Epidural Catheter Breakage:A Dilemma - medIND

Epidural Catheter Breakage:A Dilemma - medIND

Epidural Catheter Breakage:A Dilemma - medIND


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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2007; 51 (5) : 434-437 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October Case Report 2007<br />

Summary<br />

<strong>Epidural</strong> <strong>Catheter</strong> <strong>Breakage</strong>:A <strong>Dilemma</strong><br />

Deepanjali Pant 1 , Pradeep Jain 2 , Pravesh Kanthed 3 , Jayashree Sood 4<br />

Placement of an epidural catheter in epidural space is a routine practice for providing anaesthesia/analgesia in a myriad of<br />

surgical procedures and various painful conditions. <strong>Breakage</strong> of an epidural catheter, though rare, is a well-known complication.<br />

We present a case report of such an event and a comprehensive review of do’s and don’ts in this setting.<br />

Key words <strong>Epidural</strong> catheter, <strong>Breakage</strong>, Management.<br />

Introduction<br />

A broken spinal or epidural catheter, although an<br />

uncommon occurrence, remains an area of utmost dilemma<br />

to the practising anaesthesiologist. While the insertion<br />

of a spinal or epidural catheter is usually safe,<br />

they have been known to break duringremoval, leaving<br />

a segment lodged in patient’s back. 1 Since surgical removal<br />

of a broken catheter is not recommended and the<br />

severed nonbiodegradable catheter is situated in an anatomical<br />

region which does not permit it to be naturally<br />

extruded, it is left in the patient permanently. 2 The discomfort<br />

to the patient and the formidable complication<br />

that may rarely result from such a mishap could greatly<br />

deter surgeons, anaesthesiologists and patients from this<br />

most useful anaesthetic technique. .<br />

Case report<br />

A 70 -yr - old, 65 kg male, presented with history<br />

of road traffic accident leading to multiple rib fractures<br />

on right side. He was a known case of COPD, on intermittent<br />

bronchodilator therapy. Due to severe pain related<br />

to rib fracture, the patient was unable to cough out<br />

secretions effectively. He was referred to acute pain<br />

services for pain relief.<br />

A thoracic epidural analgesia was planned and using<br />

the loss-of-resistance technique with air, an 18G radio<br />

opaque epidural catheter [Perifix® 401 G18x3 1 / 4 ”(B/<br />

Braun)] was inserted through an 18G Tuohy needle into<br />

the epidural space at T 8 -T 9 interspace in left lateral position.<br />

The epidural space was encountered at 5 cm from<br />

skin and catheter was advanced cephalad upto 15 cm at<br />

hub of the needle. Resistance was encountered while<br />

injecting the test dose and therefore it was decided to<br />

1.M.D, Consultant, 2.MD, Senior Consultant, 3.DA, DNB, Senior Resident, 4.MD, FFARCS, PGDHHM, Senior Consultant, Chairperson<br />

Correspondence to: Deepanjali Pant, Department of Anaesthesiology, Pain & Perioperative Medicine, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Sir Ganga<br />

Ram Hospital Marg, New Delhi – 110060, India, Email: deepapant@hotmail.com Accepted for publication on:30.8.07<br />

434<br />

relocate the epidural space. While the catheter was beingremoved<br />

with gentle traction along with Tuohy needle,<br />

it sheared off at 6 cm mark. (Fig.1)<br />

Fi g.1 <strong>Epidural</strong> catheter-broken at 6 cm mark.<br />

A new epidural catheter was placed at the T 11 -T 12<br />

interspace and fixed at 9 cm mark (skin to epidural distance<br />

= 5 cm). Patient controlled epidural analgesia<br />

(PCEA) was initiated with a combination of 0.0625%<br />

bupivacaine hydrochloride and fentanyl citrate (5g.ml -<br />

1 ). The patient had adequate pain relief and chest condition<br />

improved satisfactorily. PCEAwas used for 7 days<br />

and the epidural catheter was removed uneventfully.<br />

Subsequently the patient was discharged without any<br />

neurological sequelae.

Deepanjali Pant et al. <strong>Epidural</strong> catheter breakage<br />

After informing the surgeon and the patient, an<br />

MRI and CT scan were done. Sagittal 3-mm (with 1mm<br />

gap) and axial 5-mm (with 1.5-mm gap) T 1 -<br />

weighted spin-echo (TR 500 ms/TE 16 ms/ 2 excitation)<br />

and proton density and T 2- weighted (TR 2600 ms/TE<br />

16,96 ms/2 excitation) fast spin-echo images were obtained<br />

in a 1.5T MRI scanner (General electric signal)<br />

(matrix 256x256, field of view 20 cm axial, 28 cm sagittal).<br />

Axial and sagittal T 1 -weighted images after IV<br />

gadolinium DTPA were obtained. CT scan (4-mm images<br />

obtained at 3-mm interval) with sagittal and coronal<br />

reconstruction was done. But the severed epidural<br />

catheter was not visualized.<br />

Thepatientwascounselled thatthis eventhad occurred<br />

andwas advised to reportin caseof anyadversesymptoms.<br />

Discussion<br />

Not many cases have been reported and there is<br />

always a dilemma in the mind of all – doctor to patient,<br />

regarding the sequence of leaving the catheter fragment<br />

in situ. So we thought of briefly reviewing the literature<br />

about various possible causes, ways to prevent, diagnose<br />

and manage such a case.<br />

Causes of severed epidural catheter<br />

1. Application of undue force in removing a catheter<br />

trapped between vertebral spinous processes or in<br />

ligamentum flavum or knotted, kinked or curled catheter<br />

in epidural space causes the catheter to stretch<br />

3, 4 or tear.<br />

2. Shearing of catheter by needle when attempts are<br />

made to withdraw the catheter through the Tuohy<br />

needle.<br />

3. Nicking of a catheter by a barb on the bevel of the<br />

needle.<br />

4. Shredding of catheter if the needle is advanced over<br />

the catheter after the catheter has been placed.<br />

5. Weakness of the catheter by imperfect manufacturing.<br />

6. Damage to a catheter occurring after placement<br />

i.e. fraying by pinching between two vertebral pro-<br />

5, 6 cesses.<br />

7. The proposed mechanism for catheter that were<br />

severed at time of insertion is to break or severely<br />

damage an epidural catheter by heavy contact between<br />

tip of theepidural needle and a bony surface,<br />

435<br />

if a length of the catheter was protruding from the<br />

tip. 7<br />

8. <strong>Catheter</strong> damage is often related to excessive in-<br />

8, 9<br />

sertion into the epidural space.<br />

Prevention of catheter breakage – recommendations<br />

1. Lateral decubitus position when removing an epidural<br />

catheter as this results in least force of extraction.<br />

10<br />

2. The force required to remove a catheter should be<br />

minimal. If resistance is encountered, a number of<br />

simple maneuvers may help to enable removal of<br />

catheter without stretching or tearing. These include<br />

(stepwise): -<br />

a. Maximal flexion of back in lateral decubitus position<br />

b. Rotation of spine<br />

c. Returningthe patientto theposition used at time<br />

of insertion e.g. sitting position with legs extended<br />

or kneeling position with hands down<br />

and back flexed<br />

d. Allowing tissues to soften for 15- 30 minutes<br />

before reattempting 11<br />

e. Fillingthe catheter with a rapid injection of saline<br />

to increase the turgor of the catheter and<br />

to lubricate it.<br />

f. Complete relaxation with GA with muscle relaxation<br />

g. Surgical removal<br />

3. The needle should be checked for barbs on bevel<br />

and the catheter for manufacturing defects before<br />

insertion.<br />

4. No more than 4-5 cm of catheter should be advanced<br />

into the epiduralspace to reduce risk of kinking<br />

/curling /knotting. 8,12,13<br />

5. <strong>Catheter</strong> should never be withdrawn through the<br />

metal needle.<br />

6. <strong>Catheter</strong>s of high breaking strain (tensile strength)<br />

and of a sufficient diameter (16/18G) should be obtained<br />

from a reputable, reliable manufacturer.<br />

In our case, there was no obvious cause for breakage.<br />

Most probably it was kinked or curled, as there<br />

was resistance during drug injection.

Diagnosis<br />

Attempts to locate the torn catheter ultrasonically<br />

are usually futile but xeroradiography, CT scanning or<br />

MRI may prove more fruitful.<br />

Radio opaque epidural catheters are easier to locate<br />

radiologically than non-radio opaque ones, but paradoxically,<br />

they have a lower tensile strength than standard<br />

clear catheters. In fact, a radioopaque fragment<br />

may be impossible to locate radiologically because the<br />

surrounding structures are radio-dense.<br />

MRI scanning is a non-invasive means of diagnosing<br />

the complication of spinal stenosis secondary to epidural<br />

fibrosis/scar formation and assessing the extent of<br />

spinal stenosis.<br />

However, CT scanning through level of interest is<br />

more sensitive than MRI in detecting the high attenuation<br />

catheter fragment within the epidural space and is<br />

more sensitivethan plain radiography, especiallyfor small<br />

retained fragments.<br />

In our case CT / MRI did not help to locate the<br />

fragment – since they are helpful once there is a reactive<br />

mass around the catheter fragment.<br />

Management<br />

Sequestered temporary epidural catheter pieces are<br />

generally considered to beinert and should not produce a<br />

foreign bodyreaction. Experiments with cats have shown<br />

that a broken catheter becomes walled off by fibrous tissue<br />

after about3 weeks –remaining innocuous within the<br />

epidural space. 13 Foreign body in epidural space is not<br />

likely to migrate (although this is not impossible).<br />

However, Staats et al reported the formation of a<br />

reactive epidural mass (1.5cm) around the catheter fragment<br />

resulting in lumbar spinal stenosis, patientbeing asymptomatic<br />

until 18 months of the incident and got relieved<br />

with removal of catheter and reactive scar tissue. 14<br />

In contrast, the continued presence of indwelling<br />

catheter has resulted in complications. Chronic, implanted<br />

intrathecal infusion catheters have been associated with<br />

granuloma formation resulting in spinal cord compression.<br />

The changes may occur, rather quickly, as noted<br />

by Durant and Yatish, who reported that catheters can<br />

be walled off by tissue reaction after 72 hours. 15 This<br />

local reaction was reported by Coombs et al, who found<br />

“cocoon” formation with dural thickening around implanted<br />

catheters in post-mortem examination. 16<br />

Therefore, in most cases the current standard of<br />

care application to the retained segments of a tempo-<br />

436<br />

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2007<br />

rary epiduralcatheter is to leavethem aloneunless symptomatic<br />

because surgical removal can produce more<br />

harm than good. 2 However, there are 3 situations where<br />

apolicy of non-interferenceor reassurancedoes not apply.<br />

1. Where infection or symptoms supervene, a careful<br />

historyand physicalexamination should help determine<br />

the spinallevel involved.<br />

2. If the spinal catheter fragment is sitting partially<br />

intrathecally and is acting as a wick which allows<br />

persistent CSF leakage. 12 If a continuous spinal<br />

micro-catheter becomes separated within the intrathecal<br />

space, appropriate imaging, a neurosurgical<br />

consultation and aggressivesurgical exploration<br />

to retrieve the broken piece are warranted, even in<br />

the asymptomatic patient. 17<br />

3. If the proximal end of the segment is located at or<br />

just beneath the skin such that it can be retrieved<br />

simple through a superficialincision made under local<br />

anaesthesia. The broken distal piece is grasped<br />

with a curved haemostat and drawn out by firm,<br />

gentle traction. 6 Surgical removal is mandatory in<br />

such a situation as bacteria can readily track along<br />

the catheter remnant.<br />

On rare occasions, surgical exploration may be<br />

needed to remove lost catheter fragments and associated<br />

reactive scar tissue and relieve spinal stenosis.<br />

Successfullocalization ofcatheter fragmentby medical<br />

imaging is no guarantee that task of finding the missing<br />

segmentat subsequentsurgery willbe madeany easier.<br />

If pain is caused by traction on catheter, the<br />

anaesthesiologist should suspect that a loop may have<br />

become curled around a nerve root. So removal of a<br />

catheter under anaesthesia may not help to alert the<br />

medical team in such a case. Given the possibility that<br />

avulsion might occur, it would probably be wise to extract<br />

the catheter under direct vision by open surgical<br />

laminectomy. 18 Sidhu et al described a parturient having<br />

epidural catheter coiled around L 2 -L 3 nerve root, causing<br />

severe pain and paresthesia on traction, but producing<br />

no sensory or motor defect. Since the patient refused<br />

a surgical procedure, catheter was removed without<br />

sequelae by gentle traction in various positions. 19<br />

Any kind of trauma, like practice of securing the<br />

catheter bya sutureat skin level, may cause microlesions<br />

and deteriorates the energy adsorbing capacity of catheter<br />

considerably – therefore, it should be practiced only<br />

when absolutely indicated. 20<br />

Our patient has not reported any adverse symptoms<br />

so far till the writing of this article – a time period<br />

of roughly two years.

Deepanjali Pant et al. <strong>Epidural</strong> catheter breakage<br />

Newer inventions<br />

More recently, it has been proposed to provide an<br />

improved epidural catheter which maintains its structural<br />

integrityfor intraoperativeand postoperativeperiod and<br />

eliminates the necessity for an additional surgical procedure<br />

or any outside intervention in order to remove a<br />

portion of the catheter should breakage occur.It exhibits<br />

good handling properties, has adequate tensile strength,<br />

is sterilizable and can be uniformly manufactured using<br />

conventional techniques. It is made up of biodegradable<br />

material (synthetic polymers of absorbable material)<br />

which dissolves with time upon contact with moisture<br />

found in bodyfluids with no undesirabledegradation substance<br />

released into body. 21 Since it is adversely affected<br />

by moisture it is preferably packaged in a substantially<br />

moisture-freeenvironment prior to use and in sealed sterile<br />

packages.<br />

In general, the material should generally maintain its<br />

original integrity for at least 3 days and should be completely<br />

absorbed in living tissue in a period of time from<br />

approximately 20 to 120 days. The degradation time of<br />

the biodegradable material can be selectively altered by<br />

adjusting the molecular weight or chemical make-up of<br />

the syntheticpolymers or through irradiation with gamma<br />

rays thatsimultaneously sterilizes the catheter without any<br />

significant loss of other desirable properties.<br />

In conclusion, inspite of thebest intentions and exercise<br />

of utmost care it can still result in tearing of an<br />

epidural catheter. Butfortunately in only a small proportion<br />

of these cases, it is prudent to attempt to remove the<br />

offending retained portion of the catheter.<br />

The usual guidelines for insertion and removal of<br />

catheter should be strictly followed on a routinebasis to<br />

prevent the occurrence.<br />

The presence of a retained epidural catheter fragment<br />

should be documented and communicated to the<br />

patient, surgeon and primary care physician because the<br />

development of symptoms related to the catheter may<br />

occur months or years later and the patient should be<br />

reviewed periodically to ensure that there is no discomfort,<br />

infection or radiculopathy. If symptoms develop,<br />

spine imaging to find out the level of involvement and<br />

surgery is advocated.<br />

437<br />

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