Willamette Valley Biota Study up to 600 ft

Willamette Valley Biota Study up to 600 ft

Willamette Valley Biota Study up to 600 ft


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GoTo 46 The <strong>Willamette</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, the 4th of 8 Surveys.<br />

With designated times & areas. 1<br />

Survey 4 Beginning date: 04/00/07 - 11/16/11<br />

The development of an on going, picture documented, <strong>Willamette</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Ecological <strong>Study</strong> by the Pacific<br />

Northwest Mycological Association (PNWMA) officially began on April 15, 2007 with the assistance of the<br />

Portland chapter of the NPSO. The study will be ongoing. It is being compiled in<strong>to</strong> a PowerPoint program<br />

called “The Ecology of The <strong>Biota</strong> of The <strong>Willamette</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.” This is the fourth in a series of eight ecological<br />

studies of Oregon’s mushrooms, plants, and insects, etc, being produced by PNWMA. The first study was of<br />

Kings Mountain, the second was of Dri<strong>ft</strong> Creek Environmental Center at Old Growth (Habitats like Dri<strong>ft</strong><br />

Creek Camp), the third was of the mid Oregon Coast, the Fi<strong>ft</strong>h is of the Northern OR Southern WA Cascades,<br />

th<br />

Sixth is the <strong>up</strong>per <strong>Willamette</strong> Water Shed, The 7 is of the Southern OR Cascades and Siskiyous, and the<br />

Eight is Central <strong>to</strong> Eastern Oregon.<br />

Note: Miscellaneous plants not in flower, or <strong>to</strong> immature <strong>to</strong> identify where not studied as documenting the<br />

plant the pho<strong>to</strong> of its inflorescence is the primary objective. Fungi is documented by its fruit.<br />

Most of the plants in this series can be found in a sister program called “RoadSide Plants of Yamhill<br />

County.” Plants pho<strong>to</strong>graphed in this survey where pictured a<strong>ft</strong>er the Roadside Program was developed.<br />

Please report errors <strong>to</strong> pnwma1@frontier.com or call 503 474 0775.<br />

Plants/Fungi Pictured in 2010 - 2012 unless othewise listed as “np = no picture”:<br />

Arum Family, Araceae<br />

Aster Family, Asteraceae.<br />

Bidens cernua, Nodding Beggartick. 09-09-09<br />

Bidens tripartita, Beggartick. 09-09-09<br />

Balsam Family/ Touch-me-not, Balsaminaceae<br />

Impatiens capensis, Jewelweed.<br />

Barberry family. Berberidaceae<br />

Birthwort family, Aris<strong>to</strong>lochiaceae<br />

Bleeding Heart Family (Fumi<strong>to</strong>ry Family) (now put in<strong>to</strong><br />

Papaveraceae by some)<br />

Borage Family, Boraginaceae.<br />

Broomrape Family, Orobanchaceae.<br />

Buckthorn Family, Rhamnaceae<br />

Buckwheat Family, Polygonaceae<br />

Butterc<strong>up</strong> Family, Ranunculaceae.<br />

Carrot family, Apiaceae.<br />

jjjjj<br />

Cactus family, Cactaceae.<br />

Caper family (Capparaceae) Cleomaceae<br />

Currant Family, Grossulariaceae<br />

Dogwood Family, Cornaceae.<br />

Goosefoot Family, Chenopodiaceae<br />

Currant/Gooseberry Family, Grossulariaceae<br />

Evening primrose family, Onagraceae.<br />

Figwort Family, Scrophulariaceae.<br />

Lopseed family, Phrymaceae)<br />

Gentian Family, Gentianaceae<br />

Geranium Family, Geraniaceae.<br />

Heath or Rhododendron Family, Ericaceae.<br />

Indian Pipe family, Monotropaceae.<br />

1<br />

(np)=no picture; MVR = Muddy <strong>Valley</strong> Rd; MWP = Maude Williams Park; WV = <strong>Willamette</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>; YC = Yamhill County<br />


Honeysuckle Family. Caprifoliaceae (Linnaeaceae).<br />

Hyacinthaceae<br />

Chionodoxa luciliae (forbesii) “gigantea gro<strong>up</strong>,” Glory-of-the-<br />

Snow/ Pink Giant.<br />

Hydrangea Family, Hydrangeacea<br />

Iris Family, Iridaceae<br />

Lily Family, Liliaceae<br />

Erythronium revolutum, Fawn Lily.<br />

Camassia leichtlinii var ‘alba’, Theresa’s Ghost Camas, or<br />

White Indian Quamash. MVR<br />

Madder Family, Rubiaceae<br />

Mallow Family, Malvaceae.<br />

Malva neglecta, Cheese Plant.<br />

Meadowfoam Family,<br />

Morning-glory family, Convolvulaceae<br />

Mint Family, Lamiaceae<br />

Mustard Family, Brassicaceae.<br />

Nightshade Family, Solanaceae<br />

Solanum sarrachoides.<br />

Orchid Family, Orchidaceae<br />

Cephalanthera austiniae, Phan<strong>to</strong>m Orchid.<br />

Piperia Platanthera, Rein Orchid.<br />

Oxalis or Wood-sorrel Family<br />

Parsley (Carrot) Family, Apiaceae<br />

Pea Family, Fabaceae.<br />

Pink Family, Caryophyllaceae.<br />

Parsley Family. Apiaceae<br />

Phlox Family, Polemoniaceae.<br />

Pitcher Plant Family, Sarraceniaceae.<br />

Plantain Family, Plantaginaceae.<br />

Plumbago family, Plumbaginaceae<br />

Poppy Family, Papaveraceae<br />

Primrose family, Primulaceae<br />

Purslane Family, Portulacaceae<br />

Rose Family, Rosaceae.<br />

Crataegus douglasii, Black Hawthorn. TReserve.<br />

St. John's Wort Family, Hypericaceae<br />

Saxifrage Family, Saxifragaceae<br />

Shinleaf family, Pyrolaceae<br />

.<br />

Silk-tassel Family, Garryaceae H339<br />

Sundew family. Droseraceae<br />

S<strong>to</strong>necrop Family, Crassulaceae<br />

Sweet Gale Family, Myricaceae<br />

Valerian family, Valerianaceae.<br />

Violet Family, Violaceae<br />

Viola odorata, Sweet Garden Violet.<br />

WaterLeaf Family, Hydrophyllaceae<br />

Water Milfoil family, Haloragaceae<br />

Water Lily Family, Nymphaeaceae.<br />

Water Plantain Family, Alismataceae<br />

Water Weed Family, Hydrocharitaceae<br />

Water Starwort Family, Callitrichaceae<br />

Trees:<br />

C<strong>up</strong>ressaceae<br />

Ferns:<br />

Dryopteridaceae<br />

Pteridaceae.<br />

Woodsiaceae;<br />

Selaginellaceae<br />

Selaginella wallacei. HTR 04-16-11.<br />


**<br />

Notes:<br />

Mushrooms and fungi Pictured:<br />

1 Ascomycetes.<br />

2 Caloscyphaceae (Pezizales).<br />

3 Discinaceae (Pezizales).<br />

4 Gyromytria esculenta, Brain Mushroom.<br />

5 Elaphomycetaceae<br />

6 Helminthosphaeriaceae<br />

7 Helotiales<br />

8 Ascocoryne sarcoides, “Schizo-Jelly Fungus.”<br />

9 Helvellaceae<br />

10 Helvella lacunosa, Elfin Saddle.<br />

11 Hypocreaceae<br />

12 Hypomyces lactifluorum, Lobster Mushroom.<br />

13 Morchellaceae (Pezizales);<br />

14 Morchella esculenta, “The Blonde Morel.”<br />

15 Morchella elata, Black Morels.<br />

16 Mucorineae<br />

17 Mucorale spp, (Zygomycota).<br />

18 Niaceae<br />

19 Lachnella alboviolascens<br />

20 Pyronemataceae<br />

21 Otedia leporina, Ear C<strong>up</strong> Fungus/ Hare’s Ear.<br />

22 Otidea onotica,<br />

23 Pezizaceae<br />

24 Peziza sp.<br />

25 Peziza, cf, Reddish-brown Fairy C<strong>up</strong>.<br />

26 Peziza repanda, Another Fairy C<strong>up</strong>.<br />

27 Pyronemataceae, Pezizales<br />

28 Pyronema omphalodes = Pyronema confluens<br />

29 Tuberaceae<br />

30 Barssia oregonensis.<br />

31 Xylariaceae<br />

32 Xylaria hypoxylon, Staghorn Fungus.<br />

33 Basidiomycetes.<br />

34 Agaricaceae<br />

Agaricus sp. Like a Meadow Mushroom.<br />

Agaricus osecanus, Clydesdale Mushrooms.<br />

Agaricus arvensis, Horse Mushroom.<br />

Agaricus silvaticus, Woodland Agaric.<br />

Agaricus abr<strong>up</strong>tibulbus, Abr<strong>up</strong>t Agaricus. 2-17-10<br />

Agaricus campestris, Meadow Mushroom. 10-10-07<br />

Agaricus subrutilescens, “Downey Stemmed Agaricus.” 11-<br />

07007<br />

Agaricus subrutilescens var. “atrodisca,” Downey Stemmed<br />

Agaricus.<br />

Agaricus praeclaresquamosus, Flat Topped Agaric.<br />

Agaricus hondensis.<br />

Agaricus agustus, The Prince. 05-08-06<br />

Leucoagaricus leucothites, White Agaric. 11-01-09<br />

Calvatia gigantea, Giant Puffball. 06-12-07<br />

Calvatia booniana, Boone’s Puffball. 05-18-05<br />

Chlorophyllum rachodes Parasol Mushroom. 11-20-09<br />

Coprinus comatus, Shaggy Mane. 11-11-09<br />

Coprinellus micaceous, Mica Coprinus. 06-11-08<br />

Lycoperdon pyriforme, Pear Shaped Puffball. 10-05-07<br />

Scleroderma citrina, cf, Earth Ball. 11-01-09<br />

Scleroderma sp., Thick Skined Puffball. 09-13-09<br />

Vascellum pratense, “Flat Topped Puffball.” 11-15-08<br />

Cyathus striatus, Striated Bird Nest Fungus.<br />

Rhizopogon vinicolor, False Truffle. 11-23-10<br />

Cys<strong>to</strong>derma amianthinum. 11-17-08<br />

Albatrellaceae.<br />

Jahnoporus hirtus, Fuzzy Capped Polypore. 11-07-07<br />

Amanitaceae<br />

Amanita muscaria (var formosa), Fly Agaric. 11-09-06<br />

Amanita (caesarea) Lanei,. 11-07-07<br />

Auriculariales<br />

Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, Toothed Jelly Fungus. 11-15-08<br />

Auriscalpiaceae<br />

Auriscalpium vulgare. 11-15-08<br />

Bankeraceae.<br />

Boletaceae/ Suillaceae<br />

Boletus fibrillosus, False King Bolete. 11-24-07<br />

Boletus affinis<br />

Leccinum scabrum, Scaber Stalk Leccinum. 11-01-09<br />

Suillus caerulescens. 11-06-11<br />

Bolbitiaceae.<br />

Bolbitius vitellinus, Egg-yoke Mushroom. 03-06-10<br />


35 Bondarzewiaceae.<br />

36 Bulgariaceae<br />

37 Bulgaria inquinans. 10-26-07<br />

38 Cantharellales.<br />

39<br />

40 Clavariaceae<br />

41 Clavulinaceae<br />

42 Cortinariaceae.<br />

43 Galerina marginata, Deadly Galerina. 11-06-11<br />

44 Galerina sphagnorum, Moss Loving Galerina. 02-17-10<br />

45 Cantharellaceae<br />

46 Cantharellus cibarius, Chanterelle.<br />

47 Cantharellus cibarius var formosus, Chanterelle<br />

48 Cantharellus formosus, Chanterelle. 10-14-07<br />

49 Clavicipitaceae<br />

50 Clavariadelphaceae<br />

51 Clavulinaceae<br />

52 Coprinaceae<br />

53 Dacrymycetaceae<br />

54 Diplocystidiaceae<br />

55 Discinaceae<br />

56<br />

57 Echinodontiaceae<br />

58 En<strong>to</strong>lomataceae<br />

59 En<strong>to</strong>loma sericeum, Winter En<strong>to</strong>loma. 01-11-10;<br />

60 Fomi<strong>to</strong>psidaceae<br />

61 Phaeolus schweinitzii, Root and Butt Rotter. MWP 10-10-07;<br />

62 Ganodermataceae<br />

63 Ganoderma applanatum, Artist Conk. MVR 10-30-06.<br />

64 Gastromycete<br />

65 Calos<strong>to</strong>ma lutescens (Desert Puffball). YC 01-07-10<br />

66 Gomphaceae<br />

67 Gomphus floccosus.<br />

68 Ramaria araiospora, A Corel Mushroom.<br />

69 Gomphidiaceae<br />

70 Chroogomphus <strong>to</strong>men<strong>to</strong>sus.<br />

71 Gomphidius oregonensis<br />

Hericiaceae<br />

Hericium erinaceus.<br />

Hyaloscyphaceae<br />

Hydnaceae<br />

Hydnangiaceae<br />

Laccaria amethystina<br />

Hygrophoraceae.<br />

Chrysomphalina aurantiaca, The Orange Omphalina.<br />

AKA Omphalina luteicolor.<br />

Hygrophorus agathosmus.<br />

Hygrocybe flavescens, cf<br />

Hygrocybe punicea,.<br />

Hygrophoropsidaceae<br />

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, False Chanterelle.<br />

Hymenochaetaceae.<br />

Inocybaceae<br />

Inocybe rimosa, Straw Capped Inocybe.<br />

Inocybe lilicina, Lavender Inocybe.<br />

Lycoperdaceae & Geastraceae<br />

Lyophyllaceae<br />

Lyophyllum decastes, Fried Chicken Mushroom.<br />

Mycenaceae<br />

Mycena fragillima, Fragile Mycena.<br />

Xeromphalina campanella, Twisted Stemmed Xero.<br />

Mycena citrinomarginata.<br />

Marasmiaceae.<br />

Connopus (Collybia) acervatus, Red Stemmed Collybia.<br />

Panellus serotinus, Winter Chanterelle.<br />

Gymnopus dryophilus, Hardwood Loving Collybia.<br />

Marasmius oreades, Fairy Ring Mushroom.<br />

Hymenochaetaceae<br />

Phellinus ferruginosus, “Rusty Fungus.”<br />

Meruliaceae.<br />

Hydnopolyporus palmatus.<br />

Phlebia rufa, Pink Phlebia.<br />

Irpex lacteus, Jagged Tooth Fungus.<br />

Polyporaceae<br />

Polyporus squamosus, Scaly Polypore.<br />

Physalacriaceae<br />

Armillaria os<strong>to</strong>yae, cf, A Honey Mushroom.<br />


72 Physalacriaceae<br />

73 Strobilurus trullisatus. YC 10-09-07;<br />

74 Phanerochaetaceae<br />

75 Phycomycetaceae<br />

76 Pleosporales<br />

77 Pyronemataceae<br />

78 Pleurotaceae.<br />

79 Pleurotus ostreatus, Oyster mushroom.<br />

80 Pluteaceae<br />

81 Pluteus magnus, A Deer Mushroom. 11-06-07<br />

82 Pluteus flavofuligineus, Another Deer Mushroom. 10-29-09<br />

83 Pluteus petasatus, Deer Mushrooms.<br />

84 Physalacriaceae<br />

85 Phanerochaetaceae.<br />

86 Psathyrellaceae<br />

87 Coprinopsis lagopus.<br />

88 Psathyrella conopilus, Setae Psathyrella.<br />

89 Coprinellus disseminatus, Little Helmets.<br />

90 Pyronemataceae.<br />

91 Russulaceae/(Lactarius);<br />

92 Lacterius <strong>to</strong>rminosus.<br />

93 Lactarius deterrimus, Delicious Milky Cap.<br />

94 Lactarius <strong>to</strong>rminosus, “Pinky Lactarius”.<br />

95 Russula emetica, Very Bitter Russula.<br />

96 Sclerodermataceae, (Sclerodermatales).<br />

97 Sarcoscyphaceae<br />

98 Sarcoscypha (austriaca) coccinea. 02-19-10<br />

99 Sarcosomataceae<br />

100 Sep<strong>to</strong>basidiaceae<br />

101 Stereum rameale = S. complicatum<br />

102 Sparassidaceae.<br />

103 Sparassis radicata, Rooting Cauliflower Mushroom. WV 10-08-<br />

104 05;<br />

105 Stereaceae.<br />

106 Strobilomycetaceae.<br />

107 Strophariaceae<br />

Agrocybe sororia a variation of<br />

Agrocybe praecox, Common Spring Agrocybe.<br />

Agrocybe praecox, Spring Agrocybe,.<br />

Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Poison Pie.<br />

Gymnopilus junonius, Laughing Mushroom.<br />

Hypholoma (Naema<strong>to</strong>loma) fasciculare, Bitter Clustered Wood<br />

Lover.<br />

Pholiota terrestris, Ground Loving Pholita.<br />

Pholiota limonella,.<br />

Stropharia rugosoannulata<br />

Hymenogaster gardneri (Truffle)<br />

Panaeolus phalaenarum, Large Panaeolus.<br />

Suillaceae<br />

Suillus luteus, True Slippery Jack.<br />

Rhizopogonaceae<br />

Tapinellaceae (Boletales)<br />

Tremellaceae<br />

Tricholomataceae.<br />

Leucopaxillus gentianeus, The “White Gilled Paxs.”<br />

Caulorhiza umbonata, Giant Redwood Rooter.<br />

Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe dealbata,<br />

Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe gibba, So<strong>ft</strong> Footed Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe.<br />

Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe odora, The Blue Anise-smelling Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe.<br />

Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe sclero<strong>to</strong>idea.<br />

Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe tarda complex,.<br />

Cli<strong>to</strong>cybe suaveolens.<br />

Cys<strong>to</strong>derma amianthinum,.<br />

Pseudocli<strong>to</strong>cybe oregonensis.<br />

Lepista nuda, Wood Blewit.<br />

Tephrocybe rancida, Syn: Lyophyllum rancidum. MVR 11-06-11<br />

Tricholoma myomyces, Syn Tricholoma terreum<br />

Slime Molds:<br />

Comatricha alta<br />

Seifertia azaleae<br />

Phycomyces nitens<br />

Didymium squamulosum<br />

(Physaraceae)<br />

Physarium (nutans)<br />

Fusarium merismoides. An Anamorphic Gibberella. MP 07-08-11<br />

Trichiaceae<br />

Stemonitidaceae<br />

Reticulariaceae<br />

Xylariaceae<br />


108 Total<br />

109 Bryophytes<br />

110 Moss<br />

111 Orthotrichum lyellii, Lyell´s Bristle-moss.<br />

112 Lichens<br />

113 Usnea Sp.<br />

114 Evernia prunastri, Antlered Perfume Lichen.<br />

115 Liverworts<br />

116 Selaginellaceae.<br />

117 Animals Pictured:<br />

118 Mylitta Crescent, & Phyciodes mylitta,<br />

119 Tualatin Wildlife Preserve<br />

120 Black Blister Beetle - Epicauta puncticollis, cf<br />

121 Tualatin Wildlife Preserve<br />

122 Chrysolina quadrigemina, St. Johnswort Beetle. (Chryso-<br />

123 melidae)<br />

124 Sphaeroceridae > Copromyzinae-Lesser Dung Flies<br />

125 Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys of the Penta<strong>to</strong>midae<br />

126 Ladybird Beetle, a Coccinellid<br />

127 Rough Skinned or Orange Bellied Newt, Taricha granulosa<br />

128 Paper Wasp, Polistes dominula<br />

129 Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus, Oregon Red Sided Garder Snake.<br />

130 A Blister Beetle, Tricrania stansburyi (Tenebrionoidea)<br />

131 Oregon Oak (Tanbark) Borer, Phyma<strong>to</strong>des lecontei, cf, (See<br />

132 also: Tanbark Borer, Phyma<strong>to</strong>des testaceus), Cerambycinae<br />

133 Powder-post Beetle, Trogoxylon aequale, cf , Bostrichidae:<br />

134 Lyctinae<br />

135 Mason Bee, Osmia sp, Megachilidae.<br />

136 Ptenopthrix marmorata, 2mm. Globular Springtail.<br />

137 Sweat Bee, Lasioglossum sp, < 8mm ><br />

138 On Camassia leichtlinii<br />

139 Flower Crab Spider, Misumenops sp. < 1 cm ><br />

140 On Camassia leichtlinii<br />

141 DirtColored Seed Bug,<br />

142 Rhyparochromus vulgaris.<br />

143 Oregon Ground Beetle, Anisodactylus nigrita<br />

144 12 mm long<br />

145 Gooseberry and Currant Sawfly (Nematus ribesii)<br />

146 on the black currant x gooseberry hybrid "josta berry"<br />

147 Green Aphids<br />

148 Long Legged Fungus Gnat, Myce<strong>to</strong>phila sp Of the<br />

149 Myce<strong>to</strong>philidae<br />

150 Mold mites, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, cf<br />

151 Chironomus sp., Midge Larvae.<br />

152 Sweat Bee, Halictidae – Lasioglossum sp, cf<br />

153 Flower Crab Spider, Misumenops sp. < 1 cm > On Camassia<br />

154 leichtlinii<br />

155 DirtColored Seed Bug, Rhyparochromus vulgaris<br />

156 Oregon Ground Beetle, Anisodactylus nigrita 12 mm long<br />

157 Gooseberry and Currant Sawfly (Nematus ribesii) on the black<br />

currant x gooseberry hybrid "josta berry"<br />

Robber Fly, (Machimus snowii?)<br />

Red Bug, Largus cinctus<br />

Ptenoptrix marmorata, Conk Springtail. 11-29-08<br />

Odd Balls:<br />

A Rotifer, Family No<strong>to</strong>mmatidae<br />

Oak Gall<br />

© Jake Hurlbert 2008 - 2012 All Right Reserved.<br />


158 Notes: 162 - 169 needs <strong>to</strong> be entered.<br />

159 Endophragmia unisepta: Inhabits decaying blackish needles of Abies.<br />

160 http://pnwfungi.wsu.edu/programs/searchFungusResult.asp?fungusGenus=Nectria<br />


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