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favor of abolishing the army. Japan has the self-binding Article 9 in the constitution, abolishing not the army but the right to war. The task of the peace worker obviously is to stimulate a free, undogmatic debate over all these issues. Reculturation: the peace culture approach. Again we are faced with a double problem: to substitute for a culture of violence a culture of peace, and to build a culture where there is none. When the society has reached the pathological state of anomie norms have no compelling force because there are no inner or outer sanctions (good or bad conscience, reward or punishment-- or the promise/threat thereof). One simple way of building a culture of peace would be by introducing practical conflict knowledge and skills from kindergarten beyond PhD, starting with "two children, one orange; what do you do" problems (at least 16 qualitatively different answers). Good, well-written books, many of them, with fifty, hundred concrete stories of how conflicts from the intra-personal to the inter-regional levels in fact were solved, with no violence, are needed. Above 90% of direct violence around the world is done by men so demystification of the male mystique is needed. The idea that male self-realization comes through violence ("tough", "courageous", "heroic" are positive code-words, "coward", "chicken" negative ones) is not only found in Iberian style machismo. A deep challenge of the hero-war linkage is needed. Certain civilizations see themselves as chosen peoples with not only a right but a duty to conquer others, driven by glories 61

and traumas of the past, in a struggle between Good and Bad. Such extremist faiths have to be challenged. Finally, to counteract anomie there has to be effective propagation of a new world ethos, based on values of peace, development, environment, democracy and human rights. But how? The search for a world ethos (Hans K ng) may be one answer. But here we shall point to another problem. In chapter 3 above the mental, cultural polarization of the mind in two camps was mentioned, in other words a simplification of the conflict formation down to reductionism to two parties fighting over one issue. However valid or invalid this may have been as a map for the violent phase, parties to a conflict cannot continue living with such images of the world. As mentioned several times, what this means is that the bed has already been made for the next conflict to enter the mind in as polarized a form as possible. Thus, the Cold War became so cold precisely because the Soviet Union was fitted into the slot left vacant by Nazi-Germany's demise (and Stalin into the slot left vacant by Hitler's suicide). The conclusion was obvious: the Soviet Union is going to do exactly what Nazi Germany did: launch a war./62/ After the violence, preferably before or during, realistic, accurate maps have to be produced. There will always be somebody among "us" with different views, the same applies to "them". When the conflict is hot those voices tend to be silenced, for instance by denouncing them as fellow travelers, soft on "them", even as traitors. And yet they probably hold the keys to reculturation, not alone, but together with the mainstream view. If they are historians they are often referred to as "revisionist", and they 62

and traumas of the past, in a struggle between Good and Bad. Such<br />

extremist faiths have to be challenged.<br />

Finally, to counteract anomie there has to be effective<br />

propagation of a new world ethos, based on values of peace,<br />

development, environment, democracy and human rights. But how?<br />

The search for a world ethos (Hans K ng) may be one answer.<br />

But here we shall point to another problem. In chapter 3<br />

above the mental, cultural polarization of the mind in two camps<br />

was mentioned, in other words a simplification of the conflict<br />

formation down to reductionism to two parties fighting over one<br />

issue. However valid or invalid this may have been as a map for<br />

the violent phase, parties to a conflict cannot continue living<br />

with such images of the world. As mentioned several times, what<br />

this means is that the bed has already been made for the next<br />

conflict to enter the mind in as polarized a form as possible.<br />

Thus, the Cold War became so cold precisely because the Soviet<br />

Union was fitted into the slot left vacant by Nazi-Germany's<br />

demise (and Stalin into the slot left vacant by Hitler's suicide).<br />

The conclusion was obvious: the Soviet Union is going to do<br />

exactly what Nazi Germany did: launch a war./62/<br />

After the violence, preferably before or during, realistic,<br />

accurate maps have to be produced. There will always be somebody<br />

among "us" with different views, the same applies to "them". When<br />

the conflict is hot those voices tend to be silenced, for instance<br />

by denouncing them as fellow travelers, soft on "them", even as<br />

traitors. And yet they probably hold the keys to reculturation,<br />

not alone, but together with the mainstream view. If they are<br />

historians they are often referred to as "revisionist", and they<br />


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