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pressure and lipid levels (Kabir et al., (1989)), influence on blood glucose levels (Kimura et al.,<br />

(1989)), and presence of jmjnuno-modulating proteins (Kino et al., (1989)). T. Mizuno summarized<br />

the historical development of compounds extracted fromthis mushroom in Chemical Times, (3): 50-<br />

60, 1989. (For more<br />

information, see Nish<strong>it</strong>oba et al. (1984), Jifeng et al. (1985), Hirotani et al.<br />

(1985),Satoetal. (1986),Tanaka(1989),andJong(l99L))<br />

Studies by Stavinoha (1990) on mice at the Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio showed<br />

that unextracted "gill powder" (sic) or ether extracts of the mushrooms showed significant anti-inflammatory<br />

activ<strong>it</strong>y, comparable to hydrocortisone. Weil (1993) noted that <strong>it</strong> is difficult to reconcile<br />

that a mushroom could both be an immune stimulator and an anti-inflammatory agent. His point is<br />

that anti-inflammatory agents generally suppress immune function, not enhance <strong>it</strong>. However, many<br />

forms of arthr<strong>it</strong>is are viewed as auto-immune disorders. If the mode of activ<strong>it</strong>y of G. lucidum is to act<br />

as an immuno-modulator, not an immuno-stimulator, then this contradiction in viewpoints is<br />

reconciliable.<br />

At the Fifth International Mycological Congress convened in Vancouver, Br<strong>it</strong>ish Columbia, Dr.<br />

B .K. Kim et al. (1994) reported that a low molecular weight polysaccharide fraction, isolated from<br />

Ganoderma luciduin, prolonged the survival of human lymphocytes<br />

after exposure to HIV, comparing<br />

favorably w<strong>it</strong>h healthy cells in terms of longev<strong>it</strong>y. Lymphocytes not treated w<strong>it</strong>h this<br />

polysaccharide died shortly after exposure to the virus. Clinical studies on are going in Korea. Patents<br />

are planned. To my knowledge, no juried reports have been published to date.<br />

According to Willard (1990) who compiled a review of Reishi's properties, this mushroom can<br />

cure cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, liver degeneration, blood disorders and practically every<br />

other modern malady to affect human kind. (No wonder Reishi is also known as the "Panacea<br />

Polypore"!) However, to date, no defin<strong>it</strong>ive, long-term, double-blind studies w<strong>it</strong>h human patients suffering<br />

from cancer (or other diseases) have been reported in the English l<strong>it</strong>erature. Studies w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

human patients at the Inst<strong>it</strong>ute of Materia Medica (Beijing, China) in 1983, showed that Ling Chi had<br />

no significant effect against lung cancer after radiation therapy whereas Zhu Ling (Polyporus<br />

umbellatus) was effective. (Stamets &Weil, 1983).<br />

I have been told by native Chinese that Ling Chi is trad<strong>it</strong>ionally given to men by women (or an intermediary<br />

messenger) to express sexual interest as Ling Chi purportedly stimulates sexual viril<strong>it</strong>y,<br />

especially in older men.The antler form is preferred. No medical evidence has been published to support<br />

this claim.<br />

Flavor, Preparation & Cooking: Typically extracted in hot water for teas, tinctures, syrups, &<br />

soups. My family enjoys making a tea from fresh, living specimens, breaking them into pieces,<br />

boiling in water for 5 minutes and then steeping for 30 minutes. The tea is reheated to a desired<br />

temperature, strained and served, w<strong>it</strong>hout sweeteners. If a daily regimen of Ling Chi tea is followed,<br />

as l<strong>it</strong>tle as 3-5 grams per person has been trad<strong>it</strong>ionally prescribed. The antler forms, w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

a reduced hymenial package, have a rich, mildly sweet, and soothing flavor reaction. The well<br />

developed conk forms reveal a more b<strong>it</strong>ter after-taste. Yellow strains are more often b<strong>it</strong>ter than<br />

the red and black strains.<br />

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