F OCUS - American Foreign Service Association

F OCUS - American Foreign Service Association F OCUS - American Foreign Service Association


A F S A N E W S Awards • Continued from page 59 ment. (Look for the interview with Amb. Boyatt on p. 13 of this issue. Profiles of all other award winner begin on p. 63.) AFSA gratefully appreciates the efforts of all those who sent in nominations and hope that posts will also recognize their nominees’ outstanding accomplishments. AFSA also thanks all those who served on panels this year. The association places great importance on these awards, which are unique in the U.S. government. AFSA would like to acknowledge Director General Harry Thomas for co-sponsoring this year’s awards ceremony. Congratulations to all winners and runners-up. Constructive Dissent Awards There are four AFSA awards for intellectual courage, initiative and integrity in the context of constructive dissent that are presented annually to Foreign Service employees who demonstrate the courage to speak out and challenge the system. Each winner receives a certificate of recognition and a monetary prize of $2,500. The AFSA Awards and Plaques Committee selects the CLASSIFIEDS 72 FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL/JULY-AUGUST 2008 Harris, Harriman and Herter Dissent Award winners. The Rivkin Award winner was selected by the children of the late Ambassador William Rivkin: Julia Wheeler, Laura Ledford, Charles Rivkin and Robert Rivkin. This year’s winners are: LUKE V. ZAHNER, U.S. Embassy Dhaka, winner of the W. Averell Harriman Award for an entry-level Foreign Service officer. RACHEL I. SCHNELLER, economic/commercial officer in the Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, winner of the William R. Rivkin Award for a mid-level Foreign Service officer. AMBASSADOR JEFFREY FELTMAN, former U.S. ambassador to Lebanon and current principal deputy assistant secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, winner of the Christian A. Herter Award for a senior Foreign Service officer. The Tex Harris Award for a Foreign Service specialist was not awarded this year. Outstanding Performance Awards These awards recognize exemplary performance and extraordinary contributions to professionalism, morale and effectiveness. Each winner receives a certificate of recognition and $2,500. The 2008 winners and runners-up are: VICTOR WILLIAMS, Embassy Pretoria, winner of the Avis Bohlen Award, presented to a Foreign Service family member whose relations with the American and foreign communities at a Foreign Service post have done the most to advance American interests. The runner-up is Ellen Brager- Michiels, Embassy Santo Domingo. VIRGINIA GREGORY, Embassy Caracas, winner of the Delavan Award, which recognizes extraordinary contributions to effectiveness, professionalism and morale by an Office Management Specialist. The runner-up is Tanya Bodde, Embassy Islamabad. CRAIG GERARD, Embassy Cairo, winner of the M. Juanita Guess Award for outstanding service as a community liaison officer. Runners-up were co-CLOs Lily Hightower and Lesya Cely of Embassy Addis Ababa. JULIE A. EADEH, Embassy Baghdad, was selected for a special award for AFSA Post Representative of the Year. This award comes with a framed certificate and a cash award of $1,000. ❏




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