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43 The Nose 5.9+<br />

AKA Right to Flight and Russell’s Route. This<br />

Gunks-like masterpiece is the finest moderate<br />

Arkansas has to offer and alone is worth the<br />

trip to Mag. A one-pitch 5.9 doesn’t get any<br />

better, period. Start up Junior Achievement<br />

and climb it for about 50ft to a ledge below<br />

and left of the diving board. Traverse right,<br />

and then climb out the incredible tiered<br />

roof system to the top. From below this<br />

route appears extremely difficult, but incut<br />

horizontals provide great gear and monster<br />

jugs for pulling the roofs. Rack to #4 Camalot,<br />

optional doubles of a .75 and #1 Camalot (80’)<br />

FA: Russell Rainey<br />

climber: Andrew Childs<br />

photo: Cole Fennel<br />

35 36 38 39 40<br />

41<br />

34 37<br />

42<br />

43<br />

40 Okiehomo is OK 5.11a<br />

Climb the first part of Rock Wrestlin’ to the<br />

low ledge and then move onto the left face at<br />

a bolt. Continue past a piece of gear and three<br />

more bolts with sustained, dirty crimping to<br />

the ledge level with Scarlet’s anchors. Finish<br />

straight up with the quality, yet unhygienic,<br />

face protected by horizontal cracks. Aim about<br />

10ft left of the obvious cedar tree to a set of<br />

anchors blocked from view.<br />

4 bolts, Rack to #2 Camalot (80’) FA: Tony Morris<br />

41 Rock Wrestlin’ 5.8<br />

Make a few easy moves to gain the low<br />

ledge and work up the (often wet) rightfacing<br />

offwidth crack to another ledge. A<br />

short section of easy chimneying melds into a<br />

mellow finish. Belay from the obvious cedar.<br />

No Anchors. Rack to #5 Camalot (80’)<br />

42 Junior Achievement 5.7<br />

Climb the left-facing dihedral with a quality<br />

layback section midway up to an easy finish.<br />

Belay from the obvious cedar.<br />

No Anchors. Rack to #4 Camalot (80’)<br />

FA: Randy Hayden, Jim Bodenhamer 02/84<br />

The Nose<br />

41<br />

40<br />

44 45 46 47 48 51<br />

49 52 53 54 55<br />

43<br />

42<br />

50<br />

56 57 58<br />

The Footstool<br />

59<br />

60<br />

61<br />

43 The Nose 5.9+<br />

See opposite page.<br />


62 63 64 65 66<br />

2-3min<br />

to Queen for a Day<br />

The Party Ledge Wall (routes 44-48) - These<br />

routes all end on the spacious Party Ledge.<br />

Good length and exposure accompany the<br />

climbing.<br />

44 Teenage Wasteland 5.8 PG<br />

Begin in a crack five feet left of an obvious<br />

left-facing dihedral capped by a low roof. Jam<br />

up to a ledge and then climb a left-facing<br />

dihedral to its end. Move up and left, into<br />

a chossy crack system, and follow it around<br />

the right side of a bulge to anchors on Party<br />

Ledge. Rack to #4 Camalot (70’)<br />

45 Pepsi Challenge 5.7+<br />

Start just right of an arête at a three foot high<br />

roof. Climb to a ledge at about 12ft and move<br />

right into a left-facing dihedral that eventually<br />

turns into a flake. W<strong>here</strong> the flake ends, run<br />

out easy terrain up to a bolt and continue on<br />

to Party Ledge. Set a directional and walk right<br />

to Heartbreak Highway’s anchors.<br />

1 bolt, SR (75’)<br />

FA: Jim Bodenhamer, J.D. McCay, Mike Sanders, et al 02/84<br />

46 Heartbreak Highway 5.10a<br />

If this route saw a bit more traffic it would<br />

most certainly receive three stars. Climb<br />

the obvious, thin left-facing dihedral crack<br />

through a low roof and continue past a<br />

ledge and another minor roof to anchors on<br />

Party Ledge. The small roofs provide the only<br />

challenging climbing on the pitch. (70’)<br />

FA: Kevin Short, Paul Holland 04/83<br />

FFA: Jim Bodenhamer, Randy Hayden 02/84<br />

47 Fishwife Freeway 5.9 PG<br />

Begin in a right-facing dihedral with a low<br />

roof. Pull over the cruxy roof and follow the<br />

corner past a ledge and over another roof to<br />

Party Ledge. Traverse left and share anchors<br />

with Heartbreak Highway. Some of the rock<br />

quality on the upper part of the pitch requires<br />

careful maneuvering. (70’)<br />

FA: Kevin Short 11/83<br />



The Stark Wall – This wall, the most popular<br />

section of D-Rock, is named after Stark Ligon<br />

(D-Rock’s most prominent developer), even<br />

though he openly resented the idea of having<br />

any of the routes named after him. This may<br />

be the reason why the names stuck so well.<br />

The Stark Wall begins about 50ft uphill from<br />

Orange Kush on the left side of a detached<br />

flake. All of the routes <strong>here</strong> stay dry in the<br />

rain, except for Antichrist Superstar and the<br />

last move of Stark Naked, though the wall can<br />

seep in a downpour.<br />

7 The Dardanelle Aid Route 5.8 C1<br />

This is likely one of the first lines done at<br />

D-Rock. Just right of Antichrist, climb easy<br />

cracks formed by the left side of the detached<br />

flake up to a 20ft thin crack section leading to<br />

anchors under the big roof. This pitch will go<br />

free and looks to be in the hard 5.13 range.<br />

1 bolt (55’)<br />

8 Antichrist 5.11c<br />

Start on a small, detached flake and move<br />

up and right to the first bolt. A long move at<br />

the second bolt unleashes the beta-intensive<br />

pumpy finish. Lower off at the first set of<br />

anchors. 5 bolts (45’) FA: Jason Cook 2006<br />

9 Antichrist Superstar 5.13a<br />

This is a four-bolt extension to Antichrist. A<br />

crux sequence above the first set of chains<br />

leads to a shake on a giant protruding block<br />

below the roof. Bust another hard move over<br />

the roof then continue with slightly-runout<br />

5.10 climbing to the anchor. 10 bolts (75’)<br />

FA: Jason Cook 2006<br />

10 Rebel Yell 5.12a<br />

A classic Yell county pump-fest. Interpret<br />

committing as well as hard-to-read moves to<br />

a good shake above the fourth bolt. Athletic<br />

pulls then lead to the left-angling traverse<br />

(usually the site of forearm failure) and into<br />

the last few feet of Annihilator. Hard for the<br />

grade. 8 bolts (60’)<br />

FA: Cole Fennel 2009 Equipper: Jason Cook<br />

11 Annihilator 5.12a<br />

Stickclip the first bolt to protect the awkward<br />

moves and gain a set of pockets at the first<br />

bolt. From the pockets, dyno up and right to a<br />

jug, and then work a series of difficult moves<br />

to a good rest at the fourth bolt. One final<br />

challenging move gives way to less difficult<br />

climbing above. 6 bolts (55’) FA: Jason Cook 2006<br />

88 www. ixed in.com<br />

12 Annihilated 5.13a<br />

Climb Annihilator to the anchors and continue<br />

past a V6 boulder problem crux to a second set<br />

of anchors. 8 bolts (65’) FA: Jason Cook 2006<br />

13 The Stark-a-Nator 5.12b<br />

This awesome link-up connects Annihilator’s<br />

bouldery moves with the famed Stark Naked<br />

finish via a leftward-diagonaling strata<br />

comprised of classic Dardanelle mis-angled<br />

holds. Begin the traverse at the fifth bolt of<br />

Annihilator. 8 bolts (70’)<br />

FA: Jason Cook 2009 Equipper: Cole Fennel<br />

14 Stark Naked 5.12c<br />

Stark Naked’s exceptional blend of power,<br />

technique and endurance, mixed with the<br />

famed redpoint crux traverse to the anchors<br />

has earned it the crown-jewel status of D-Rock.<br />

Start in a right-angling crack, bust out the<br />

first hard move, and take advantage of the<br />

route’s only true rest. From <strong>here</strong> the climbing<br />

gets consistently harder and more technical.<br />

A powerful and delicate boulder problem at<br />

the last bolt is the single hardest move, but<br />

the ensuing traverse to the arête stymies many<br />

redpointers. 7 bolts (55’)<br />

FA: Jason Cook 2007 Equipper: Stark Ligon<br />


Listed below are the five most<br />

prominent link-ups on the wall.<br />

8a The Anti-Stark 5.12b<br />

Climb all the way to the anchors atop<br />

Antichrist (but don’t clip them to avoid<br />

horrendous rope drag), make a committing<br />

traverse left into Rebel Yell, and diagonal left<br />

all the way into the ever-feared finish of Stark<br />

Naked. 11 bolts<br />

10a Yell Christ 5.11d<br />

Climb Rebel Yell but at the sixth bolt traverse<br />

up and right a few moves to the Antichrist<br />

anchors. 6 bolts<br />

10b Yell County Superstar 5.13a<br />

Climb Yell Christ but extend the line to the<br />

top via Antichrist Superstar. 11 bolts<br />

10c The Naked Rebel 5.12b<br />

An endurance test piece; very pumpy for the<br />

grade. Start on Rebel Yell, but at the last bolt<br />

traverse left into Stark Naked to face a heartbreaker<br />

redpoint crux at the last bolt. 11 bolts<br />

10d The Annihilated Rebel 5.13a<br />

Climb Rebel Yell into Annihilated. 10 bolts<br />

14<br />

The Stark Wall<br />

13<br />

11<br />

12<br />

10<br />


8<br />

9<br />



North Idaho Boulders (31-60) – See<br />

the approach description (p112) for how to<br />

locate them.<br />

Moondye Boulder<br />

31 Frightened and Horny V0 !!<br />

Wander up the fun, but incredibly tall lowangled<br />

wall on good holds.<br />

32 Chuck Wagon V4<br />

Initiate on a low jug, work up to bad holds,<br />

chuck for the obvious jug, and top out.<br />

33 Cloud of Stars V9<br />

Although originally graded V7, most people<br />

feel this is the hardest line on the boulder.<br />

From a good, low starting hold, climb straight<br />

up to the left-leaning arête feature. Go big for<br />

the lip.<br />

34 Kung Fu V8<br />

Start as for Cloud of Stars, but diagonal left<br />

into Moondye.<br />

35 Moondye V9<br />

A dream problem for some, but a devastating<br />

nemesis for most. Sit-start using a left crimp<br />

and a right sidepull. Desperate, frictiondependent<br />

sidepulls lead to the top.<br />

Moondye Boulder<br />

35<br />

36<br />

34<br />

36 Moondye Stand V5<br />

Stand-start and climb the top half of Moondye.<br />

37 Make You Cuss V2<br />

Climb the right side of the low-angled arête.<br />

This is a great warm-up for Old English.<br />

33<br />

37<br />

Make You Cuss<br />

32<br />

Moondye Boulder<br />

Treebeard 5.7 (p109)<br />

Hackberry Crack 5.9- (p109)<br />


116 www. ixed in.com<br />

117<br />

31<br />

32<br />

Warm-up Wall<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

55<br />

37<br />

Man Back<br />

38 The Good Stuff V0<br />

Start five feet left of a leaning boulder on<br />

obvious holds. Move up and left to top out.<br />

39 Warm-up Traverse V0<br />

Start on The Good Stuff, then traverse left and<br />

finish on Up and at Em’.<br />

40 Short Dihedral V0<br />

Sit-start and climb the short dihedral.<br />

42<br />

Warm-up Wall<br />

41<br />

40<br />

39<br />

38<br />

39<br />

53<br />

38<br />

54<br />

52<br />

57<br />

60<br />

The Black Slabs<br />

41<br />

40<br />

56<br />

59<br />

42<br />

48<br />

47<br />

Miho Boulder<br />

49<br />

51<br />

46<br />

50<br />

58<br />

45<br />

43<br />

44<br />

41 Up and at Em’ V1<br />

Sit-start with big holds. Move up and slightly<br />

right to the topout.<br />

42 The Pocketeer V0<br />

Begin matched in the obvious pockets and<br />

move straight up.<br />

Rhonda Watkins, High Five (V4) p118 photo: Cole Fennel


62 63<br />

61 Coup de Grace Direct 5.10a<br />

This once fine sport route is now reduced<br />

to empty holes in the rock, but the anchors<br />

remain. The route pulls the crux of Coup de<br />

Grace then continues straight up. (60’)<br />

62 Flat Bottom Girls 5.7<br />

This is the left-leaning, right-facing dihedral<br />

left of Ode to a Portly Man. The crux is pulling<br />

through the low, flared section. At the end of<br />

the corner, walk left to use Coup de Grace’s<br />

anchors or finish up with the easy wide crack.<br />

63 Ode to a Portly Man 5.11b<br />

Start on the right side of the gently<br />

overhanging wall. Climb up the steep terrain<br />

passing four bolts. Climb straight up, trending<br />

left toward the top and slinging chickenheads<br />

for pro. The crux is between the first and<br />

second bolt. Make sure not to blow the second<br />

clip. 4 bolts, Slings for chickenheads (60’)<br />

FA: Clay Frisbie, Chandler Schooler, Mike Stites 08/96<br />

64 Fat City 5.7 PG<br />

Start by climbing the chimney system, just<br />

right of Ode to a Portly Man, to a good ledge<br />

on the right. Then enjoy the short offset thin<br />

crack until it abruptly widens to body size.<br />

From <strong>here</strong>, climb big holds on the right face<br />

or wiggle up the chimney to the top. Both<br />

finishes are slightly run out. No Anchors. (60’)<br />

65 Cassi’s Nightmare 5.9+<br />

Climb 20ft up to the obvious right-leaning<br />

offwidth and follow it to its end on a lowangled<br />

wall capped by a roof. To finish, either<br />

pull over the roof in a hand crack (5.10) or skirt<br />

the base of the roof on the left (5.6).<br />

Rack: .5 -#4 Camalot, with (2) #3 and #4 (75’)<br />

300 www. ixed in.com<br />

Ode to a Portly Man<br />

64<br />

66 Fists of Aggression 5.10a<br />

This route is easily identified by the fist-sized<br />

roof crack low on the route. Climb moss coated<br />

low-angled rock to the base of the roof. Pull<br />

over the roof with strenuous jams and face<br />

holds and finish up the left-angling dihedral<br />

passing a few patches of vegetation before the<br />

route gullies out near the top. Originally given<br />

5.8, Fists of Aggression, may still feel a little<br />

sandbagged at its current rating.<br />

Rack to a #4 Camalot (75’)<br />

67 Reptilian 5.9<br />

Stem up the mossy, flaring start without much<br />

pro to a ledge at the base of the roof. Jam a<br />

few crux moves around the roof and cruise<br />

good holds into and through the hanging<br />

dihedral to a ledge with anchors.<br />

SR, with an optional #4 Camalot (70’)<br />

68 The Wasp 5.9 PG<br />

Climb up rotten rock through a low bulge<br />

and then through a larger roof that is much<br />

easier than it appears. Near the top, negotiate<br />

another short section of offwidth.<br />

No Anchors. SR, with (2) #5 Camalots (55’)<br />

The Ramp<br />

69 The Ramp 5.5<br />

This is used as a common approach to either<br />

of the Main Bluffs and The Throne (see the<br />

approach descriptions, p277) Climb the easy<br />

ramp using the crack and holds left of it. (45’)<br />

70 Broken Ankles 5.10b R<br />

Begin just right of The Ramp on an obvious<br />

boulder and climb the also obvious line of<br />

face holds to the first bomber piece in the<br />

horizontal 25ft up. Then follow the path of<br />

least resistance on dirty rock to the top and<br />

build a belay. (45’)<br />

FA: Clay Frisbie, Jon Von Canon 1987<br />

69<br />

70<br />

Steve Levin, Windy Arm Buster (5.10d) p302<br />

photo: Cole Fennel

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