Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)


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tiful queen, who, as the ships paused on fluttering<br />

sails before the throne, gracefully<br />

dropped at the feet of the newly crowned<br />

empress tokens of admiration <strong>and</strong> loyalty.<br />

As the fleet slowly sailed away <strong>and</strong> disappeared<br />

in the overhanging mist, a strain of<br />

angelic music from the Devas proclaimed the<br />

triumph of rebellion <strong>and</strong> sensuality. 0 sin<br />

<strong>and</strong> shame, the dreadful guilt lauded by<br />

angel tongues l<br />

The pageant was ended, the feast was to<br />

begin° The sun, which, through its canopy<br />

of mist, had all day long looked calmly down<br />

upon this scene of splendor, now sank in the<br />

west° Above the descending orb rolled upward<br />

billowy clouds of crimson hue; the<br />

ruddy glow stained tower <strong>and</strong> pavilion, marble<br />

colonnade <strong>and</strong> house-top. And thus,<br />

when Satanas <strong>and</strong> his bride passed up the<br />

luminous pathway into the banquet-hall, Samoula<br />

appeared immersed in a crimson tide.<br />

"Too red, too red!" abruptly exclaimed Aldeth.<br />

"My mistress seems bathed in blood!"

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