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Figure 122. Inoculating mycelium into an Eberbach<br />

holding sterilized water.<br />

any contaminated surface. Each Erlenmeyer is<br />

placed on stir plates or on a shaker table and<br />

rotated at 100-200 rpm. for 48-72 hours. The<br />

water broth is continuously stirred to allow transpiration<br />

of metabolic gases and oxygen<br />

absorption. The fluid has a milky-brown color<br />

and is not translucent. Settling of the heavier<br />

components is clearly visible when the stirring<br />

process is interrupted.<br />

Upon completion, 3000 millil<strong>it</strong>ers of mycelium<br />

are rendered in liquid form. The hyphae,<br />

recovering from the damage of being cut by the<br />

spinning blades of the blender, are stimulated<br />

into vigorous re-growthAt a point several cells<br />

away from the cut ends, nodes form on the cell<br />

walls, new buds push out, and branch. A vast,<br />

interconnected fabric of cells, a mycelial network,<br />

forms. The branches fork continuously.<br />

After two to four days of re-growth in the nutrient<br />

enriched broth, each Erlenmeyer flask<br />


becomes <strong>it</strong>s own universe, hosting thousands of<br />

star-shaped, three dimensional colonies of<br />

mycelium. This is the stage idealfor inoculation<br />

into sterilized substrates, especially in the generation<br />

of grain spawn masters. (See Figure<br />

120). Far more bioactive than the same mycehum<br />

transferred from the two-dimensional<br />

surface of a petri dish, each hyphal cluster<br />

grows at an accelerated rate subsequent to transfer<br />

to the grain media.<br />

If, however, the liquid media is not used at <strong>it</strong>s<br />

peak rate of growth, and stirs for nearly a week,<br />

the colonies lose their independence and coalesce<br />

into a clearly visible contiguous mycelial<br />

mat. Long mycelial colonies adhere to the interface<br />

of the fluid surface and the inside of the<br />

flask. Chains of mycelium collect downstream<br />

from the direction of rotation. Soon after their<br />

appearance, often overnight, the media becomes<br />

translucent and takes on a rich amber color. A<br />

large glob of mycelium collects on the surface<br />

and can be mechanically retrieved w<strong>it</strong>h a pair of<br />

tweezers, forceps, or scalpel, if desired. The remaining<br />

clear amber fluid contains super-fine<br />

satell<strong>it</strong>e colonies and hyphal fragments. Bypassing<br />

the fluid through a microporous filter, the<br />

mycelium can be recaptured. This technique is<br />

especially attractive for those whose goal is running<br />

tests on small batches of myceium. W<strong>it</strong>h<br />

many species I have grown, the conversion ratio<br />

of sugar/wood to mycehium (dry weight) approaches<br />

20%. This percentage of conversion is<br />

nearly 80% biological efficiency, considered<br />

good in the commercial cultivation of gourmet<br />

mushrooms.<br />

Step 6 Each of the three Erlenmeyer flasks<br />

now contains 1000 ml. of nutrient, myceliumrich<br />

broth.At 30 ml. per transfer, 100 1/2 gallon<br />

(2 l<strong>it</strong>er) grain-filled jars can be inoculated. Here<br />

too, a pipette, back-filled syringe, burette, or<br />

pump can be used. I prefer "free-pouring" 30<br />

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