6700 Portable Sampler User Manual - Isco

6700 Portable Sampler User Manual - Isco

6700 Portable Sampler User Manual - Isco


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<strong>6700</strong> SAMPLERS<br />

To start a report from the printer:<br />

1. Connect the field printer’s cable to the sampler’s interrogator<br />

connector.<br />

You can collect reports with the field printer while a program<br />

is running, when the sampler is at any programming screen,<br />

or even when it is turned off (as long as it is connected to a<br />

power source).<br />

2. Press the printer’s print button once for the Program Settings<br />

report and the Sampling Results report. Press the printer’s<br />

print button again for a printout of the rain, module, and YSI<br />

sonde Combined Results and daily Summary Reports.<br />


The printout will be the screens of the QUICK VIEW/CHANGE<br />

PROGRAM sequence. For nonuniform time paced programs, pacing<br />

information is also printed. This report is shown in Figure 12.<br />

When in extended programming, the Program Settings Report will<br />

also include the hardware settings.<br />

To print the current sampling program settings, you can page<br />

through the change or view displays until you see the screen<br />

below. Select YES.<br />

This display appears only when a printer is connected.<br />


As the sampler runs a program, it records the program’s events.<br />

Programeventsincludesuchitemsassampleevents,program<br />

enables and disables, power losses, and so on. Table 10 lists each<br />

event with a short description. You can view the report by following<br />

the steps in Viewing the Data on page 59 or print the log as<br />

the Sampling Results report. The Sampling Results report<br />

includes both Figure 12 and Figure 13.<br />

In the printed version of the report, sample-event entries include<br />

the time of the event as well as the sample and bottle numbers.<br />

The sample column contains the sample number deposited into<br />

the bottle. This information reflects the distribution selected for<br />

the program.<br />

The letters in the Source columns are codes for the cause of the<br />

event. The letters in the Error column are codes for the causes of<br />

missed samples. The source and error codes appear with explanations<br />

at the end of the report. A list of codes appears in Table 10.<br />

The last column in the Sampling Results report records the<br />

pump counts for the sample event. Large variations in pump<br />

counts from event to event indicate fluctuating heads, a relocated<br />

suction line, or a temporarily clogged strainer.<br />

61<br />



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