Action Plan - Central Silk Board

Action Plan - Central Silk Board Action Plan - Central Silk Board


CENTRAL SILK BOARD BENGALURU – 560 068 MINUTES OF THE MEETING CONDUCTED FOR PREPARATION OF ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2012-13, HELD AT CENTRAL SILK BOARD, BANGALORE ON 19 th & 20 th MARCH, 2012 The Annual Action Plan Meeting of Central Silk Board for the year 2012-13 was held on 19 th & 20 th March, 2012 at Central Silk Board, Bangalore under the chairpersonship of Ms. Ishita Roy, IAS, Member Secretary, Central Silk Board. Dr B. Saratchandra, Director (Tech) welcomed the chairperson and the participants. The list of participants is given as Annexure I. The Member Secretary once again welcomed the participants and emphasised the need to have the action plan more focused and result oriented particularly at a time when we are entering into XII Plan period. She remarked that: During the XII plan emphasis should be given on the quality of silk especially to produce silk of the grade 3A and above. It is essential to plan meticulously and execute the projects and programs with lucid vision. The Directors of the institutes have to play a crucial role at macro level planning in leading the institutes while the Principal Investigators of each project shall take the total responsibility of implementing the projects including procurement of instruments, consumables, etc, and engaging Research Fellows / manpower if approved under the Project purposefully and effectively. A circular in this regard has already been issued. The Directors should review the progress of the projects on a monthly basis. Attempts should be made to take up research projects in the frontier areas of Research. Apart from 49 on-going projects, 36 new research projects have been approved during 2011-12, and the scientists should work systematically to obtain tangible outcome. It has been noticed that silkworm hybrids like CSR16 X CSR 17 authorised in 1999 are being tried now after a gap of 13 years and GEN 2 X GEN3 authorized for Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh was proposed for transfer in Karnataka. Such types of discrepancies should be avoided and Institutions should work vigorously to popularize the newly authorised silkworm hybrids and mulberry varieties through large-scale trials without losing time irrespective of the progenitors of the breed / variety / hybrid. Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) should be written objectively without any bias. Extension activities viz. Krishi mela should be organised in prior consultation with the respective state sericulture departments and it should be systematically planned. The technology awareness programmes should be organised frequently as it is linked to Research Framework Document (RFD). 1


BENGALURU – 560 068<br />



BANGALORE ON 19 th & 20 th MARCH, 2012<br />

The Annual <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Meeting of <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Silk</strong> <strong>Board</strong> for the year 2012-13 was<br />

held on 19 th & 20 th March, 2012 at <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Silk</strong> <strong>Board</strong>, Bangalore under the<br />

chairpersonship of Ms. Ishita Roy, IAS, Member Secretary, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Silk</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. Dr B.<br />

Saratchandra, Director (Tech) welcomed the chairperson and the participants. The list of<br />

participants is given as Annexure I.<br />

The Member Secretary once again welcomed the participants and emphasised the<br />

need to have the action plan more focused and result oriented particularly at a time when<br />

we are entering into XII <strong>Plan</strong> period. She remarked that:<br />

During the XII plan emphasis should be given on the quality of silk especially to<br />

produce silk of the grade 3A and above.<br />

It is essential to plan meticulously and execute the projects and programs with lucid<br />

vision.<br />

The Directors of the institutes have to play a crucial role at macro level planning in<br />

leading the institutes while the Principal Investigators of each project shall take the<br />

total responsibility of implementing the projects including procurement of<br />

instruments, consumables, etc, and engaging Research Fellows / manpower if<br />

approved under the Project purposefully and effectively. A circular in this regard has<br />

already been issued.<br />

The Directors should review the progress of the projects on a monthly basis.<br />

Attempts should be made to take up research projects in the frontier areas of<br />

Research.<br />

Apart from 49 on-going projects, 36 new research projects have been approved<br />

during 2011-12, and the scientists should work systematically to obtain tangible<br />

outcome.<br />

It has been noticed that silkworm hybrids like CSR16 X CSR 17 authorised in 1999<br />

are being tried now after a gap of 13 years and GEN 2 X GEN3 authorized for Tamil<br />

Nadu and Andhra Pradesh was proposed for transfer in Karnataka. Such types of<br />

discrepancies should be avoided and Institutions should work vigorously to<br />

popularize the newly authorised silkworm hybrids and mulberry varieties through<br />

large-scale trials without losing time irrespective of the progenitors of the breed /<br />

variety / hybrid.<br />

Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) should be written objectively without<br />

any bias.<br />

Extension activities viz. Krishi mela should be organised in prior consultation with<br />

the respective state sericulture departments and it should be systematically<br />

planned. The technology awareness programmes should be organised frequently<br />

as it is linked to Research Framework Document (RFD).<br />


Research projects should be properly planned, organized, executed and monitored<br />

so as to achieve the expected outcome within the time frame. Any delay in starting<br />

or completion of a committed project, abandonment in between, not reaching the<br />

goals or fulfilling the objectives, etc. shall lead to losing the weightage in RFD.<br />

Although many projects have been concluded as targeted, very few yielded<br />

utilisable output. Hence the RFD should be linked to the output.<br />

Under RFD, the performance of each institute is evaluated mainly based on the<br />

following parameters:<br />

• Number of Research Projects concluded as per schedule<br />

• Achieving the fixed objectives / goals.<br />

• Number of technologies generated; new information gathered; theories<br />

postulated and verified; etc.<br />

• Technology accepted by the target groups and extent of absorption.<br />

• Number of persons trained, their level of absorption of knowledge and skills<br />

• <strong>Silk</strong> Productivity in the mandated area<br />

All the R&D institutions of CSB should enter into an agreement with the <strong>Central</strong> Office, to<br />

take up a reasonable target and submit the required input.<br />

Highlights of Research Outcome for the year 2011-12:<br />

The Directors/Officers-in-Charge of the Research institutions presented the<br />

highlights of R&D activities of the year 2011-12 as follows:<br />

CSR&TI, Mysore<br />

Host <strong>Plan</strong>t improvement<br />

• In Final Yield Evaluation, three newly evolved mulberry genotypes out yielded V1<br />

variety by 11-12 % under optimal conditions of irrigation. Two of them out yielded<br />

RC-1 by 24 % under sub-optimal conditions of irrigation. In another trial one new<br />

genotype out-yielded V-1 by 21% under irrigated conditions; and the S-13 by 30%<br />

under rain fed conditions.<br />

• Developed a rapid tissue test for identification of nutrient deficiencies in mulberry.<br />

• “Poshan” – a nutrient mixture of macro and micronutrients for deficiency disorders<br />

has been commercialized.<br />

• Root rot and root knot diseases were controlled with leaves of Brassica juncea,<br />

Raphanus sativus and mustard oil cake.<br />

• ‘Navinya’ - a bio-formulation for control of root-rot disease of mulberry was<br />

commercialized.<br />

<strong>Silk</strong>worm Improvement<br />

• Identified 3 new three-way-crosses viz., FC1xCSR2, FC3xCSR2 & FC3xCSR17<br />

with high productive traits of pupation rate >95%, shell% >22, filament length 1200<br />

m, raw silk 19% and neatness 94p.<br />


• A newly developed double hybrid DH2 (CSR50xCSR52) x (CSR53xCSR51) was<br />

tested in large scale with selected farmers in three states and recorded a cocoon<br />

yield of 67.5 kg as against 66.8 kg/ 100 dfls in the control hybrid (CSR2x 27) x<br />

(CSR6x 26).<br />

• Two new double hybrids viz., (D1 x D2) x (D11 x D13) having shorter larval duration<br />

with average cocoon yield of 89 kg/100 DFLs and another (CSR2 x CSR50) x<br />

(CSR51 x CSR26) with average yield of 90 kg /100 DFLs were identified.<br />

• One SSR marker for IFV resistance was identified.<br />

• SNPs of three linkage groups (8, 9 and 23) showing association with NPV tolerance<br />

were identified.<br />

• A bivoltine male parent ‘CSR50’ has been identified for multi x bi hybrid production.<br />

• CSR16 x CSR17, CSR46 x CSR47 and Gen3 x Gen2 were tested at farmers’ level<br />

and obtained cocoon yields of 67.5 kg, 65.3 kg and 68.1 kg/100 dfls respectively.<br />

• Initiated large scale production of exotic parasitoid, Acerophagus papayae towards<br />

biological control of papaya mealy bug, Paracoccus marginatus in mulberry.<br />

Technology Validation, Demonstration and Transfer<br />

Following ten improved technologies were validated, demonstrated and popularized<br />

through different RSRSs, RECs and REC Sub-units.<br />

• Testing of mulberry varieties - RC1 and RC2 under moisture stress conditions,<br />

AR12 for alkaline soil and G2 for chawki rearing<br />

• Integrated Nutrient Management for mulberry gardens.<br />

• Demonstration of composting of sericultural residues<br />

• Demonstration of disinfection and maintenance of hygiene<br />

• Popularization/ testing of new silkworm hybrids<br />

• Popularization of composite cocoon harvester to harvest cocoons from rotary<br />

mountages<br />

• Demonstration of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for leaf roller and tukra in<br />

mulberry<br />

• Establishment of mass production units and demonstration of field efficacy of<br />

exotic parasitoids of Papaya mealy bug Paracoccus marginatus<br />

• Demonstration of the efficacy of parasitoids for the control of uzi fly<br />

• Demonstration of management practices against whitefly in hot spot areas in<br />

Mandya and Mysore districts.<br />

Human Resource Development<br />

• Two International training programmes under JICA were organized. 28 participants<br />

from third world countries like Kenya (2), Nigeria (4), Uganda (3), Ghana (4), Nepal<br />

(5), Ethiopia (5), Egypt (2) and Indonesia (3) were attended the training programme.<br />

• A total 4041 persons were trained in 30 batches on different aspects of sericulture<br />

Patent application filed<br />


• ‘Poshan’ – a multi-nutrient formulation for mulberry<br />

Technologies Commercialized<br />

• ‘Poshan’ – a multi-nutrient formulation for mulberry<br />

• ‘High sprayer pump’ – for rearing house disinfections,<br />

• ‘Biofertilizer’ - for mulberry plants<br />

• ‘Navinya’ - a bio-formulation for root rot disease<br />

Decisions:<br />

Soil testing can be continued as a service and soil health monitoring activity<br />

Efforts should be made to popularize Vishala and Anatha mulberry varieties by<br />

collecting the cutting material from the respective progenitors. If any problem in<br />

procuring the material, it should be brought to the notice of <strong>Central</strong> Office.<br />

Make <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for large scale field testing of L14 X CSR2 in consultation with<br />

NSSO, CSTRI Bangalore and DoS.<br />

CSR&TI, Berhampore<br />

• Seven new progenies were identified at Primary Yield Trial (PYT) level with more<br />

than 20% gain in leaf yield over the S-1635. From another trial, 7 hybrids with<br />

19.5% to 58.5% gain over the check (S-1635) were identified.<br />

• The spacing [(90+120) x 60 cm] of mulberry plantation (S-1635) was found better in<br />

terms of quality leaf production (29.5 mt/ha/year) and maintenance of soil fertility.<br />

• Leaf samples from 126 farm’s/ farmers’ fields at 16 locations were analysed for<br />

micronutrients and observed zinc deficiency in most cases.<br />

• The mulberry variety C-2028, selected for tolerance to waterlogging yielded 6.96<br />

mt/ha/crop under flooded condition.<br />

• Foliar application of 1% KCl on mulberry increased leaf yield to 5.9 to 6.9% over the<br />

control (no spray) at farmers’ fields in Deogarh, Bhandara, Koraput, Ranchi and<br />

West Bengal under rainfed conditions.<br />

• Pruning of the plants during June with application of Morizyme-B resulted in<br />

increase of leaf yield by 17.3% and reduced Pest and Disease incidences.<br />

• Supplementing Vermicompost with recommended FYM and NPK produced 6.4%<br />

more leaf yield to fetch a net profit of Rs. 22696/- per ha per year.<br />

• Chemical insecticide, Thiamethoxam (0.015%) was identified more effective with<br />

the safe period of 14 days for silkworm rearing to combat menace of whitefly.<br />

• A disease forecasting model for Bacterial leaf spot disease for Murshidabad district<br />

was developed.<br />

• Application of Pongamia oil (1%) was found effective in reducing the pest<br />

population within 15 days after spray. However, on the safety point of the silkworm,<br />

1% Neem oil was more desirable for management of leaf webber.<br />


Human Resource Development<br />

471 candidates were trained.<br />

Extension Communication Programme<br />

222 extension communication programme were conducted<br />

• Organized Five (5) Resham Krishi Melas at Berhampore, Kalimpong, Koraput,<br />

Ranchi and Jorhat along with exhibitions. More than 14,694 participated in the<br />

Mela, Field days and other programmes.<br />

• Organized Scientists-Farmers interaction session on sericultural technologies /<br />

practices.<br />

Suggestions<br />

The recommendation for applying 30 MT vermi-compost / ha/yr needs to be<br />

rechecked<br />

Sufficient focus should be given to ToT and collect the absorption details viz., Area<br />

covered, number of farmers, adopted, benefits accrued, etc.<br />

Disease forecasting and forewarning should be carried out on crop season basis.<br />

Address the poor fecundity in the silkworm hybrid B.Con1 x B.Con4<br />

CSR&TI, Pampore<br />

• The mulberry hybrids S-106 S-140 and S-145 were found superior under multilocation<br />

trial, across the valley with a survival of 100% in S-140 S-145 in 94%.<br />

• The mulberry varieties S-146 and S-1635 were recommended for plantation as tree<br />

in H.P between the altitudes of 1000’-4500’ AMSL on the basis of higher leaf yield.<br />

• Cataloguing of temperate mulberry germplasm in North India has been done. M.<br />

bombycis has been found comparatively frost tolerant.<br />

• Lavendula officinalis, has been found to be ideal intercrop with mulberry under<br />

temperate conditions.<br />

• Under women empowerment project, 180 women beneficiaries were provided<br />

training on improved methods of silkworm rearing, mulberry plantation, and market<br />

skill for production of higher cocoon yield with quality, across three identified<br />

locations in North India.<br />

• An Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) module for mulberry pests<br />

and diseases has been developed.<br />

• Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was found most efficient nitrogen fixing bacteria<br />

under integrated nutrient management system for mulberry grown in soils of<br />

Dehradun area.<br />

New bivoltine silkworm hybrids developed:<br />

Pam115 x CSR2 ; Pam117 x Pam114 ; CSR2 x Pam117<br />

Human Resource Development<br />

A total of 2143 farmers were trained during spring 2011 and 1219 farmers during summer<br />

and autumn 2011.<br />

Extension Communication Programme<br />

150 extension communication programmes including Resham Krishi Mela, Field day,<br />

Group discussion, Vichar Goshti, Audio-visuals, Awareness programme and Study tour<br />

were conducted.<br />


Decisions:<br />

The institute should examine the requirement of HP, UK, UP and J&K and suggest<br />

the silkworm hybrids and mulberry varieties suited for those states.<br />

A program on stabilization of Autumn Crop should be worked out in consultation<br />

with the Director (Tech).<br />

Wastage of resources through duplication work should be avoided. To ensure this,<br />

they should undertake a thorough literature survey besides interacting with the<br />

other Laboratories and universities working on sericulture in the region.<br />

Request SKUAST, Mirgand to provide parental stock of the authorized silkworm<br />

hybrid SKUAST-1 x SKUAST6 for conducting large scale trials / commercial use.<br />

Conduct continuous training program for all the DoS staff besides conducting pre-<br />

and post-training assessment of knowledge level at regular intervals.<br />

CSGRC, Hosur<br />

• 59 new mulberry accessions were inducted into the germplasm bank raising the<br />

number of accessions to 1239.<br />

• Performance of 120 mulberry accessions was studied under rainfed conditions.<br />

• 24 mulberry accessions were screened for salinity and alkalinity tolerance.<br />

• 338 mulberry accessions were cryopreserved in National Cryogene Bank, NBPGR,<br />

New Delhi.<br />

• 73 multivoltine and 350 bivoltine silkworm accessions were characterized,<br />

evaluated and conserved.<br />

• 15 MV and 21 BV silkworm accession were identified as hardy races based on<br />

esterase and alkaline protease enzyme inhibitor kinetics.<br />

Decisions:<br />

CSGRC, Hosur should prepare a road map with a clear vision for the<br />

activities that are envisaged to be taken up in the annual plan.<br />

Director (Tech) should take exclusively a meeting on Germplasm<br />

maintenance and utilization.<br />

Copies of the research papers published have to be circulated amongst all<br />

the concerned CSB research Institutes and the abstracts placed in the<br />

Institute’s web site and vice versa and update the databank.<br />

Along with the breeders meeting a separate meeting on effective utilization of<br />

the available germplasm material, coordination among the institutions may<br />

be conducted.<br />

Develop more linkages with breeding institutes.<br />

SBRL, Kodathi<br />

• Two DNA markers identified for NPV tolerance are being introgressed into CSR2<br />

through marker assisted breeding for the development of NPV tolerant lines. The<br />

breeding lines are at the BC5-F7 generation. Out of 50 lines, 11 were found tolerant<br />

to NPV.<br />

• Five EST putative markers were detected for NPV tolerance and four markers viz.<br />

Nag34, Nag88, Nag84 and Nag65 were mapped on chromosomes 3, 5, 7 and 19.<br />


• Through suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH), 29 putative genes involved in<br />

the process of diapause were identified<br />

• PCR analysis showed that the major pathogens associated with flacherie disease<br />

were not DNV1, IFV or CPV. However, inoculation of silkworms with DNV2<br />

revealed typical flacherie disease symptoms.<br />

Decisions:<br />

Expedite the formation of the research project on DNV-resistant transgenic silkworm<br />

development in collaboration with Dr Mita and Dr. Kadona on priority.<br />

Provide inputs for the silkworm breeders during Breeders’ Meet to plan marker<br />

assisted breeding programme clearly indicating the utility of the technologies<br />

emanated from the research projects conducted at SBRL.<br />

The SBRL, Kodathi must prepare a road map of their activity with a clear vision.<br />

The Director of the Institute should ensure that the outcome of the projects<br />

undertaken by SBRL is put into effective use by the Institutes under CSB. This will<br />

add a feather in the cap of not only the Director, SBRL, but also that of the Directors<br />

of other Institutes under CSB.<br />

SSTL, Kodahti<br />

• Techniques suitable for preserving eggs of Nistari, Nistari x NB4D2 and Nistari x<br />

CSR2 up to 80 days (20 + 60) without affecting hatching, cocoon yield and reeling<br />

parameters were developed.<br />

• P2 layings of CSR2, CSR4, CSR6, CSR26 & CSR27 were preserved for two year<br />

schedule along with regular schedules of 4, 6, 9 months.<br />

• Constructed a solar passive energy based model rearing house.<br />

• 573 candidates sponsored from DOS of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh<br />

and West Bengal, CSB, NSSO were trained besides those under and Third<br />

Country Training Programme.<br />

Decisions:<br />

A meeting is to be conducted with R&D institutes and Director (Tech) to finalize the<br />

studies pertaining to identification of alternative male parent in place of CSR2 for<br />

the production of cross breeds.<br />

CTR&TI, Ranchi<br />

• Characterized 231 accessions of Terminalia sp., for 55 traits and a catalogue were<br />

prepared.<br />

• Six accessions of T arjuna and four accessions of T. tomentosa were found<br />

superior to others in their qualitative and quantitative characters.<br />

• 140 accessions of Terminalia were found tolerant to powdery mildew and black<br />

nodal girdling diseases.<br />

• Feeding of Arjun leaves treated with 20ppm of β-sitosterol indicated significant<br />

increase in larval weight, survival and commercial cocoon characters over control<br />

both under indoor and outdoor conditions.<br />

• Field trials of the evolved BC-IV line of Andhra Local yielded 35 cocoons/dfl which<br />

was better than the parents, Andhra Local (12/dfl) and Daba TV (20/dfl).<br />

• Tasar Amrit tested at farmer’s level yielded 93-95 cocoons/dfl.<br />


• Spraying of Jeevan Sudha (botanical formulation against virosis) increased cocoon<br />

production by 10-12 cocoons/dfl.<br />

• A compact vertical reeling cum spinning machine was developed jointly with DOS,<br />

Jharkhand. The machine yields 200 g of raw silk per day.<br />

• Two productive lines of oak tasar silkworm producing 65 and 74 cocoons/dfl were<br />

developed.<br />

Patents filed<br />

Jeevan Sudha- a botanical formulation for control of virosis<br />

Novel technique for collection of bioactive enzyme Cocoonase from Antherea<br />

mylitta<br />

Wet reeling machine for tasar silk cocoons<br />

Vertical <strong>Silk</strong> spinning cum reeling machine – (Samridhi)<br />

Human Resource Development and Extension Programmes<br />

• 1130 Persons were trained under various training programmes and 12,089 persons<br />

were exposed to various extension programmes like field days, farmers’ days,<br />

Vichar goshtis and Farmers’ meet cum Exhibitions at various nested units of the<br />

institute.<br />

Transfer of Technology<br />

• IPR with chawki silkworm rearing under nylon net followed by late age rearing<br />

• IPM for the control of gall infestation<br />

• Foliar spray of urea for quality leaf production<br />

• Foliar spray of leaf surface microbes (LSM) for control of tasar silkworm diseases<br />

Decisions<br />

Complete the testing of reeling cum spinning machine in consultation with CSTRI,<br />

Bangalore and identify the best reeling machines within June, 2012.<br />

All the technologies should be popularized in the field.<br />

In all the front line technology demonstrations the bench mark and the targets<br />

should be clearly mentioned.<br />

CMER&TI ,Lahdoigarh<br />

• Multiplied the three plus tree genotypes viz., PT-27, PT-11 and PT-16 of som<br />

having better growth, leaf yield, disease resistance and rearing characters.<br />

• Developed a model for fertilizer application based on soil nutrient status for<br />

cultivation of som.<br />

• The leaf blight caused by Coletrotricum gloeosporioides was found to reduce by<br />

86.3% with the application of “Phyto-blighton”.<br />

• A technique for retaining som leaf fresh upto 8 days was developed.<br />

• A polythene device for practicing indoor rearing was developed in which survival of<br />

II instar worms was found to be 65.8%.<br />

• 8 wild muga silkworm stocks are under ex-situ conservation at RMRS, Boko. Out of<br />

these, Aa00-1 collected from South Garo Hills showed 96% polymorphism.<br />


• Among eight castor accessions, Accession No. Acc03 and Acc04 were found to be<br />

better in growth and yield attributing traits, and rearing performances of eri<br />

silkworm.<br />

• Application of 20-hydroxy ecdysone on fifth instar larvae was found improving<br />

vitellogenin synthesis (40-70%), egg formation (40-60%), ovarian development and<br />

protein synthesis in the haemolymph of larvae, retention of less eggs in abdomen<br />

(12-15), fecundity (50-59%) reduction of egg laying period (3 days) and overall<br />

rearing performance.<br />

• Effect of preservation of muga seed cocoons on fecundity and hatching showed that<br />

seed cocoons can be preserved up to 62 days during Jarua crop and 42 days<br />

during Aherua crop without affecting fecundity and hatching.<br />

• A new Eri hybrid i.e. C2 was developed and multi-locational trails were conducted in<br />

different.<br />

• A chemical formulation “MUGA SILKPLUS”, with a raw silk recovery ranging from<br />

40-45% to 50-55%, for cooking and reeling of muga cocoon has been developed.<br />

Extension programme<br />

• 85 extension programmes including Krishimela, field days, Exhibitions, group<br />

demonstrations and technology awareness were organized at various nested units<br />

of the institute in north eastern region.<br />

Decisions<br />

Take up the large scale trials of the phyto-ecdysone, fine tune the same if required<br />

for further popularization in the field.<br />

Study the scale of absorption of technologies demonstrated in the field.<br />

Give top priority to Disease Management.<br />

The Institute has not come out with any breakthrough during the recent past and<br />

especially during the previous two years. The Director, CMERTI, Lahdoigarh<br />

should ensure that a robust hybrid is evolved at the earliest.<br />

CSTRI, Bangalore<br />

• Solar heating system for multiend reeling unit was installed at Sidlaghatta on<br />

experimental basis.<br />

• Ushma Shoshak unit has been designed, fabricated & installed on the boiler.<br />

• Drape co-efficient studies revealed that Indian multivoltine have better drape<br />

characteristics, which is a desirable quality for sarees and dress materials.<br />

• Trials were taken to standardize the sizing recipe with different concentration of<br />

PVA.<br />

• Fabrics with different geometrical particulars were produced and treated with BTCA<br />

cross-linking agent. Treatment with BTCA shrinkage was drastically reduced from<br />

3.16 % to 0.55% for warp and 2.33% to 0.66% for weft.<br />

• Development of automation system retrofitting to CSTRI multi-end reeling machine<br />

has been completed. The performance of the auto-casting unit developed was fine<br />

tuned to the individual parts with the help of software and working performance was<br />

improved to get the optimum services.<br />

• Production of superior quality wet reeled tasar yarn and sizing by using reeled<br />

permeation chamber technique has been standardized.<br />


• Design has been completed for fine tuning of mechanical lifting mechanism of<br />

jacquards to suit pit loom.<br />

• Under Product Development / Product Launching Programme gents shawl using<br />

2/40s peduncle yarn, ladies shawl using 2/40s peduncle yarn, fabrics made from eri<br />

spun yarn, furnishing fabrics from mill spun peduncle yarn , tasar saree produced<br />

on power-loom using wet reeled tasar yarn, Solapur chadars, Aurangabad chadars,<br />

Eri napkins, Imroo shawls, Prayer mats.<br />

Training and testing activities<br />

887 candidates were trained on post cocoon activities under various training programmes<br />

and 1,89,461 lots (cocoon, raw silk, fabric, water, etc.) were tested for physical, chemical<br />

and ecological parameters. One Trainers Training Programme (TTP) for CSTRI Scientists<br />

and Technical staff was also conducted for 24 persons.<br />

Decisions<br />

Validation trials should be completed quickly and technologies should be fine tuned<br />

Development of automation system retrofitting to CSTRI multiend reeling machine<br />

should be completed within 6 months by collaborating with industry units.<br />

Compile and come out with conclusive results on Tasar reeling machine. Develop a<br />

suitable Tasar reeling machine by the end of June 2012.<br />

Crispness of collar, release of fragrance, comfort etc., should be studied.<br />

Work out on sericin utilization in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and other allied fields.<br />

Diversification in the eri product areas<br />

Explore the possibility of diversifying eri silk for commercial items like bridal shoe<br />

etc.<br />

CSTRI should grow as a centre of excellence<br />

Develop Eri green cocoon cutting machine<br />

Take up studies related to mulberry silkworm pupa drying and disposal<br />

In order to attract more trainees and effective dissemination of technologies, the<br />

training course fee may be reduced<br />

NSSO Bangalore<br />

• A total of 118.14 lakh bivoltine hybrids and 162.52 lakh cross breed layings were<br />

produced till the end of February, 2012.<br />

• The egg recovery was 67.44 g/kg of cocoon in CSR Hybrids against the bench<br />

mark of 60-65 gram/kg seed cocoon in south zone and 55.0 g/kg cocoons against<br />

50 g in North zone; and in cross breeds, it was 30.36% laying recovery against the<br />

bench mark of 28% in south Zone.<br />

• Under basic seed production programme, 7.30 lakh bivoltine and 2.59<br />

lakh multivoltine layings have been produced.<br />

• Generated 686.02 lakh bivoltine and 253.96 lakh multivoltine seed cocoons. A total<br />

of 100.93 lakh bivoltine hybrids and 162.92 lakh cross breed layings were<br />

distributed through SSCs, SSUs and Franchisee CRCs.<br />

• 100.61 lakh seed cocoon were supplied to the SSPCs, LSPs & DOS of West<br />

Bengal and DOS, UP.<br />


Decisions<br />

The performance of the RD1 x NB4D2 was found to be good in West Bengal and<br />

the same may be considered for large scale trial after checking the reelability.<br />

Increase the farmers base to meet the requirement of Bivoltine P1 dfls<br />

It is observed that the production target for NSSO is not given. During the <strong>Action</strong><br />

<strong>Plan</strong> meeting, the Basic Seed production target for 2012-13 indicated was 11.25<br />

lakh DFLs, but for the XII <strong>Plan</strong> document, it is indicated as 37.75 lakhs. Therefore,<br />

this needs to be rectified.<br />

Details of <strong>Central</strong> Sector Programmes are also required to be included eg.<br />

Coverage of Adopted Seed Rearers (ASR), Seed distribution, franchise CRCs, CSB<br />

Seed Act, and ISO Certification etc.<br />

BTSSO, Bilaspur<br />

• Produced 35.08 lakh dfls against the target of 32.59 lakh.<br />

• Supplied 34.23 dfls lakh against the target of 28.55 lakh<br />

• Obtained seed cocoon dfl ratio: 4:1 against the norm of 5:1<br />

• Reared 1.32 lakh dfls against the target of 1.29 lakh<br />

• Produced 70.79 lakh cocoons against target of 64.14 lakh<br />

• Achieved 52 cocoons/dfl<br />

• Raised 11.73 ha new plantation against the target of 10.00 ha.<br />

• Adopted 22 no. of PPCs against the target of 18<br />

• Adopted 100 no of Pvt. Graineurs against the target of 92.<br />

• Adopted 1340 no. of rearers against the target of 945.<br />

• Supplied 2.68 lakh dfls to adopted rearers against the target of 1.899 lakh.<br />

• Trained 186 DOS staff (tar.-298), 268 seed rearers (tar.-194) & 105 Pvt. Graineures<br />

(tar. 97) - 563 total.<br />

• 22 Scientists from different units of BTSSO were trained under Resource<br />

Development Programme of CSB, Bangalore<br />

Decisions<br />

BTSSO should gradually shift their production to nucleus seed and facilitate to<br />

produce entire basic and commercial seeds required for the country through the<br />

State PPCs and private graineurs.<br />

BTSSO should work out an elaborate <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> by including the participation of all<br />

stakeholders in the seed production network.<br />

Special plans need to be developed for drafting the services of private graineurs.<br />

Separate seed areas may be identified for producing seed cocoons.<br />

BTSSO, Bilaspur may take up the matter with the States to improve the productivity<br />

in PPCs.<br />

MSSO, Guwahati<br />

• Produced 2,14,532 g P2 basic seed against the target of 2,00240<br />

• Produced 38,613 g commercial seed against the target of 50,000<br />

ESSO, Guwahati<br />

• Produced 2.77 lakh dfls at SSPCs against the target of 2.75 lakh dfls.<br />


• Conducted eight field days and six awareness camps<br />

• Extended assistance to 60 adopted seed rearers<br />

Extension Activities<br />

Conducted Muga and Eri Krishi mela, Awareness Programme, Field day, Farmers<br />

Training, etc., at various units in North Eastern region and west Bengal.<br />

Decisions<br />

Identify the cooler zones for seed multiplication in summer and warmer zones in<br />

winter and concentrate commercial rearing only in two major crop seasons (spring<br />

and autumn). Accordingly, the areas and ASRs for different seed crops may be<br />

identified.<br />

Set the seed production targets as per the capacity of the units and the favourable<br />

climate.<br />

Crop failures need to be studied to avoid crisis in seed production<br />

Maintain required back up for production of seed for sufficient seed production<br />

Involve the farmers rearing on muga plantations in VGRs for seed cocoon<br />

production<br />

Closely monitor and collect the feed back after supplying the Basic seed to DoS.<br />

Pebrine management should have a high priority and taskforces should be<br />

constituted for pebrine monitroring.<br />

All the staff working at RECs should be involved in disease management and crop<br />

monitoring.<br />

Expedite the allotment of land for Eri Basic Seed Farm and obtain revenue<br />

clearance.<br />

As there is no clear cut Road map for Vanya silks, suggested to conduct a<br />

workshop for Muga and Eri involving all the Commissioners / Directors of States,<br />

experts and Officers from CSB and other stakeholders of NE States and prepare a<br />

Road Map for development of muga and eri silk industry by 3 rd week of April, 2012.<br />

To prepare the Road Map a committee may be constituted.<br />


Programme for 2012-13<br />

CSR&TI Mysore<br />

On going projects to be continued:<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

Code Project Title Duration<br />

1 PPA-3420 Studies on the comparative yield potentiality and Jan. 2008varietal<br />

response of promising mulberry varieties<br />

under different sources of organic and inorganic<br />

nutrients.<br />

Dec. 2012<br />

2 AIB- 3437 Studies on hybrid evaluation and identification of Jan. 2010 -<br />

new polyvoltine x bivoltine hybrids of the silkworm<br />

Bombyx mori L.<br />

Dec. 2012<br />

3 AIG-3438 Evaluation and on-farm trials of single and double Aug.2008 -<br />

hybrids with high amy-lase activity and tempera-ture<br />

tolerance<br />

Jun.2012<br />

4 PIB-3268 Development of superior mulberry varieties APR. 2002<br />

suitable<br />

- (RFD)<br />

for moisture stress environments MAR. 2014<br />

5 PIB-3370 Development of superior mulberry varieties by APR. 2006<br />

exploitation of hybrid vigour based on molecular<br />

marker diversity of parental lines. (RFD)<br />

MAY 2014<br />

6 PIB-3457 Development of disease resistant and productive JAN.,2012<br />

mulberry genotypes with special reference to root<br />

rot and root knot diseases suitable for seri-zones<br />

of South India - (RFD)<br />

DEC., 2017<br />

7 PIE-3451 DNA marker aided analysis of mulberry gene bank Nov. 2010 –<br />

towards a core assembly for sustainable Oct. 2013<br />

8<br />

conservation and enhanced utilization in crop<br />

improvement (DBT funded)<br />

PRP- 3462 Biological control of fungal disease of mulberry by Dec. 2010 -<br />

Entophytic bacteria Burkholderia cepacia and<br />

Bacillus subtilis strains. (DBT funded ) (RFD)<br />

Dec. 2013<br />

9 AIT-3445 Development of robust bivoltine hybrids of<br />

Jan’ 11silkworm,<br />

Bombyx mori L, tolerant to high<br />

temperature environment of the tropics through<br />

DNA marker assisted selection (RFD)<br />

Dec’15<br />

10 MOE-3463 Popularization of productive bivoltine double hybrid Oct 2011 -<br />

Krishnaraja with the farmers of Karnataka (DST<br />

funded)<br />

Sep 2013<br />

11 AIB – 3456 Development of productive polyvoltine breeds of Oct. 2011<br />

the silkworm Bombyx mori L. tolerant to high<br />

temperature and BmNPV.<br />

Sep. 2016<br />

12 AIB – 3449 Developing an indigenous method for culturing<br />

Cordyceps and other useful species.<br />

Oct.2010 -<br />

Mar. 2014<br />


13 PPE-3455 Habitat Studies- Impact of crop diversity on the<br />

conservation and performance of natural enemies<br />

in mulberry eco-system.<br />

14 PIB 3457 Development of disease resistance and productive<br />

mulberry genotypes with special reference to root<br />

rot and root knot diseases suitable for seri zones of<br />

south India<br />

New Projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Nov’11 -<br />

Oct’14<br />

Jan 2012 to<br />

Dec 2017<br />

Sl. Project<br />

Project Title Duration of the<br />

No. Code<br />

Project<br />

1. PPS316 Sustenance of soil fertility and leaf yield of Apr. 2012-<br />

0 mulberry under long-term fertilization.<br />

Phase-II: Effect of long term organic inputs<br />

alone and in combination with other organic<br />

inputs on soil health and productivity (RFD)<br />

Mar. 17<br />

2. PRE- Evaluation of available management Apr.12 to<br />

3467 strategies of giant African snail (Achatina<br />

fulica Bowdich) in mulberry ecosystem<br />

Mar.14<br />

3. DST Biochemical and Molecular mechanism of Apr. 2012 -<br />

Funded Muscardine fungus infection in resistant and<br />

susceptible silkworm breeds.<br />

Mar. 2015<br />

4. MOE- A Study on Adoption of Pest and Disease April 12 to<br />

3458 Management Strategies in Sericulture Sept13<br />

5. MOE- Assessment of women participation and April 12 to<br />

3461 time spent on different sericulture activities<br />

in three southern states<br />

Mar,13<br />

6. SPR - Large scale multiplication of multivoltine and Apr 2012 -<br />

0023 bivoltine breeds<br />

Mar 2013<br />

7. -- Development of modified spacing with Jan. 2012 –<br />

special reference to plant geometry for<br />

sustainable leaf production in mulberry.<br />

Mar. 2016<br />

8.<br />

-- Studies on the effect conjunctive use of<br />

nitrification inhibitors for efficient utilization<br />

of nitrogenous fertilizers for sustainable<br />

mulberry production<br />

April 2012-<br />

Mar. 2015<br />

9. -- Therapeutic control of Microsporidiosis in the<br />

silkworm through characteri-zation of<br />

Methionine Amino peptidase enzyme genes<br />

(MetAP2) in Nosema bombycis<br />

10. -- Development of productive NPV tolerant<br />

bivoltine breeds/ hybrids using BmNOX<br />

marker assisted selection.<br />

11. -- Study of mulberry leaf nutritional quality on<br />

intermediary metabolism of silkworm Bombyx<br />

mori L.”<br />

12. -- Development and refinement of shoot racks<br />

and mountages<br />

Apr. 2012 –<br />

Mar. 15<br />

Jan. 2012 –<br />

Dec. 2013<br />

Apr. 2012 –<br />

Mar. 2014<br />

3 Years 6<br />

months<br />


13. -- Sericulture women and technology transfer<br />

– A group approach<br />

14. -- A study on performance of bio-control<br />

agent multiplication units and seri-poly<br />

clinics established under catalytic<br />

development programme in sericulture<br />

clusters in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu<br />

CSR&TI, Berhampore<br />

Ongoing projects to be continued:<br />

Apr 2012 –<br />

Mar. 2014<br />

April 2012-<br />

March 2013<br />

Sl.<br />


1 PIP 3469 Screening of early sprouters and late senescence<br />

mulberry variety with better leaf yield and quality<br />

under low temperature condition.<br />

2 AIB 3466 Development of region specific bivoltine breeds<br />

suitable for fluctuating and seasonally variable<br />

climatic conditions of Eastern and North-Eastern<br />

India.<br />

3 AIE 3454 Evaluation of elite bivoltine silkworm germplasm<br />

under different agro climatic conditions (All India<br />

<strong>Silk</strong>worm Germplasm Evaluation Programme<br />

4 DBT<br />

funded<br />

5<br />

AIP 3472<br />

Phase-II).<br />

Development of DNA marker based genetic linkage<br />

map of mulberry and QTL analysis for<br />

agronomically important planta traits.<br />

Standardization and determination of temperature<br />

tolerance potentiality in different developmental<br />

stages of silkworm, Bombyx mori L.<br />

6 PIB 3424 Development of cold tolerant mulberry genotypes<br />

for sub-tropical plains.<br />

7 PPS 3435<br />

Studies on micronutrients for sustained high<br />

productivity of quality mulberry in Eastern and<br />

North-Eastern India.<br />

Terrestrial carbon sequestration for sustained high<br />

Nov., 11 to<br />

Oct., 14<br />

Aug., 11<br />

to Dec.,16<br />

Sept.,11 to<br />

Aug.,14<br />

Mar., 11 to<br />

Feb., 14<br />

Sept., 11 to<br />

Aug., 14<br />

Jan., 09 to<br />

Dec., 15<br />

Jan., 10 to<br />

Jun., 13<br />

8 PPS 3452<br />

Jul., 11 to<br />

productivity of quality mulberry.<br />

Jun., 15<br />

9 ARE 3464 Biology and feeding efficacy studies of Scymnus Oct., 11 to<br />

pallidicolii (Mulsant) for the eco friendly<br />

management of pink mealy bug, Maconellicoccus<br />

hirsutus.<br />

Apr., 13<br />

10 MOE Yield gap in mulberry sericulture - A study in north- Oct., 11 to<br />

3459 eastern region.<br />

Apr., 14<br />

11 DST Improvement of mulberry seed cocoons production Nov., 11 to<br />

funded at farmers’ level with special reference to bivoltine<br />

seed cocoon in West Bengal<br />

Oct., 12<br />

12 PIG - Development, validation and utilization of SCAR Oct., 09 to<br />


3441<br />

DBT<br />

funded<br />

marker(s) for powdery mildew (Phyllactinia corylea)<br />

resistance in mulberry<br />

New projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Sept. 12.<br />

Sl.<br />

Title of the proposed projects<br />

No.<br />

1 Development of high yielding mulberry varieties using physiological growth<br />

parameters as markers for selection.<br />

2 Evaluation of mulberry varieties for low input soils.<br />

3 Decision support system initiative through impact assessment of agroclimate on<br />

foliage yield of mulberry (Morus sp.) for climate resilient sericulture in Eastern<br />

India<br />

4 Development of silkworm (B. mori L.) breeds from a gene pool with higher<br />

genetic plasticity.<br />

5 Post authorization trial of silkworm hybrids.<br />

6 Forewarning of mulberry diseases of eastern and north eastern<br />

7 Identification of DNA markers associated with bacterial leaf spot resistance in<br />

mulberry (Morus spp.)<br />

8 Effect of composite plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPM) on nutrient<br />

acquisition, yield and quality of mulberry (Morus spp) leaves in acid soils of<br />

West Bengal.<br />

9 Studies on planting geometry of dwarf mulberry plantation in North East India.<br />

CSR&TI Pampore<br />

Ongoing Research Projects to be continued<br />

S.<br />


Women empowerment in North India through<br />

1 MOT-3460 sericultural technologies.<br />

2011-2014<br />

New projects to be initiated during the year<br />

1. Production of colchiploids in Mulberry (Morus Spp.) for temperate region.<br />

2. Pre breeding studies in mulberry.<br />

3. Development of suitable package and practices for raising chawkei garden under<br />

temperate conditions.<br />

4. Sustainability of soil health under temperate mulberry eco system.<br />


5. Survey, isolation, identification and characterization of native AM fungi and<br />

endophytic bacteria in the mulberry rhizosphere of Kashmir region.<br />

6. Evolution of BmNPV tolerant bivoltine breeds of silkworm Bombyx mori L.<br />

7. Biotic Stress of <strong>Silk</strong>worm: Germplasm screening against BmNPV for selection of<br />

improved breed.<br />

8. Exploration of natural enemies for management of insect pests and diseases of<br />

mulberry.<br />

RSRS, Jammu<br />

1. Sustaining sericulture in North Western India: Modification in pruning technology to<br />

obtain leaf for three crop schedule.<br />

2. Approaches to optimize mulberry leaf yield and quality sustainable bivoltine<br />

sericulture in Jammu, J&K.<br />

3. Approaches for sustainable soil health of mulberry farms/fields in Jammu province<br />

4. Evaluation of poly-hybrids for autumn silkworm cocoon crops with higher<br />

productivity and cocoon quality.<br />

5. Effective disinfection and disease management: High cocoon productivity for<br />

sustainable sericulture in North India.<br />

RSRS, Sahaspur<br />

1. Sustainability of soil health under mulberry cultivation in sub-tropical conditions of<br />

Dehradun.<br />

2. Studies on the effective utilization of eco-friendly tools to control mulberry diseases<br />

under agroclimatic condition of Doon valley.<br />

3. Mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. seed production: Development of package of<br />

practices.<br />


CSGRC, Hosur<br />

Ongoing Research Projects to be continued<br />


1. PIG-<br />

3432<br />

2. PIE-<br />

3443<br />

3. PIE-<br />

3451<br />

4. AIT-<br />

3450<br />

Physiological characterization of selected<br />

mulberry genetic resources with reference to<br />

water and nitrogen<br />

Screening of mulberry germplasm accessions for<br />

tolerance to abiotic stress (alkalinity and salinity)<br />

conditions”<br />

DNA marker aided analysis of mulberry gene<br />

bank towards a core assembly for sustainable<br />

conservation and enhanced utilization in crop<br />

improvement (DBT collaborative project with<br />

CSRTI, Mysore)<br />

Long-term preservation of eggs, embryos of<br />

silkworm genetic resources through<br />

cryopreservation- DBT sponsored project.<br />

5. AIG 3454 Evaluation of elite bivoltine silkworm Germplasm<br />

under different agroclimatic conditions: all India<br />

silkworm Germplasm evaluation programme-<br />

6. AIP –<br />

3430<br />

7. AIG –<br />

3431<br />

Phase II ( at CSB Net working centre)<br />

Biochemical characterization and evaluation of<br />

promising silkworm germplasm through enzyme<br />

kinetics to screen hardiness among silkworm<br />

genetic resources<br />

Molecular characterization of silkworm Genetic<br />

Resources through Expressed Sequence Tagged<br />

Sites (EST) for associating gene specific markers<br />

with productive traits<br />

8. FSL-3447 Development of database management system<br />

for <strong>Silk</strong>worm genetic resources<br />

New projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Jan.10-<br />

June ‘13<br />

Oct. 10-<br />

Dec. ‘13<br />

Nov. ’10-<br />

Oct. ‘13<br />

Oct. ‘10-<br />

Sept. ‘13<br />

3 years<br />

Aug. ‘11-<br />

Aug. ‘14<br />

December,<br />

2009<br />

November,<br />

2012<br />

December,<br />

2009<br />

November,<br />

2012<br />

Oct.-2010<br />

June 2012<br />

S.N. CODE TITLE / Area of work DURATION<br />

1 -- Pre-breeding efforts for genetic enhancement<br />

for effective utilization of mulberry and<br />

silkworm genetic resources.<br />

2 -- Exploration /Survey, collection and<br />

introduction of mulberry genetic resources<br />

3 -- Screening of mulberry and silkworm genetic<br />

resources for abiotic and biotic tolerance and<br />

development of trait specific core collection<br />

--<br />

--<br />

--<br />


SSTL, Kodathi<br />

Ongoing Research projects to be continued<br />

S.No. PROJECT<br />

CODE<br />


1 Collaborative Development and demonstration of Solar energy Jan. ‘10project<br />

based energy efficient model rearing house for<br />

silkworm seed crop rearing<br />

June ‘13<br />

2 APS 3471 Development of hibernation schedules for October<br />

Univoltine (Barpat) and Bivoltine (SK6 & SK7) 2011 –<br />

eggs of silkworm Bombyx mori L.<br />

September<br />

2014<br />

3 APS 3470 Development of two years preservation October<br />

schedules for bivoltine seed of silkworm, 2011 –<br />

Bombyx mori L.<br />

September<br />

2014<br />

4 APS 5859 Development of egg preservation technique of<br />

Eri silkworm Samia ricini Donovan<br />

2011-2014<br />

New Projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Sl.<br />


No<br />

1 Standardisation of differential staining techniques for identification of<br />

microsporidian spores of silkworm, Bombyx mori L.<br />

2 Studies on seed production and handling techniques for improvement of<br />

Muga (Antheraea assama Ww) and Tasar silkworm (Antheraea mylitta)<br />

3 Qualitative studies on race maintenance and multiplication cycles of popular<br />

bivoltine and multivoltine mulberry silkworm breeds<br />

4 Evaluation of alternate male parents for crossbreed production<br />

5 Discrimination of microsporidian spores of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. by<br />

molecular tools<br />

SBRL, Kodathi<br />

Ongoing Research projects to be continued<br />

S.N. PROJ.<br />

CODE<br />

1 AIG 3426<br />

DBT<br />

2<br />

3<br />

AIT 3427<br />

DBT<br />

AIT 3428<br />

DBT<br />

TITLE<br />

Identification and mapping of DNA markers<br />

linked to NPV resistance in silkworm Bombyx<br />

mori L<br />

Studies on diapauses related gene expression in<br />

diapauses induced eggs of multivoltine silkworm<br />

races of Bombyx mori.<br />

Molecular mechanism of stress in silkworms<br />

Bombyx mori and Samia cynthia ricini<br />


July 09-<br />

June 12<br />

June 09-<br />

May 12<br />

Jun 09 –<br />

May 12<br />


4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

ARP<br />

3429<br />

DBT<br />

AIT 3446<br />

DBT<br />

AIT 3448<br />

AIT 3468<br />

DBT<br />

ARP-<br />

3453<br />

ARP-<br />

3473<br />

PIG-3465<br />

Biology of microsporidians infecting silk moth<br />

[Bombyx mori and Antheraea mylitta]<br />

Cloning, expression and characterization of yolk<br />

protein receptors from Indian silkworms.<br />

Studies on differential gene expression profiling<br />

of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV)<br />

resistant and susceptible Bombyx mori silkworm<br />

strains.<br />

Development of RNA interference (RNAi) based<br />

nuclear polyhedrosis virus resistance transgenic<br />

silk moth<br />

Identification, isolation and molecular<br />

characterization of major pathogens associated<br />

with flacherie disease in Bombyx mori.<br />

Molecular characterization of the flacherie<br />

causing virus in Bombyx mori with specific<br />

reference to RdRp (RNA Dependent RNA<br />

polymerase) gene and the regulatory elements<br />

in the viral genome<br />

Isolation and characterization of Microsatellites<br />

in mulberry (Morus spp.) genome<br />

New Projects to be initiated during the year<br />

S.N.<br />

TITLE<br />

1. Development and validation of a Multiplex PCR Method for the<br />

simultaneous detection of major pathogens of silkworms<br />

Jun 09-<br />

May 12<br />

2010-2013<br />

Oct10-<br />

Sep13<br />

Sept 11-<br />

Aug 16<br />

Mar 11-<br />

Apr 13<br />

Jan 12 –<br />

Apr 14<br />

Jan 12 –<br />

Apr 14<br />

2. Isolation, expression and characterization of drought resistance genes in<br />

mulberry (Morus spp.)<br />

3. Identification of DNA markers associated with Bacterial leaf spot resistance<br />

in mulberry (Morus spp.)<br />

4. Genome analysis for identification of EST markers linked to the economic<br />

traits and their differential level of gene expression in the indigenous<br />

silkworm breeds of Bombyx mori.<br />

5. Development of transgenic mulberry plants expressing the BmNPV<br />

antiviral proteins<br />

6. Application of association mapping strategies for whole genome scan of<br />

mulberry (Morus spp.) for genetic improvement<br />

CSTRI, Bangalore<br />

Ongoing projects to be continues<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Code Title Duration<br />


1 CED<br />

7046<br />

2 CED<br />

7047<br />

3 CFW<br />

7048<br />

4 CYF<br />

7049<br />

5 CFC<br />

7050<br />

Development of "Low cost eight end multiend<br />

reeling machine" for production of superior<br />

quality tasar and muga silk yarn.<br />

Fabrication of suitable sizing machine for<br />

Tasar <strong>Silk</strong><br />

Study of pilling resistance of the eri silk knits<br />

Investigation on causes for poor dimensional<br />

stability of tasar fabrics and remedial<br />

measures<br />

Application of silver Nano particles<br />

synthesized using sericin for imparting<br />

durable antimicrobial properties to silk textiles<br />

New projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Sl.<br />

Title of the Project<br />

No<br />

1 Design and development of pupae drying machine<br />

July 2011-<br />

July 2013<br />

July 2011-<br />

July 2013<br />

May 2011-<br />

Sept. 2012<br />

April 2011-<br />

March 2013<br />

April 2011-<br />

March 2012<br />

2 Studies on the static electric property of different types of silk and<br />

development of suitable antistatic recipe.<br />

3 Study of comfort properties of silk woven fabrics and modification of the same<br />

with plasma treatment<br />

4 Studies on photo degradation of different varieties of silk.<br />

5 Development of energy efficient re-reeling machine to reduce consumption<br />

of fossil energy in multiend silk reeling.<br />

CTR&TI, Ranchi<br />

Ongoing projects to be continued during the year<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />


1 PIP- Morpho-Physio-Anatomical characterization of Jan. 2008-<br />

4678 Terminalia sp<br />

Dec 2012<br />

2 PRP Screening of germplasm of T. arjuna and<br />

July 2009-<br />

4690 T.tomentosa for tolerance against three major foliar<br />

diseases - Phase II<br />

July 2012<br />

3 PIC Phytosterol profile at different maturity level of July 2008-<br />

4684 leaves of Tasar food plants and its effect on growth<br />

and development of tropical tasar silkworm<br />

Antheraea mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)<br />

June 2012<br />

4 DOS Conservation and utilization of local eco races Laria Apr 2010-<br />

Jharkhan<br />

March<br />

d<br />

2013<br />


d<br />

5 ARP<br />

4691<br />

6 ARP<br />

4691<br />

7 PRE<br />

4692<br />

8 APR<br />

4693<br />

9 AIB<br />

4694<br />

10 ARP469<br />

5<br />

Induction of tolerance to AmCPV (Antheraea mylitta<br />

cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus) in commercially<br />

exploited Tasar ecoraces of Daba BV and Daba TV.<br />

Induction of tolerance to AmCPV (Antheraea mylitta<br />

cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus) in commercially<br />

exploited Tasar ecoraces of Daba BV and Daba TV<br />

Forecasting and forewarning system for<br />

management of pests of Tasar host plants and<br />

silkworm of tropical tasar culture”<br />

Studies on the biology and ecology of Laria eco<br />

race of Anthererea mylitta D. on sal flora<br />

Improvement of Daba eco race of Antheraea myltta<br />

Drury for higher fecundity.<br />

IIdentification of pebrinised and cytoplasmic<br />

polyhydrosis virus infected breed / stock through<br />

enzyme marker system in Antheraea mylitta Drury.<br />

New projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Oct. 2010-<br />

Sept. 2014<br />

April 2010-<br />

April 2014<br />

April 2010-<br />

Mar. 2013<br />

Feb2012-<br />

June 2015<br />

Nov 2011-<br />

June2015<br />

Oct 2011-<br />

Sep 2013<br />

1. Development of superior hybrids of T. Arjuna and T. Tomentosa for high leaf yield<br />

and quality<br />

2. Management of Abiotic factors to regulate emergence in diapausing seed cocoons<br />

3. Status survey, Collection, Characterization and conservation of genetic resources of<br />

tasar silk worm A. mylitta<br />

4. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of diapause-specific genes of A.<br />

Mylitta Drury<br />

CMERTI, Lahdoigarh<br />

Ongoing projects to be continued during the year<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />


Main institute<br />

1 NEC<br />

funded<br />

2 AIP58<br />

50<br />

3 APS<br />

5849<br />

Endocrine regulation of production and<br />

enhancement of fecundity in muga silkworm<br />

Antheraea assamensis<br />

Isolation, identification and characterization of<br />

insect stimulants from muga silkworm host plans<br />

and its functional properties.<br />

Studies on the improvement of seed production of<br />

muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis Helfer.<br />

Period<br />

Start Closure<br />

Jan.2009<br />

Mar.2013<br />

May 2009<br />

Mar.2013<br />

Apr2009-<br />

Mar.2013<br />


1 PIE<br />

:5853<br />

2 PRP:<br />

5855<br />

3 APS :<br />

5856<br />

4 AIB :<br />

5857<br />

5 APR :<br />

5858<br />

6 APS<br />

5859<br />

7 ARE58<br />

60<br />

Collection, Characterization, Evaluation and<br />

Conservation of Perennial Host <strong>Plan</strong>ts for Eri<br />

<strong>Silk</strong>worm Rearing<br />

Identification of stable source of resistance<br />

against major foliar diseases of muga host plants<br />

som (Persea bomycina).<br />

Development of Egg Preservation Schedule in<br />

Muga <strong>Silk</strong>worm Anthereaea assamensis Helfer<br />

Evaluation and identification of suitable strains(s)<br />

and eco-race(s) of eri silkworm Samia ricini<br />

Donovan<br />

Eri silkworm (Samia ricini) rearing and cocoon<br />

production in relation to host plant castor<br />

genotypes (Ricinus communis) raised under<br />

different soil fertility leaves under rain fed<br />

conditions in semi-arid region<br />

Development of egg preservation technique of<br />

Eri silkworm, Samia ricini (Donovan)<br />

Development of Diagnostics for muga , Eri and<br />

related silkworms in NE region<br />

New projects to be initiated during the year<br />

Sl.<br />


No<br />

1 Conservation of Antheraea assamensis Helfer (Phase – II)<br />

April<br />

2011<br />

April<br />

2011<br />

April<br />

2011<br />

Oct<br />

2011<br />

Oct<br />

2011<br />

April<br />

2011-<br />

Mar.2014<br />

April<br />

2011-<br />

March<br />

2014<br />

March<br />

2014<br />

March<br />

2014<br />

March<br />

2014<br />

Sep<br />

2013<br />

Sep 2014<br />

2 Formulation for prevention of diseases in muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis<br />

Helfer (Pilot studies)<br />

3 Characterization and diagnosis of different pathogens of eri silkworm Samia ricini<br />

Donovan diseases from North East India<br />

NSSO, Bangalore<br />

New Programme to be initiated during the year:<br />

Post-Authorization trials of <strong>Silk</strong>worm hybrids<br />

Increased production of bivoltine hybrids<br />

Generation of bivoltine seed cocoons through ASRs<br />

Generation of Pure Mysore seed cocoons in Kunigal (Karnataka) and Punganur<br />

(Andhra Pradesh) + Denkanikottai (Tamil Nadu) through ASRs<br />

Popularization of technology for long term preservation of crossbreed eggs<br />

Solar power generation facilities at BSFs<br />

Franchisee CRCs to be established - 10<br />


Mobile disinfection units – 60<br />

Distribution of F1 dfls through NSSO field units and Franchisees - 230.00 lakhs<br />

Adopted Seed Rearers (ASRs) to be supported for generation of seed cocoons 50<br />

to generate 325.00 lakhs cocoons<br />

ISO Certification (New) - 1 (SSPC Udhampur)<br />

Maintenance of ISO Certification - 18 SSPCs<br />

Implementation of CSB Amendment Act - Registration will be completed for all<br />

remaining seed cocoon rearers, grainages and chawki rearers. Training will be<br />

conducted for registered personnel. Seed Act awareness programmes would be<br />

organized in all sectors<br />

Tentative <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> of Basic Seed Production for 2012 – 2013<br />

No.of<br />

Zone Units Dfls to be produced (Number)<br />

P3 P2 P1 Total<br />



Karnataka 2 0 17600 800000 817600<br />


Karnataka 1 480 15000 100000 110480<br />

Total (South Zone) 3 480 27600 900000 928080<br />



West Bengal 2 2170 6000 120000 128170<br />

Bihar 1 0 0 40000 40000<br />

Total (East Zone) 3 2170 6000 160000 168170<br />


Uttaranchal 2 160 1380 26500 28040<br />

Grand Total 8 2810 34980 1086500 1124290<br />

P2 and P1 dfls are prepared based on requirement.<br />


Zone<br />


No. of<br />

SSPCs<br />

F1 Dfl Production Targets for 2012-2013<br />

Target (in lakh dfls)<br />

Bivoltine Multivoltine<br />

Traditional<br />

CSR Double<br />

Hybrids Hybrids hybrids<br />

Total<br />

PM x<br />

CSR 2<br />

N x<br />

Bi<br />

Total<br />

Grand<br />

Total<br />

KARNATAKA 6 0 36.0 40.0 76.0 79.0 0 79.0 155.0<br />

TAMIL NADU 3 0 5.00 5.00 10.0 13.0 0 13.0 23.0<br />

ANDHRA<br />

PRADESH 3 0 0 0 0 30.0 0 30.0 30.0<br />

KERALA 1 6.0 10.0 16.0 2.0 0 2.0 18.0<br />

Total (South Zone)13 0 47.0 55.0 102.0 124.0 0 124.0 226.0<br />


WEST<br />

BENGAL 4 0 0 0 0 0 81.0 81.0 81.0<br />


JORHAT<br />


1 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 2.0<br />

JAMMU &<br />


1 1.0 1.0 5.0 7.0 0 0 0 7.0<br />

UTTARKHAND 1 5.0 1.0 5.0 11.0 0 0 0 11.0<br />

Total ( North zone) 2 6.0 2.0 10.0 18.0 0 0 0 18.0<br />

GRAND TOTAL 20 6.0 49.0 65.0 120.0 124.0 81.0 205.0 325.0<br />

BTSSO, Bilaspur<br />

• Efforts will be continued to enable the state PPCs to achieve better multiplication<br />

ratio of basic seeds (at least 1:6) supplied from BSM&TCs.<br />

• During 2012-13, 23 PPCs have been earmarked for adoption.<br />

• In addition, PPC - NGO - graineurs linkage to be encouraged for production of<br />

commercial seed<br />

• Adoption of Private Graineurs by BSM&TCs<br />

• Impart training to 5000 persons under ISDS to make personnel available to the<br />

states<br />

MSSO/ESSO, Guwahati<br />

Adoption of seed Rearers under MSSO unit - 30 ASRs will be selected against each<br />

unit for back up arrangement of seed cocoon production.<br />

High altitude areas , viz: Kalimpong in West Bengal, Jollycot in Uttarakhand,<br />

Chintapalli in Andhra Pradesh have been proposed to establish three P2<br />

stations.<br />

NE States viz- Mizoram , Manipur , Nagaland & Meghalaya have been<br />

identified for conducting summer seed crop rearings.<br />


Proposed to prepare 3 lakh Eri dfls under 5 ESSPs and 502800 Muga seed through<br />

MSSO farms, ASRs and special seed zones<br />

Target for Basic Seed Production Proposed for 2012-13<br />

Unit Dfls to Dfls to<br />

Brush produce<br />

Tura 1700 10400<br />

Mendipathar 1380 9440<br />

Nong 1400 11200<br />

Rompara 4550 36400<br />

Adokgiri 4550 36400<br />

Jia 3450 27600<br />

Nara’pur 3900 31200<br />

Hahim 3900 31200<br />

ASR under SSPC Kaliabari 5000 25000<br />

Kalimpong (Hill nursery) 2400<br />

Total 29830 221240<br />

Decisions Common to all:<br />

Post cocoon sections under Research and Training Institutes should work in<br />

harmony with CSTRI in fine-tuning and transferring the post cocoon technology.<br />

Reelability and silk quality parameters should be studied for every breed / hybrid<br />

and also the reeling machinery / processes.<br />

All institutes should try to avail facilities under micro irrigation / water conservation<br />

schemes, schemes under renewable / non-conventional energy exploitation,<br />

MNREGA, RKVY assistance for various activities.<br />

While proposing new research projects, the research institutes must propose<br />

projects for utilization of the out-put of similar projects concluded earlier. Unless<br />

there is utilization, no new projects on identical line shall be permitted.<br />

All the Research Institutes shall compile and analyse the data on disease and pest<br />

incidence and release bulletins, season-wise and crop-wise along with the<br />

precautions to be taken. The units of NSSO, BTSSO and MSSO/ESSO shall serve<br />

as partners in the programme for collection of the data.<br />

All institutes must work on Integrated Pest and Disease Management. Where<br />

packages have already been prepared through earlier works, they should be on the<br />

ToT programme.<br />

All the institutes should frequently organize the Technology awareness programmes<br />

through their nested units besides themselves. They should also continuously<br />

collect data on the number of people adopting the technologies, extent of adoption,<br />

outcome of adoption, difficulty expressed in adopting the technologies if any, etc.<br />

All the Directors of Institutes should prepare a list of decisions made during various<br />

meetings and review the follow up action taken on a monthly basis.<br />

A one-day workshop should be organised besides constituting a working group for<br />

preparing a road map for Muga & Eri development during XII <strong>Plan</strong>.<br />


While organising mass communication programmes like Krishimelas, Vicharghostis,<br />

etc. they should be in consultation with the DoS and invite the local elected<br />

representatives.<br />

All institutes should submit the monthly and quarterly reports in the prescribed<br />

formats regularly along with duly filled in RFD and the same will be reviewed every<br />

month besides responding promptly to all the letters & circulars issued by the<br />

central office.<br />

Directors of the institutions should personally review and monitor all civil /<br />

construction works on a monthly basis ensuring timely submission of UCs in the<br />

prescribed formats.<br />

Any technology being filed for patenting should simultaneously be commercialized.<br />

Under no circumstances exclusive rights be given to any single party. They can use<br />

the services of NRDC for patenting and commercialisation of their products as per<br />

the MoU entered between CSB and NRDC.<br />

All the parents of the authorised silkworm hybrids must be available for commercial<br />

exploitation or any further trials leading to commercialisation. If progenitors are<br />

failed to provide seed material, such hybrids/variety will be considered for denotification.<br />

The parental breeds of all the silkworm hybrids accepted for testing under the race<br />

authorization process should be deposited to CSGRC, Hosur.<br />

Work on rain water harvest and in situ water conservation should be under taken by<br />

all non-mulberry R&D units.<br />

Large scale trail of artificial diet for Tasar and Muga silkworms should be carried<br />

out.<br />

Scaling up of indoor rearing of tasar and muga silkworms should be taken up by<br />

CTR&TI, Ranchi and CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh.<br />

One seed laboratory each may be started attached to BTSSO and MSSO/ESSO to<br />

work on burning seed related problems.<br />

It is suggested that all the breeders should invariably consult the literature/data<br />

bank developed by the CSGRC or other institutions and identify the donors for their<br />

breeding programme. There should be sharing of information among the CSGRC<br />

and other institutions while CSGRC should build up a data bank on the<br />

characteristics of the available germplasm. A workshop may be conducted to<br />

facilitate the breeders to interact with the CSGRC scientists and draw their breeding<br />

programmes considering the characteristics of the available germplasm. SBRL<br />

Kodathi will also provide information on molecular characterization, markers<br />

identified and the methodology to be used in Marker Assisted Selection.<br />

Work should be initiated on discriminating seed zones from commercial cocoon<br />

production zones, especially in non-mulberry to contain the diseases and to<br />

improve the healthy silkworm seed production.<br />

All the R&D units, seed organizations and DoS should jointly work for pebrine<br />

monitoring and management. Local task force committees should be constituted to<br />

monitor the seed crops as well as commercial crops.<br />

It is learnt that several projects are continuing for more than 15 years. This needs to<br />

be explained by the Directors of all the respective Institutes.<br />


The outcome of the completed projects should be clearly spelt out and recorded. It<br />

should be ensured that the output is translated to the field.<br />

The Institutes should give emphasis on technology absorption amongst the<br />

farmers/reelers, as the case may be. Directors of all Institutes must indicate the<br />

number of technologies absorbed amongst the farmers / reelers along with the<br />

names of villages, district and State.<br />

The model RFD circulated in the meeting was meant to act as a base for<br />

preparation of Institute-wise RFDs. The Directors should prepare the Institute RFDs<br />

by involving the Scientific and Technical personnel. The performance of the<br />

projects or the programmes included in the RFD should be reflected in the APARs<br />

of the concerned Scientists.<br />

The shared RFD should be prepared by Director (Technical) as an aggregation of<br />

all the Research projects of all the R&D Institutes.<br />

Director (Technical) should ensure that there is no duplication of projects by various<br />

Institutes, as it is noticed that the same projects are taken up by several Institutes.<br />

This results in waste of resources, funds and energy and duplication of efforts.<br />

All Directors shall prepare the RFD and submit to the <strong>Central</strong> Office by April, 10,<br />

2012 based on the decisions in the meeting and instructions issued by the Member<br />

Secretary entailing a directive to organize ad-hoc task force.<br />

Director (T) shall put up the RFDs, after finalization, for entering into an agreement<br />

to be signed by the Directors and the Member Secretary for implementation.<br />

The following inter-institutional programmes have been identified with Joint RFD,<br />

(i) Large scale testing of recently authorized silkworms hybrids (both multi x bi<br />

and bivoltine) for shortlisting for commercial production in south<br />

(collaboration among CSRTI Mysore, CSTRI Bangalore, NSSO Bangalore,<br />

APSSRDI Hindupur, KSSRDI Thalaghattapura and DoS of respective states)<br />

(ii) Large scale testing of recently authorized silkworms hybrids (both multi x bi<br />

and bivoltine) for shortlisting for commercial production in North-West<br />

(collaboration among CSRTI Pampore, CSTRI Bangalore, NSSO Bangalore<br />

and DoS of respective states and SKUAST)<br />

(iii) Large scale testing of recently authorized silkworms hybrids (both multi x bi<br />

and bivoltine) for shortlisting for commercial production in East and North<br />

East (collaboration among CSRTI Berhampore, CSTRI Bangalore, NSSO<br />

Bangalore and DoS of respective states)<br />

(iv) Preauthorization trial of L14 x CSR2 in southern region by CSRTI Mysore<br />

shall be carried out in collaboration with CSTRI Bangalore, NSSO Bangalore,<br />

and DoS of respective states. Similar approach shall be followed in all such<br />

cases.<br />

The budget allocation will be made after getting approvals from Government.<br />

The meeting ended with thanks to the chair and the participants.<br />

Bangalore, [Ishita Roy, IAS]<br />

Dt.: 04.04.2012. Member Secretary, CSB<br />



BANGALORE – 560 068<br />

Annexure-I<br />



BANGALORE ON 19 th & 20 th MARCH, 2012<br />

1. Ms. Ishita Roy, I.A.S. , Member-Secretary, CSB, Bangalore<br />

2. Dr. B. Saratchandra, Director, (Tech), CSB, Bangalore<br />

3. Smt. P.V. Leela, Director (Finance), CSB, Bangalore<br />

4. Dr. S.M.H. Qadri, Director, CSR&TI, Mysore<br />

5. Dr. Bharat Bhushan Bindroo, Director, CSR&TI, Berhampore<br />

6. Dr. R.K. Rajan , Director, CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh<br />

7. Dr. V. Sivaprasad, Director, NSSO, Bangalore<br />

8. Dr. Arindam Basu ,Director, CSTRI, Bangalore<br />

9. Dr. A. Manjula, Director, CSGRC, Hosur<br />

10. Dr. D. Chakravorty, Scientist – D, BTSSO, Bilaspur<br />

11. Dr. Anil Dhar, Director, (i/c) CSR&TI, Pampore<br />

12. Dr. G.P. Rao, Director, (i/c) SBRL, Bangalore<br />

13. Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Director, (i/c), CTR&TI, Ranchi<br />

14. Dr. Ravindra Singh, Scientist – D, SSTL, Bangalore<br />

15. Dr. P. Jayaprakash, Scientist – D, MSSO, Guwhathi<br />

<strong>Board</strong> Secretariat<br />

1. Shri. J. Sampath, Joint Director (Publicity), CSB, Bangalore<br />

2. Shri C.B. Prabhakar Gupta, Joint Director (Finance) CSB, Bangalore<br />

3. Smt. Kshama Giridhar. Scientist – D, CSB, Bangalore<br />

4. Shri. C.J. Prabhakar, Scientist – D, CSB, Bangalore<br />

5. Shri K.K. Shetty, Deputy Secretary (Tech), CSB, Bangalore<br />

6. Dr. R.N. Singh, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

7. Shri P. Jayarama Raju, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

8. Dr. R.S. Teotia, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

9. Dr. K. Sathyanarayana, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

10. Dr. K. Mohan Rao, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

11. Dr. P.P. Srivastava, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

12. Dr. K. Vijayan, Scientist – C, CSB, Bangalore<br />

13. Shri H.L. Venkatesh, Dy. Secretary, (Tech), CSB, Bangalore<br />

14. Shri. S. Chandramohan Singh, Dy. Secretary, (Tech), CSB, Bangalore<br />

15. Shri R.C. Das, Asst. Secretary, (Tech), CSB, Bangalore<br />


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