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Spilker Thesis 1 - Florida State University

Spilker Thesis 1 - Florida State University


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Table A.1: Timeline of David’s Lamentations—Ninth-Sixteenth centuries<br />

Date Title Composer Genre<br />

9 th century 1 Rex autem David Anonymous<br />

11 th century Montes Gelboe nec ros Anonymous<br />

11 th century Saul et Jonathas amabiles Anonymous<br />

11 th century Doleo super te Anonymous<br />

after c1130 Planctus David super Saul et<br />

Ionatha;<br />

Pt. I: Dolorum solatium<br />

Pt. II: Amalech involuit<br />

Pt. III: Saul regum fortissime<br />

Pt. IV: Ve, ve, tibi madida<br />

Pt. V: Heu cur consilio<br />

Pt. VI: Do quietem fidibus<br />

Peter Abelard<br />

(b. 1079, d. 1142)<br />

59<br />

plainchant<br />

antiphon<br />

plainchant<br />

antiphon<br />

plainchant<br />

antiphon<br />

plainchant<br />

antiphon<br />

monophonic<br />

planctus<br />

14 th century Doleo super te/ Absalon fili mi Anonymous Polytextual<br />

motet<br />

before 1492? Triste esta el rey David Anonymous<br />

before c1513 Absalon, fili mi Josquin des Prez?<br />

(b. 1450/55, d. 1521)<br />

OR Pierre de la Rue? (b.<br />

1452, d. 1518)<br />

before c1513 Considera Israel;<br />

Pt. 1: Considera Israel<br />

Pt. 2: Sagitta Jonathae<br />

Pt. 3: Filiae Israel<br />

Pt. 4: Doleo super<br />

before 1521 Planxit autem David;<br />

Pt.1: Planxit autem David<br />

Pt. 2: Montes Gelboe<br />

Pt. 3: Sagitta Jonathae<br />

Pt. 4: Doleo super te<br />

Pierre de la Rue<br />

(b. 1452, d. 1518)<br />

Josquin des Prez<br />

(b. 1450/55, d. 1521)<br />

Traditional<br />

Sephardic song<br />

4 vv. motet<br />

4 vv. motet<br />

4 vv. motet<br />

Sources<br />

Paris, Bibl. Nat., MS lat.<br />

17436 (earliest source)<br />

see p. 5 for other sources<br />

Ivrea, Chapter Lib., MS 106<br />

Monza, Chapter Lib., Cod.<br />

c. 12.75 (earliest sources)<br />

see p. 5 for other sources<br />

Ivrea, Chapter Lib., MS 106<br />

Monza, Chapter Lib., Cod.<br />

c. 12.75 (earliest sources)<br />

see p. 5 for other sources<br />

Ivrea, Chapter Lib., MS 106<br />

Monza, Chapter Lib., Cod.<br />

c. 12.75 (earliest sources)<br />

see p. 5 for other sources<br />

Vatican City, Bib. Apost.,<br />

Cod. Regin lat 288<br />

Oxford, Univ. Lib.,<br />

MS Bodl. 79<br />

Paris, Bib. Nat., MS NAL 3126<br />

Cambridge, Gonville and<br />

Caius College, MS<br />

512/543<br />

?<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS<br />

Royal 8 G VII<br />

RISM 1540.7, Augsburg<br />

RISM 1559.2, Nürnberg<br />

Florence, Bib. Natl.,<br />

MS II.I.232<br />

Vatican City, Bib. Apost., MS<br />

Palatini Latini 1976-79<br />

Brussels, Bibl. Royal, MS 228<br />

London, British Library, MS<br />

Royal 8 G VII<br />

Florence, Bib. Natl., MS<br />

II.I.232<br />

1 The dating of the four plainchant antiphons above is based on the earliest source for each antiphon. The<br />

information for dating the sources came from Terence Bailey, director, CANTUS: A Database for Latin<br />

Ecclesiastical Chant, <strong>University</strong> of Western Ontario, http://www.publish.owo.ca/~cantus/fdes11-field.html<br />

(accessed on April 4, 2006). For more information about the sources also see René Jean Hesbert, ed., Corpus<br />

antiphonalium officii (Rome: Casa Editrice Herder, 1963-68).

Table A.1—continued<br />

Date Title & Genre Composer Genre<br />

1521 Rex autem David Mathieu Gascogne<br />

(fl. 1517-1518)<br />

1527<br />

Klingender Ton Hans Sachs<br />

(1494-1576)<br />

pub. 1538 Rex autem David,<br />

Anonymous<br />

pub. 1538 Absalon, fili mi Anonymous<br />

c1540 Rex autem David Adrian Willaert (?)<br />

(b. 1490, d. 1562)<br />

[attribution doubtful]<br />

pub. 1546 Triste estaba el rey David Alonso Mudarra<br />

(b. 1510, d. 1580)<br />

pub. 1546 Israel, mira tua montes Alonso Mudarra<br />

(b. 1510, d. 1580)<br />

1549 Rex autem David; Jacobus<br />

Pt. 1: Rex autem David Clemens non Papa<br />

Pt. 2: Planxit autem (b. c1510-15, d. 1555/6)<br />

before 1553 Doleo super te Matheo Flecha<br />

(b. 1481?, d.1553?)<br />

1559 Doleo super te Absalon Benedictus Appenzeller<br />

(b. 1480-88,<br />

d. after 1558)<br />

pub. 1564 Lugebat David Absalon; Josquin des Prez? OR<br />

Pt. 1: Lugebat David Nicholas Gombert?<br />

Absalon<br />

Pt. 2: Porro rex operuit<br />

(b. 1495, d. 1560)<br />

before 1571 Rex autem David Bernardino de Ribera<br />

(b. 1520, d. 1571/2)<br />

pub. 1574 Rex autem David; Jean de Castro<br />

Pt. 1: Rex autem David<br />

Pt. 2: Planxit autem<br />

(b. 1540?, d. 1600?)<br />

c1580 Cum audisset David rex<br />

pub. 1596 Rex autem David<br />

Rodrigo de Ceballos<br />

(b. 1525/50, d. 1581)<br />

Giovanni de Macque<br />

(b. 1548-50, d. 1614)<br />

60<br />

4 vv. motet<br />

monophonic<br />

Meisterton<br />

Sources<br />

Königsberg MS 1740<br />

Padua A 17<br />

Regensburg, Proske, MS AR<br />

940/41<br />

RISM 1521.5, Venice<br />

RISM 1521.6, Rome<br />

RISM 1539.11, Lyon<br />

RISM 1535. 3, Paris<br />

Göttingen, Niedersächsischen<br />

Staats- und Universitätsbib.,<br />

4 Mus. V, 3050<br />

4 vv. motet Florence, MS Panciatichi 27<br />

Basel, Universität, MS FX 5-9<br />

Regensburg, Proske, MS AR<br />

940/41<br />

Regensburg, Ebenda MS<br />

B220-222<br />

München, Universität MS 36<br />

Symphoniae Jucundae<br />

4 vv. motet Symphoniae Jucundae<br />

4 vv. motet; St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 463<br />

incomplete—<br />

only two parts<br />

survive<br />

solo voice and Tres libros de musica en cifras<br />

vihuela<br />

para vihuela<br />

solo voice and Tres libros de musica en cifras<br />

vihuela<br />

para vihuela<br />

4 vv. motet Aachen, Domarchiv, Magnon-<br />

Codex<br />

Regensburg, Proske, AR 891<br />

RISM 1564.1, Nürnberg<br />

motet lost<br />

4 vv. motet RISM 1559.2, Nürnberg<br />

RISM 1540.7, Augsburg<br />

8 vv. motet RISM 1564.1, Nürnberg<br />

London, Brit. Lib., Royal<br />

Appendix 49-54<br />

RISM 1552.35<br />

Verona, Accademia Filarmonica,<br />

MS 218<br />

5 vv. motet Toledo, Cath. Lib., MS Mus 6<br />

3 vv. motet Triciniorum sacrorum, liber unus<br />

4 vv. motet Granada. Capilla Real, MS 3<br />

Toledo, Cath. Lib., MS Mus B 7<br />

6 vv. motet Motectorum, 5, 6, 8vv, liber<br />

incomplete— primus<br />

only five parts<br />


Table A.2: Timeline of David’s Lamentations—Seventeenth-century British settings 2<br />

Date Title Composer Genre<br />

before 1616 When David Heard;<br />

Pt. 1: When David Heard<br />

Pt. 2: O My Son<br />

Thomas Weelkes<br />

(b. c1576, d. 1623)<br />

before 1616 O Jonathan Thomas Weelkes<br />

(b. c1576, d. 1623)<br />

before 1616 And the King Was Moved<br />

before 1616 When David Heard that<br />

Absalom<br />

before 1616 O woe is me for thee<br />

before 1616 When David Heard that<br />

Absalom<br />

before 1616 O my Son Absalom;<br />

Pt. 1: O my son Absalom<br />

Pt. 2: Saul and Jonathan<br />

before 1616 When David Heard that<br />

Absalom<br />

Richard Dering<br />

(b. c1580, d. 1630)<br />

John Milton, Sr.<br />

(b. c1563, d. 1647)<br />

John Milton, Sr.<br />

(b. c1563, d. 1647)<br />

Robert Ramsey<br />

(d. 1644)<br />

Giles Farnaby<br />

(b. c1563, d. 1640)<br />

William Bearsley<br />

pub. 1617 Contristatus est Rex David Richard Dering<br />

(b. c1580, d. 1630)<br />

pub. 1618 When David Heard that<br />

Absalom<br />

Michael East<br />

(b. c1580, d. 1648)<br />

61<br />

Sources<br />

6 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 29366-68<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29372-77<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

Oxford, Bodleian, MS 807-11<br />

Oxford, Bodleian, MS 1162-7<br />

Oxford, Bodleian, MS 389<br />

Oxford, Christ Church, 56-60<br />

NY pub. Lib., Drexel MS 4302<br />

Washington D.C, Folger Lib., MS<br />

V.a.412<br />

San Marino, CA, Huntington Lib. MS<br />

HM 461<br />

6 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 29366-68<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29372-77<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

San Marino, CA, Huntington Lib.,<br />

MS EL 25 A 46-51<br />

Oxford, Bodleian, MS 1162-67<br />

Washington D.C., Folger Lib., MS<br />

V.a.412<br />

5 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 29372-77<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

York, Minster, MS M 29<br />

Brussels MS II.4109<br />

Washington D.C, Folger Lib., MS<br />

V.a.412<br />

5 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 29372-77<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

5 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 29372-77<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

6 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

Oxford, Bodleian MS 1162-7<br />

5 vv. anthem;<br />

incomplete—alto<br />

part only<br />

5 vv. anthem;<br />

incomplete—no<br />

quintus<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29427<br />

London, Brit., Lib. MS 29366-8<br />

Oxford, Bodleian, MS f. 20-24<br />

5 vv. motet Oxford, Christ Church, MS 881-86,<br />

Cantiones Sacrae<br />

6 vv. anthem Fourth Set of Bookes<br />

2 This list of compositions is based on the information found in Irving Godt, "Prince Henry as Absalom in David's<br />

Lamentations," Music & Letters 62, no. 3/4 (1981), 328-330. The numbers assigned to the anonymous composers<br />

are taken from Ralph T. Daniel and Peter Le Huray, The Sources of English Church Music (London: Stainer and<br />

Bell, 1972).

Table A.2—continued<br />

Date Title Composer Genre Source(s)<br />

c1618,<br />

pub. 1622<br />

When David Heard that<br />

Absalom<br />

c1620 O my son Absolon<br />

Thomas Tomkins<br />

(b. 1572, d. 1656)<br />

Anon. 321;<br />

also attributed to<br />

Weelkes (doubtful)<br />

c1622 When David Heard “Mr. Smith”<br />

Elias Smith?<br />

early 17 th<br />

century<br />

When David Heard that<br />

Jonathan<br />

before 1625 O Jonathan, how wert thou<br />

slain<br />

before 1641 O Jonathan, thou wast slain<br />

Pt 1: O Jonathan thou<br />

wert slain<br />

Pt. 2: How are the mighty<br />

fallen<br />

before 1641 O Jonathan, thou wast slain<br />

Pt 1: O Jonathan, thou wast<br />

slain<br />

Pt. 2: How are the Mighty<br />

Fallen<br />

Pt 3: Ye daughters of Israel<br />

William Bearsley 5 vv. anthem;<br />

incomplete<br />

Anon. 276 anthem;<br />

incomplete—tenor<br />

Anon. 167<br />

Anon. 277<br />

62<br />

5 vv. anthem London Brit. Lib., MS 29372-77<br />

NY Pub Lib., Drexel MS 4180-85<br />

Songs of 3. 4. 5. & 6. Parts<br />

Musica Deo sacra<br />

4 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., R.M. 23.1.4<br />

Oxford, Bodleian, MS f. 17-19<br />

Washington D.C, Folger, MS<br />

V.a.412<br />

5 vv. anthem New York Public Lib., Drexel<br />

MS 4180-855<br />

part only<br />

anthem,<br />

incomplete<br />

anthem,<br />

incomplete<br />

London, Brit. Lib., MS 29366-68<br />

Washington D.C., Folger Lib.,<br />

MS V.a.412<br />

Litchfield, Cathedral Lub.,<br />

manuscript additions in John<br />

Barnard, The First Book of<br />

Selected Church Musick<br />

Litchfield, Cathedral Lib.,<br />

additions to Barnard partbooks<br />

before 1644 How are the Mighty Fall’n Robert Ramsey 6 vv. anthem Glasgow, Euing Lib. MS<br />

(d. 1644)<br />

R.d.91<br />

pub. 1652 O Absolon, my Son Henry Lawes 3 vv. canon Catch that Catch Can, London:<br />

(b. 1596, d. 1662)<br />

John Hilton, 1652.<br />

c1650s When David heard that Anon. 410 anthem;<br />

San Marino, CA, Huntington, Lib.<br />

Absalom<br />

incomplete—bass<br />

part only<br />

MS HM 461<br />

pub. 1668 Then David Mourned<br />

Thomas Tomkins 5 vv. anthem Musica Deo sacra Deo, London,<br />

(b. 1572, d. 1656)<br />

1668<br />

c. 1670s How Are the Mighty Fallen Michael Wise 3 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 17784<br />

(b. 1647, d. 1687)<br />

Oxford, Christ Church MS 1246<br />

c. 1670-85 When David Heard Anon. 411<br />

3 vv. anthem London, Brit. Lib., MS 33235<br />

Oxford, Christ Church MS<br />

623-25<br />

c. 1690 Thy Beauty, O Israel Henry Aldrich arrangement of Oxford, Christ Church,<br />

(b. 1648, d. 1710) Wise’s anthem;<br />

4 vv. & continuo<br />

MSS Mus. 12, 16, & 614<br />

late 1600s O Absalom, my son Anon. 253<br />

6 vv. anthem; London, Brit. Lib., manuscript<br />

incomplete insertions in John Barnard, The<br />

First Book of Selected Church<br />

Musick<br />

late 1600’s The Beauty of Israel is slain John Walter anthem London, Brit. Lib. MS 22100;<br />

(b. c1660, d. 1708)<br />

the piece is only mentioned in<br />

index, no music.

Table A.3: Timeline of David’s Lamentations—Seventeenth-Nineteenth centuries<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Source(s)<br />

pub. 1602 “Fili mi, Absalon”<br />

Lodovico Viadana 2 mezzo-sopranos, Cento Concerti<br />

(b. 1560, d. 1627) baritone, & organ Ecclesiastici<br />

pub. 1602 “Doleo Super te”<br />

Lodovico Viadana 2 basses & organ Cento Concerti<br />

(b. 1560, d. 1627)<br />

Ecclesiastici<br />

1629 “Fili mi, Absalon”<br />

Schütz, Heinrich Bass, 4 trombones, Symphoniae Sacrae<br />

(b. 1585, d. 1672) continuo<br />

pub. 1655 Lagrime di Davide sparse nel Biagio Marini<br />

2-4 vv, 2 vlns, organ ?<br />

miserere<br />

(b. 1594, d. 1663)<br />

before 1674 Historia Davidis et Jonathae Giacomo Carissimi (?) SSATB, 2 vlns, & Paris, Natl. Lib., MSS<br />

(b. 1605, d. 1674 basso continuo<br />

Vm1 1473 (Brossard)<br />

1674 Assalone punito<br />

Pietro Andrea Ziani<br />

(b. 1616, d. 1684)<br />

oratorio Vienna, Natl. Lib.<br />

before 1678 Assalone Paolo Petti<br />

oratorio;<br />

Paris, Conservatory Lib.<br />

(d. 1678)<br />

5 vv. & instr.<br />

1681 Doleo super te<br />

Henry Du Mont petit motet;<br />

Motets a II. III. et IV.<br />

(b. 1610, d. 1684) Ct, T, B, continuo parties<br />

early 1680’s Mors Saulis et Jonathae Marc-Antoine<br />

oratorio Paris, Natl. Lib.,<br />

Charpentier<br />

(b. 1643, d. 1704)<br />

MS Rés Vm 259, iv<br />

1686 Absalone (L’Assalone) Giovanni Paolo oratorio Vienna, Natl. Lib.<br />

Colonna<br />

(b. 1637, d. 1695)<br />

Paris, Conservatory Lib.<br />

1688 David et Jonathas<br />

Marc-Antoine<br />

tragédie mise en Paris, Natl. Lib.,<br />

Charpentier<br />

musique;<br />

MS Rés F924<br />

(b. 1643, d. 1704) (incomplete)<br />

1691 L’Absalone ribello Flavio Lanciani<br />

(b. 1661, d. 1706)<br />

oratorio lost<br />

before 1700? La cetra piangente de Davide Giuseppe Pacieri oratorio Naples, Bib. Oratoriana<br />

nella morte de Gionata (d. 1700 or later)<br />

dei Filippini<br />

1704 Assalon punito Antonio Veracini<br />

(b. 1659-1733)<br />

oratorio ?<br />

1705 La superbia punita in Giuseppe Valentini drama sacro lost<br />

Absalone<br />

(b. 1681, d. 1753)<br />

1715 La ribellione d’Assalonne Antonio Caldara<br />

(b. 1671, d. 1736)<br />

oratorio Münster, Santini Bib.<br />

1720 Assalonne<br />

Antonio Caldara oratorio Vienna, Natl. Lib.,<br />

(b. 1671, d. 1736)<br />

MS HS 17058<br />

1721 Davide Francesco Pistocchi<br />

(b. 1659, d. 1726)<br />

oratorio lost<br />

1724 David<br />

Francesco Conti<br />

(b. 1681/2, d. 1732)<br />

oratorio Vienna, Natl. Lib.<br />

1726 Assalone nemico del padre Giuseppe Porsile oratorio Vienna, Natl. Lib.<br />

amante<br />

(b. 1680, d. 1750)<br />

Vienna, Gesellschaft der<br />

Musikfreunde (Wgm)<br />

1728 Gionata Antonio Caldara oratorio Vienna, Gesellschaft (Wgm)<br />

(b. 1671, d. 1736)<br />

Vienna, Natl. Lib.<br />

1733 Gionata Pietro Torri<br />

(b. 1650, d. 1737)<br />

oratorio ?<br />

1736 David’s Lamentation Over William Boyce sacred cantata; Oxford, Bodleian Lib.<br />

(rev. 1744) Saul and Jonathan<br />

(b. 1711, d. 1779) 4 vv, & orch<br />

London, Royal<br />

College of Music<br />


Table A.3—continued<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Source(s)/Comments<br />

pub. 1738 The Beauty of Israel is slain William Knapp 4 vv. anthem A Sett of New Psalm-tunes<br />

(b. 1698/99, d. 1768)<br />

and Anthems, Knapp<br />

Sixteen Anthems, by<br />

Josiah Flagg<br />

1738-39 Saul, Act 3 Scene V:<br />

George F. Handel oratorio oratorio<br />

“Elegy for Saul and<br />

Jonathan”<br />

(b. 1685, d. 1759)<br />

1739 Assalonne<br />

Antonio Pampani<br />

(b. 1705, d. 1775)<br />

oratorio ?<br />

1739 L’obbedienza di Gionata Antonio Pampani oratorio Munich, Bayerische<br />

(b. 1705, d. 1775)<br />

Staatsbib.<br />

1738-40 David’s Lamentation Over John Christopher Smith oratorio lost<br />

Saul and Jonathan<br />

(b. 1712, d. 1795)<br />

1743 Der so true als heyllos wider Gregor Joseph Werner oratorio Budapest, Natl. Lib.<br />

seinen sanfftmüthigen Vatter<br />

David rebellierende Sohn<br />

Absolon<br />

(b. 1693, d. 1766)<br />

1745 Davide e Gionata Jean-Noël Hamal oratorio Liege, Bib. Conserv.<br />

(b. 1709, d. 1778)<br />

Royal de musique<br />

1747 Jonathas Andrea Bernasconi<br />

(b. 1706, d. 1784)<br />

drama sacrum ?<br />

1751 David Andrea Bernasconi<br />

(b. 1706, d. 1784)<br />

drama sacrum ?<br />

1751 Davide Gennaro Manna oratorio Naples, Bib. Oratoriana dei<br />

(b. 1715, d. 1779)<br />

Filippini<br />

1752 Gionata figliuol di Saule Lorenzo Gibelli oratorio music lost,<br />

(b. 1718, d. 1812)<br />

libretto extant<br />

1756 L’obbedienza di Gionata Ferdinando Bertoni oratorio Darmstadt, Hessische Bib.<br />

(b. 1725, d. 1813)<br />

Venice, Bib. Nat.<br />

Pavia, S. Michele<br />

1761 Absalon Adolph Carl Kunzen<br />

(b. 1720, d. 1781)<br />

oratorio Lübeck, Bib. Hansestadt<br />

1761 David and Jonathan Charles Barbandt<br />

(d. c1775)<br />

oratorio lost<br />

pub. 1763 O Absalom, my son Charles King<br />

3 vv. canon A Collection of Canons,<br />

(b. 1687, d. 1748)<br />

Catches, and Glees<br />

pub. 1765 The Beauty of Israel Anonymous<br />

4 vv. anthem An Introduction to Singing,<br />

Thomas Pitt?<br />

by James Hewitt<br />

1766 David und Jonathan Johann Heinrich Rolle<br />

(b. 1716, d. 1785)<br />

musikalisches Eligie pub. 1773, Leipzig<br />

before 1769 Gionata Giovanni Pescetti<br />

(b. 1704, d. 1766)<br />

oratorio Padova, Capella Antoniana<br />

1771 Jonathas Ferdinando Bertoni oratorio;<br />

?<br />

(b. 1725, d. 1813) solo voice & female<br />

choir<br />

1771 Davide e Gionathan Carl von Dittersdorf<br />

(b. 1739, d. 1799)<br />

oratorio DK-Kk<br />

1774 David und Jonathas<br />

Johann Demmler cantata music lost, text in<br />

(b. 1748, d. 1785)<br />

Augsburg, Staatsbibl.<br />

c. 1774 Saul et Gionata Leonardo Leo<br />

(b. 1694, d. 1744)<br />

attribution doubtful<br />

oratorio lost<br />


Table A.3—continued<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Source(s)/Comments<br />

1775 Interitus Absalon<br />

Ferdinando Bertoni oratorio;<br />

?<br />

(b. 1725, d. 1813) solo voices & female<br />

chorus<br />

pub. 1778 The Beauty of Israel is Slain John Arnold<br />

4 vv. anthem Select Harmony, by<br />

(b. 1715, d. 1792)<br />

Andrew Law<br />

pub. 1778 David’s Lamentation William Billings 4 vv. anthem The Singing Master’s<br />

(b. 1746, d. 1800)<br />

Assistant, Boston<br />

1779 Victoria militum David contra Ferdinando Bertoni oratorio; solo voices ?<br />

Absalon filium Regis<br />

(b. 1725, d. 1813) & female chorus<br />

1780 Per la morte di Gionata e di Gian Francesco oratorio ?<br />

Saulle<br />

de Majo<br />

(b. 1732, d. 1770)<br />

1781 Jonathas Bonaventura Furlanetto<br />

(b. 1738, d. 1817)<br />

oratorio Venice, Bibl. del Cons.<br />

1781 The Beauty of Israel William Billings<br />

(b. 1746, d. 1800)<br />

4 vv. anthem Psalm Singer’s Amusement<br />

1782 Absalon<br />

Domenico Cimarosa “action sacra” Dresden, Sächsiche Bib.<br />

(b. 1749, d. 1801) (oratorio)<br />

Münster, Santini Bib.<br />

Paris, Natl. Lib.<br />

London, British Lib.<br />

Naples, Conserv. Lib.<br />

Rome, Archivio Filippini<br />

1785 Absalonis rebellio Bonaventura Furlanetto<br />

(b. 1738, d. 1817)<br />

oratorio Venice, Bibl. del Cons.<br />

1786 Absalon (La mort d’Absalon) Henri-Montan Berton<br />

(b. 1767, d. 1844)<br />

cantata ?<br />

1787 Davide Angelo DeAngelis<br />

(d. c1825)<br />

oratorio Podova, Bib. capitolare<br />

1789 O Absolom William Savage<br />

(b. 1720, d. 1789)<br />

catch Glasgow, Euing Mus. Lib.<br />

1789 Assalone Angelo Baldan<br />

oratorio Venice, Bibl. del Cons.<br />

(b. 1753, d. 1803)<br />

Venice, Bib. Naz. Marciana<br />

Naples, Conserv. Lib.<br />

1792 Gionata Niccolò Piccinni oratorio Florence, Conserv. Lib.<br />

(b. 1728, d. 1800)<br />

Naples, Conserv. Lib.<br />

1793 Davids Klage am Hermon Johann Königslöw<br />

(b. 1745, d. 1833)<br />

oratorio Lübeck, Bib. Hansestadt<br />

undated, Doleo super te Juan Manuel Olivares 2 vv. motet ?<br />

before 1797<br />

(b. 1760, d. 1797)<br />

1797 Davide e Assalonne Antonio Brunetti oratorio Urbino, Cappella del<br />

(b? 1767, d? after 1845)<br />

Sacramento<br />

undated, The Beauty of Israel is slain Robert Shenton anthem ?<br />

before 1798<br />

(b. 1730, d. 1798)<br />


Table A.3—continued<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Source(s)/Comments<br />

1800 Saul und David im Kriege Johann Königslöw<br />

(b. 1745, d. 1833)<br />

oratorio lost<br />

1819 Assalonne Domenico Cimarosa oratorio Brussells, Bib. Conserv.<br />

(b. 1749, d. 1801)<br />

Royal de musique<br />

1830 David, op. 34 Bernhard Klein<br />

(b. 1793, d. 1832)<br />

oratorio ?<br />

1831 Absalon Friedrich Schneider<br />

(b. 1756, d. 1853)<br />

oratorio ?<br />

1834 David Sigismund Neukomm<br />

(b. 1778, d. 1858)<br />

oratorio Paris, Natl. Lib.<br />

Undated, The Lamentation Edward James Loder sacred song Sacred Songs and Ballads<br />

before 1840<br />

(b. 1813, d. 1865)<br />

1842 Assalomne Gaetano Capocci<br />

(b. 1811, d. 1898)<br />

oratorio ?<br />

1844 Absalom Geo. H. Curtis scena religiosa Washington, D.C., Lib. of<br />

Congress<br />

1848 David’s Lament for Absalom L. H. Southard<br />

sacred song Washington, D.C., Lib. of<br />

Congress<br />

1849 Absalom<br />

Isaac Baker Woodbury oratorio Washington, D.C., Lib. of<br />

(b. 1819, d. 1858)<br />

Congress<br />

The Dulcimer<br />

pub. 1850 David Charles Horsley<br />

(b. 1822, d. 1876)<br />

oratorio<br />

1852 Oratorio of Absalom George Nelson Allen<br />

(b. 1812, d. 1877)<br />

1856 David Georges Bizet<br />

(b. 1838, d. 1875)<br />

cantata lost<br />

before 1859 David Carl Reissiger<br />

(b. 1798, d. 1859)<br />

oratorio<br />

1865 O Absalom, my son! Dudley M. Taylor sacred song, “Dedicated by permission<br />

voice & piano to J. C. Baron Lethbridge”<br />

1875 Absalon Achille D. Campisiano opérette bouffe<br />

1884 King David’s Lament Francis W. Swift<br />

1888 David E. C. Essex<br />

1891 David and Saul David Jenkins<br />

(b. 1848, d. 1915)<br />

1896 Absalom Johann Stehle<br />

(b. 1839, d. 1915)<br />

66<br />

voice & piano<br />

oratorio<br />

oratorio<br />

chorus and orchestra

Table A.4: Timeline of David’s Lamentations—Twentieth-Twenty-first centuries<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Comments<br />

1901 Saul and David Carl Nielsen<br />

(b. 1865, d. 1931)<br />

opera<br />

1902 David’s Lament, Op. 15 Angelo Read<br />

(b. 1854, d. 1926)<br />

cantata<br />

1911 David’s Lament<br />

Blair Fairchild soprano & alto soli, “To Gabriel Dupont”<br />

from Two Bible Lyrics, op. 29 (b. 1877, d. 1933) chorus, & orchestra<br />

1919 David und Absalom, op.70 Georg Schumann<br />

(b. 1866, d. 1952)<br />

soli and orchestra<br />

1921, Lamentations de Guilboa Arthur Honegger oratorio<br />

(rev. 1923) from Le roi David<br />

(b. 1892, d. 1955)<br />

1921 La chanson d’Ephraim Arthur Honegger oratorio<br />

(rev. 1923) from Le roi David<br />

(b. 1892, d. 1955)<br />

1922 Absalom Joseph Lincoln Hall<br />

(b. 1866, d. 1930)<br />

dramatic cantata<br />

1925 O Absalom, my son F. Melius Christiansen SATB chorus “for my friend Stanley<br />

(b. 1871, d. 1955)<br />

R. Avery…”<br />

1928 David’s Lament Ross Lee Finney<br />

(b. 1906, d. 1997)<br />

choir & keyboard<br />

1932 David’s Lament for Jonathan Gustav Holst<br />

3-9 voices<br />

“for S.P.G.S.”<br />

from Eight Canons for Equal (b. 1874, d. 1934) (sopranos & altos or<br />

Voices<br />

tenors & basses)<br />

1936 David Maurice Jacobsen<br />

(b. 1896, d. 1976)<br />

ballet<br />

pub. 1937, David mourneth for Absalom Normand Lockwood SSAATTBB chorus “Written at the<br />

(rev. 1988)<br />

(b. 1906, d. 2002)<br />

suggestion of my wife”<br />

1941 King David’s Lament for Lou Harrison<br />

solo tenor & piano<br />

Jonathan<br />

(b. 1917, d. 2003)<br />

1946 David Mourns for Absalom David Diamond<br />

(b. 1915, d. 2005)<br />

solo voice & piano “To Hildegard Watson”<br />

1946 Absalom Ned Rorem<br />

(b. 1923)<br />

solo voice & piano<br />

1947 Mourning Scene (from Samuel) Ned Rorem<br />

solo voice & string “To Lee Hoiby”<br />

(b. 1923)<br />

quartet<br />

1950 Triste estaba el Rey David Joaquin Rodrigo SATB chorus “A Domenico de Paoli”<br />

from Tres canciones sefardíes (b. 1901, d. 1999)<br />

1951 David’s Lament for Jonathan Michael Howard countertenor and<br />

from Seven Songs for<br />

Countertenor and Piano<br />

(b. 1922, d. 2002) piano<br />

1952-53 David;<br />

Darius Milhaud opera<br />

Act II Scene 3<br />

Act IV Scene 4<br />

(b. 1892, d. 1974)<br />

1953 Lament of David, op. 169 Castelnuovo-Tedesco,<br />

Mario<br />

(b. 1895, d. 1968)<br />

T, double chorus<br />

1953 Alilot ha Gilboa<br />

Shlomo Joffe<br />

cantata<br />

(Tales of Mt. Gilboa)<br />

(b. 1909, d. 1995)<br />

1956 David’s Lament Mátyás Seiber SATB chorus &<br />

(b. 1905, d. 1960) harp or piano<br />

1961 My son, my son, Absalom Anna Gallos<br />

(b. 1920)<br />

SATB chorus “To Donald F. White”<br />

1961-62 David’s Lament Over Jonathan Stefan Wolpe<br />

voice & piano “to Hilda”<br />

from Six songs from the<br />

Hebrew<br />

(b. 1902, d. 1972)<br />


Table A.4—continued<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Comments<br />

1962 Planctus Malcolm Williamson Men’s chorus “In memoriam Edward<br />

(b. 1931, d. 2003)<br />

Clark”<br />

1963 Lament for Absalom George F. McKay<br />

(b. 1899, d. 1970)<br />

organ<br />

1968 David Bob Burroughs musical drama for<br />

(b. 1937)<br />

children’s chorus<br />

1968 David’s Lament for Saul and Philip Hagemann SATB<br />

Jonathan<br />

(b. 1942)<br />

1970 And David Wept Ezra Laderman<br />

(b. 1924)<br />

cantata/opera<br />

1971 Absalom, Absalom Carl Johnson<br />

motet,<br />

(b. 1935)<br />

8 part chorus<br />

1972 Absalom My Son Ethan Haimo<br />

(b. 1950)<br />

chorus<br />

1973 David wept for slain Absalom, Alan Hovhaness SSATBB chorus “for Richard Westenburg”<br />

Opus 246, No. 1<br />

(b. 1911, d. 2000)<br />

1973 David’s Lamentation Lloyd Pfautsch<br />

(b. 1921, d. 2003)<br />

SATB chorus “To Howard Swan”<br />

1974 When David Heard John Chorbajian<br />

(b. 1936)<br />

SATB chorus<br />

1974 O my son Absalom<br />

Abraham Kaplan SATB chorus &<br />

from Glorious<br />

(b. 1931)<br />

orchestra<br />

1975 When David Heard Norman Dinerstein SATB chorus “dedicated to the memory<br />

(b. 1937, d. 1982)<br />

of Cantor Joseph Cohn”<br />

1977 O Absalom Elisabeth Lutyens oboe, English horn,<br />

(b. 1906, d. 1983) violin, viola, & cello<br />

1977 Absalom Eugene W. Hancock sacred song,<br />

(b. 1929, d. 1994) baritone & piano<br />

1979 Absalom,<br />

Richard L. DeLong voice & keyboard “for John Hanby”<br />

from Five Sacred Songs (b. 1951, d. 1994)<br />

1980 When David Heard,<br />

David Cohen<br />

SATB chorus “Written for the Bach &<br />

from Three Motets<br />

(b. 1927)<br />

Madrigal Society”<br />

before Absalom, My Son George Kleinsinger SATB chorus<br />

1982<br />

(b. 1914, d. 1982)<br />

1982 David’s Lament for Jonathan Alan Ridout<br />

(b. 1934, d. 1996)<br />

SSAATBB chorus<br />

1982 When David Heard Jennifer Fowler<br />

(b. 1939)<br />

SATB chorus & piano<br />

1983 David’s Lament Shlomo Joffe<br />

(b. 1909, d. 1995)<br />

SATB chorus<br />

1983 “Triste Estaba el Rey David” Mario Davidovsky voice & chamber<br />

from Romancero<br />

(b. 1934)<br />

ensemble<br />

1984 David’s Lament Rick Sowash<br />

SATB “for Bill, Carol, and Amy<br />

(b. 1950)<br />

Goldman”<br />

1985 King David’s Lament for Lou Harrison<br />

male chorus &<br />

Jonathan<br />

from Three Songs<br />

(b. 1917, d. 2003) chamber ensemble<br />

1986 Absalom Timothy Whitworth SATB chorus “To Dr. Gordon Paine and<br />

Smith<br />

the <strong>University</strong> Choir of<br />

Cal. <strong>State</strong> Fullerton”<br />

1988 When David Heard Colin Mawby<br />

(b. 1936)<br />

SATB chorus & piano<br />

1993 When David Heard Brett Terry<br />

(b. 1968)<br />

SATB chorus<br />


Table A.4—continued<br />

Date Title Composer Genre/<br />

Instrumentation<br />

1995 Absalom Robert Christensen chorus and orchestra<br />

69<br />

Comments<br />

1995 The Lament of Absalom Francis Wong “Asian Improv”<br />

saxophone<br />

1996 Absalom, Absalom Pierce Pettis<br />

folk song;<br />

solo voice & guitar<br />

1996 Absalom León Schidlowsky<br />

(b. 1931)<br />

orchestra<br />

1997 “Absalom, My Absalom” Tim Rice<br />

Broadway musical<br />

from King David<br />

(b. 1944)<br />

1997 “How Mighty Are the Fallen” Tim Rice<br />

Broadway musical<br />

from King David<br />

(b. 1944)<br />

1997 David and Absalom Justin H. Rubin<br />

(b. 1971)<br />

cantata<br />

1998 Absalom Dale Jergenson SATB double choir,<br />

(b. 1935)<br />

tympani, & piano<br />

1998 David’s Lament<br />

Jan Roosendael harp & chamber<br />

from David and Saul<br />

(b. 1960, d. 2005) orchestra<br />

1998 Lamentatio David filii sui Jacob Werner<br />

baritone, chamber<br />

Absalom<br />

(b. 1938)<br />

ensemble, & organ<br />

1999 When David Heard Eric Whitacre<br />

(b. 1970)<br />

SSAATTBB chorus “for Dr. Ronald Staheli”<br />

1999, When David Heard Richard Burchard TTTBBB divisi<br />

rev. 2005<br />

(b. 1960)<br />

2000 David Mourns for Absalom Bern Herbolsheimer<br />

(b. 1948)<br />

SATB chorus “to Fujio Matayoshi”<br />

2001 Absalom Alexandra Du Bois violin & prepared<br />

(b. 1981)<br />

piano<br />

2002 Jonathan and David David York<br />

(b. 1958)<br />

opera<br />

2002 King David, the Musical Eyal Bitton<br />

(b. 1970)<br />

musical<br />

2002 Absalom Adam Jones guitar and jazz<br />

ensemble<br />

2002 Absalom Jeff Buser<br />

(b. 1963)<br />

solo voice & guitar<br />

2003 Absolon, my son Jonathan Rathbone SSAATTBB chorus “For Dr. Martin Ennis and<br />

the Chapel Choir of Girton<br />

College, Cambridge”<br />

2004 When David Heard<br />

Paul Crabtree<br />

SATB chorus “for Magen Solomon and<br />

from Three Sacred Songs (b. 1960)<br />

the San Francisco Choral<br />

Artists”<br />

2004 Absalom Jeffrey Cobb<br />

SSAATTBB chorus &<br />

(b. 1967)<br />

piano<br />

2005 When David Heard Tom Wiggall<br />

(b. 1978)<br />

SATB chorus<br />

2005 When David Heard Richard Burchard<br />

(b. 1960)<br />

SSATTB divisi “for Dr. Greg Detweiler”<br />

2006 When David Heard,<br />

Tom O’ Driscoll SSAATB chorus<br />

op. 10, no. 1<br />

(b. 1986)<br />

2006 Absalom, FIli Mi Nathanael Pangrazio<br />

(b. 1985)<br />


Table A.5: Timeline of Elegies Composed for Prince Henry 3<br />

Date Title Composer Comments<br />

c1613 Fair Britain isle William Byrd<br />

(1540-1623)<br />

c1613 All lookes be pale, hearts cold alone Thomas Campion<br />

(1567-1620)<br />

c1613 Bravely decked, come forth, bright day Thomas Campion<br />

(1567-1620)<br />

c1613 Weep forth your tears and do lament John Ward<br />

(1589-1638)<br />

“In Memory of Prince Henry”<br />

c1613 Know you not Thomas Tomkins “Prince Henry, his Funerall<br />

pub. 1613 O grief, how divers are thy shapes,<br />

from Songs of Mourning: Bewailing the<br />

Untimely Death of Prince Henry<br />

pub. 1613 Tis now dead night,<br />

from Songs of Mourning<br />

pub. 1613 Fortune and Glory,<br />

from Songs of Mourning<br />

pub. 1613 So parted you,<br />

from Songs of Mourning<br />

pub. 1613 How like a golden dreame,<br />

from Songs of Mourning<br />

70<br />

(1572-1656)<br />

John Coprario<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

John Coprario<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

John Coprario<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

John Coprario<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

John Coprario<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

pub. 1613 When pale famine,<br />

John Coprario<br />

from Songs of Mourning<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

pub. 1613 O poore distracted world,<br />

John Coprario<br />

from Songs of Mourning<br />

(b. c1570-80, d. 1626)<br />

before c1615 No object dearer John Ward<br />

(1589-1638)<br />

pub. 1615 Dialogues of Sorrow upon the Death of the Robert Ramsey<br />

Late Prince Henrie<br />

(d. 1644)<br />

pub. 1619 Melpomene, bewail thy sisters’ loss Thomas Vautor<br />

(fl. 1600-1620)<br />

before c1620 Weep, Brittaynes, weep William Cranford<br />

(b. late 16 th century,<br />

d? c1645)<br />

before c1620 Tis now dead of night Thomas Ford<br />

(d. 1648)<br />

undated Sleep fleshlye birth Robert Ramsey<br />

(d. 1644)<br />

undated What teares deere Prince Robert Ramsey<br />

(d. 1644)<br />

Anthem”<br />

“To the Most Sacred King James”<br />

“To the Most Sacred Queen Anne”<br />

“To the Most High and Mighty<br />

Prince Charles”<br />

“To the Most Princely and<br />

Virtuous, the Lady Elizabeth”<br />

“To the most Illustrious and<br />

Mighty Frederick the fifth, Count<br />

Palatine of the Rhine”<br />

“To the Most Disconsolate Great<br />

Britain”<br />

“To the World”<br />

“Passions on the death of Prince<br />

Henry”<br />

“A passion on the death of Prince<br />

Henry”<br />

“A passion on the death of Prince<br />

Henry”<br />

3 This list of compositions is based on the information found in Godt, 328-330; however, I have included changes<br />

that reflect more recent scholarship.




Montes Gelboe nec ros antiphon<br />

Saul et Jonathas amabiles antiphon<br />


Doleo super te antiphon 1<br />

Rex autem David antiphon 2<br />

1<br />

The source for this transcription is Walter H. Frere, editor, Antiphonale Salisburiense (Farnborough, England:<br />

Gregg Press Ltd., 1966), 296-97.<br />

2<br />

This transcription is taken from Frank L. Harrison, ed., “Critical Apparatus,” in Polyphonic Music in the<br />

Fourteenth Century, vol. 15, Motets of English Provenance (Monaco: L’Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1980), 171. The<br />

source for this transcription is found in Walter H. Frere, ed., Antiphonale Salisburiense, 297.<br />


Rex autem David by Willaert?<br />


Doleo super te Absalon by Benedictus Appenzeller<br />


Rex autem David by Giovanni de Macque 3<br />

3 This motet has been edited by W. Richard Shindle. Many thanks to him for providing this transcription.<br />


O My Son Absolon, by Anon. 321<br />


Critical Commentary:<br />

The source for the Altus, Tenor, and Bassus parts is Oxford, Bodleian Lib., MS f. 17-19 (partbooks). The<br />

soprano part, which is missing from the partbooks, is transcribed from London, British Lib., R.M. 23.1.4<br />

(Benjamin Cosyn’s Virginal Book).<br />

In the source for the A, T, and B parts (Oxford Bodleian), “Absolon” is the predominant spelling.<br />

However, the original orthography also reveals an alternate spelling, “Absalon,” which is found in the<br />

altus (mm. 9, 24, 29, 31, 33), tenor (mm. 8, 26, 28, 30), and bassus (m. 24).<br />


When David Heard by Mr. Smith<br />


Critical Commentary:<br />

In the Tenor part, m. 12, the C is notated in the original source as having the duration of a whole note.<br />

However it makes more since with the polyphonic structure of the piece for it to be the duration of a<br />

dotted whole note (tied over the bar in m. 13).<br />

In the alto part, mm. 22-24, the original source seems to indicate three beats of rest (one breve rest and a<br />

semibreve rest), however this does not work with the imitative structure. Instead, four beats of rest have<br />

been given in this transcription. With four beat of rest in the alto part, the melodic figure in the alto<br />

begins in m. 24, on beat 2 and it repeats in cantus in m. 24, beat 4. This is similar to the melodic figure<br />

that begins in the bass part in m. 25, beat 2 and is repeated in the quintus in m. 25, beat 4.<br />


O Absolon, my Son by Henry Lawes 4<br />

4 Many thanks to Dr. David A. Moore, who let me know about this particular setting of the Absalom text.<br />


How Are the Mighty Fallen by Michael Wise 5<br />

5 Henry Aldrich’s anthem, Thy Beauty O Israel, is based on this anthem by Wise (see pp. 102-109).<br />


Critical Commentary:<br />

The Tenor part is from London, British Library, Add. MS 29481. The Tenor 2 part is from Oxford,<br />

Christ Church MS Mus. 1246. The Bass part is from London, British Library, Add. MS 17784.<br />

In the Tenor 1 part, m. 25, beat 4, this quarter note rest was originally notated as a half-note rest in the<br />

source; however, this does not work with the imitative structure of the other two voices. Therefore, it was<br />

changed to a quarter-note rest, which works much better with the imitative structure of the other two<br />

parts.<br />


When David Heard by Anon. 411<br />



Critical Commentary:<br />

The title of this piece in Add. MS 33235 is “David’s Song upon Absalon.” However, this piece is listed<br />

as “When David Heard” in Oxford, Christ Church, MS f. 623-625 and in Sources of English Church<br />

Music, by Ralph T. Daniel and Peter Le Huray.<br />


Thy Beauty, O Israel by Henry Aldrich 6<br />

6 This anthem is based on the anthem How are the Mighty Fallen by Michael Wise (see pp. 94-98).<br />















Primary Sources:<br />

Drexel MSS 4180-85. Six part-books, c. 1620. New York Public Library at Lincoln Center, New<br />

York City.<br />

London R. M. 23.1.4. Benjamin Cosyn’s Virginal Book, index dated 1620. British Library,<br />

London.<br />

London Add. MSS 29366-68: Three part-books, early seventeenth century. British Library,<br />

London<br />

London Add. MS 29427. Alto part-book, c. 1616. British Library, London.<br />

London Add. MS 33235. Score, late seventeenth century. British Library, London.<br />

Oxford MSS Mus.f.17-19. Three part-books, c. 1650. Bodleian Library, Oxford.<br />

Oxford MSS Mus.f.20-24. Five part-books, c. 1630-50. Bodleian Library, Oxford.<br />

St. Gallen MS 463. Tschudi Liederbuch, two part-books, c. 1540. Stiftsbibliothek, St. Gallen,<br />

Switzerland.<br />

Printed Music:<br />

Anonymous. “Absalon, fili mi.” In Georg Rhau: Musikdrücke aus den Jahren 1538 bis 1545 in<br />

praktischer Neuausgabe. Vol. 3, Symphoniae Jucundae, edited by Hans Albrecht, 55-7.<br />

Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1959.<br />

Anonymous. “Doleo super te/Absalon fili mi.” In Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.<br />

Vol. 15, Motets of English Provenance, edited by Frank L. Harrison, 118-19. Monaco:<br />

L’Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1980.<br />

Anonymous. “Rex autem David.” In Georg Rhau: Musikdrücke aus den Jahren 1538 bis 1545 in<br />

praktischer Neuausgabe. Vol. 3, Symphoniae Jucundae, edited by Hans Albrecht, 151-2.<br />

Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1959.<br />

Billings, William. “David’s Lamentation.” In The Complete Works of William Billings. Vol. 2,<br />

The Singing Master’s Assistant, edited by Hans Nathan, 108-109. Boston: The Colonial<br />

Society of Massachusetts and The American Musicological Society, 1977.<br />


_______. “The Beauty of Israel.” In The Complete Works of William Billings. Vol. 3, The Psalm<br />

Singer’s Amusement, ed. by Hans Nathan, 24-31. Boston: The Colonial Society of<br />

Massachusetts and The American Musicological Society, 1986.<br />

Castro, Jean de. “Rex autem David.” In Jean de Castro: Opera Omnia. Vol 4, Triciniorum<br />

sacrorum—liber uns, edited by Ignace Bossuyt, 115-21. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven Univ.<br />

Press, 1997.<br />

Ceballos, Rodrigo de. “Cum audisset autem David Rex.” In The Extant Music of Rodrigo de<br />

Ceballos and its Sources, edited by Robert J. Snow, 149-55. Detroit: Information<br />

Coordinators, 1980.<br />

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine. David et Jonathas. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la<br />

Recherche Scientifique, 1981.<br />

_______. Mors Saülis et Jonathae. Versailles: Editions du Centre de Musique Baroque de<br />

Versailles, 1992.<br />

Chorbajian, John. When David Heard that His Son was Slain. New York: G. Schirmer, 1974.<br />

Christiansen, F. Melius. O Absalom, my son. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House,<br />

1925.<br />

Clemens non Papa, Jacobus. “Rex autem David.” In Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae. Vol. 4,<br />

Jacobus Clemens non Papa: Opera omnia, no. 9, Cantiones Sacrae, edited by Karel P.<br />

Bernet Kempers, 123-30. Rome: American Institute of Musicology in Rome, 1951.<br />

Cohen, David. “When David Heard.” In Three Motets. Phoenix, AZ: Epoch Universal<br />

Publications, 1981.<br />

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John D. <strong>Spilker</strong> received a Bachelor of Arts in Music in 2004 from Brigham Young<br />

<strong>University</strong> (Provo, Utah) and a Master of Music in Historical Musicology in 2006 from <strong>Florida</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> (Tallahassee, <strong>Florida</strong>). He gave a presentation about “The International Musical<br />

Performance Index and the BYU Music Thesaurus Project” at the 2003 Annual Conference for<br />

the International Association of Music Libraries. John also read a paper, “The Context and<br />

Tradition of David’s Lamentations from the Middle Ages to the Late Renaissance,” at the 2006<br />

Annual Meeting for the American Musicological Society, Southern Chapter. He has published<br />

an article in 2005 in Fontes Musicae Artis: The Journal of the International Association of<br />

Libraries (vol. 52, no. 1) entitled “Towards an International Music Thesaurus.”<br />


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