Common Edible Mushrooms

Common Edible Mushrooms

Common Edible Mushrooms


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29. Lepiota morgani 57<br />

30. Lepiota morgani, showing gills 58<br />

31. Lepiota rachodes 59<br />

32. Lepiota rachodes, close-up view 59<br />

33. Marasmius oreades (Fairy-ring Mushroom), growing in a<br />

fairy ring 61<br />

34. Marasmius oreades, close-up view 61<br />

35. Panus rudis 64<br />

36. Pleurotus ulmarius, mature plant 64<br />

37. Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom) 64<br />

38. Pleurotus sapidus 64<br />

39. Pleurotus ulmarius, young plant 66<br />

40. Pholiota adiposa (Fatty Pholiota) 69<br />

41. Clitopilus abortivus 71<br />

42. Pluteus cervinus 71<br />

43. Agaricus abruptibulba, young plants 74<br />

44. Agaricus abruptibulba 75<br />

45. Agaricus campestris (Field Mushroom) 76<br />

46. Agaricus rodmani (Rodman's Mushroom) 76<br />

47. Hypholoma incertum (Uncertain Hypholoma) 78<br />

48. Hypholoma sublateritium (Brick-red Hypholoma) 79<br />

49. Coprinus atramentarius (Inky Cap) 81<br />

50. Coprinus micaceus (Mica Cap or Inky Cap) 81<br />


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