br />

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Taweepornpathomgul, P. 2007. Depositional Model of Lan Krabu reservoirs in the Greater Pratu<br />

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Sombat,B., Parinya.,P and Wanida,S.2006.Rwf and Rwb Determination for Quick-Look<br />

Formation Evaluation of Arthit Field. Carigali-PTTEP1 Operating Company SDN<br />

BHD. Internal report.<br />

Panthong, A.2007.On the Job training program of operations geology GGG/O. Carigali-PTTEP1<br />

Operating Company SDN BHD. Internal report.<br />

Wanida, S.2008. A Comparison of Various Methods of Computing Water Saturation in Shaly -<br />

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Kasama, K. 2007. Comparison between Core and E-log for formation in Sirikit Field. Carigali-<br />

PTTEP1 Operating Company SDN BHD. Internal report.<br />

56<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-X07 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-X08 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-X09 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-X10 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-X11 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-X12 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-Y04 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-Y05 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-Z04 well.<br />


The computing data sheet of Quick-Look for Formation Evaluation of LKU-Z06 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-X07 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-X07 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-X08 well.<br />


Rwb =0.23<br />

Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-X08 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-X09 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-X09 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-X10 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-X10 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-X11 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-X11 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-X12 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-X12 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-Y04 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-Y04 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-Y05 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-Y05 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-Z04 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-Z04 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket sand zone represent Rwa and log reading of sand zone of LKU-Z06 well.<br />


Cross plot between Gamma ray and Rwa for picket shale zone represent Rwb and log reading of shale zone of LKU-Z06 well.<br />


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