THE OBERLIN REVIEW. - Oberlin College

THE OBERLIN REVIEW. - Oberlin College

THE OBERLIN REVIEW. - Oberlin College


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Volume XXIIL<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

J.<br />

Editorials, 277-27- 9<br />

AtEvcnfall (Poem), 279<br />

Bibliotheca Sacra, 279<br />

The Old Soldier, 280<br />

- --- n. V<br />

Valentines (Verse), 282<br />

Random Rhymes, 283<br />

Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc'n, 284<br />

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Contents<br />

Sorpliced Boy Choirs, 285<br />

Musical, 286<br />

News, 287-29- 0<br />

Personals, 289<br />

Alumni, 289-29- 0<br />

Society Notes, 290<br />

<strong>College</strong> World,29<br />

Wednesday, February J 9, 1896.<br />

Number 18. f

Northwestern<br />

University<br />

Medical<br />

School.<br />

The<br />

Pennant<br />

Neorlisree<br />

KrHI fc rislior's Strings at Holler At Stewart'..<br />

This <strong>College</strong> irave the first graded<br />

medical course in America.<br />

Regular course now four vears.<br />

Advanced standing given special<br />

science students.<br />

New buildings.<br />

Thorough Laboratory Courses.<br />

Large and varied Clinics,<br />

For Circulars of desired information,<br />

address the Secretary<br />

Shirt<br />

Dr. Frank Billings,<br />

235 Stale street,<br />

Chicago, III.<br />

j<br />

Made from the best of fabrics,<br />

Patterns of the very latest<br />

designs.<br />

Collars - the swell and<br />

j<br />

correct styles,<br />

i<br />

Perfect Fitting.<br />

In fact, an "Up-to-Date- " garment in every respect<br />

Try Them.<br />

Having once worn them you will use no other.<br />

FOR SALE IJY- -<br />

AUG. STRAUS.<br />

I<br />

KRENZ<br />

<strong>THE</strong> TAILOR,<br />

77 S. Main St.<br />

I las just received the inest Line of<br />


ever shown in Obeilin. It will pay yon<br />

to examine liis goods and get his price<br />

before purchasing elsewhere.<br />

Tlle can save you money.<br />

riCKI'KCT KIT and Good Workmanship<br />

guaranteed.<br />

I 'OK THK IJKST M ADI2- -<br />

Ladies' and Gents'<br />


c;o to- -<br />

W. J. STONE,<br />

Our Stock is Large. 13 W. <strong>College</strong> St.<br />

T<br />

O<br />

Jl<br />

3'<br />

CD<br />

?<br />

mJ<br />

Tig<br />

n o.<br />

O cr<br />

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Hi<br />

TJ<br />

?"<br />

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h- - X<br />

CD<br />

TJ<br />

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CD<br />

m<br />

<strong>THE</strong> M<br />

SNOWY<br />

LANDSCAPE . .<br />

of winter with its leafless trees and icebound<br />

streams offers the amateur photographer<br />

as many opportunities for artistic<br />

work as do the most pleasant days of<br />

summer, and one need not think that a<br />

Pocket Kodak purchased now need be<br />

laid away until summer before using.<br />

The little instrument is hardly larger<br />

than a well filled purse, yet it takes<br />

beautiful "snow-scapes- " and is always<br />

readyformakingaflash-lightpicturcwhe- n<br />

congenial companions are gathered about<br />

the fireside ia the long winter evenings.<br />

IWlcl Kixliik, limited for 12 cm""'"" M xSlurl"1 00<br />

t'oiiiili-t-<br />

1<br />

f llcwliijiliig mill I'l iiillng Mm III,<br />

50<br />


Sample Photo and Booklet<br />

for 2 tiuo-ce- nt stamps.<br />

Rochester, N.Y.<br />

Iloltcr & Stewart have an Elegant Liue of Umbrellas.<br />


Fine Stationery at 21 West <strong>College</strong> street. W. II. RolUn.<br />

Urlin & Pfeifer,<br />

; Leading Photographers,<br />

Columbus, O.<br />

.; Resolution passed by Senior Class,<br />

1895, endorsing our work as having<br />

given perfect satisfaction and recommending<br />

us.<br />


1895- -<br />

. The celebrated Oxford Bibles.<br />

The International Bibles.<br />

t i TiKi<br />

. CD . . , ,<br />


Steam Laundrv J'<br />

Does business for the benefit ?<br />

of <strong>Oberlin</strong> students and citi-- "<br />

zens, and respectfully solicits ;<br />

their patronage. '<br />

Students accommodated with .<br />

short notice work. ;<br />

Repairs made and new neck '<br />

bands furnished if requested.<br />

Ladies' shirt waists a specialty;<br />

Only first-cla- ss work<br />

guaranteed.<br />

8 South Main street.<br />

8<br />

Holman's Pronouncing Bibles.<br />

Family Bibles.<br />

" Bibles' from 20 cents upward.<br />

Revised Testaments from 10 cents upward.<br />

All offered at a great discount from regular<br />

prices. Bibles were never so cheap.<br />

E. J. GOODRICH.<br />


Washington's<br />

I Birthday<br />

181<br />

N<br />

181<br />

N<br />

Ought to be a Rosy day. Help it along by<br />

leaving an order for Roses at the<br />

<strong>Oberlin</strong> Pharmacy.<br />

The Flowers that we shall handle on that<br />

day will be the very best that<br />

money can buy.<br />

Leave your order immediately so as to get the best.<br />

V. E. Rice, Florist.<br />

Office at Burgess' Drug Store.<br />

xmim w.y&mw w v m sx m t?a<br />

Endean & Enwright<br />


Photographs,<br />

Ivory Miniatures,<br />

Pastels,<br />

Crayons,<br />

Water Colors.<br />

122 Euclid Ave.,<br />

Cleveland, O.<br />

Telephone 21S7.<br />

We<br />

respectfully<br />

invite<br />

you<br />

to<br />

call<br />

and<br />

inspect<br />

ui-wor- o k<br />

and<br />

studies.<br />

Special Rates made to<br />

Clubs, Societies, and<br />

<strong>College</strong> Students.<br />

No Guesswork<br />

About Columbias<br />

The Department of<br />

Tests of the Pope<br />

Manufacturing Company,<br />

with its Emery<br />

Testing Machine of<br />

100,000 lbs. capacity,<br />

has no superior, even<br />

among the Government<br />

testing stations<br />

Expert Engineers and Metallurgists watch<br />

everything that enters into Columbia construction.<br />

There are no untried devices in<br />

the Columbia. That is why &&&&&<br />

Columbia Bicycles<br />

e Standard of the World<br />

MSSSe" POPE MFG. CO.<br />

tt r vonn<br />

2-c- ent two .<br />

atamnn. & Hartiord<br />

Fine Candies and Perfumes at the Gem Pharmacy.

"Correspondence Solicited" on Burgess' Stationery.<br />

ANNUAL<br />

Clearance Sale<br />

-- or-<br />

Fine Footwear.<br />

See our Bargains to fully<br />

them.<br />

Try our GYM. SHOES.<br />

RUBBERS (d<br />

All Styles and Prices.<br />

Pr?nQniJc; The PoPular<br />

1 LKbUlNb, Shoeman<br />

Your shoes shine J free.<br />

31 North Main Street.<br />

DR. G. C. JAMESON,<br />

Office over Straus' store. Hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m<br />

Residence, 214 West <strong>College</strong> St.<br />


Homoeopathic Physician.<br />

Office over 17 W. <strong>College</strong> St.<br />

Hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Residence, 364 N. Main St.<br />


Room 30, 44 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. Dr. Siddall will be in<br />

the office of Dr. J. F. Siddall, at <strong>Oberlin</strong>, every Wednesday.<br />

Physician and Surgeon.<br />

DR. J. AUSTIN,<br />

Office 29 East <strong>College</strong> St.<br />

Office hours, 8- -9 a. in., 1- -2 p.m., 7--8 evening.<br />

H. G. & D. S. HUSTED, DENTISTS.<br />

Over Citizens National Dank. North Main St.<br />

Gkraldink Morgan,<br />

Fay li. Fessenden,<br />

224 North Professor St. 19 Um bt- -<br />

Stenographers and Typewriters.<br />

01T.ee in <strong>College</strong> Chapel.<br />

Hours- -8 to 11:45: 1 to 4:30- -<br />


Hoard from $2.50 to $3 per week. Single meals 25 cents.<br />

ce. Sundays and e<br />

"F Open v- -<br />

Good Lunch Counter m atienuance.<br />

30 South Main street.<br />

TTAT Ifl I Students! You can --ct your supplies in OI1.cc Chans Desks uook v,w,<br />

Mir<br />

HALl Couches, Tea Tables, Tabourette Stands, Easels Screens, Easy Rockers,<br />

rors, etc., at the POPULAK hUKINI I Uttc o 1<br />

"J ncb'EL<br />


At Cost for the balance of the Season.<br />

- W" <strong>College</strong> St<br />


VAN l)i:iti:N & PERSONS, Jcwclci-- s and Opticians.<br />


A RRII 1 I A NIT RTIinFNT.<br />

Head of the class, perfect recitations and examinations, envied<br />

by all. To attain such honor a good memory is necessary. J he<br />

new physiological discovery M KMORY KKSTOKA1IVL<br />

1 AB-<br />

LETS quickly and permanently increase the memory two to ten<br />

fold and greatly augment intellectual power. Piflicult studies,<br />

lectures, etc., easily mastered; truly marvelous, highly endorsed,<br />

your success assured. Price, $1.00, postpaid. Send for circular.<br />

Memory Elements Co., i Madison Ave , N. .<br />

<strong>THE</strong> OWL OFFICE<br />


Corner<br />

MAI v and COLLEGE<br />


Call and get special rates for your Laundry.<br />

Underclothing, Handkerchiefs, Hose, etc.,<br />

40c per dozen.<br />

Good work guaianteed or money refunded.<br />

PETER LING, 20 E. <strong>College</strong> St.

Beautiful Pictures Mounted on Glass at X. H. Kolliu's.<br />


Western Reserve University devotes its entire endowment,<br />

amounting to about $2,500,000 (about one-ha- lf of<br />

which is in interest-bearin- g funds, an amount double that possessed<br />

by any other college in Ohio), to regular collegiate and<br />

professional "work. The professional schools include:<br />

The Medical <strong>College</strong> with 5 instructors.<br />

The <strong>College</strong> of Law with 14 instructors.<br />

The <strong>College</strong> of Dentistry with 12 instructors.<br />

The under-graduat- e work is done through Aclclbcrt <strong>College</strong>,<br />

with iS instructors, and through the <strong>College</strong> for<br />

Women with 17 instructors.<br />

The graduate work is done through the Graduate School<br />

with 20 instructors!<br />

By a proper election of studies students may combine in part<br />

the last year of their college course with the first year in the<br />

.Medical <strong>College</strong> or the <strong>College</strong> of Law.<br />

CHARLES F. TIIYVING, President.<br />

'Cleveland, 895-9- 6.<br />


AND O<strong>THE</strong>RS<br />

Will always find at<br />

HARMON'S<br />

A Fine Line of<br />


Of All Kinds, such as<br />

Choice Perfumerv,<br />

Hair Brushes,<br />

Clothes Brushes,<br />

Tooth Brushes,<br />

Rubber - Hand Bath and<br />

Complexion Brushes,<br />

Whisp Brooms and<br />

Fine Toilet Soaps.<br />

The Best Place in <strong>Oberlin</strong> to<br />

obtain Fine Chocolates and Bon<br />

Bons.<br />

Pure Drugs and Medicines at<br />

Harmon's Prescription Pharmacy.<br />

illlif<br />

I I ft ' - I f 9mW V<br />

v3<br />

Artist Photographer, is here<br />

every<br />


Studio over M. G. Dick's.<br />

Make appointments at<br />


All Kinds of Ximis Goods at AV. II. Kolliu's.<br />

T. J. RICE,<br />

-- 5sw PIJOTOGR APHER vX<br />

Gallery on West <strong>College</strong> St.<br />

We give you the newest things in<br />

Thotography.<br />

Make Appointments<br />

for<br />


The <strong>Oberlin</strong> Review,<br />

Volume XXIII.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

L H. Fauver, '96,<br />

E. A. Seibert, '97,<br />


<strong>THE</strong> UNION LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.<br />


Harry J. Haskell, '96,<br />

Walter Y. Durand, '96,<br />

Helen Clarke, '96,<br />

Archer. II. Shaw, '97, )<br />

Mabel C. Warnock, '96,<br />

Jess&C. Childs, '96,<br />

Asa S. Hardy, 6,<br />

correspondents.<br />

Prof. E. Dickinson,<br />

Myrtle J. Stone,<br />

l<br />

Herbert J. Hinman,<br />

Louis E. Lord, -<br />

Mills S. Grimes, - -<br />

One Year, $1.50. ,<br />

Wednesday, February 19, 1896.<br />

Editor-in-Chie- f.<br />

Associate Editot.<br />

Literary.<br />

News.<br />

<strong>College</strong> World.<br />

- Alumni.<br />

Conservatory.<br />

Seminary.<br />

- Athletics.<br />

Xcademy,<br />

Financial Managey;.<br />

Assistant Manager.<br />

- Single Copies, 10 Cts.<br />

If tint Paid before March 1st. $2.00.<br />

Postage on Foreign Subscriptions, 40 Cknts Additional,<br />

for salk at comings' book stork and at burgess.<br />

Communications pertaining to subscriptions<br />

should be addressed to the Financial Manager.<br />

and advertising<br />

Entered at the Post-oflic- e mail matter.<br />

at <strong>Oberlin</strong>, Ohio, as second-clas- s<br />

Calendar.<br />

Feb. 22 Washington's Birthday.<br />

Feb. 28 Prof. Andrews' Historic Organ Recital.<br />

March 1 See black line above.<br />

March 2-M-<br />

arch<br />

3-M- arch<br />

10<br />

March n<br />

March 24<br />

March<br />

Sophomore Oratorical Contest.<br />

Concert of the Glee Club at Lorain.<br />

--Russell Convvell.<br />

Union Annual.<br />

First Home Concert, <strong>Oberlin</strong> Glee Club.<br />

Second Home Concert, <strong>Oberlin</strong> Glee<br />


Number 18.'<br />

A State The Review 'would call<br />

Intercollegiate spccial<br />

1 attention re-Athle- tic to the<br />

Association, port or Mi. Jameson, Uber- -<br />

lin's representative at the recent discussion .<br />

of a State athletic association in Columbus,"<br />

which is published in this week's Review.<br />

The delegates present seem to have taken '<br />

a thoroughly sane and practical view of the<br />

situation. Ohio certainly needs some governing<br />

body in amateur athletics, and a recognized<br />

code of State rules regulating intercollegiate<br />

contests. But these rules must be<br />

prepared with much care, and ,not adopted<br />

without thorough discussion. It is a priori<br />

probable that a code drawn up as was the<br />

code recently sent to the college presidents<br />

of the State for ratification would fail to<br />

meet the actual conditions, and would be'<br />

generally unsatisfactory.<br />

The track meetproposed to be held at Columbus<br />

in June ought, certainly, to arouse<br />

much interest in track athletics throughout<br />

the State. Columbus is so centrally situated<br />

that every college should be well represent- - '<br />

cd. The knowledge that all men who make<br />

decent records will represent the college,'<br />

should add greatly to the interest among the<br />

track men here.<br />

The advantages of the State Association '<br />

must be admitted by all, and it is to be hoped<br />

that no stickling for technicalities will pre- -<br />

vent the successful organization of the pro-rosc- d<br />

league.<br />

Bradley<br />

Auditorium<br />

Lectures.<br />

Those who attended Prof.<br />

Martin's illustrated art lecture<br />

last week .will antici<br />

pate with interest the remaining talks of the<br />

series. The stereopticon slides shown in this '<br />

course embrace some of the finest things in<br />

the architecture and sculpture of Egypt,

2;8<br />

Greece, and Rome: 2nd with intelligent attention<br />

the hearer may gain an appreciation<br />

of the highest in ancient art as well a an<br />

idea of the evolution of the artistic feeling<br />

in these j-eo-<br />

ples of<br />

antiquity.<br />

The Bradley auditorium lecture? may very<br />

well take the place, in a measure, of the<br />

Thursday lectures, in which, formerly, members<br />

of the faculty brought before all departments<br />

a subject, the dUcussion of which was<br />

indeed interesting to some, but for the majority<br />

without meaning. The advantage of<br />

the Bradley auditorium lectures is that only<br />

those who are interested attend, and the lecturer<br />

is in full sympathy with his audience.<br />

We hope there will be more courses, such<br />

as Professor Martin is now giving, offered<br />

in other departments.<br />

More<br />

<strong>College</strong> Vers<br />

There is a real philosophic<br />

reason for a college paper<br />

to a-- k especially for light<br />

verse for publication. In general the college<br />

student is endowed with much of the sanguine<br />

temperament of early youth, which<br />

naturally expresses itself in the bright, gay<br />

doggerel of college verse. Such verse is<br />

most acceptable to the reader and is frequently<br />

widely quoted in the college press.<br />

To the alumnus it brings back a remembrance<br />

of that light-hearte- d, careless spirit<br />

which once was his ; to the undergraduate<br />

it is replete with the warmth and coloring<br />

of the present. The value of much of the<br />

verse of this tvpe depends on a denoument<br />

if such it may be called which is brightly<br />

brou"ht out at the end. The amount of<br />

writing which is attempted with no particular<br />

point in view, is surprising. Of course<br />

this is but one field of college verse; any<br />

verse brightly written with a point, or<br />

without is acceptable.<br />

There are, however, pecu- -<br />

. . Har influences at work in<br />

Other Poetry. <strong>Oberlin</strong>. .Larly responsibility<br />

may cause the careless temperament<br />

of youth to be prematurely succeeded by<br />

thet serious ; temperament of later life. Tn<br />

<strong>THE</strong> 0BERLIN <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

every senior class in <strong>Oberlin</strong> <strong>College</strong>, prob.<br />

ably the va-- t majority of the men have<br />

wholly, or in part, earned their support during<br />

their college course. Such men could<br />

best express themselves in the more serious<br />

style of maturer life, and any well-writte- n<br />

poetry of this type is acceptable for publication.<br />

It is not for a moment to be thought<br />

that light verse is to exclude the deeper<br />

poetry of the more thoughtful moods.<br />

Professor TisdePs class in<br />

The Class Forensics "ives a ood ex-1- a<br />

Forensics. , , , ,<br />

ample of the degree of practicalness<br />

which mav be reached in college<br />

clase. Students arc first interested and<br />

then hard work is demanded. The work<br />

done in this class is precisely that required<br />

in the literary societies. Debates between<br />

four disputants, and extemporaneous speaking<br />

by individual members, follow in a reg.<br />

ularlv arranged schedule. Great stress is<br />

laid on the preparation of the briefs for debates.<br />

These are handed in and corrected<br />

one week before the debate is presented.<br />

This course is particularly beneficial to two<br />

classes of students. To those who are members<br />

of literary societies it gives practice and<br />

a greater degree of perfection for their society<br />

w ork. To those who desire society<br />

work, but who cannot afford the time or<br />

money to take it, this course gives just the<br />

work they desire. It is a society course,<br />

and as such should receive the enthusiastic<br />

support of the students. If more classes<br />

were made of such practical value, one step<br />

would be taken in bringing about a higher<br />

standard of scholarship in <strong>Oberlin</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Judgments on debates in lit-Judges-<br />

on<br />

erary societies are, perhaps,<br />

no more erratic than human<br />

judgments are wont to be, but their unsatisfactory<br />

character is often due to a. very<br />

loose notion on the part of the judges as to<br />

the grounds on which their decision is to be<br />

rendered. They recognize the fact that it<br />

is not to be on the merits of the question,<br />

but then as to the meaning of "merits of the

debate" they generally have an extremely<br />

vague idea.<br />

The impression seems prevalent that if a<br />

debater fails to adequately meet his opponent's<br />

arguments, he must lose the debute.<br />

This, however, is the ground on which debates<br />

in legislative bodies are decided.<br />

But very many questions debated in societies<br />

one-side- arc extremely d. It may be<br />

absolutely impossible for the poorer side of<br />

the question to disprove arguments presented<br />

in a most slovenly way by the stronger. Under<br />

these circumstances the decision is quite<br />

frequently awarded to the stronger side, no<br />

matter how poor a debate it may offer.<br />

There seems to be no reason, however,<br />

why the decision should not be rendered on<br />

There comes a cur'us feelin'<br />

In the heart when day is done,<br />

a-blush- in'<br />

An' the west is still<br />

From the kisses o' the sun,<br />

An' the birds from out the treelops<br />

Give a last, a good-nigh- t call,<br />

There comes a cur'us feelin'<br />

In the heart, at evenfall.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

a-ringin',<br />

The bells keep on<br />

In the last issue of the Bibliotheca Sacra,<br />

Prof. Owen H. Gates has an article on<br />

'"'Abraham at Bonn," criticizing the position<br />

of the extreme higher criticism which<br />

would wholly deny the existence of the patriarchs,<br />

and suggesting the attitude of the<br />

more moderate higher critics.<br />

Prof. Bemis, late of the University of<br />

.Chicago, writes a confession of faith, stat--<br />

At Evenfall.<br />

The wind keeps whisperin' low,<br />

An' you jus' wait an' listen,<br />

To the soun's that come and go ;<br />

An' lookin' toward the stars that shine<br />

This side the jasper wall,<br />

You feel a kind o' liftin<br />

0' the heart, at evenfall. V.<br />

You don't know what's its meanin',<br />

a-steal- in' As it comes there.<br />

It may be jus' a snatch o' song,<br />

Maybe a lonely prayer ;<br />

An' the bells that ring at twilight<br />

From their steeples, dark an' tall,<br />

Chime sadly to the throbbin'<br />

O' the heart, at evenfall.<br />

279<br />

the merits of the debate in the same way as<br />

on the merits of an oration in a contest,<br />

though, of course, there is a difference between<br />

the two cases.<br />

Taking into account the kind of material<br />

with which the debater had to do, the judges<br />

should consider the quality of debate produced;<br />

and if the stronger side is not worked<br />

up as it should be, and if the weaker side<br />

has made the most of its subject matter, and<br />

has presented it in the best possible light,<br />

then the weaker side wins the debate.<br />

Fortunately decisions are often awarded<br />

on this basis, but a consideration by society<br />

members more generally of the duties of a<br />

judge in society debates might resultMn fairer<br />

decisions than at present.<br />

. Sacra.<br />

ing his standpoint on sociological questions,<br />

which the current number of the Review of<br />

Reviews quotes as one of the leading articles<br />

of the month. .<br />

Perhaps the most interesting feature. of<br />

the last number, however, is the correspondence<br />

between the late Mr. G. R. Romanes;<br />

the acute editor of Nature, and Mr. John Tj<br />

Gulick, missionary to Japan;' on the subject

280<br />

of Christianity. The complete correspondence<br />

but recently came into the hands of<br />

Prof. Wright, and he is fortunate in being<br />

able to present it to the world. It will be<br />

remembered that Mr. Romanes was a rationalist<br />

and the writer (jn "A Candid Examination<br />

of Theism" by Physicus) of the<br />

often quoted passage :<br />

"I am not ashamed to confess that, with<br />

this virtual negation of Cod, the universe<br />

to me has lost its soul of loveliness when<br />

at times I think, as think at times I must, of<br />

the appalling contrast between the hallowed<br />

glory of that creed which once was mine,<br />

and the only mystery of existence as now I<br />

find it, at such times I shall ever feel it<br />

impossible to avoid the sharpest pang of<br />

which my nature is susceptible."<br />

Mr. Gulick had been a frequent writer for<br />

Nature, and Mr. Romanes had commented<br />

on him as "the most profound of living<br />

hinkers upon Darwinian topics."<br />

SITTING on the bluff of the seashore,<br />

lulled by its eternal wash,<br />

a battered and war-wor- n soldier<br />

bade me the time of day. "I love the seashore,"<br />

he said, " it's restlessness, it's everlasting<br />

tumult. I've been up and down the<br />

Mediterranean. They call this country 'Our<br />

Italy.' It's a damned disagreeable climate.<br />

Yes, my boy, you must go to the Mediterranean<br />

for a delightful climate. This is an uncouth<br />

country. Along the Mediterranean you<br />

see the signs of by-gon- e peoples. Why, my<br />

boy, this is a new country. You, my friend,<br />

are a parasite here ! ha, ha ! I'm an American.<br />

What are you? You're a parasite here,<br />

I say, a parasite. Those pointed toes, ha,<br />

ha ! Say, boy, did you ever fight for your<br />

country? See here, look, this shows what<br />

I am this blue coat these brass buttons.<br />

Say, don't you know that Uncle Sam is good<br />

to us old chaps ? He gives us a beautiful<br />

home and takes care of us, yes, he looks after<br />

us. You've seen our home? eh? Yes,<br />

it's fine. But, sir, you're a parasite here.<br />

You haven't fought for your country. You<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>,<br />

<strong>THE</strong> OLD<br />

In 1S90 Mr. Romanes wrote to Mr. Gu-lic- k<br />

:<br />

" How is it you have retained your Christian<br />

belief ? Looking to your life, I know<br />

you must have done so conscientiously ; and,<br />

looking to your logic, I equally know that<br />

you cannot have done so without due consideration.<br />

On what lines of evidence, therefore,<br />

do you mainly rely ? Years ago my<br />

own belief was shattered and all the worth<br />

of life destroyed by what has ever since appeared<br />

to me overpowering assaults from the<br />

side of rationality ; and yours is the only<br />

mind greatly superior to mine in the latter<br />

respect, which appears to have reached an<br />

opposite conclusion."<br />

The reply of Mr. Gulick to this letter is<br />

published in full, and as it was probably an<br />

important factor in bringing Mr. Romanes<br />

to a belief in Christianity, it will be read<br />

with great interest.<br />

SOLDIER.<br />

see what I am. You see what I am ; look<br />

here-s- ec .these buttons they show what I<br />

am. You've nothing to show what you are.<br />

Say, boy, say, look here, say, do you drink ?<br />

Ha, I go fortified; see! Am I mistaken?<br />

You don't drink ? You're not offended, are<br />

you? Well well you're right. I'll drink<br />

you don't care, eh ? There, there, that's<br />

better. Say, don't be offended. You don't<br />

belong to my generation. You're of another<br />

generation, hem ! Yes, yes, you belong to<br />

another generation you see what I'm fit for<br />

the bone yard. Yes, I'm just waitirg<br />

waiting hem ! I've had my day. Yes, I'm<br />

an old bum, who ought to go to the guard<br />

house !<br />

"Say, lean over a little closer, say, don't<br />

you think, now confidentially, say, just between<br />

ourselves don't you think Johnny Bull<br />

ought to have a damned good drubbing?<br />

Now, just between us don't you? Ah, I've<br />

had my day. Say, we've saved the country.<br />

Don't you know, we've saved the country !<br />

We've preserved it. I was in the signal service<br />

in the rebellion I was a signal officer. .

Yes, we old fellows here have saved the country.<br />

It's your turn now.<br />

'"You must do your duty now, you<br />

younger generation. We're laid on the shelf.<br />

I'm old you see that I'm old. My fighting<br />

is done. I can fight no more. These old<br />

legs are weak. They couldn't march. Say,<br />

don't you know, I walk from the Home to<br />

town and back. It is four miles away. I'm<br />

not so old say, am I? 0, my warring is<br />

over ! Say, boy, wish I had gone to Cuba<br />

this winter, ha, ha 1 But I'm too old too<br />

old.<br />

I remember Sherman. I was a signal<br />

officer. Hooker, Hooker, I knew Hooker.<br />

He was a devil of a man. We charged up<br />

Lookout Mountain that morning. Ah, I remember<br />

that morning. Hooker made his reputation<br />

above the clouds above the clouds.<br />

You've read about it. We charged Lookout<br />

Mountain. You see we had a battery over<br />

here over here, you see. They thought we<br />

were Confeds and opened on us. I signalled,<br />

Don't kill us; friends; stop you're<br />

damned firing.' Hooker was a devil of a fellowreckless.<br />

We went from Chattanooga<br />

to Atlanta. Yes, it was at Dalton Dalton ?<br />

Yes, it was at Dalton, I think. The first<br />

time I saw Grant. Dalton, I think it was.<br />

I didn't know him, you see. He was a devilish<br />

plain fellow never dressed up a short,<br />

stumpy man. I was trying to signal to a<br />

station across the valley. A badly dressed<br />

fellow came up and said, 'You don't seem<br />

to be accomplishing much.' .You don't seem<br />

to be accomplishing .much, yes, that is what<br />

he said. I was standing on the platform sort<br />

o' looking around. I had my glasses in my<br />

hand. This fellow came up and said, 'You<br />

don't seem to be accomplishing much.' He<br />

had on plain clothes. I looked at him and<br />

said yes, I looked down at him and said,<br />

'You go to Hell you go to Hell.' That is<br />

what I said. I didn't want anybody's talk.<br />

He looked up and said so quietly, ' I'm<br />

General Grant.' Yes, I was all through the<br />

war. Hem, I don't like to get on this theme.<br />

'This, boy, is very like the Bay of Naples<br />

very much like it. I've been up and down<br />

<strong>THE</strong> OBERUN <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

281<br />

the Mediterranean. Yes, it has the color of<br />

the sea and sky. It does n't have the sort<br />

o' sweep, though. I haven't the language to<br />

describe it. Yes, the climate here is just<br />

like Italy. I've lived in London, and Paris,<br />

and New York. I am an American. I was<br />

born in New York. My father was born in<br />

Boston. London is the place to live yes,<br />

London, London is the place. This country<br />

here is uncouth. The people slave. They<br />

don't know how to live. It is not like it was<br />

here one hundred years ago or fifty. The<br />

people raised cattle then. They took the<br />

hides and tallow down here to San Diego<br />

and sold it. They gambled away the money.<br />

They didn't care, they were happy. You saw<br />

the old pueblos and missions then. The people<br />

were happy then. Say, did you ever read<br />

Ramona? They're retrograding now. This<br />

is a new country. At Naples you see the remains<br />

of an old civilization. Every foot of<br />

ground is interesting there. This is a new<br />

place. This is going to be a great resort,<br />

sometime. I' is a magnificent beach. All<br />

this bluff will be lined with the palaces of the<br />

rich.<br />

Now mind what I say. But my generation<br />

is past ! People don't care anything for<br />

us old chaps. They want us out of the way.<br />

They don't care ! Well, we won't be here<br />

long. We're just tolerated tolerated ! No,<br />

people don't care for us the younger generation.<br />

We've saved the country, but we belong<br />

to a past generation Say, you young<br />

fellows should give Johnny Bull a good drubbinga<br />

damned good one. Now this is just<br />

between us. He was against us in the war.<br />

He helped the Confeds. Give it to him !<br />

You won't be offended if I take another drink ?<br />

Will you?<br />

"I'm an old regular. They used to tell us<br />

to pack up and go over that mountain you<br />

see, just like, that mountain yonder. We were<br />

fighting the Apaches. It was in New Mexico.<br />

Those poor old American horses couldn't<br />

climb the mountains they were too old and<br />

poor. The Apaches would laugh at us and<br />

build their fires to mock us. Those Apaches<br />

were wily, cruel, cunning devils. But my

282 <strong>THE</strong> ODERLIN <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

fighting is over I belong to another genera- -<br />

tion. No one cares for us old wrecks ; but<br />

we've saved the country, yes, we've saved the<br />

country. Now, boy, you, say, you, do your<br />

duty remember. Good bye, I'll see you<br />

again say, you won't take just a little drink<br />

from an old soldier? No? Well, don't be<br />

To a Football Player.<br />

Is my hero a knight of the olden time<br />

Famed in story or famed in rhyme?<br />

Is he a Bayard this hero dear<br />

Without reproach and who knows no fear?<br />

Is he Napoleon conquerer grand<br />

With his country's destiny in his hand?<br />

Is he a monarch in sceptered power,<br />

Or an aged seer in his starlit tower?<br />

Is he a poet with dreamy face<br />

Or a poet with every angelic grace?<br />

Is he a painter, a master grand<br />

Or a scholar with learning in full command?<br />

No. None of these is my hero dear.<br />

He is no knight, nor king, nor seer;<br />

Nor is he a Byron with countenance sad.<br />

He's only a long-haire- d football lad.<br />


Omega.<br />

To A 'Cellist.<br />

Oh, you're a musician,<br />

Almost a magician,<br />

You compose and you sing,<br />

And you play anything.<br />

You're an awful nice fellow,<br />

But oh, that old 'cello,<br />

I wish that I had it,<br />

I'd break every string.<br />

You call it your sweetheart, i<br />

And I'll tell you for my part,<br />

I know that you love it<br />

Much better than me.<br />

But I'll not be a-sigh-<br />

ing,<br />

Or wish I were dying.<br />

I'll cut out the 'cello ;<br />

You just wait and see. Jlf.<br />

be offended. Good bye. I'll see you again,<br />

sometime. Good bye."<br />

God bless the dear old soldier. Could yon<br />

but get to the adyta of his heart you'd find<br />

much of good there, much to line up your<br />

life by, much to ponder over, and you'd<br />

sympathize with his sometimes forlornness.<br />

Santa Monica, Calif. E. P. M.<br />

To Me Sweetheart.<br />

Me dere, let me giv yer a pointer ;<br />

I'm honest dead stuck on yer phiz,<br />

An' I'd like to write somethen real hefty,<br />

Hut dat ain't jes' my line o' biz.<br />

Yer mug is as sweet as dey make 'em,<br />

Der fellers all tink yer a Peach ;<br />

But de ninny wat's tryin' ter win yer,<br />

Had better keep out er me reach.<br />

Fer dey can't no bloke chase wid me Mary,<br />

Widout.risk er losin' 'is head.<br />

I've got de hot cinch, an' I'll keep it,<br />

An' dat ain't no lie, on de dead.<br />

Yer ain't told me yet dat yer luved me.<br />

Don't I wish dat yer would? Holly Gee !<br />

I tink dat me heart would jes' bust, fer<br />

I luv yer ter beat de band. See !<br />

A. B. I.

<strong>THE</strong> 0BERLIN <strong>REVIEW</strong>. 283<br />


BY STANLEY WOOD, '75.<br />

Read at the Sherman House, Chicago, Feb. 7, 1896, at the banquet of the Oberliu Alumni Association of Illinois.<br />

'Twas yesterday, ( at most the day before )<br />

That, standing in our Alma Mater's door,<br />

With hat in hand we turned to say<br />

good-by- e<br />

To college walls and halls, baseballs and falls, to try<br />

The devious paths that led, we knew not where,<br />

But hoped, thro' bowers to towers of Castles in the air.<br />

Of course, within the day, or two, o'er past<br />

Since on the world, new orphaned, we were cast,<br />

We've not accomplished much, too brief the space<br />

To win renown, or crown, or gown, or place,<br />

But all we need to reach those heights sublime<br />

Is patience, perseverance, brains, and time.<br />

In Darwin's books is writ the mighty span<br />

That lies between primordial mud and man ;<br />

It takes a clod some fifty million years<br />

To rise to cigarettes, small bsts and beers.<br />

Imagine then the deep, stupendous chasm<br />

That lies between raw college protoplasm<br />

And men like Shakespeare, Newton, Bacon, those<br />

-- Who, mountain like, above the plain uprose.<br />

To reach the height of these and their compeers,<br />

Would take, at least, a thousand million years<br />

Therefore ask for time. 0:ie cannot tell<br />

What kind of chicken lies within the shell<br />

Until it's hatched. It may be black or white,<br />

A silent game cock spoiling for a fight,<br />

Or, clamorous Shanghai muscular and tall,<br />

Vox preterea nihil, that is all,<br />

Or in a word, when time has made release<br />

From out the shell, our swans may all prove geese.<br />

Therefore I ask for time. No one can say<br />

to-morro- w, What he will be that's a day<br />

Found only in the calendars of fools,<br />

Who never go to colleges and schools.<br />

Cato was eighty when he learned to speak<br />

That lovely language, catalogued as Greek.<br />

I cannot say, in fact 110 one can tell,<br />

When I'm eight hundred I may do as well,<br />

Therefore I ask for time. But this we know :<br />

Time is the test of all things here below.<br />

The glimmering light that trailing from the far,<br />

Faint, twinkling point, we lamely call a star,<br />

Falling through space, inimitably vast,<br />

Reaches the dwellers on this sphere, at last,<br />

And should that star this moment be destroyed,<br />

Cast darkling into chaos, grim and void,<br />

Still we would see the light, and centuries more<br />

That beam would shine upon this earthly shore,<br />

And only Time, who tests all things, can show<br />

Whether that star is shining still or no.<br />

Things turn out strangely in this world of ours,<br />

Plants we deem weeds bloom forth as lovely flowers.<br />

The chuckle headed Freshman comes to be<br />

A learned Justice, or a big I). I).,<br />

While grave and revered Seniors, truth to tell,<br />

Write jokes for Puck and make poor puns, to sell.<br />

The wisest man of all the men I knew,<br />

Had mastered Greek and Latin, Hebrew too,<br />

44 Time down the cycloid " was a bagatelle,<br />

The dates of Cxsar's battles he knew well,<br />

Astronomy was easy, Logic trite,<br />

He knew a catfish from a trilobite,<br />

Iota subscript he could always place,<br />

And look a Greek subjunctive in the face.<br />

Theology was in the course he took,<br />

And the Rig Veda, his amusement book.<br />

44 What good," you ask, 44 of this scholastic toil?"<br />

It aids him now in selling castor oil.<br />

And thus you see it will not do to say<br />

Too quickly, that a man has gone astray,<br />

Nor yet to claim that he is going straight<br />

To make an entrance at the narrow gate,<br />

The good may fall, the bad be saved from wrath,<br />

And e'en the joker leave his devious path,<br />

Therefore I ask for time. The dawning day<br />

Sees tasks begun and projects under way,<br />

liut who can tell the finish from the start,<br />

Or count the pulse beats of each throbbing heart?<br />

Who knows what hour the hand may drop the pen,<br />

What moment silence, and a sad 44 Amen,"<br />

What day the brain with high ambition filled<br />

May cease to think, because the heart is stilled,<br />

What year, what month, what week, what fateful day<br />

Shall all our earthly visions fade away?<br />

Judge then, oh brothers, with a gentle heart,<br />

Draw not aside, nor hold yourselves apart<br />

From fellow mortals, groping though they be,<br />

Purblind, mistaken, wandering, for we<br />

Know not what good an Allvvise Providence<br />

May cause to spring from what seems their offence.<br />

Mistakes may be corrected, wrong turned right, .<br />

Day follows quickly in th path of night,<br />

Storms rage and lightnings flash, then rainbows shine,<br />

The world's great cradle rocks, a hand Divine<br />

Is on that cradle, surely then should we<br />

Like little children rest confidingly,<br />

Knowing 44 A Providence doth shape our ends " ;<br />

That ample good for eyil makes amends ;<br />

That crooked pathways may at last be straight,<br />

And Hope stands sentry at the narrow gate.<br />

One heartfelt chord may swell in notes sublime :<br />

44 Heaven grant us giace to grant our brothers time."<br />

'<br />

Mr Wood was one of the founders, and a member of the first<br />

board of editors, of the Revikw, and is now editor of The Great<br />

Divide, a magazine devoted to Rocky Mountain interests.

284<br />

<strong>THE</strong> 0BERLIN <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />


It was my privilege to represent the Olierlin Athletic<br />

Association at ;i meeting: of Ohio colleges held.<br />

February 8, in the Chittenden Hotel at Columbus.<br />

The convention was called with a view to the formation<br />

of an intercollegiate athletic league --of Ohio<br />

colleges, the object of which is to be :<br />

1. The establishment of a State authority in athletics;<br />

the adoption of rules to govern intercollegiate<br />

contests and to prescribe qualifications of contcstors ;<br />

the selection of disinterested officials.<br />

2. The holding of a State college field-mee- t. A<br />

meeting had been held about a month previous at<br />

which it was proposed that the different institutions<br />

of the league should play a championship scries in<br />

baseball and football in addition to the yearly field-mee- t.<br />

This idea, however, did not recommend itself<br />

to the greater number of the colleger represented, and<br />

was abandoned another meeting being called with<br />

the above object in view.<br />

Your correspondent was somewhat at a loss as the<br />

hour set for the meeting approached and no one else<br />

appeared who seemed bent on a similar errand with<br />

himself. There seemed some danger that in a large<br />

hotel a small meeting might be entirely lost. However,<br />

a few moments after the appointed hour delegates<br />

began to straggle in, until by II o'clock a sufficient<br />

number had appeared to warrant proceeding to<br />

business.<br />

Nine colleges were found to be represented, namely,<br />

University of Cincinnati, Denison, Kenyon, Marietta,<br />

O. S. U., Otterbein, O. W. U., Wittenberg, and<br />

<strong>Oberlin</strong>. The convention organized by appointing<br />

Mr. Andrews of U. of Cin. temporary chairman, and<br />

Mr. Hummous of Wittenburg temporary secretary.<br />

A committee consisting of the representatives of<br />

<strong>Oberlin</strong>, Kenyon, Denison, O. W. U., and U. of<br />

Cin. was then appointed to draft a constitution for the<br />

new organization.<br />

The code of rules for tli3 government of college<br />

athletics, formulated by President Can field of O. S.<br />

U. and sent to the presidents of the various colleges<br />

of the State for indorsement, was taken up and freely<br />

discussed by the meeting. Several of its features<br />

were approved and recommended to the committee on<br />

constitution; several others were thought much too<br />

radical and met with little favor.<br />

A number of other points in connection with the<br />

An Eightlet.<br />

Picnic excursion,<br />

Sudden immersion.<br />

Rescue effected,<br />

Wedding expected.<br />

subject in hand were brought before the convention<br />

and the general opinion obtained, for the instruction<br />

of the constitution committee. At about 12:30 the<br />

meeting adjourned to meet again at 7 p. m.<br />

Meeting at 2 p. m. the constitution committee labored<br />

hard all the afternoon, finding many difficult<br />

problems to solve and numerous points on which it<br />

was hard to exactly agree. However, there was little<br />

disposition on the part of any one to be arbitral y, and<br />

by the time set for the evening meeting the committee<br />

was ready to report a constitution by no means perfect,<br />

or all that could be desired, but one which in view<br />

of the shortness of the time allowed for drafting it<br />

they thought not discreditable.<br />

I will give very briefly some of the main features.<br />

The new organization is to be known as The Ohio<br />

Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Membership is<br />

of course to be limited to Ohio colleges. After the<br />

formation of the league, new members may be admitted<br />

by subscribing to the constitution and receiving<br />

the votes of a majority of the members. The business<br />

of the association is to be conducted by the executive<br />

board, consisting of the three officers president,<br />

secretary, and treasurer who are to be elected each<br />

year by the delegates from the different members from<br />

among their number. In case of disputes between<br />

colleges, matters are to be left to an arbitration committee<br />

composed of the representatives of three<br />

other colleges, one to be appointed by each party to<br />

the dispute, the third by the first two.<br />

The most convenient place for holding the State<br />

meet, which is to take place about June I, was decided<br />

to be Columbus, being, as it is, a central point<br />

and possessing that very requisite thing, a suitable<br />

track.<br />

The evening meeting lasted two hours, and with a<br />

few exceptions left the commitee's work much as it<br />

was submitted.<br />

At about 9 p. m. the convention broke up, the<br />

members agreeing to present the new constitution to<br />

their respective associations for adoption or amendment.<br />

In case of amendment, another meeting will<br />

be necessitated for final rev sion, and this will probably<br />

be the case.<br />

The delegates separated feeling that, if the outcome<br />

of the meeting had not been all that might be imagined,<br />

they had at least laid the foundation of a good<br />

thing. Merlon II. Jameson.

Wc hear a great ileal nowadays of the growth of<br />

ritual in our churches. The members of the Reformed<br />

denomination are loud in their denunciations of the<br />

causes which led them to separate fiom the Protestant<br />

Episcopal faith. Among others, the boy choir movement<br />

is pointed out as an evidence of this religious<br />

straight-jacke- t. It is claimed that the musical element<br />

is taking the place of earnest devotion ; that the comm-<br />

only-called high church is indulging in musical voluptuousness<br />

; that we are looking to high church England<br />

and adopting monarchial whims to humor our<br />

sham aristocracy.<br />

To one unused to the service, the foregoing charges<br />

might suggest themselves. Certain it is, that there<br />

is a radical diversion from the simple manners of worship<br />

established by the early fathers, just as the Ober-li- n<br />

of to day has departed from the good old times of<br />

water gruel diet. The changes are not the result of<br />

man's depravity, but of improving taste.<br />

We are living in the renaissance of church music.<br />

The ideals established by the old masters are coming<br />

to have new beauty. The melody revealed in the stroke<br />

of Palestrina's quill gives evidence of a worthy theme<br />

which prompted it. The music itself is distinctively<br />

sacred, and naturally requires a distinctive method of<br />

rendition. This is the mission of the boy choir. There<br />

is nothing suggestive in the service of the concert hall<br />

or operatic stage. Elements foreign to the highest<br />

ideals in the rendering of church music cannot here<br />

exist. Light catching melodies and adaptations from<br />

opera are refused admittance into the chancel and organ<br />

loft. The present tendency in sacred music is to<br />

do away with these relics of barbarism.<br />

The very appearance of the surpliced choir induces<br />

reverence. The long black robe half hidden by the<br />

white flowing surplice is in striking contrast to the<br />

ostrich plumes and gorgeous silks of the mixed choirs.<br />

It seems a return to simplicity of worship. We are<br />

picking out the good so hurriedly left in the endeavor<br />

to escape from the offensiveness of religious oppression.<br />

From the time when one hears from the choir<br />

in the distance, the dying waves of harmony at the<br />

end of the rector's prayer, the service is one round of<br />

melody. After the intonation of each commandment<br />

and prayer, the soft and sustained notes of the " Lord,<br />

have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep thy<br />

law," and the "Amen " steal forth from the chancel-I- n<br />

our own chapel service we have a very meager illustration<br />

of this in the "Amen" of the organ at the<br />

close of prayer. Imagine how much more impressive<br />

is the blending of twenty-fiv- e or thirty trained voices.<br />

The method of supplying material for the choir master<br />

to work upon is the exact opposite to that of the<br />

mixed choirs. In other words, while there are always<br />

women in great numbers as candidates for salaried<br />

church positions, the boy must be hunted out. He is<br />

rarely aware of the quality of his. voice. When told to<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>. 285<br />


sing the average boy shouts, as one has expressed it,<br />

" right frojn the shoulder " To remedy this the choir<br />

master gives him a note which he cannot take in this<br />

manner. In order to sound it he must go to his head.<br />

He descends the scale, singing with his throat alone,<br />

and not using the chest notes. This is the foundation<br />

of the singular<br />

choir use.<br />

method used in training the boys for<br />

The public schools are the main source upon which<br />

the choir master relies for recruits. The boys are encouraged<br />

to look for good voices by promises of higher<br />

salaries. There is one disadvantage with which choir<br />

mnsters must labor, that of changing voices. It is<br />

obviated by selecting boys of different ages. Thus<br />

there are always leading voices as the older ones<br />

tone is<br />

change, and no serious break in the-quali- of<br />

noticeable.<br />

ty<br />

The choirs are drilled three times a week. During<br />

practice the strictest discipline is observed. Fines are<br />

imposed for disorder, a very effective method of dealing<br />

with the young wage earners. The greater part<br />

of the practice time is spent in drill on the masses.<br />

The word is suggestive of Romanism, but the masses<br />

form the most beautiful part of the service. If the<br />

Episcopal church is sliding back to the level of the<br />

Roman, <strong>Oberlin</strong> is being pulled by that same hidden<br />

power. When Gounod's Sanctus, a mere fragment of<br />

one of his most beautiful masses, is rendered, the effect<br />

is nothing imaginary. The congregation is spellbound.<br />

We must either yield our point to the Episcopalians<br />

or confess to them our common sinfulness.<br />

They, perhaps, are the more guilty in that they listen<br />

to the rendering of the whole mass.<br />

On Sunday the black robes and white surplices are<br />

put on and the choir forms in line, the smaller boys<br />

in front, increasing in size, until at the rear stand the<br />

huge, low basses. After prayer by the rector the choir<br />

master strikes the chord and the processional hymn is<br />

is sung, unaccompanied, as the choir marches into the<br />

church and up to the chancel. The effect produced is<br />

very fine. First are heard faint notes, and as the<br />

voices draw nearer the tones become louder and louder,<br />

until the immense church is filled with beautiful<br />

harmony.<br />

From the first appearance of the two small boys as<br />

they slowly enter the church, until the last bald head<br />

of the bassos fades away in the distance at the close of<br />

the service, it seems as though we are listening to a<br />

finished oratorio.<br />

The boys themselves are greatly benefitted. Thseo<br />

who live in large cities are furnished a means of spending<br />

their time, when not in school, with two-fol- d profit.<br />

The salary earned is the smallest of this. A musical<br />

taste is developed which opens up a wider sphere<br />

of enjoyment for after life.<br />

George W Morgan.

286<br />

The Thomas Concert.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />


The visit of an organization such as the<br />

Chicago orchestra is an event which all<br />

friends of education, as well as all musical<br />

enthusiasts, will measure at a high value.<br />

The influence of such a concert as that of<br />

Friday night does not pass with the momentary<br />

sensations of pleasure, for there remains<br />

a permanent contribution to the store of elevating<br />

experiences, a reinforcement of taste,<br />

and an assurance of a still higher standard<br />

of aesthetic judgment and appreciation. An<br />

orchestral concert has this superiority of<br />

benefit over the customary recital, that the<br />

virtuoso element is largely absent and works<br />

of supreme power are presented in their bare<br />

and sheer reality. The impression remaining<br />

is that of the art work in and of itself,<br />

not the cleverness of a performer's handling.<br />

The greatest works of the greatest geniuses<br />

can thus be offered, and an insight be gained<br />

into the higher possibilities of art. Given a<br />

rich and strong program, a band of highly<br />

trained experts, and a leader of recognized<br />

authority as an interpreter, and there is at<br />

once a revelation of certain of those reaches<br />

of imagination which carry the mind over<br />

the borders of the divine. To what extent<br />

a series of master works like that of Friday<br />

night can be appreciated by our audience,<br />

as it is constituted, is a matter of little consequence.<br />

A true teacher sheds his best<br />

thoughts and strongest inspirations daily,<br />

knowing that they will often fall on unrecep-tiv- e<br />

ground, but he never repines on that<br />

account, and he finds his delight in the mere<br />

giving of his wealth. And so it is with men<br />

like Beethoven and Wagner, there is a grand<br />

carelessness about them, they ask nothing<br />

in return, knowing that at every repetition<br />

of their work something is gained for their<br />

art.<br />

It is hardly necessary to enlarge upon the<br />

merits of the playing of Mr. Thomas's band.<br />

Some express disappointment in regard to<br />

the quality of their tone, but any lack of<br />

smoothness,' mellowness, and resonance that<br />

may be observed may fairly be attributed to<br />

the inadequacy of the chapel as a space for<br />

the action of so many powerful instruments.<br />

It is impossible to judge of the playing of a<br />

large orchestra in a room of that size and<br />

shape, and one might as well refrain from<br />

the attempt. The reputation of the Thomas<br />

orchestra is established, and in our circumstances<br />

it must be taken for granted. No<br />

one could fail to notice a high degree of<br />

thoughtfulncss and imaginative sympathy in<br />

their playing, especially in the Heroic symphony,<br />

which was treated with an attention<br />

to expression and contrast of sentiment<br />

which revealed new beauties in a work which<br />

is too often played as if it contained but two<br />

moods, instead of a multitude of emotional<br />

suggestions. It was like the rendering of a<br />

soloist who is controlled not by an outward<br />

force but by his own reading of the composer's<br />

purpose. It is in such results that Mr.<br />

Thomas shows his musicianship and his<br />

command over his orchestra.<br />

It is a convincing proof of Wagner's greatness<br />

as a composer, as well as a dramatist<br />

and a contriver of scenes, that music which<br />

takes its peculiar form and quality from some<br />

particular stage action is perceived to be<br />

great as music even when the accessory picture<br />

is out of sight or altogether unknown.<br />

Such is the case with the music to the scene<br />

in which Isolde gives up her passionate and<br />

ruined life on the body of her lover. Its effect<br />

Friday night jvas evidently as great upon<br />

those who knew not the tale as upon those<br />

who had the scene in their mind's eye. Of<br />

course it would not be great music if this<br />

were not the case, but such a fact helps to<br />

dispose of many popular misconceptions in<br />

regard to Wagner's art.<br />

It would be well if the <strong>Oberlin</strong> audience<br />

were more eager jn showing their recognition<br />

of the distinguished worth of Mr. Thomas<br />

and the masterly playing of his men. Many<br />

a pianist and singer gets ten times the ap-<br />

plause world-famou- that this superb and s orchestra<br />

receives. . Applause is evidently a

matter of nervous excitement, not of the assent<br />

of an educated j udgment. The Beethoven<br />

symphony, one of the masterpieces of all<br />

time, received but little audible notice, while<br />

the Goldmark Scherzo fairly stampeded the<br />

audience. Vet any comparison of these two<br />

works as works would be ridiculous. The<br />

Goldmark piece is a vividbit of sensation, and<br />

the resulting applause is simply the necessary<br />

discharge of the nervous tension which has<br />

been gathering during the closing measures.<br />

In the Funeral March of the Eroica there is<br />

a stirring of the deeps of emotion to their<br />

very bottom, and applause would be forced<br />

rather than inevitable. This will partly explain<br />

the phenomenon, but not the whole of<br />

it. The next. time Mr. Thomas comes, let<br />

us give him a reception which his abilities<br />

and his unparalleled services to music in<br />

America deserve. We shall also honor ourselves<br />

in doing so.<br />

Miss Belle Carrington, who studied two<br />

years in the Conservatory, gave a musical<br />

entertainment at Sacramento, January 23.<br />

In commenting upon her as a soloist, the<br />

Sacramento Daily Record-Unio- n says :<br />

"Miss Carrington has a very sweet and pleasing<br />

voice, not powerful, but fully answering all the de- -<br />

mands of the auditorium upon it. She has it under .<br />

excellent control, and showed clearly last night that<br />

her training in the East has been thorough aud that<br />

There will be no Thursday lecture this week.<br />

A new book by Professor G. F. Wright, "Greenland<br />

Ice Fields, and Life in the North Atlantic," is on<br />

sale at Goodrich's.<br />

About twenty Y. M. C. A. boys will attend the convention<br />

at Mansfield this week. They will leave<br />

<strong>Oberlin</strong> Thursday noon.<br />

The next lecture in Bradley Auditorium will occur on<br />

Friday evening, February 21. The subject will be,<br />

"Ancient Athens." Lecture begins at 6 o'clock. Admission<br />

10 cents.<br />

Twelve <strong>Oberlin</strong> students who intend to take medical<br />

courses after graduation, visited several hospitals<br />

in Cleveland last Saturday. The boys were treated<br />

royally by their hosts. A fuller account of the trip<br />

will be printed next week.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

.<br />

NEWS.<br />

287<br />

she is a finished musician. Although she had made a<br />

selection for her first song which was a very trying<br />

one for her voice, she acquitted herself admirably, and<br />

was forced to respond to an encore, which she gave<br />

with excellent taste and style. Her trilling is fine and<br />

her enunciation good. In the sonata in the second<br />

part she showed that her musical education has not<br />

been confined to the voice, but that instrumental music<br />

has also been paid thorough attention to."<br />

Other musicians of Sacramento also took<br />

part in the entertainment.<br />

Rehearsal Program, February 12.<br />

1. Grillen<br />

Miss Angene<br />

Schumann<br />

2. a.<br />

b.<br />

Spring Flowers"<br />

Caprice, op. 2 no. 3<br />

Miss Wilson.<br />

Reinecke<br />

Stavenhagen<br />

3. Nocturn, F sharp<br />

Miss Shanafelt.<br />

Chopin<br />

4. Duet from Judas Maccabeas<br />

Misses King and Waterman.<br />

...Handel<br />

5. Knde vom Lied<br />

Miss Cowen.<br />

Schumann<br />

6. Mennetto<br />

Miss Phipps.<br />

Stavenhagen<br />

7. a. The "Rose Hud" Schumann<br />

b. " Ziehe mit mir hinaus " Hildack<br />

Miss Shanafelt.<br />

8. Two Mazurkas<br />

Miss Houghton.<br />

9. Barcarolle no. 5, A minor<br />

Chopin<br />

. . . . Rubenstein<br />

Miss Walker.<br />

10. Two Songs<br />

Mr. Dehoff.<br />

Hoffmann<br />

11. Liebes Lied, for violin<br />

Miss Bodkin.<br />

12. Polonaise, E major<br />

Miss Eva Smith.<br />

Bohm<br />

....Liszt<br />

The current number of The Advance announces the<br />

death of Dr. George F. Magoun, which occurred Jan-<br />

ex-presid- ent<br />

uary 30, at Grinnell, Iowa. Dr. Magoun was<br />

of Iowa <strong>College</strong> and one of the foremost<br />

Congregationalists of the country. He was an uncle<br />

of Dr. II. W, Magoun, Professor of Latin in <strong>Oberlin</strong><br />

for several years, and will be remembered by. many as<br />

having given a Thursday Lecture in the spring of '94<br />

upon the subject of "Bunyan's Holy War."<br />

Washington's Birthday.<br />

Professor Hall will deliver the address next Saturday<br />

morning in the chapel. His subject will be "The<br />

sentiment of nationality as developed by Daniel<br />

Webster." At the same meeting the prize poems<br />

written for the occasion will be read. The students

288<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

of all departments are invited to attend this meeting.<br />

The reception by the faculty to the students will<br />

occur in the society rooms of Peters Hall in the evening.<br />

Junior Social.<br />

The juniors had a social last Wednesday evening at<br />

the home of Mr. Fred Wright. After a little general<br />

conversation, each young lady was told to choose the<br />

young man whom she was least acquainted with for<br />

her partner in a march. This occasioned lots of fun,<br />

which was kept up during the progressive march,<br />

while the perambulating couples tried to take in all the<br />

bits of wisdom which adorned the walls in the shape<br />

of selected quotations, logical and otherwise. The<br />

merry party broke up at a quarter to seven.<br />

Jubilee Day.<br />

The American Missionary Association celebrates<br />

this year as its jubilee year. Sunday was celebrated<br />

as the special jubilee day in <strong>Oberlin</strong>. All the meetings<br />

in both the churches were addressed by workers<br />

in the association's work. Those who spoke were<br />

Rev. G. V. Clark of Memphis, Tenn.; Rev. V. G.<br />

Olinger of Williamsburg, Ky.; Rev. C. J. Ryder, '75<br />

O. C, of New York city; and Miss Dora V. Dodge<br />

of Oahe, S. D. The celebration is of special significance<br />

to <strong>Oberlin</strong>, since the association owes its birth<br />

to this institution. Its representatives are always<br />

welcomed back to the churches.<br />

Glee Club at Elyria.<br />

Last Wednesday evening, the <strong>Oberlin</strong> Glee Club<br />

gave a concert in the Opera House at Elyria. The<br />

audience was larger than in previous years, and every<br />

number presented by the club was enthusiastically received,<br />

the club being called for encores on nearly<br />

every number. The program was essentially that<br />

given on their western tour. After the concert the<br />

W. C. T. U. and young people of Elyria gave a reception<br />

to the club in the parlors of the ToplifT<br />

House. For an hour and a half the <strong>Oberlin</strong> boys, -and<br />

their friends visited with the people of Elyria.<br />

Later in the evening ice cream and cake was served by<br />

the ladies in the dining room below. The special<br />

train left the Elyria depot at 11:30 o'clock. About<br />

seventy students went down with the club. The club<br />

will sing at Lorain, March 3.<br />

Religious.<br />

The Missionary Volunteers will hold their regular<br />

meeting next Thursday afternoon.<br />

Miss Stearns will lead the meeting of the Y. W. C.<br />

A. next Sunday evening upon the subject, "How to<br />

Attain a Christlike Character."<br />

The subject for next Sunday evening's Y. M. C. A.<br />

meeting is "Great Love and Great Forgiveness." C.<br />

G. McDonald, '98, will lead the meeting.<br />

The business meeting of the Y. W. C. A. was held<br />

last Saturday afternoon. A full account of the meeting<br />

will appear in next week's Review. The follow-<br />

ing officers were elected: President, Miss Florence<br />

vice-presiden- t, Fitch, '97; Miss Grace Erwin, '97;<br />

recording secretary, Miss Chapman, Con ; corresponding<br />

secretary, Miss Charles, '97; and treasurer,<br />

Miss Marjorie Millikan, '9S.<br />

Clubs.<br />

II. C. Tracy will read a paper on the "Civet Cat<br />

Family" at the Agassiz club to night.<br />

At this evening's meeting of the Economic Seminar,<br />

Theodore<br />

Taxation."<br />

Remley will read a paper on "Double<br />

La 6ieme seance du cercle Franr;ais aura lieu mer-cre- di<br />

soir, a $U h., chez Mine Keller, Avenue Woodland.<br />

Le suj.et de discussion et de conversation sera<br />

"La liruyere et La Rochefoucauld et leurs teuvres."<br />

Ancient Art.<br />

Tuesday evening, February 1 1, Prof. Martin gave<br />

the first of his series of illustrated lectures on Ancient<br />

Art. The audience spent a delightful hour studying,<br />

in a cursory manner, Egyptian architecture and sculpture.<br />

Knowledge of Egyptian art has come down<br />

chiefly from bas-relief- s, mural paintings, and hieroglyphics.<br />

Massiveness and size seem to be the main<br />

characteristics of Egyptian architecture. To modern<br />

scientists the achievements of these ancient architects<br />

must ever be an enigma.<br />

Life after death was the leading idea of the Egyptian<br />

religion. This found expression in the construction<br />

of tombs, which may almost be called everlasting.<br />

Pyramids, or the mausoleums of the kings, are the<br />

first forms of Egyptian art. In panoramic order,<br />

among many others, the three largest pyramids near<br />

Memphis were shown; the Sphinx; two temples at<br />

Abydos dedicated to Osiris; the gorgeous temples of<br />

Luxor and Karnak, built by Rameses II.; the picturesque<br />

temple of Hermontes, built by Cleopatra; the<br />

Colossi of Memnon; obelisks; statues of Rameses the<br />

Great and his wives; of Osiris ; Egyptian slaves ; the<br />

mummy of Rameses II. ; and finally, the Egyptian department<br />

in the British Museum.<br />

Minstrels at Lord Cottage.<br />

The boarders at Lord Cottage were favored last<br />

Saturday evening from 5:45 to 6:45 o'clock with an<br />

entertainment given by Thomsen's Celebrated Minstrels.<br />

The company at present is made up of eleven<br />

men each one a star in his line. With collars reaching<br />

to the ears, large bow ties of various colors and<br />

shirt-stud- s of unknown value, their appearance was<br />

certainly prepossessing. Jokes,<br />

end-men- stories, and s<br />

gags, interspersed with catchy negro songs kept the<br />

audience in a state of continuous laughter. Feathers,<br />

side-splittin- with his funny songs, witty sayings, and g

stories, without doubt carried ofT the honors of the<br />

evening. lie found close rivals however in Hones,<br />

Tambo, Jags, 'Fessah, and Mr. Johnsing. Jags en-<br />

deavored time and again throughout the program to<br />

o-w- give his "imitation of ," a ca but was interrupted<br />

each time by a story or song. Bones gave a fine exhibition<br />

of his clog dancing which took the audience<br />

by storm. The climax ot the whole program came<br />

just before the farewell song when Feathers told "de<br />

story oh how he done visit de "Sane Asylum." After<br />

the final number, the ladies gave a short reception to<br />

their colored brethren.<br />

Communication.<br />

A long-fel- t need among the boys in the Conservatory<br />

is a coat rack or suitable place to leave wraps and<br />

hats in cold weather. Peters Hall is amply provided<br />

with hat-rack- s at the entrance of each classroom. The<br />

Conservatory men have to leave their hats and coats<br />

upon the floor or carry them into class, which is very<br />

i n co n ve n i e n t . Conservatory .<br />

Valentine Parties.<br />

The Baldwin Cottagers had their usual valentine<br />

box Thursday evening. The names had been distributed<br />

that everyone had a valentine to write, and<br />

might hope to receive one. After supper all gathered<br />

in the reception hall; the band-box- , into which the<br />

poetic effusions had been pouring all day, was opened,<br />

and the budding genius of embryo Shakespeares and<br />

Miltons was revealed to the delighted multitude.<br />

Roasts were served up in various forms, and received<br />

good-naturedl- y by everyone, the victims being us<br />

ready to laugh at themselves as at others. The evening<br />

closed with a grand march and<br />

find out who wrote "my valentine."<br />

wild endeavor to<br />

The boarders at Lord Cottage had their valentine<br />

box last Friday night. From the quantity and quality<br />

of the little messages which were taken from it, it<br />

would seem that the Muse was for once easily invoked.<br />

The greater part of the hour was taken up in the<br />

reading of them by Miss Frazyer.<br />

The. people at 33 <strong>College</strong> Place celebrated St. Valentine's<br />

Day on the evening of Feb. 14. The supper<br />

table presented a dainty appearance with its jars of<br />

palms arid ferns, among the branches of which Cupids<br />

were flying and aiming their darts, and with its tiny<br />

pink candles which threw a soft light over all; while<br />

heart-shape- the d sandwiches, the pink jellies topped<br />

with snowy cream, and heart-cake- s, satisfied more than<br />

the aesthetic taste. Dainty souvenirs were at each<br />

plate. After supper all gathered in the parlor where<br />

a gayly-decorat- ed sign "Sweets for the Sweet" directed<br />

them to a large gilded box which stood on a<br />

table with flowers all about it. The hour passed most<br />

gayly with the reading and distributing of the many<br />

curious and original valentines.<br />

The boarders at Stewart Hall celebrated St. Valen<br />

1<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>OBERLIN</strong> <strong>REVIEW</strong>,<br />

,289<br />

tine's Day Saturday 'evening. The valentines were<br />

read and were quite original and witty. One to<br />

the girls of the Hall and another to one of the young<br />

men deserve mention. The latter stated that<br />

"scarce had he down upon his lip before he was down<br />

upon his knees." After the valentines were read, the<br />

boarders were treated to a very novel entertainment<br />

in which comedy, pathos, and tragedy had place. The<br />

entertainment was planned by a committee with Miss<br />

Quigley at the head;<br />

'<br />

<strong>College</strong>.,<br />

Miss Helen Knapp, '99, spent Tuesday at home.<br />

Mr. J. L. Meriam, '95, spent Saturday in <strong>Oberlin</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Alice Jones Emery, '91, is visiting in town this<br />

week.<br />

J. K. Cheney, ex-'g- S, is studying at Williams <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Mr. Lou. .Warner, '98, will resume his studies this<br />

week.<br />

A. M. Webster, '99, had a visit from his mother last<br />

week.<br />

Miss Ruth Cole, of St. Paul, is visiting Miss Marion<br />

Wright.<br />

Mr. R. II. Cowley, '96, spent Sunday at his home<br />

in Lorain.<br />

"<br />

Miss Gertrude Mix, ex-'9- 8, is studying at Mt.<br />

Ilolyoke.<br />

Miss Anna March, ex-'9- 4, is studying at Mt. Ilolyoke<br />

this year.<br />

G. T. Abbott, '96, spent Tuesday in Cleveland with<br />

II. A. Young, '98.<br />

Mr. C. C.Johnson, '98, has been on the sick list for<br />

a week, but is better at present.<br />

Miss Allie Dean, '95 Hiram <strong>College</strong>, is studying<br />

music and art in <strong>Oberlin</strong> this term.<br />

Bruce Elmore, ex-'9- 8, is working in theparcel room<br />

in the Boston and Albany station at Boston.<br />

Dr. Ilanna returned Tuesday from New .York,<br />

whither she had accompanied Mrs. Johnston.<br />

W. G. Allaben, ex-'9- 9, is working for the New York<br />

History Company, situated at New York city.<br />

T. J. Remley, '96, spoke last Sunday at North Fairfield<br />

in the interests of the Anti-Saloo- n League.<br />

L. E. Smith, '99, left for his home at Downey, Cal.,<br />

Saturday. He expects to return to <strong>Oberlin</strong> next year.<br />

Miss Mary Chittenden, '98, has been obliged to<br />

drop her work in the Library on account of ill-healt-<br />

Miss Nellie Spohr, '94 Physical Training Course, is<br />

teaching physical culture and elocution at Mt. Holy-ok- e.<br />

Mr. George Chamberlain, ex-'8- 6, of Elyria, visited<br />

his cousin,<br />

afternoon.<br />

Miss Harriet Chamberlain, . last Tuesday<br />

h.<br />


290<br />

"<br />

E. V. Grabill, '96, who lias been . teaching in the<br />

State School for the Mind at Columbus for several<br />

weeks, has returned to his work.<br />

Miss Nellie Lloyil and a friend from Klyria attended<br />

the Thomas Concert and called on Miss Harriet<br />

Chamberlain, '96, last Friday evening.<br />

White, '96, and Dorsett, '96, were called to Sandusky<br />

last week as witnesses on a saloon case. A salo-<br />

on-keeper was indicted for selling liquor in a township<br />

where prohibition laws were in effect.<br />

J. T. Conkey, ex-'9- 6, gave<br />

<strong>THE</strong> 0BERLIN <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />

a phonograph entertain-<br />

ment at the First Church Tuesday evening, February<br />

1 1. A large audience greeted the manager and greatly<br />

enjoyed the speech of Gladstone, the cornet solo, the<br />

fire engine, and many other selections given. Conkey<br />

has been giving such concerts during this term in various<br />

Ohio towns.<br />

Academy.<br />

Mrs. Marvin, of Akron, is visiting her son Frank of<br />

the senior class.<br />

Frank Stetson, of the senior class, missed several of<br />

his classes last week on account of a severe cold.<br />

Miss Grace Fraser, teacher in the Academy, has<br />

been confined to her room for a few days on account<br />

of sickness. ,<br />

Miss Florence Rockwell and Miss Lucy Tope gave<br />

an informal reception to a company of friends Tuesday<br />

evening, Feb. 10, at 122 West <strong>College</strong> street.<br />

Miss Grace Ransom, who studied last year in the<br />

Academy, died at her home on West <strong>College</strong> street<br />

last Saturday night. The funeral was held Tuesday.<br />

Messrs. Fulton and Bolger, who have been holding<br />

Sunday evening services out in the McRoberts district,<br />

recently started a Sunday school that meets at 4<br />

o'clock p. m.<br />

Conservatory.<br />

Miss Alice McDowell is entertaining her mother.<br />

Miss Faith Frazer spent Sunday at her home in<br />

Cleveland.<br />

Mr. Church of the Conservatory is organist in the<br />

M. E. church at Sandusky.<br />

There was an extra rehearsal on Thursday afternoon<br />

for the benefit of those wishing to hear the Symphony<br />

Eroica.<br />

Miss Burroughs, who was in the Conservatory last<br />

year, is in River Side, Cal.<br />

Miss Alice Crawford, '96, intends returning the spring<br />

term and graduate with her class.<br />

There was a mistake made in the last Rkview regarding<br />

the church in which Mr. Patterson is singing.<br />

1 1 is the new Congregational church in Sandusky and<br />

not the M. E. church.<br />

Mrs. Fulton of Klmira, N. Y., has been visiting her<br />

sons, Messrs. Robert and Fred Fulton at Baldwin<br />

Cottage. Mrs. Fulton is on her way to Chicago and<br />

expects to stop in <strong>Oberlin</strong> again on her way back.<br />

I. J. Emery, of the Conservatory, entertained a few<br />

friends in his rooms at No. 2S North Water street, a<br />

few evenings since. Refreshments were served and<br />

the evening spent in playing forty-tw- o and singing<br />

songs.<br />

The seventh term theory students gave Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Ileacox a surpiise party on Tuesday evening of<br />

last week. The class comprises six members, and Mr.<br />

Matlack, though not a member of the class, was among<br />

the party.<br />

On Saturday afternoon from three o'clock until five<br />

at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Carter, Miss M. Wright<br />

gave a reception in honor of her friend, Miss Cole.<br />

Miss F. Baldwin and Miss Durand presided at the table,<br />

serving refreshments to the guests as they came,<br />

the total number invited being fifty.<br />

Seminary.<br />

Lutz was sick a part of last week.<br />

Leary is having his eyes treated this week.<br />

The reading room committee are planning to give a<br />

house warming in two or three weeks when the improvements<br />

are finished.<br />

Rev. J. II. IJehr of the Mennonite Church stayed<br />

last week with Mr. Krehbiel and came to several recitations<br />

in the Seminary.<br />

Rev. E. A. Steiner, '91 O. T. S., has accepted a<br />

call from the First Congregational Chuich of Springfield,<br />

Illinois. He enters upon his work Apri I.<br />

The Seminary has a representative in the Oratorical<br />

Contest in the person of Mr. Stubbins of the Junior<br />

class. He took a high place in both thought and delivery<br />

in the preliminary contests.<br />

, .,.'<br />

ALUMNI.<br />

' -<br />

- '85 J- - B- - Abell is manager of the Kansas pects to enter Radcliffe soon, as a graduate<br />

City World, a hustling paper in its third student, so as to be able to do work in Eng- -<br />

year,;. . ...... i ; lish in Harvard <strong>College</strong>.<br />

'8$ It is said that Miss Flora Bridges ex- - '85 Dr. Sollis Runnels .has removed to<br />


<strong>THE</strong> ODERL<br />

his new office, 3S East Ohio street, Indianapolis,<br />

Ind. It is said to be the most tastefully<br />

decorated and furnished physician's<br />

office in the city.<br />

q0 Dr. W. A. Sackett is practicing medicine<br />

at Akron, O. His address is corner<br />

Main and Burgess streets.<br />

'90 Miss Alice B. Ring is studying art in<br />

Paris and expects to take a trip into Italy<br />

soon.<br />

'92 Miss Agnes E. Warner has just returned<br />

from a trip to the south, visiting<br />

Washington and Richmond.<br />

'93 Lou Hart, who has been studying<br />

law in a Chicago office, has recently taken<br />

the place of one of the partners who has just<br />

died.<br />

'93 W. H. Pittenger, who has for the<br />

past two years been manager of the Independent<br />

Citizen Publishing Company of Providence,<br />

R. I., has recently taken the position<br />

of editor of the Citizen. Mr. Pittenger's<br />

Literary Society Notes.<br />

Harmonia. Critique, Miss Munsell; essay, Miss<br />

Burger; extempore speeches, Miss Slump, Miss Tade,<br />

Miss Smith; news review, Miss Mix.<br />

Cadmean Critique, Kelsey ; oration, Ballantine ;<br />

declamation, Langslon ; debate, " Resolved, that the<br />

Roman Catholic Church has been, on the whole, a<br />

blessing to the world," affirmative Robinson, negative<br />

Stanley ; judges decided unanimously for the affirmative.<br />

Essay, Loofbo'urrow.<br />

Alpha Zeta. Critique, Gibbs; essay, Skeels; oration,<br />

"A Blot on our Liberty," Brown; debate, "Resolved,<br />

that there is more happiness in anticipation<br />

than in realization." Affirmative, Whitlock; negative,<br />

Remley. Decision of the judges was for affirmative;<br />

of society for the negative.<br />

Acme Critique, S. II. Wilson ; essay, "The Blue<br />

Ridge," II. S. Pope; oration, " A Wife Murderer,"<br />

A. A. Agenbroad; declamation, Beardsley ; debate,<br />

" Resolved, that it would be better if <strong>Oberlin</strong> Academy<br />

were removed from the town of <strong>Oberlin</strong>," affirmative<br />

II. N. Bradley, negative, Pearl; decision of<br />

judges in favor of affirmative ; negative sustained by<br />

the house; the name of C. N. Mosby proposed for<br />

membership.<br />

Phi Kappa Pi. Critique, Orth; essay, "La Salle<br />

and the Mississippi," Hemingway; oration, "A Question<br />

of To-da- y " Chamberlin; debate, "Resolved,<br />


V <strong>REVIEW</strong>. 291<br />

company prints a dozen or more papers and<br />

magazines, among which are the, Brown <strong>College</strong><br />

publications and the Independent Citi-<br />

zen, the only Prohibition paper in New England.<br />

Phi Delta men who remember how<br />

Pittenger used to oppose Cowies on the temperance<br />

question, would be surprised to read<br />

some of his editorials.<br />

'93 Miss Flora E. Bierce is tutoring in<br />

the family of Mr. M. Z. Holbrook, of Chicago,<br />

111. She writes in enthusiastic terms<br />

of her home life, her city privileges, and<br />

her work in the Sedgwick Street Mission,<br />

which is supported by the New England<br />

Church.<br />

'9- - Ninety-five'- s class letter is now on<br />

its way west, having started from Andover,,<br />

Mass.<br />

The account of the meeting of the Oberln<br />

<strong>College</strong> Alumni Association of Illinois at<br />

Chicago, February 7, has not yet been received,<br />

and will be published next week.<br />

that the United States Government should interfere<br />

with the construction of the Chicago drainage canal."<br />

Affirmative, Horner and Shaw ; negative, Jameson<br />

and Laughlin. Won by the negative.<br />

Pm Delta. Critique, C. K. Tracy; essay, "A<br />

Canadian Experience," Young; oration, "Specula--tio- n<br />

and Panics," Grabill; debate, "Resolved, that<br />

the State University is superior in principle and method<br />

to the college." Affirmed by Jung and Whitney,<br />

denied by H. C. Tracy and Wright. The negative<br />

won by a majority. W. L. Whitney, '98, was elected<br />

to membership.<br />

Aeolian Critique, Miss Dickinson ; essay, "Judith,"<br />

Miss Jelinck ; oration, "Defeat or Victory,"<br />

Miss Johns ; extempores, Misses Sheffield, Clark, Herr,<br />

and Thomsen ; editorial, "The Sunday Rules," Miss<br />

Wetterling; discussion, "Resolved, that a system of<br />

student government would be better for <strong>Oberlin</strong> than<br />

the present system," affirmative Miss Harlow, negative<br />

Miss Cross. Decision of judges in favor of negative<br />

by majority.<br />

L. L. S. Critique, Miss Hoppin ; extempores,<br />

Misses Standish, Woodford, Fairfield, and Elmore ;<br />

oration omitted ; essay, " Benefits of the French Revolution,"<br />

Miss Manning ; debate, " Resolved, that;<br />

poverty is a greater source of crime than wealth," af-r-,<br />

firmative Miss Rawles, negative Miss Ltiird ; won-b- y<br />

negative ; Miss Collins of '97 was made a member of<br />

the society. . . ,,,. . .<br />


20i<br />

Yale will send a crew to the Henley regatta next<br />

spring.<br />

The average age of the freshmen at Amherst is 18<br />

years II months.<br />

Princeton's baseball team will play over thirty regularly<br />

scheduled games next spring.<br />

The Yale Law School has decided to organize a<br />

baseball team for the coming season and an Easter<br />

trip through Conneticut and New York has been arranged.<br />

Yale has recently purchased 10,000 volumes from<br />

the library of Prof. Gueist of Iierlin Germany. The<br />

works are chiefly on political, historical and legal<br />

subjects.<br />

The Extension Department of the University of<br />

Wisconsin issues a "Weekly Bulletin" for editors,<br />

which contains items of new? pertaining to the University<br />

and is sent to the editors of all college papers.<br />

Ex-Governor<br />

Pennoyer, of Oregon, has established<br />

a scholarship of $3560 at the Oregon University in<br />

memory of his son who died at the college in November,<br />

1894.<br />

Oregon.<br />

Preference is to be given to students from<br />

8he <strong>College</strong> Grocery.<br />

(OPPOSITE <strong>THE</strong> CHAPEL.)<br />

Can furnish to students and all<br />

Fresh Gakes and Canned Meats<br />

of all kinds.<br />

Candies, Nuts, Fresh and Dried Fruits<br />

of every kind that make<br />

Tempting Lunches for all mankind.<br />

Our Goods are our Best Advertisement<br />

C, Shallies<br />


<strong>THE</strong> 0BERLIN <strong>REVIEW</strong>.<br />


The Cornell chapter of the Chi Tsi fraternity has<br />

purchased for $45,000 the famous Fiske McG raw mansion<br />

at Ithaca. The mansion cost a quarter of a million<br />

and is no doubt the finest chapter-hous- e in the<br />

world.<br />

The Univesity of Pennsylvania Athletic Association<br />

has sent an invitation to nearly all the colleges in this<br />

country and a few in Canada to compete in a gtand<br />

series of relay races to be held under the auspices of<br />

their Association in Philadelphia on April 25th.<br />

The University of Wisconsin has just come into<br />

possession of $5,000, the income of which is to be devoted<br />

to scholarships for young women pursuing studies<br />

in the University. The beneficiaries are to be<br />

chosen on the basis of scholarship and need of assistance.<br />

'<br />

The Faculty Athletic Committee of the University<br />

of Pennsylvania have decided to prohibit the entire<br />

baseball team, with two exceptions, from representing<br />

Pennsylvania in future athletic contests, because<br />

they played on 'summer nines." The exceptions are<br />

Captain Blakeley, who was declared eligible, and<br />

Grey, whose case has not yet been considered.<br />

m<br />

4Lf --A<br />

)TTEL0L<br />

Suit any Weight,<br />

Any Height,<br />

Any Purse.<br />

$40, $50, $60, $85, $100.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> MclNTOSH HUNTINGTON CO<br />


Godley & Morris,<br />

Exclusive Agents in <strong>Oberlin</strong>.:<br />


An immense new organ has just been purchased by<br />

the Cornell Conservatory of Music.<br />

The end of the" football season left the University<br />

of Minnesota with a cash balance of $4,600.<br />

Harvard and Pennsylvania have arranged for a<br />

track athletic meet at Philadelphia, May. 16.<br />

The senior law class at Wisconsin University is<br />

making an effort to secure<br />

Commencement.<br />

ex-Preside- nt Harrison for<br />

O. S. U. had a narrow escape from being destroyed<br />

by fire February 10th. The fire caught in the boiler<br />

room, and nearly burned the building down.<br />

The University of 'Missouri has abolished compulsory<br />

attendance at prayers and has inaugurated a plan<br />

We Iave<br />

Co to W. IT. Uollin for your Calendars.<br />

of inviting prominent ministers of the states to take<br />

in turn the duty of chaplain.<br />

A dual ice polo league between Harvard and Brown<br />

has been arranged. A series of three games will be<br />

played, one at Providence, another at Cambridge, and<br />

the third, if necessary, on neutral grounds.<br />

The House has recently passed the bill of the Virginia<br />

Senate, authorizing the Hoard of Visitors of the<br />

University of Virginia to issue $200,000 bonds, to repair<br />

the loss by the late fire at that institution.<br />

There are now 230 men in training for Harvard's<br />

track team. Of these, thirty-seve- n were on the team<br />

last year and took part in either the Yale-Harvar- d<br />

games or the Intercollegiate games at New York.<br />


You<br />

Kccj in Mind: That we carry both Imported and Domestic Cloths out of<br />

which to make you well fitting Suits, Pants, and Overcoats.<br />

. That<br />

That it is an established fact that we are Headquarters for Gents' Furnishings.<br />

we are Agents for ihe celebrated Manhattan Shirts, E. &V. Collars,<br />

and many other 'good things in Gentlemen's Wear.<br />



w mm priges!<br />

. BACON<br />

First Floor, Goodrich Block.<br />

t l-'1--<br />

T 'JlQJL<br />

'JL1 Ji. JL. 1L; AAAV'<br />

v COOLEY,<br />


IT k ttpti KTin ) 1 iifiinrnnT lici lirrkllir PITT 1 T) i<br />

iYfTFIMll<br />

YAUUnAfl d f LlJll'tLiAOO if UUA ililll Luuir ) jij<br />

ART STUDIO j All Amateur Work Finished Willi Special Care. ( oiikklin, o. .<br />

Rensselaer rx<br />

Polytechnicr<br />

X Institute,<br />

e<br />

Troy,N.Y.<br />

Local examinations provided for. Sand for a fiatnlognn<br />


, fit .South ll'aaiit Street.<br />

Try a loaf of Mrs. White's celebrated Home Made<br />

Bread, Extra Fine Pies, Raised Doughnuts,<br />

Uunns and Cookies.<br />

For sale by the leading Grocers, or will be delivered fresh<br />

every day from the cart. ,<br />

. 31 US. C. M. WIIITK.<br />

, V"<br />

0-I!E-<br />

'<br />

ST IN<br />

<strong>THE</strong><br />

20<br />

LOOK! SEE and COME<br />

TO <strong>THE</strong> NEW<br />

fjpg(rg jjjpooj<br />

First class work guaranteed by skilled workmen.<br />

WOODS & WILLIAMS, Props<br />

Basement of 19 North Main St.<br />

In business requires special<br />

preparatory study. Over 33,- -<br />

500 lurmer muucius nave ueen<br />

trained for usefulness and success<br />

at the Spencerian Col<br />

lege, of Cleveland. Established in 1848. Incorporated 1895.<br />

The original Bryant & Stratton <strong>College</strong>. Illustrated catalogue<br />

and full information upon application.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> SPENCERIAN COLLEGE, - Cleveland, 0.<br />

CITY-aa- s,<br />

-. . . c--ii ii .- no iri - mrm (rmmmys jfw lugs<br />

Diamonds. See our<br />

m -<br />

b. m a ;<br />


I<br />

I<br />

Columbia and the University of Minnesota have<br />

branches of the Society of Psychical Research.<br />

At a recent meeting of the Tacific Athletic Association,<br />

Stanford University Athletic Association was<br />

non-payme- suspended for nt of dues.<br />

A new departure is likely to be made in Harvard<br />

football next fall. The eleven will line up for actual<br />

play but three times a week, alternate days being given<br />

to some light form of exercise as different from<br />

actual football as can be devised.<br />

Metropolitan Teachers' Agency.<br />

We need teachers and will enroll fifty <strong>Oberlin</strong> graduates<br />

and Seniors who expect to teach, free.<br />

Irving Hazen, Manager,<br />

2S West Twenty-Thir- d street, New York.<br />

Every Sitting Guaranteed Every Print Perfect.<br />

Alexander Uros.<br />

n i iv t m njr i rnnn y<br />

MM cMMol<br />


Typewriting1 Call and I will surprise you<br />

with the cheapness of my rates<br />

E. G. WHITING, News Office.<br />

The No. 2.<br />

Smith Premier<br />

Typewriter<br />

Has no equal<br />

For sale by A. C. BURGESS,<br />

All kinds for Rent. <strong>Oberlin</strong>.<br />

TIio <strong>College</strong> Pins at 1IOLTKU & STEWART'S.<br />

i-O-<br />

-IIi Get Fresh Buttered II Popcorn.<br />

The Review has a new Smith Premier Typewriter<br />

for sale. Address the Manager.<br />

liest ice and largest crowds at (Jayters's. Don't<br />

forget our prize of a fine gold watch.<br />

Phcenix Bicycle. Almost as good as new; at about<br />

half price. See W. Y. Durand.<br />

Linen Manuscript Cover.<br />

The Central Ohio Paper Co., Columbus, O., make<br />

a heavy colored manuscript cover. This cover is<br />

very durable as it is made of the same stock from<br />

which they make their celebrated Swan Linen paper.<br />

Write them for samples. It is for sale by dealers<br />

and printers.<br />

High grade Monarch<br />

of the Review.<br />

bicycle for sale. See<br />

For. a perfect fitting suit go to<br />

Man-ag- er<br />

ECKERT, <strong>THE</strong> TAILOR<br />

and Gents'. Furnisher.<br />


Sole agent for<br />

<strong>OBERLIN</strong>,<br />

Fine itarAies anb Chocolates.<br />

Orders received for<br />

3ce itream, 3ces an6 Fine iCahea<br />

Special Prices to <strong>Oberlin</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

When Khnnnintr in Cleveland, our LADIES 2<br />


found all that can be desired.<br />

at Richard's.

-- Engraved Cards-fin- est quality at Burgess'.<br />


Offers the best opportunity for learning Commercial<br />

and Kailroad Telegraphy in all its<br />

branches. For circulars address <strong>THE</strong> OBEK-LI- N<br />

TELEGRAPH CO., No. 2 S. Main street,<br />

Obcrlin, Ohio.<br />


C. T. Beckwith, President; W. B. Bedortha,<br />

Vice President; J. W. Steele, A. II. Johnson,<br />

Win. Fischer; Arthur. H. Johnson, Secretary.<br />

The<br />

Decker<br />

Studio,<br />

143 Euclid Ave.,<br />

Cleveland.<br />

E. Decker.<br />

Geo. M. Edmondson.<br />

Carbons and everything<br />

new and artistic in<br />

Rates to Students.<br />

Photography.<br />


Baseball Player<br />

Football Player<br />

Tennis Player<br />

John H. Ryder,<br />


Studio 211 Superior St., Cleveland, 0.<br />

Members of the Class of '94 pronounce<br />

themselves not only well<br />

satisfied but unqualifiedly well<br />

pleased with my class work.<br />

Quality before Quantity.<br />

Special Rates to Students.<br />

FIGURES.<br />

Bicycle Rider<br />

Golf Player<br />

Souvenirs of TWENTY YEAES in Business.<br />

A complete set, comprising Baseball, Football, Tennis and Golf Players and a<br />

Bicyclist, will be sent to any address in the United States or Canada upon' receipt<br />

of 10c to pay charges. These figures are perfect in every particular and<br />

suitable souvenirs of our 20 years as positive leaders in the manufacture of everything<br />

for indoor and outdoor sports.<br />

Largest Manufacturers of Bicycles and .. ' GOAT TlTTVm Xr R"ROSl New York Chicago<br />

Athletic Goods in the World. iV. I. 1 ALiUll I V rIJO., Philadelphia<br />

Toils of andytbr many Tongues ac Burgess'<br />


HOLTHIt fc STEWART, tlio Jewelers of <strong>Oberlin</strong>.<br />


The licst knife vou can buy is the cheapest. <strong>THE</strong> NORTHFIELD. Even- - one replaced<br />

that does not give satisfaction. Ask for the Xouti I I'l at<br />

Godley & Morris'.<br />


-<br />


COOK BKOS.,<br />

FOR- -<br />




Offers special attractions to Students in Notions,<br />

Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Goods, Ribbons,<br />

Laces, Kid Gloves, Corsets, and the finest line of<br />

Dress Goods and Silks in the county.<br />



<strong>THE</strong> BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST AC- - I<br />


Try Him Once and You Will Never Change<br />

CAPITAL, $00,000.<br />

H. R. HATCH & CO.,<br />



1 23 to 1 27 Euulid Ave.<br />

' l<br />

<strong>THE</strong> TURNOUTS<br />

FROM MY STABLES ARE <strong>THE</strong> BEST IN <strong>THE</strong> CITY<br />

My Hacks connect with all trains. Give us your order. Care<br />

ful attention given to moving Pianos and Household Goods,<br />

will do my best to accommodate my patrons.<br />


OHU, 33 and 31 Hast <strong>College</strong> St.<br />

W. J FULLER,<br />

Proprietor of the CITY STABLES<br />

ir North Main St., <strong>Oberlin</strong>, O<br />


SUKPLUS, $15,000.<br />

Gitizens national ank5<br />

Is the place for the Students to do their Banking Business.'<br />

albert II. Johnson, Pres. C. T. Beckwith, V. Pres. Arthur II. Johnson, Cashier<br />

S. M. Cole. F. M. Thompson.<br />

I-4"u.m"bsr<br />

and<br />



Coal<br />

272 South Main St., <strong>Oberlin</strong>, O. Office, mill and<br />

yard opposite Depot.<br />

Town office: Holter & Stewart's jewelry store.<br />

'<br />


Glenn's TonsorialParlors<br />


S Ladies' Hair Cutting and Shampooing in separate and<br />

attractive apartment.<br />

'<br />


Is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipation, or<br />

money refunded. 56c per box. Send two stamps for circulars<br />

and free samples to Martin Kudy, registered pharmacist, Lancaster,<br />

I'a.' No postals answered. For sale by first-clas- S druggists<br />

every where, and in <strong>Oberlin</strong> by<br />

J. M. Gardner & Co. and F. E. IJurgess. -<br />

T. P. SMITH,<br />

DKA<br />

DKAI.ER in<br />

BOOTS ancT.SHOES<br />

Repairing neatly, cheaply and promptly done.<br />

WOOD FOIl SAI.F Hard and soft, 16-in- ch; dry kindlings<br />

East <strong>College</strong> Street, east of Goodrich 131ock.<br />

First-clas- s Tousorial Work over llolter's (llarry Wall).<br />




121 Euclid Ave.,<br />

243 Superior St.,<br />


Cleveland, 0.<br />

Alexander, Photographer.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> GARFIELD,<br />

Golden Stairway.<br />

The News Office -<br />



New Styles in Type.<br />

First-clas- s Workmen.<br />

Tlie Kkvikw is printed at this ofilce.<br />


Here you can find the finest candies made daily by<br />

expert hands. Candies of any description for entertainments<br />

may be had at lowest prices.<br />

Gibson's Candy Factory.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.<br />

KVKKKTT O. FISK & CO., Proprie tors.<br />

4 Aslilnu tnn Place. 1'oston. 70 Fifth avenue, New York.<br />

1242 Twelfth street, Washington. 355 Wabash Ave., Chicago.<br />

25 Kins street. West, Toronto. 420 Century I'.ldjr.. Minneapolis.<br />

525 Stimson lllock, LosAneeles. 728 Cooper Building, Denver.<br />

107 Keith & l'erry Hklg., Kansas City.<br />


Light,<br />

Strong,<br />

Speedy,<br />

Handsome.<br />

Finest<br />

Material<br />

Best<br />

Workmanship<br />

If you can be satisfied with something- - cheaper,<br />

(Sa)<br />

lower-price- d<br />

the best<br />

wheel is<br />

DEFIANCE $75, $60, $50, $40,<br />

Every machine guaranteed.<br />

Send for catalogue.<br />


83 Reade Street. NEW YORK. 3 and 5 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO.<br />

SssssssssssesssesssesssssesssesssssssssesssssssS<br />

8 8<br />

8<br />

u<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8 8

I'li'turcs anil Pirture Frames at Cuming'.<br />

St(3dents, NoTIGE!<br />

I shall offer for thirty days, my slock of Pictures<br />

of nil kinds at cost and many of them at less<br />

than cost.<br />

Etchings, worth $1, for 25c<br />

Photographs regularly at 75c and $1, for 40 and 50c<br />

Engravings at one-ha- lf price.<br />

Frames to Order at Cost.<br />

M. G. COMINGS.<br />


i J<br />

I I 4<br />



Gloves AND<br />

Shields.<br />

L T. Whitnev & Son.

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