Tabernacle Keys Revival - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life ...

Tabernacle Keys Revival - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life ...

Tabernacle Keys Revival - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life ...


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Ruth. He was famous in Bethlehem! Can you see the power <strong>of</strong> a blessing<br />

here. I heard John Kilpatrick say he will not perform a wedding anymore<br />

unless the parents agree to bless their children in the ceremony.<br />

As a blessing has this much power to travel down family lines, a curse also<br />

has that kind <strong>of</strong> power. Noah, in his anger, curses his son Ham in Genesis<br />

9:18­29. Exactly what he spoke came to pass. As a matter <strong>of</strong> fact, the de­<br />

scendants <strong>of</strong> Ham became the Canaanites that Israel conquered <strong>and</strong> op­<br />

pressed. Friend we must be careful what comes out <strong>of</strong> our mouths!<br />

Changing our mouths<br />

The Bible says in Matthew 12:36 we will give an account on judgment day<br />

for every careless word we have let slip out <strong>of</strong> our lips. That means every<br />

negative word we have spoken over our children. That is for every pastor<br />

that has spoken curses over God’s people. We will answer for it one day.<br />

The good news is that we can erase these words, be forgiven, <strong>and</strong> start<br />

fresh. You can say out loud, “I renounce every careless, negative, destruc­<br />

tive, or hurtful word that has ever come out <strong>of</strong> my mouth. I cancel its power. I<br />

destroy it now in Jesus’ name. I ask you father to forgive me for these words.<br />

Wash them away in Jesus’ blood. I also bind the demons that have been at<br />

work because <strong>of</strong> them. I bind you <strong>and</strong> cast you into the Abyss where you<br />

belong in Jesus’ name!” I have led people in a prayer like this, <strong>and</strong> I have<br />

heard so many reports <strong>of</strong> changed lives! I encourage you to guard your<br />

mouth from being negative, <strong>and</strong> also to begin to deliberately speak bless­<br />

ings. This will truly bring major change to your life.<br />


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