EQUATOR® Convective Warmer - Smiths Medical

EQUATOR® Convective Warmer - Smiths Medical

EQUATOR® Convective Warmer - Smiths Medical


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A P P E N D I X B • P o s i t i o n t h e C o n v e c t i v e W a r m i n g B l a n k e t<br />

SW-2016 Full Body Split Access <strong>Convective</strong> Warming Blanket<br />

1 Place the blanket on the patient (a) with the perforated side<br />

against the patient's skin.<br />

2 Carefully tear along the perforation (b) to access the<br />

surgical site.<br />

3 Fold either the left or right panel back, remove the paper<br />

backing from the adhesive strip, and fasten the panel to the<br />

top of the blanket (c).<br />

4 Remove the paper backing from the adhesive strips (d) and<br />

tape the blanket to prevent air flow on the surgical site.<br />

5 If desired, place a light weight blanket over the convective<br />

warming blanket.<br />

6 Continue with Step 4, on page 16, to attach the hose to the<br />

blanket.<br />

EQUATOR ® <strong>Convective</strong> <strong>Warmer</strong> | Operator’s Manual B-15<br />

a<br />

c<br />

b<br />


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