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letter. "As I hoped and deemed, a most complete victory. Karam Bey himself a prisoner, baggage,<br />

standards, great guns, treasure. Brave soldier of the Cross! (may I prove so!) Your perfectly-devised<br />

movement, (poh, poh!) Hah! what is this?" exclaimed Iskander, turning pale; his lip quivered, his eye<br />

looked dim. He walked to an arched window. His companion, who supposed that he was reading, did<br />

not disturb him.<br />

7.9 "Poor, poor Hunniades!" at length exclaimed Iskander, shaking his. head.<br />

7.10 "What of him?" inquired Nicæus, quickly.<br />

7.11 "The sharpest accident of war!" replied Iskander. "It quite clouds my spirit. We must forget<br />

these things, we must forget. Epirus! he is not a patriot who can spare a thought from thee. And yet, so<br />

young, so beautiful, so gifted, so worthy of a hero! when I saw her by her great father's side, sharing his<br />

toils, aiding his councils, supplying his necessities, methought I gazed upon a ministering angel! upon -- "<br />

7.12 "Stop, stop in mercy's name, Iskander!" exclaimed Nicæus, in a very agitated tone. "What is all<br />

this? Surely no, surely not, surely Iduna -- "<br />

7.13 "'Tis she!"<br />

7.14 "Dead?" exclaimed Nicæus, rushing up to his companion, and seizing his arm.<br />

7.15 "Worse, much worse!"<br />

7.16 "God of Heaven!" exclaimed the young Prince, with almost a frantic air. "Tell me all, tell me all!<br />

This suspense fires my brain. Iskander, you know not what this woman is to me; the sole object of my<br />

being, the bane, the blessing of my life! Speak, dear friend, speak! I beseech you! Where is Iduna?"<br />

7.17 "A prisoner to the Turk."<br />

7.18 "Iduna a prisoner to the Turk. I'll not believe it! Why do we wear swords? Where's chivalry?<br />

Iduna, a prisoner to the Turk! 'Tis false. It cannot be. Iskander, you are a coward! I am a coward! All<br />

are cowards! A prisoner to the Turk! Iduna! What, the Rose of Christendom! has it been plucked by<br />

such a turbaned dog as Amurath? Farewell, Epirus! Farewell, classic Athens! Farewell, bright fields of<br />

Greece, and dreams that made them brighter! The sun of all my joy and hope is set, and set for ever!"<br />

7.19 So saying, Nicæus, tearing his hair and garments, flung himself upon the floor, and hid his face<br />

in his robes.<br />

7.20 Iskander paced the room with a troubled step and thoughtful brow. After some minutes he<br />

leant down by the Prince of Athens, and endeavoured to console him.<br />

7.21 "It is in vain, Iskander, it is in vain," said Nicæus. "I wish to die."<br />

7.22 "Were I a favoured lover, in such a situation," replied Iskander, "I should scarcely consider<br />

death my duty, unless the sacrifice of myself preserved my mistress."<br />

7.23 "Hah!" exclaimed Nicæus, starting from the ground. "Do you conceive, then, the possibility of<br />

rescuing her?"<br />

7.24 "If she live, she is a prisoner in the Seraglio at Adrianople. You are as good a judge as myself<br />

of the prospect that awaits your exertions. It is, without doubt, a difficult adventure, but such, methinks,<br />

as a Christian knight should scarcely shun."<br />

7.25 "To horse;" exclaimed Nicæus, "to horse -- And yet what can I do? Were she in any other<br />

place but the capital I might rescue her by force, but in the heart of their empire, it is impossible. Is there<br />

no ransom that can tempt the Turk? My principality would rise in the balance beside this jewel."<br />

7.26 "That were scarcely wise, and certainly not just," replied Iskander; "but ransom will be of no<br />

avail. Hunniades has already offered to restore Karam Bey, and all the prisoners of rank, and the chief<br />

trophies, and Amurath has refused to listen to any terms. The truth is, Iduna has found favour in the eyes<br />


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