Chapter One - Richard Lewis

Chapter One - Richard Lewis

Chapter One - Richard Lewis


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"No!" Reed shouted, resuming his sprint. There was a moment's confusion as the<br />

men turned to him. Then the palace lads sprang on him, two grabbing his hands and the<br />

third putting the tip of a spear to his throat.<br />

"Ah, Tuan Davis," Dharma said. "Don't worry. We will let you go unharmed so<br />

you can tell your bosses that we have found Luhde Srikandi."<br />

Naniek watching him silently, uncaring of her nudity.<br />

Reed struggled against the hands that held him.<br />

"She is not Luhde Srikandi," he said. "None of these women are."<br />

"You have heard her confess," Dharma said.<br />

"Yes," Naniek said. "I am Luhde Srikandi. Let the others go."<br />

Summoning all his strength, Reed almost broke free, but the youth with the spear<br />

jabbed his throat, the tip forcing his head back.<br />

Dharma shoved Naniek to her knees. Grabbing her hair, he yanked back her head<br />

and put his keris to her throat. He didn't look at her, but at Reed, light playing across his<br />

handsome face but not touching his black, black eyes.<br />

Reed held his stare. "I know who Ludhe Srikandi is," he said. "I will make your<br />

house fall down around your head."<br />

Dharma held still for a second and then chuckled. He lifted his keris away from<br />

Naniek's throat. "Let Tuan Davis go," he told the boys. They released him and stepped<br />

away.<br />

Dharma said, "If you do not want your lover to be Luhde Srikandi, then who<br />

should it be? You tell me, Tuan Davis. You point one out. We will let her be Luhde<br />

Srikandi. "Pick one, Tuan Davis." Dharma pointed his keris at the row of kneeling<br />

women. "If you want your lover back, pick one of these to be Luhde Srikandi in her<br />

stead."<br />

Desak moaned and cupped her swollen belly. Several of the others lifted their<br />

heads to look at him with fractured, pleading eyes. He knew them, Gerwani women. He'd<br />

taken their photographs and put their names on his list.<br />

Reed wanted a wind to howl and blow out the flames. He didn't want to see their<br />

eyes. He wanted the world to stop spinning and let him out of this madness.<br />

Naniek straightened her back. "Don't, Reed." Two words, one his name, calm and<br />

measured.<br />

Dharma shoved her back down with his foot, exposing her neck. Reed tightened,<br />

ready to spring at him, but the unwavering point of Dharma's keris stopped him. Dharma<br />

crooked a finger, and one of his men came over. He held a machete, and lifted the blade<br />

over Naniek's neck.<br />

"Pick one, Tuan Davis, or your lover will die."<br />

Reed's bones trembled. He knew that this fine Balinese, this salt-of-the-earth<br />

farmer, was not playing games.<br />

"Reed, no," Naniek said. Her voice was strong and clear. "It is all right. I am<br />

ready. I am not afraid."<br />

Forgive me Naniek but that I can't do and these women are doomed anyways they<br />

will all be killed the bloodlust is ready to burst and all I can do is save you<br />

He closed his eyes. The ground under his feet wobbled. His arm was so heavy, so<br />

heavy, but he lifted its impossible weight. He pointed a trembling finger.<br />


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