' F l y ' K i l l e d W h e n T i r e d ROSE LEAF HOPPERS are often ...

' F l y ' K i l l e d W h e n T i r e d ROSE LEAF HOPPERS are often ...

' F l y ' K i l l e d W h e n T i r e d ROSE LEAF HOPPERS are often ...


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H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y I V I e e t s<br />

SUMMER MEETING of the Cariboo<br />

Historioal Society will be<br />

held this Sunday at 2 p.m. in the<br />

Barkem^iillg Community Hail.<br />

Representajlijves will be in attendance<br />

from the Welis-Barkerv-ille,<br />

Quesnel and possibly Williams<br />

Lake branches of the Society.<br />

Presiderit' Alvin Johnston w^Bl be<br />

in the chair and he will give a<br />

brief report on the year's activity<br />

of the Society to dale.<br />

Main puiT>ose of the summer<br />

meeting is to view^ the restoration<br />

progi'am being carried out in Barkerville<br />

by the provincial department<br />

of conservation and recrea­<br />

tion. This program started as a<br />

Centennial Year projedt in 195S<br />

and has been carried on by the<br />

new department.<br />

Canadian historian Dr. Douglas<br />

Leechman, who is presently cataloguing<br />

thc historical collection<br />

of the Quesnel Branch along with<br />

bis wife, w4U be a guest speaker<br />

on Sunday.<br />

Ches Lyons, who is in charge of<br />

the BarkerviUe restoration project<br />

for the departmeht of conservation<br />

and recreation, wiill also be a<br />

spoak'er, and he will give a rundown<br />

on progress to date. It is<br />

also hoped to have MLA William<br />

Spe<strong>are</strong> as a speaker.<br />

Page 8 - CARIBOO OBSERVER - Thursday, July 23, 1959<br />

B U C K R I D G E N E W S<br />

BUCK RIDGE—Witli the haying<br />

season consuming most of our<br />

days, we see a great deal of borrowing<br />

and lending of mowei's,<br />

rakes and other machinoi'y while<br />

impromptu visits to the neighbors<br />

ai-e aboiit the only rela.vation for<br />

our farmers this montli. Meanwhile,<br />

many of those not tied to<br />

the fields <strong>are</strong> enjoying holidays<br />

with relatives at distant poinits.<br />

ii: -A:<br />

Mrs. Beitty Stuckleburger took<br />

Wayne and Andy to Chilliwack<br />

where they <strong>are</strong> spending a portiion<br />

of thoir vacation time wiith their<br />

grandfather.<br />

:•: ;;: :;:<br />

Also visiting his grandp<strong>are</strong>nts at<br />

the coast for the summer holidays<br />

is Dana Thurier.<br />

i' * *<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William Heaton<br />

Senior have driven to Dawison<br />

Creek after saying goodbyes to<br />

their eldest son and family.<br />

* *<br />

The Jim Petersons have had<br />

Mrs. Peterson's p<strong>are</strong>nts, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. E. Carlson of Powell River,<br />

staying at their home for the past<br />

two weeks.<br />

!•: * *<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cole Davis were<br />

able to give a warm welcome for<br />

their eldest son, of the United States<br />

Navy. He has been stationed at<br />

foreign parts for two years now.<br />

=: *<br />

During the recent 4-H Field Day<br />

Bouchie Lake N e w s<br />

BOUCHIE LAKE — With the<br />

weatherman co-operating beautifully,<br />

the Bouchie Lake W.I. picnic,<br />

held last Sunday at the Armsitrong<br />

Beach, was most enjoyable.<br />

About 50 adulits and children spent<br />

a pleasant afternoon talking summing<br />

and eating. The turkey, kept<br />

in someone's deep freezer since<br />

the convention, was very good<br />

with the salads.<br />

Payton Booth brought his mother,<br />

Mrs. Emma Booth out from<br />

town t-o join in the day's evenlts.<br />

Mrs. Booth was a member of the<br />

W.I. for several years before<br />

moving to town.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Puttonen,<br />

with Sandra, Gloria and Valerie<br />

Warden, have rdturned home from<br />

two weeks holiday spent in the<br />

BOwron Lake <strong>are</strong>a. Thoy report<br />

that fishing w'as very good.<br />

Miss Rita Booth will be leaving<br />

this week for Lac la Hache wihere<br />

she will spend several days holidaying<br />

at the Cariboo Youth<br />

Camp.<br />

Those who watched the Gymkhana<br />

pult on by the Trail Riders<br />

Club will join me, I'm sure, in<br />

congratulaiting them on a very<br />

good show. In spiite of the heat the<br />

events were run off in quick succession,<br />

w-hich must have been<br />

hard on all the participants and<br />

their horses as they had Mttle time<br />

to re.gt botween races. It's too bad<br />

a larger <strong>are</strong>a could not be found<br />

for the horse shows, as it's so<br />

much more interesting to waitch<br />

the .slak-e and bending races wnth<br />

all tho hf"'"scs running together instead<br />

of one al a time; using a<br />

stop watcli for timing.<br />

However, as long the thc majority<br />

of the people <strong>are</strong> more inter<br />

ested in car racing and basebali.<br />

I suppose the horses will lako<br />

w^iatever they can get.<br />

It's fiinny, though, how many<br />

Quosnd people w^^ill go out of town<br />

lo w;iic,"h oilier horse shows and<br />

won't give thoir own Trail Riders<br />

the support they need lo e.x;|):nul<br />

into bigger and beitter .shows.<br />

Bolty and Neil Kniglil have had<br />

Betty's bi-other, Dick Brad.-^haw,<br />

and his wife froni Prince Georgo,<br />

visiting them, and they <strong>are</strong> oqiecting<br />

Noil's i.><strong>are</strong>nts. of While Rock,<br />

and Doris and Bill Bradshaw on<br />

.Sunday.<br />

Bouchi'O Lako Scfu<strong>are</strong> Cluli will<br />

be dancing on liic outdoor i\ocA- al<br />

.^rms•trong's Beach, Bouchie Lake,<br />

on Salurday, July 27). ai N p.m..<br />

wealhei- permitling. Squ<strong>are</strong> danc-ers<br />

from Quesnel and Red Bluff<br />

<strong>are</strong> welcome to attend. Cou]>l(.>s<br />

arc asked to bring thoir own cups<br />

and a few sandwiiches.<br />

club members were impre;,.sed by'<br />

the model barn and milking procedure<br />

displayed at the Prince<br />

George Exipeinmental Farm.<br />

* t- *<br />

At the regular monthly meeting<br />

held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Chris Dilman, the 4-H'ers debated<br />

the topic, "Dairy Stock versus<br />

Beef," but the conclusions of the<br />

discussion were raither indefinite.<br />

We would enjoy hearing them discuss<br />

this controversial subject again<br />

under more converitional procedure.<br />

:!: :•:<br />

At Sunday's gymkhana at Quesnel,<br />

Cl<strong>are</strong>nce Twan and Billy Webster,<br />

the only entrants from our<br />

district, placed in several events.<br />

A good time and sunburned faces<br />

were had by all.<br />

Though Murmy Ohms made a<br />

real haul from Deep Creek where<br />

he went fishing on the w^eekend.<br />

he hasn'it yet found anything w-oiith<br />

mounting.<br />

:|: :;: i-:<br />

Potei- Rock and Cl<strong>are</strong>nce Twan<br />

have returned witii their horses<br />

(bar one) from the Vernon horse<br />

show. We <strong>are</strong> sorry to hear that<br />

their record of good luck was<br />

broken, but wish them better fortune<br />

when they move on north.<br />

:|! *<br />

•Congratulations to Mrs. Janet<br />

Webster on winning a set of china<br />

in the Cream of the West di'aiw,<br />

spionsored by Keen's Stores.<br />

H. A. KARPENIC<br />

T R U C K I N G<br />


Local or Long Distance<br />

Phone QUESNEL 959-L<br />


R E N T A L S<br />

*<br />


ON SALE ^J.S'^^<br />

O N L Y<br />

*<br />

JIM C O O D V I N<br />

BOX 1875 QUESNEL<br />

P H O N E 713-X<br />

The Weeklies S a y -<br />


The majority of ohildren in the<br />

four to eight year group killed in<br />

t<br />

tractor accidents last year w^ere<br />

riding a tractor, not operating one<br />

—just along for the ride. Wouldn't<br />

you rather hear a child cry because<br />

he was refused a tractor<br />

ride, than hear him cry becar.se<br />

hv. got hurt riding one? . . . Tractors<br />

<strong>are</strong> made for one reason, to<br />

operate—and no more.—The Winkler<br />

(Man.) Pembina Triangle Progi-ess.<br />

S k i n D i v i n g E q u i p n i e n t<br />

• S N O R K L E S<br />

• G O G G L E S<br />

• F L I P P E R S<br />

• H A N D E E F I N S<br />

• K I D D I E F L I P P E R S<br />

• E A R & N O S E P L U G S<br />


To be able to meet tlie challenges<br />

wihich this age presents,<br />

we must make fuU use of our most<br />

valuable asset—human resources.<br />

—Humboldt (Sask.1 Journal.<br />

• W A T E R S K I S • B E A C H B A L L S * L I F E C U S H I O N S & B E L T S * A I R M A T T R E S S E S<br />

O U T D O O R F U R N I T U R E<br />

S T U R D Y A L U M I N U M L A W N C H A I R S<br />

W i t h C O M F O R T A B L E C A N V A S S E A T A n d<br />

B A C K .<br />

$ 5 9 5 $ 7 9 5<br />

7<br />

$ ^ 9 5<br />

C A P E C O D W O O D E N C H A I R S<br />

O N L Y F O U R B O L T S T O A S S E M B L E<br />

P R I C E D A T<br />

' f u l l s t r e n g t h '<br />

$ 4 . 9 5<br />

E A C H<br />

W I L L I S<br />

N O W . . . a s k f o r<br />

t h<br />

C O L E M A N<br />

C A M P I N G E O U I P M E N T<br />



C O M F O R T A B L E O U T D O O R LIVING<br />


• L A N T E R N S • PICNIC JUGS<br />

A L S O A C O M P L E T E LINE OF<br />

F I S H I N G T A C K L E<br />

H A R D W A R E A N D F U R N I T U R E<br />

L I M I T E D<br />

V275 T h I s A d V ertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th e ToTeTTiTHTTf b r jtish Columbia

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