Tabernacle Keys Revival - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life ...

Tabernacle Keys Revival - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life ...

Tabernacle Keys Revival - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life ...


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It is very important to make this stop in your prayer life. This is some­<br />

thing we don’t see in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament we<br />

see this scripture. In Matthew 5:23 we read “Therefore, if you are <strong>of</strong>fer­<br />

ing your gift at the altar <strong>and</strong> there remember that your brother has<br />

something against you, leave your gift there in front <strong>of</strong> the altar. First go<br />

<strong>and</strong> be reconciled to your brother; then come <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer your gift.” We<br />

can see in scripture that our sins will not be forgiven if we don’t forgive<br />

others (Mark 11:25). Forgiveness is a choice, not an emotion. You may<br />

still be hurt by someone. You may still be angry about what was done.<br />

This is underst<strong>and</strong>able, but you can make a choice to forgive them.<br />

When you do you will feel so free! Unforgiveness only hurts the one that<br />

has it. We also see in Matthew 18:21 that a servant was forgiven his<br />

debt, but he refused to forgive others. So he was sent to be tortured. I<br />

have seen this at work. People that have unforgiveness are tormented<br />

(tortured) by demons until they forgive. In fact, a deliverance cannot<br />

take place in someone if they have unforgiveness. The unforgiveness is<br />

legal ground for demons. This legal ground comes from the fact that the<br />

person with unforgiveness does not have their sins forgiven.<br />

6. Don’t lead us into temptation<br />

This speaks <strong>of</strong> praying over your day. I always ask the Lord to give me<br />

strength to overcome any temptation or satanic attack I might face<br />

through the day. It is powerful to have already prayed for this before you<br />

actually face it.<br />

7. Deliver us from evil<br />

This is the last phase in the prayer pattern taught us by Jesus. We are<br />

already in the Holy <strong>of</strong> Holies after our time <strong>of</strong> worship. So now we are<br />

simply being intimate with the Lord. I will ask the Lord for protection for<br />

me, my family, <strong>and</strong> all I own. Quoting Psalm 91 out loud over yourself,<br />

family, <strong>and</strong> all you own is so powerful! I will always take a moment to<br />

make sure I have myself <strong>and</strong> family covered in this area before I leave<br />

my prayer time. We are living in days <strong>of</strong> major warfare <strong>and</strong> need to be<br />

covered in prayer before we begin our days.<br />

Again I must say, do not let this pattern become a dead ritual. Prayer is a<br />

relationship. Some marriages allow their life to become a routine <strong>and</strong> a dead<br />

ritual so to speak. This causes the level <strong>of</strong> closeness <strong>and</strong> intimacy to fade.<br />

We must keep the relationship alive. We do this by being led by the Spirit in<br />

all <strong>of</strong> the patterns listed above. Our intimacy with the Holy Spirit causes our<br />

prayer lives to be rich, powerful, <strong>and</strong> alive! Prayer is really about being in<br />

God’s presence <strong>and</strong> spending time with him.<br />

The same basic pattern will work with corporate prayer. First come through<br />

the blood. Then enter a time <strong>of</strong> worship. After that you can move into prayer<br />


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