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lab's integr<strong>it</strong>y. After 3-4 weeks, Oyster mushrooms<br />

will fru<strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>hin their containers, often<br />

forcing a path through the closures. If unnoticed,<br />

mushrooms will sporulate directly in the laboratory,<br />

threatening all the other cultures.<br />

The laboratory's health can be measured by<br />

the collective v<strong>it</strong>al<strong>it</strong>y of hundreds of cultures,<br />

the lack of diseases, and the divers<strong>it</strong>y of strains.<br />

Once filled to capac<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>h the mycelia of various<br />

species, the lab can be viewed as one<br />

thermodynamically active, biological engine.<br />

The cultivator orchestrates the development of<br />

all these individuals, striving to synchronize<br />

development, en masse, to meet the needs of<br />

the growing rooms.<br />

Success in mushroom cultivation is tantamount<br />

to not cultivating contaminants.<br />

Confounding success is that you, the caretaker<br />

cultivator, are resplendent w<strong>it</strong>h legions of mlcroflora.<br />

Individuals vary substantially in their<br />

microbial fall-out. Smokers, pet owners, and<br />

even some persons are endemically more contaminated<br />

than others. Once contamination is<br />

released into the laboratory, spores soon find<br />

su<strong>it</strong>able niches, from which a hundred-fold<br />

more contaminants will spring forth at the earliest<br />

opportun<strong>it</strong>y. As this cycle starts, all means<br />

must be enacted to prevent outright mayhem.<br />

Contamination outbreaks resemble dominos<br />

falling, and is soon overwhelming to all but the<br />

most prepared. The only recourse is the mandatory<br />

shutting down of the entire<br />

laboratory—the removal of all incubating cultures,<br />

and the necessary return to stock<br />

cultures. After purging the lab of virtually everything,<br />

a strong solution of bleach is used for<br />

repet<strong>it</strong>ive cleaning in short sequence. Three<br />

days in row of repet<strong>it</strong>ive cleaning is usually<br />

sufficient. Clearly, prevention is a far better<br />

policy than dealing w<strong>it</strong>h contaminants after the<br />

fact.<br />

No matter how well the laboratory is designed,<br />

the cultivator and his/her helpers<br />

ultimately hold the key to success or failure.<br />

Each individual can differ substantially in<br />

their potential threat to a clean room. Here's a<br />

poignant example. At one time when contamination<br />

was on an upward spiral, I had<br />

eliminated all the vectors of contamination except<br />

one: the MCU's, mobile contamination<br />

un<strong>it</strong>s—which includes people and other mobile<br />

organisms. Determined to track down the<br />

source, I brought in an expensive airborne particulate<br />

meter, used commonly by the<br />

computer industry to judge the qual<strong>it</strong>y of<br />

clean rooms. This un<strong>it</strong> measured airborne<br />

contamination per cubic meter through a<br />

range of particle sizes, from .10 microns to<br />

>10 microns.<br />

Several fascinating results were observed.<br />

One obvious measurement was that, in a calm<br />

air room, 100 times more particulates were<br />

w<strong>it</strong>hin one foot of the floor than were w<strong>it</strong>hin a<br />

foot of the ceiling. Truly, the air is an invisible<br />

sea of contaminants. What was most surprising<br />

was the contamination fall-out from each employee.<br />

Standing each employee in the<br />

airstream coming from the laminar flow bench,<br />

I recorded downwind particle counts. The contamination<br />

source was immediately identified:<br />

an employee was generating nearly 20 times<br />

the contamination fall-out than anyone else.<br />

The dirty employee was summarily banned<br />

from the laboratory. Soon thereafter, the integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

of the laboratory was restored... The lesson<br />

learned— that humans carry their own universe<br />

of contaminants—and are the greatest<br />

threat to clean room integr<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

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