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DORDT COLLEGE <strong>MUSIC</strong><br />

<strong>FALL</strong> <strong>MUSIC</strong><br />

<strong>FESTIVAL</strong><br />

Friday, October 19, 2012<br />

7:00 p.m.<br />

B.J. Haan Auditorium

<strong>FALL</strong> <strong>MUSIC</strong> <strong>FESTIVAL</strong><br />

Pre-concert music provided by the Heilig Brass Quintet.<br />

Please refrain from flash photography and silence the alarms of pagers, cell phones, and watches.<br />

Welcome and Opening Prayer<br />

Dr. Karen DeMol, Professor of Music Emerita<br />

I<br />

Parade of the Wooden Warriors ADAM GORB (b. 1958)<br />

Ammerland JACOB DE HAAN (b. 1959)<br />

Gallito (Pasodoble) SANTIAGO LOPE (1871 – 1906)<br />



II<br />

Prelude for String Orchestra GERALD FINZI (1901 - 1956)<br />

Irish Folk Song ARTHUR FOOTE (1853 – 1937)<br />

Villanella (1966) DAVID WELLS<br />


III<br />

Marche des Parachutistes Belges PIERRE LEEMANS (1897 – 1980)<br />


October ERIC WHITACRE (b. 1970)<br />

Mother Earth DAVID MASLANKA (b. 1943)<br />


Offering and Intermission<br />

Offering designated for music scholarships.<br />

IV<br />

Call of the Flowers (Sous le dôme épais from Lakmé) LÉO DELIBES (1836-1891)<br />

Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin<br />

À la rose s’assemble,<br />

Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,<br />

Viens, descendons ensemble.<br />

Doucement glissons en suivant<br />

Le courant fuyant<br />

Dans l’onde frémissante.<br />

D’une main nonchalante,<br />

Viens, gagnons le bord<br />

où la source dort,<br />

où l’oiseau chante.<br />

Dôme épais, blanc jasmin<br />

nous appellent ensemble!<br />

A dense dome of jasmine<br />

and roses clings together,<br />

flowery waterside and<br />

fresh morning together call us.<br />

Ah! Let us glide<br />

as we follow the fleeting current<br />

among the trembling waves.<br />

Blithely steering,<br />

let us gain the shore<br />

where a bird is singing.<br />

The dense dome,<br />

the white jasmine<br />

together call us!<br />

I Know Where I’m Goin’ AMERICAN FOLK SONG<br />

ARR. LUIGI ZANINELLI (b.1932)<br />

I know where I’m goin’ and I know who’s goin’ with me,<br />

I know who I love and I wish t’were he I’d marry.<br />

Feather beds are soft and paneled rooms are bonny,<br />

but I would leave them all to marry my own Johnny.<br />

I’ll have stockings of silk and shoes of fine-grain’d leather,<br />

combs to buckle my hair and a hat with high plume feather.<br />

And all of these are fine, yes, all are fair and bonny,<br />

still none can make me glad, like my handsome winsome Johnny. – Traditional

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy DON RAYE (1909-1985) & HUGHIE PRINCE (1906-1960)<br />


He was a famous trumpet man from Chicago way.<br />

He had a “boogie” style that no one else could play.<br />

He was the top man at his craft,<br />

but then his number came up, and he was gone with the draft.<br />

He’s in the army now a-blowin’ reveille.<br />

He’s the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.<br />

They made him blow a bugle for his Uncle Sam.<br />

It really brought him down because he couldn’t jam.<br />

The captain seemed to understand,<br />

because the next day the “cap” went out and drafted a band,<br />

and now the company jumps when he plays reveille.<br />

He’s the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.<br />

A-root! A-toot! A-toot diddle ahda toot. He blows eight-to-the-bar in “boogie” rhythm.<br />

He can’t blow a note unless a bass and guitar is playing with him.<br />

And the company jumps when he plays reveille.<br />

He’s the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.<br />

He puts the boys to sleep with “boogie” every night,<br />

and wakes them up the same way in the early bright.<br />

They clap their hands and stamp their feet<br />

because they know how he plays when someone gives him a beat,<br />

he really breaks it up when he plays reveille,<br />

He’s the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.<br />


V<br />

If Ye Love Me THOMAS TALLIS (ca.1505-1585)<br />

If ye love me, keep my commandments,<br />

and I will pray the Father,<br />

and he shall give you another comforter,<br />

that he may bide with you forever,<br />

even the spirit of truth. – John 14:15-17

A tu lado JAVIER BUSTO (b.1949)<br />

Me sabe a sal tu pelo<br />

y es verde tu mirar,<br />

me miras y me muero<br />

por ser tu respirar,<br />

tu chispa es lo que quiero<br />

para ir contigo al mar.<br />

Me sabe a miel tu boca<br />

y para mi es poco un beso;<br />

si me hablas o me tocas<br />

me nublo me embeleso,<br />

tu fortaleza de roca<br />

me retiene preso.<br />

No quiero escapar de ti<br />

no quiero vivir sin verte,<br />

porque seria un triste fin<br />

haber vivido y perderte.<br />

Dejame a qui como un perro,<br />

da me comida en tu mano,<br />

ponme ataduras de hierro<br />

y olvida que soy humano.<br />

Quiereme como a una sombra,<br />

oyeme como a un latido,<br />

pero deja que me esconda en tu pecho,<br />

y que me duerma contigo.<br />

– Matías Antón Mena<br />

Your hair tastes like salt<br />

and the way you look is green,<br />

you look at me and I am dying<br />

to be your breath,<br />

your spark is what I want<br />

to go by the sea with you.<br />

Your mouth tastes like honey<br />

and a kiss is little for me,<br />

if you talk or touch me<br />

I am clouded, captivated,<br />

your rock strength<br />

keeps me prisoner.<br />

I do not want to escape from you<br />

I do not want to live without seeing you,<br />

it would be a sad end<br />

to have lived and lost you.<br />

Leave me here like a dog,<br />

feed me by your hand,<br />

tie me with iron<br />

and forget I am human.<br />

Love me like a shadow,<br />

hear me like a heartbeat,<br />

but let me hide within your chest<br />

and sleep with you.<br />

In My Life JOHN LENNON (1940-1980) & PAUL MCCARTNEY (b.1942)<br />


There are places I’ll remember all my life, though some have changed.<br />

Some forever, not for better; Some have gone and some remain.<br />

All these places had their moments with lovers and friends I still can recall.<br />

Some are dead and some are living, In my life I’ve loved them all.<br />

But of all these friends and lovers there is no one compares with you.<br />

And these memories lose their meaning when I think of love as something new.<br />

Though I know I’ll never lose affection for people and things that went before,<br />

I know I’ll often stop and think about them, In my life I love you more. I love you more.<br />

– Lennon & McCartney<br />


VI<br />

Call to Remembrance RICHARD FARRANT (ca.1530-1581)<br />

Call to Remembrance, O Lord,<br />

Thy tender mercies and Thy loving kindness, which hath been ever of old.<br />

O remember not the sins and offences of my youth,<br />

But according to Thy mercy, think Thou on me, O Lord, for Thy goodness.<br />

– Book of Common Prayer (based on Psalm 25:6)<br />

Zigeurnerleben, Op.29, No.8 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856)<br />

Im Schatten des Waldes, im Buchengezweig<br />

da regt's sich und raschelt und flüstert zugleich.<br />

Es flackern die Flammen, es gaukelt der Schein<br />

um bunte Gestalten, um Laub und Gestein.<br />

Das ist der Zigeuner bewegte Schar<br />

mit blitzendem Aug' und wallendem Haar,<br />

gesäugt an des Niles geheiligter Flut,<br />

gebräunt von Hispaniens südlicher Glut.<br />

Um's lodernde Feuer in schwellendem Grün<br />

da lagern die Männer verwildert und kühn,<br />

da kauern die Weiber und rüsten das Mahl<br />

und füllen geschäftig den alten Pokal.<br />

Und Sagen und Lieder ertönen im Rund,<br />

wie Spaniens Gärten so blühend und bunt,<br />

und magische Sprüche für Not und Gefahr<br />

verkündet die Alte der horchenden Schar.<br />

Schwarzäugige Mädchen beginnen den Tanz,<br />

da sprühen die Fackeln in rötlichem Glanz,<br />

es lockt die Gitarre, die Cymbel klingt,<br />

wie wild und wilder der Reigen sich schwingt.<br />

Dann ruh'n sie ermüdet vom nächtlichen Reih'n;<br />

es rauschen die Buchen in Schlummer sie ein.<br />

Und die aus der glücklichen Heimat verbannt,<br />

sie schauen im Träume das glückliche Land.<br />

Doch wie nun im Osten der Morgen erwacht,<br />

verlöschen die schönen Gebilde der Nacht;<br />

es scharret das Maultier bei Tagesbeginn,<br />

fort zieh'n die Gestalten, wer sagt dir, wohin?<br />

- Emanuel Geibel (1815-1888)<br />

Nicole Tubergen, soprano<br />

Erin Van Ravenswaay, alto<br />

Jake Harmelink, tenor<br />

David Boer, bass<br />

In the shadows of the forest, among the beech trees,<br />

something moves and rustles and whispers all at once.<br />

Flames are flickering, their glow dances<br />

Around colorful figures, around leaves and rocks:<br />

It is the roaming band of gypsies<br />

With flashing eyes and waving hair,<br />

weaned on the holy waters of the Nile,<br />

tanned by Spain's scorching sun.<br />

Around the fire in the swelling green forest<br />

Wild and bold men are resting,<br />

women squat to prepare the meal,<br />

and busily fill ancient goblets.<br />

And tales and songs resound all around,<br />

telling how the gardens in Spain are so full and colorful;<br />

and words of magic to ward off need and danger<br />

the wise old woman recites for the listening crowd.<br />

Dark-eyed girls begin their dance<br />

While torches flicker in reddish glow;<br />

The guitar casts its lure and the cymbal sounds;<br />

The dance grows wild and wilder.<br />

Then they rest, weary from the night of dance,<br />

and the beeches rustle them to sleep.<br />

And, banned as they are from their blissful homeland,<br />

they see it in their dreams, that happy land.<br />

But now, when the morning awakes in the east,<br />

so vanish the beautiful visions of the night;<br />

at daybreak the mules paw the ground,<br />

the figures move away-who knows where?

Alleluia (from Brazilian Psalm) JEAN BERGER (1909-2002)<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Cymbals and the sounding harp I do not have,<br />

but I’ll make a fair procession for you, O blessed Lord.<br />

We have no cymbals for your praise, no harps to praise you,<br />

but I’ll praise you with waving of palms.<br />

Accept them I implore you, I will dance and sing your praises!<br />

O Lord!<br />

Daemon Irrepit Callidus GYÖRGY ORBÁN (b.1947)<br />

Daemon ponit fraudes,<br />

Daemon ponit fraudes, inter laudes, cantus,<br />

saltus.<br />

Daemon irrepit callidus,<br />

Allicit cor honoribus.<br />

Quid-quid amabile Daemon dat<br />

cor Jesu minus aestimat.<br />

Caro venatur sensibus;<br />

sen sus adhaeret da pibus;<br />

Ine scatur, impinguatur dilatatur.<br />

Adde mundorum milia,<br />

mille millena gaudia;<br />

Quid-quid amabile To-tum dat,<br />

cor Jesu minus aestimat.<br />

Cordis aestum non explebunt,<br />

non arcebunt, Daemon, Daemon!<br />

– Anonymous, 12th/13th century<br />

The Demon sneaks expertly<br />

Tempting the honorable heart;<br />

He sets forth trickery amidst praise, song and dance.<br />

However amiably the Demon acts,<br />

It is still worth less than the heart of Jesus<br />

The Flesh is tempted by sensuality;<br />

Gluttony clings to our senses;<br />

It overgrows, it encroaches, it stretches.<br />

However appealing the Flesh is,<br />

It is still worth less than the heart of Jesus.<br />

Though the Universe may confer<br />

Thousands upon thousands of praises,<br />

They neither fulfill nor put out the desire of the heart.<br />

However appealing the whole Universe is,<br />

It is still worth less than the heart of Jesus.<br />


VII<br />

Kyrie (from Petit messe solennelle) GIOACCHINO ROSSINI (1792-1868)<br />

Kyrie eleison.<br />

Christe eleison.<br />

Kyrie eleison.<br />

Lord, have mercy.<br />

Christ, have mercy.<br />

Lord, have mercy

Spirit of God FREDERICK C. ATKINSON (1841-1896)<br />


Spirit of God, who dwells within my heart<br />

Wean it from sin, through all its pulses move.<br />

Stoop to my weakness, mighty as you are,<br />

And make me love you as I ought to love.<br />

Did you not bid us love you God and King,<br />

Love you with all our heart and strength and mind?<br />

I see the cross, there teach me heart to cling.<br />

O let me seek you and O let me find.<br />

Teach me to love you as your angels love,<br />

One holy passion filling all my frame:<br />

The fullness of the heaven-descended Dove;<br />

My heart an altar, and your love the flame. – George Croly (1780-1860)<br />

Long Road ĒRIKS EŠENVALDS (b.1977)<br />

I love you night and day as a star in the distant sky,<br />

And I mourn for this one thing alone that to love, our lifetime was so short.<br />

A long road to heaven’s shining meadow, and never could I reach its end.<br />

But a longer road leads to your heart, which to me seems distant as a star.<br />

High above the arch of heaven bends and light so clear is falling.<br />

Like a flow’ring tree the world is blooming.<br />

Overwhelmed, my heart both cries and laughs.<br />

– Paulīne Bārda (1890-1983), trans. Elaine Singley Lloyd<br />

Rachel Kooiman & Natalie Vreeken, soprano<br />

Leanna Bentz & Lisa Smith, alto<br />

Nathan Friend & Jacob Richards, tenor<br />

Brian De Young & TJ Van Weerdhuizen, bass<br />


ARR. PONTAS PURBA (b.1953)<br />

This song is a setting of a pantun, a traditional Malay poetic form that expresses a riddle with hidden<br />

meaning. Frequently, the initial lines are meaningless but establish a rhythm and rhyme for the second part<br />

of the text, which carries the enigmatic meaning of the poem.<br />

Siksik si batu manikkam ni parjoget,<br />

Sor ma di gottam di na mangingani.<br />

Si bambangkara jula-jula,<br />

Si bambangkara jula-jula.<br />

Habang birrik-birrik, santabi loloan on,<br />

Dipatangkas dipatilik bohi nahurapon on.<br />

Dang tutu sihupi ianggo so marsuga suga,<br />

Dang tutu na uli ianggo so denggan<br />

marroha.<br />

Kristina Haan, soprano<br />

Maria Bouwkamp, alto<br />

Jake Miller, tenor<br />


These lines do not have any meaning.<br />

They are only funny lines which rhyme,<br />

And lead to the rest of the text.<br />

No meaning – written to rhyme with the next line:<br />

“The more you look you can see that my face has<br />

blemishes.”<br />

No meaning – written to rhyme with the next line:<br />

“Beauty is worthless if you don’t have a beautiful<br />


VIII<br />

Psalm 148 LASST UNS ERFREUEN (1623)<br />

SETTING BY GUSTAV HOLST (1874-1934)<br />

Lord, Who hast made us for Thine own,<br />

Hear as we sing before Thy throne.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Accept Thy children’s rev’rent praise<br />

For all Thy wondrous works and ways.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia,<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Waves, rolling in on ev’ry shore,<br />

Pause at His footfall and adore.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Ye torrents rushing from the hills,<br />

Bless Him Whose hand your fountains fills.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Earth, ever through the pow’r divine,<br />

Seedtime and harvest shall be thine.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Sweet flow’rs that perfume all the air,<br />

Thank Him that He hath made you fair.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Burn, lamps of night, with constant flame,<br />

Shine to the honors of His name.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Thou sun, whom all the lands obey,<br />

Renew His praise from day to day.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia.<br />

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. – Frances Ralph Gray (ca.1863-1935)<br />


<strong>MUSIC</strong> FACULTY<br />

Karen De Mol ............................................................................................ Aural Skills, Department Co-Chair<br />

Benjamin Kornelis ....................... Choral Music Ensembles, Choral Music Education, Department Co-Chair<br />

John MacInnis ............................................................ Music Theory, Music History, Introduction to the Arts<br />

Bradley Miedema .......................................... Instrumental Music Ensembles, Instrumental Music Education<br />

ADJUNCT <strong>MUSIC</strong> FACULTY<br />

Andrea Carlson ..........................................................................................................................................Horn<br />

John Casey ................................................................................................................................................. Bass<br />

Luke Dahn .................................................................................................................................... Composition<br />

Pamela De Haan ................................................................................................................... Saxophone, Voice<br />

Jennifer Frens ............................................................................................................................... Viola, Violin<br />

Matthew Geerlings .................................................................................................................................. Organ<br />

Beverly Gibson ..................................................................................................................................... Clarinet<br />

Geoff Gunderson .....................................................................................................................................Guitar<br />

Carol Hallberg .................................................................................................... Elementary Music Education<br />

Timothy Hillyer ................................................................................................................................Percussion<br />

Stephanie Kocher ......................................................................................................................................Flute<br />

Kevin Linder...................................................................................................................... Trumpet, Jazz Band<br />

Karren Melik-Stepanov ............................................................................................................................ Cello<br />

Lisa Miedema ..........................................................................................................................................Violin<br />

Vance Shoemaker ............................................................................................................................. Low Brass<br />

Norma Snyder Jones ................................................................................................................................. Piano<br />

Kristi Stanichar ......................................................................................................................................... Oboe<br />

Debora Vogel .......................................................................................................................................... Voice<br />

Anna Vorhes .............................................................................................................................................. Harp<br />

Leah Schaaf Walker ............................................................................................................................ Bassoon<br />

MaryLou Wielenga ....................................................................................................................... Piano, Organ<br />

Upcoming Music Department Events<br />

Jazz Band Concert ............................................................. Campus Center, 11:00 a.m., Saturday, October 20<br />

Organ Showcase .......................................................... BJ Haan Auditorium, 2:00 p.m., Saturday, October 20<br />

Faculty Recital: Matthew Geerlings, organ .................... BJ Haan Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., Friday, October 26

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