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George Orwell 1 9 8 4<br />

'I hated the sight of you,' he said. 'I wanted to rape<br />

you and then murder you afterwards. Two weeks<br />

ago I thought seriously of smashing your head in<br />

with a cobblestone. If you really want to know, I<br />

imagined that you had something to do with the<br />

Thought Police.'<br />

The girl laughed delightedly, evidently taking this<br />

as a tribute to the excellence of her disguise.<br />

'Not the Thought Police! You didn't honestly think<br />

that?'<br />

'Well, perhaps not exactly that. But from your<br />

general appearance—merely because you're young<br />

and fresh and healthy, you understand—I thought<br />

that probably—'<br />

'You thought I was a good Party member. Pure in<br />

word and deed. Banners, processions, slogans,<br />

games, community hikes all that stuff. And you<br />

thought that if I had a quarter of a chance I'd<br />

denounce you as a thought-criminal and get you<br />

killed off?'<br />

'Yes, something of that kind. A great many young<br />

girls are like that, you know.'<br />

'It's this bloody thing that does it,' she said, ripping<br />

off the scarlet sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League<br />

and flinging it on to a bough. Then, as though<br />

touching her waist had reminded her of something,<br />

she felt in the pocket of her overalls and produced<br />

a small slab of chocolate. She broke it in half and<br />

gave one of the pieces to Winston. Even before he<br />

had taken it he knew by the smell that it was very<br />

unusual chocolate. It was dark and shiny, and was<br />

wrapped in silver paper. Chocolate normally was<br />

dull-brown crumbly stuff that tasted, as nearly as<br />

one could describe it, like the smoke of a rubbish<br />

fire. But at some time or another he had tasted<br />

chocolate like the piece she had given him. The<br />

first whiff of its scent had stirred up some memory<br />

which he could not pin down, but which was<br />

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— Te odiaba. Quería abusar de ti y luego<br />

asesinarle. Hace dos semanas pensé seriamente<br />

romperte la cabeza con una piedra. Si quieres<br />

saberlo, te diré que te creía en relación con la<br />

Policía del Pensamiento.<br />

La muchacha se reía encantada, tomando aquello<br />

como un piropo por lo bien que se había<br />

disfrazado.<br />

— ¡La Policía del Pensamiento!, qué ocurrencias.<br />

No es posible que lo creyeras.<br />

— Bueno, quizá no fuera exactamente eso. Pero,<br />

por tu aspecto... quizá por tu juventud y por lo<br />

saludable que eres; en fin, ya comprendes, creí que<br />

probablemente...<br />

— Pensaste que era una excelente afiliada. Pura en<br />

palabras y en hechos. Estandartes, desfiles,<br />

consignas, excursiones colectivas y todo eso. Y<br />

creíste que a las primeras de cambio te denunciaría<br />

como criminal mental y haría que te mataran.<br />

— Sí, algo así... Ya sabes que muchas chicas son<br />

de ese modo.<br />

— La culpa la tiene esa porquería —dijo Julia<br />

quitándose el cinturón rojo de la liga Anti—Sex y<br />

tirándolo a una rama, donde quedó colgado. Luego,<br />

como si el tocarse la cintura le hubiera recordado<br />

algo, sacó del bolsillo de su «mono» una tableta de<br />

chocolate. La partió por la mitad y le dio a Winston<br />

uno de los pedazos. Antes de probarlo, ya sabía él<br />

por el olor que era un chocolate muy poco<br />

frecuente. Era oscuro y brillante, envuelto en papel<br />

de plata. El chocolate, corrientemente, era de un<br />

color castaño claro y desmigajaba con gran<br />

facilidad; y en cuanto a su sabor, era algo así como<br />

el del humo de la goma quemada. Pero alguna vez<br />

había probado chocolate como el que ella le daba<br />

ahora. Su aroma le había despertado recuerdos que<br />

no podía localizar, pero que lo turbaban

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