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<strong>at</strong> the fort until his people had restored all they bad stolen and s<strong>at</strong>isfied the<br />

Captain for damages committed.<br />

Capt. McNeill soon after sailed for the Sandwich Islands where he sold his<br />

vessel to Mr. Duncan Finalyson, agent of Dr. McLaughlin. Capt McNeill<br />

sailed the Lame to Columbia river, invested his money and entered the service<br />

of the Hudson Bay Company, became a Chief Factor and died <strong>at</strong> Victoria in<br />

1875.<br />

In 1827, Mr. Manson first visited the Champoeg villages to fit out the southern<br />

bound brigade. Tn 1829, in company with Dr. McLaughlin, made an extended<br />

tour through the Willamette valley for the purpose of making a careful examin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

as to its adaptability to agricultural purposes. But to recount in chronological<br />

order the more interesting events in which. Mr. Manson has borne a conspicuous<br />

part during life of 55 years upon this coast, would gre<strong>at</strong>ly exceed the<br />

limited space <strong>at</strong> my command. It must therefore suffice to say, he took a leading<br />

part in the construction and <strong>at</strong> different times had charge of nearly all the<br />

Companies forts on the Pacific side of the Rocky mountains.<br />

When for a term of years, his company held a lease or fur trading privilege<br />

npon a part of Rusian America, for which Dr. McLaughlin paid annually a stip.<br />

ul<strong>at</strong>ed price in <strong>Oregon</strong> whe<strong>at</strong>, Mr. Manson was ses'eral times sent into those<br />

high northern l<strong>at</strong>itudes. No man of his gener<strong>at</strong>ion was more conversant with<br />

the hi5tory of the n<strong>at</strong>ive tribes or pos;essed a more thorough knowledge of the<br />

country from the head of the Willamette valley to the frozen glaciers of Alaska,<br />

than the venerable Donald Manson. One of the most vigilant, sagacious and<br />

dauntless frontiersmen on the North Pacific coast, he was the officer upon whom<br />

Dr. McLaughlin relied to command the post of most iminent danger. In 1839,<br />

after a service of 22 consecutive years, he was given one year's furlow which he<br />

spent in visiting his n<strong>at</strong>ive Highland home. His parents were then living. Said<br />

Mr. Manson, this was the gre<strong>at</strong> holiday of my life which, with a host of friends,<br />

I enjoyed beyond measure.<br />

On his return to Vancouver in 1841, he learned th<strong>at</strong> his old traveling companion,<br />

Mr. Black, with whom he had journeyed across the continent in 5823,<br />

had been murdered by Indians <strong>at</strong> Fort Camloops. Dr. McLaughlin sent him<br />

to th<strong>at</strong> post to apprelend and punish the guilty parties, which was soon s<strong>at</strong>isfactorily<br />

accomplished, as was also an insubordin<strong>at</strong>ion which occured <strong>at</strong> Fort<br />

Stikine, resulting in the de<strong>at</strong>h of Dr. McLaughlin's son John.<br />

In 1844, he was appointed Executive officer of the district of New Calidonia,<br />

continued to administer its affairs with his usual ability for 14 years, when he<br />

tendered the resignaion of his commission to the Company which he had faithfully<br />

served for more than forty years. Having purchased of Dr. Newell his

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