The Lyric Metres of Euripidean Drama - Universidade de Coimbra

The Lyric Metres of Euripidean Drama - Universidade de Coimbra

The Lyric Metres of Euripidean Drama - Universidade de Coimbra


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115<br />

Introduction<br />

is that well-known example in Sophoclean spoken trimeters (OT 332, line<br />

ending in ταῦτ’). More instances <strong>of</strong> the so-called εἶδοc Cοφόκλειον are<br />

listed by Zuntz (1965: 232-4); the eli<strong>de</strong>d word is either δ’ or τ’, attached to<br />

the following line. 20<br />

Turning to <strong>Euripi<strong>de</strong>an</strong> lyric, in Murray’s OCT there was an instance<br />

<strong>of</strong> elision at period-end in the Phrygian’s aria in Orestes (1489-90 3 ia || 2<br />

dochmiacs, with strong sense-pause after ἔκειντ’), but this is avoi<strong>de</strong>d in Diggle’s<br />

OCT by a clever rearrangement <strong>of</strong> lines thereabouts. Do any examples remain<br />

in Diggle’s text? No absolutely certain examples, where (for instance) a colon<br />

ending in elision would correspond with a colon ending with hiatus (at Andr.<br />

512~534 the phenomenon is rightly avoi<strong>de</strong>d by different editors by different<br />

means: cf. Willink 2010: 646), breuis in longo or featuring indisputable anceps<br />

iuxta anceps. But I should like to draw attention to the following perplexing<br />

instances <strong>of</strong> elision in places where period-end would be expected: Alc. 413 (ia<br />

+ sp with strong sense pause punctuated by colon || enoplian ‘blunt praxillean’),<br />

Med. 648 (diome<strong>de</strong>an + ithyphallic, 21 with sense pause punctuated by comma<br />

|| odd colon, labelled ‘trochaic’ by Page, comm. Me<strong>de</strong>a p. 185; possibly hδ), 22<br />

Rh. 911 (where the period-closing ‘T + ba’ ends in elision 23 ).<br />

A fascinating question raised by the choral songs <strong>of</strong> Greek drama concerns<br />

the presence <strong>of</strong> asymmetrical phrasing in responding stanzas, something<br />

which tempts us to speculate on the poet’s method <strong>of</strong> composition. Consi<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

for instance, Alc. 112-21~122-31 (second strophic pair <strong>of</strong> the parodos):<br />

ἀλλ’ οὐδὲ ναυκληρίαν μόνα δ’ἄν, εἰ φῶc τόδ’ ἦν<br />

— — ∪ — — ∪ — ia + cr ∪ — ∪ — — ∪ — ia + cr<br />

ἔcθ’ ὅποι τιc αἴαc ὄμμαcιν δεδορκὼc<br />

— ∪ — ∪ — — ith || — ∪ — ∪ — — ith ||<br />

cτείλαc, ἢ Λυκίαν Φοίβου παῖc, προλιποῦc’<br />

— — — ∪ ∪ — D — — — ∪ ∪ — D<br />

εἴτ’ ἐπὶ τὰc ἀνύδρουc ἦλθ’ ἂν ἕδραc cκοτίουc<br />

— ∪ ∪ — ∪ ∪ — D — ∪ ∪ — ∪ ∪ — D<br />

†Ἀμμωνιάδαc ἕδραc† Ἅιδα τε πύλαc.<br />

— — ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ — ? — — ∪ ∪ — an ||<br />

δυcτάνου παραλύcαι δμαθένταc γὰρ ἀνίcτη,<br />

20 Cf. Sappho 31.9-10 PLF ἀλλ’ ἄκαν μὲν γλῶccα †ἔαγε†, λέπτον || δ’ αὔτικα χρῶι πῦρ<br />

ὐπαδεδρόμηκεν, on which see West (1982: 33) and Itsumi (2007: 306 n. 2).<br />

21 Cf. Diggle (1994: 206).<br />

22 But at Med. 648, αἰῶν’ could be avoi<strong>de</strong>d with Stinton’s αἰῶ, printed by Kovacs in his Loeb<br />

text. Mastronar<strong>de</strong> prints αἰῶν’, but admits ‘one would expect period-end at 648’ (comm. Med.,<br />

p. 274). For a different approach, see Parker (1976: 20).<br />

23 Kovacs radically disposes <strong>of</strong> the elision with his πλέουc’ ἐπλάθη for the transmitted<br />

ἔπλευcα πλαθεῖc’ and confirms the expectation <strong>of</strong> period-end at 911 by the introduction <strong>of</strong><br />

hiatus between 911 and 912, but Liapis (comm. Rh., p. 312) is right to diagnose nothing more<br />

serious than ‘superficial textual corruption.’<br />

27<br />


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