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The many important events connected with this good man's life in <strong>Oregon</strong><br />

would not only furnish m<strong>at</strong>erial for a very interesting and profitable address before<br />

this Associ<strong>at</strong>ion, but would fill a liberal sized volume, he having been for<br />

more than a third of a century (commencing with the year 5823) most prominently<br />

connected with the pioneer history of the country. I regret th<strong>at</strong> the<br />

limits of this paper precludes entering into details the better to present before<br />

you, the gre<strong>at</strong> executive ability, power over the Indians, and fostering care<br />

which he so generously bestowed upon the infant settlements of <strong>Oregon</strong>.<br />

Dr. McLaughlin was no ordinary personage. N<strong>at</strong>ure had written in her<br />

most legible hand preeminence in every lineameut of his strong Scotch face,<br />

combining in a marked degree all the n<strong>at</strong>ive dignity of an intellectual giant.<br />

He stood among his pioneer cotemporaries like towering old Hood amid the<br />

evergreen heights th<strong>at</strong> surround his mountain homea born leader of men. He<br />

would have achieved distinction in any of the higher pursuits of life. He was<br />

born in the District of Quebec, Canada, in I84, of Scotch parentage, reared<br />

under the influence of the Ange/ican or Efiscepal Church, of which he remained<br />

a member until November 18th, 1842. At this d<strong>at</strong>e he became connected with<br />

the C<strong>at</strong>holic Church, of which he continued a devout communicant during the<br />

remainingyears of his long and eventful life. Dr. McLaughlin had Teceived a<br />

liberal educ<strong>at</strong>ion and was a regular bred physician, in st<strong>at</strong>ure above six feet,<br />

weighing some 250 pounds, his head was large, his commanding eye of a bluish<br />

grey, a fair florid complexion, his hair had been of a sandy color, but when I<br />

rst met him <strong>at</strong> Vancouver, in the fall of s8, then sixty years of age, his<br />

gre<strong>at</strong> luxuriant growth of hair was white as snow. A business requiring a residence<br />

among the wild n<strong>at</strong>ive tribes necessarily made the regul<strong>at</strong>ions governing<br />

the service of his company partake more of the martial than the civil law. Dr.<br />

McLaughlin was a strict disciplinarian and in his bearing decidedly military in<br />

suggestion; his standard of honor was unviol<strong>at</strong>ed truth and justice. The<br />

strong distinguishing traits of his character were true courage, a clear quick<br />

perception and firm reliance. He never hesit<strong>at</strong>ed in taking upon himself gre<strong>at</strong><br />

responsibilities when in his judgment occasion required it. The regul<strong>at</strong>ions<br />

of the Hudson Bay Company required its officers to give one year's notice of<br />

their intention to quit the service. This notice the Doctor gave <strong>at</strong> the beginning<br />

of 1845, and the following year established himself upon his land claim <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Oregon</strong> City, where he had already built a residence, large flouting mill, sawmills<br />

and store houses. Having loc<strong>at</strong>ed his land claim in 1829, he first made<br />

some temporary improvements thereon in 1830. These enterprises gave to the<br />

pioneer town quite a business like appearance <strong>at</strong> the time of my arrival in the<br />

country, and employment to a goodly number of needy immigrants. The Doctor's<br />

religion was of th<strong>at</strong> practical kind which proceeds from the heart and en-

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