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positive civil society on concrete ground. In chapter 3 above not only escalation of direct violence but also the structural damage known as polarization of society, even the world, in two camps was mentioned. Depolarization will not take care of itself. It does not come automatically, nor is it obvious that the best restructuration is "normalization" to the situation before violence: that situation produced violence. Take occupied Norway 1940-45, typical of Western European countries occupied by Germany. There was the Norwegian-German polarity. But then there were social (including sexual), military, political, economic and cultural collaborators, under German protection. When the object of the primary polarization demobilized and were repatriated to Germany, the Norwegian pole polarized, and the trauma inflicted by the German occupiers was passed on to "bad" Norwegians instead./59/ Continuation of the war inside Norway took precedence over restructuration, leave alone reconciliation. Restructuration took 20 years. Reconciliation? These processes of depolarization, and then repolarization along other lines, are strong. They come on top of us unless our insight in them places us on top of them. The obvious point, that Quisling and his people had been 10-20 years ahead of the rest of Norway, siding with Germany against the Soviet Union, could have served as an opener for a more Buddhist approach. We are all in the same boat of world politics, tossed around by the waves; do not reify that we once were on opposite sides as something eternal. But this has not happened and probably never will before the last quisling is dead and buried so that there is no chance of 59

exchanges of apologies and forgiveness in both directions, and some reconciliation. Sad, because it could have lifted Norwegians up on a higher spiritual plane. But restructuration also means building new and eliminating old institutions. A peace structure would definitely include democracy in the usual sense of "rule according to rules whereby the rulers have to have the consent of the ruled". This is a necessary condition for domestic peace; the opposite being known as repression ("rule without the consent of the ruled"). But that only covers political power. Vertical structural violence also expresses itself as exploitation and alienation. The answer that people who are exploited and/or alienated can change that when they get power through democracy is unsatisfactory, given that power in a democracy means majority. There is no protection of minorities in this concept, that will have to come through human rights, as a part of peace culture. But sooner or later political democracy will have to be extended to economic and cultural democracy for restructuration. Democratic elections transforms an often violent conflict over power in a society to a nonviolent conflict over majority vote. Elections are crucial, to supervise them is peace work. Democracy trains people in nonviolent conflict transformation, and will sooner or later spread to economic and cultural power. But the sum of democratic states is not "global democracy", the world has no such institution. A United Nations People's Assembly elected by direct and secret ballot would help./60/ How about military power? 30 states in the world have no army./61/ Switzerland had a referendum November 1989 with 35.6% in 60

positive civil society on concrete ground.<br />

In chapter 3 above not only escalation of direct violence but<br />

also the structural damage known as polarization of society, even<br />

the world, in two camps was mentioned. Depolarization will not<br />

take care of itself. It does not come automatically, nor is it<br />

obvious that the best restructuration is "normalization" to the<br />

situation before violence: that situation produced violence.<br />

Take occupied Norway 1940-45, typical of Western European<br />

countries occupied by Germany. There was the Norwegian-German<br />

polarity. But then there were social (including sexual),<br />

military, political, economic and cultural collaborators, under<br />

German protection. When the object of the primary polarization<br />

demobilized and were repatriated to Germany, the Norwegian pole<br />

polarized, and the trauma inflicted by the German occupiers was<br />

passed on to "bad" Norwegians instead./59/ Continuation of the war<br />

inside Norway took precedence over restructuration, leave alone<br />

reconciliation. Restructuration took 20 years. Reconciliation?<br />

These processes of depolarization, and then repolarization<br />

along other lines, are strong. They come on top of us unless our<br />

insight in them places us on top of them. The obvious point, that<br />

Quisling and his people had been 10-20 years ahead of the rest of<br />

Norway, siding with Germany against the Soviet Union, could have<br />

served as an opener for a more Buddhist approach. We are all in<br />

the same boat of world politics, tossed around by the waves; do<br />

not reify that we once were on opposite sides as something<br />

eternal. But this has not happened and probably never will before<br />

the last quisling is dead and buried so that there is no chance of<br />


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