THE BODLEIAN - Bodleian Libraries - University of Oxford

THE BODLEIAN - Bodleian Libraries - University of Oxford

THE BODLEIAN - Bodleian Libraries - University of Oxford


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What’s on at<br />

JAnuAry - MArCH 2013<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BODLEIAN</strong><br />

<strong>Libraries</strong><br />

university <strong>of</strong> oxford<br />

love and<br />

devotion:<br />

From persia<br />

and beyond<br />


until 28 April

Contents<br />



FRIENDS OF <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BODLEIAN</strong> LECTURES P7<br />



VISIT <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BODLEIAN</strong> LIBRARY P10<br />


wHAT’S ONLINE P13<br />

wORLD BOOK DAY P14<br />


HIRE A VENUE P16<br />

<strong>BODLEIAN</strong> LIBRARY PUBLISHINg P17<br />

FRIENDS OF <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BODLEIAN</strong> P18<br />


TRANSFORMINg AND SUPPORTINg <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BODLEIAN</strong> P20<br />

Front cover image: Sufi master ‘Abd Allāh Anşārī receiving initiates into the mystical way. From a manuscript <strong>of</strong> the hagiographical<br />

work Majālis al-‘Ushshāq or the “Assemblies <strong>of</strong> the Lovers” attributed to Kamāl al-Dīn Gāzurgāhī, dated to 1552.<br />

This brochure is published by the Communications Office, <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>.<br />

Tel: 01865 277627 Email: communications@bodleian.ox.ac.uk. All images © <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>,<br />

unless otherwise stated.<br />

A digital edition <strong>of</strong> this brochure can be accessed and downloaded in pdf format from the <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> website:<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/exhibitions<br />

Designed by Sophie Durand, edited by Oana Romocea<br />

Love and<br />

devotion<br />

From Persia and Beyond<br />

Presented by the <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> oxford<br />

in partnership with State Library <strong>of</strong> victoria, australia.<br />

Image: The marriage <strong>of</strong> Yūsuf (Joseph) and Zulaykhā.<br />

صلاخا و ق شع<br />

2 3<br />


Exhibition<br />

Main Exhibition<br />

Exhibition Room, Old Schools Quadrangle<br />

love And devotion: froM persiA And Beyond<br />

UNTIL 28 APRIL<br />

Love and Devotion celebrates the beauty <strong>of</strong> Persian manuscripts and depicts the stories <strong>of</strong> human<br />

and divine love told through their lavishly-illustrated pages.<br />

The show features more than 60 rare Persian, Mughal Indian and Ottoman Turkish illustrated<br />

manuscripts spanning from the 13th to 18th century. These provide a rare overview <strong>of</strong> Persian<br />

calligraphy, illumination and miniature painting from one <strong>of</strong> the richest periods in the history<br />

<strong>of</strong> the book.<br />

Love and Devotion shows the many representations <strong>of</strong> human and divine love within the great<br />

narratives and poetry <strong>of</strong> Persian literature. Classic love stories by writers such as Nizami and<br />

Jami, as well as Firdawsi’s Shahnamah, or Book <strong>of</strong> Kings, Persia’s great literary epic, are exhibited.<br />

Visitors can see works from the great Sufi poets such as ‘Attar, Rumi and Hafiz, which have been<br />

enormously popular in the West as well as the East.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Love and Devotion: From Persia and beyond is based on an exhibition curated by Susan Scollay<br />

and Clare Williamson for the State Library <strong>of</strong> Victoria in Melbourne. This presentation <strong>of</strong><br />

the exhibition has been curated by Alasdair Watson, Curator <strong>of</strong> Islamic Manuscripts at the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Library.<br />

Follow us on twitter<br />

@bodleianlibs #BODlove<br />

explore tHe online exHiBition<br />

The <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library exhibition website:<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/about/exhibitions/online/love-and-devotion<br />

The State Library <strong>of</strong> Victoria exhibition website:<br />

http://exhibitions.slv.vic.gov.au/love-and-devotion<br />

lunCHtiMe leCtures<br />

Free admission - All welcome<br />

AdMission<br />

free<br />

A programme <strong>of</strong> lunchtime lectures support the exhibition. Full details and how to book can<br />

be found on page 6.<br />

Love and Devotion Exhibition<br />

puBliCAtion<br />

A lavishly illustrated companion volume, Love and Devotion: from Persia<br />

and beyond, by Susan Scollay is also available.<br />

The book can be purchased in the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Shop or online at<br />

www.bodleianbookshop.co.uk<br />

Hardback, 240 pp,<br />

135 colour illustrations,<br />

ISBN: 9781851242788, £40<br />

MerCHAndise<br />

The <strong>Bodleian</strong> Shop <strong>of</strong>fers a striking new range <strong>of</strong> exhibition-related gifts<br />

for sale, also available from our website: www.bodleianshop.co.uk<br />

Love and Devotion<br />

Notecard Box Set £19.95<br />

visit tHe<br />

BodleiAn sHop<br />

weBsite<br />

www.bodleianshop.co.uk<br />

Conference <strong>of</strong> the Birds<br />

Poster £6.25<br />

Exhibition<br />

Conference <strong>of</strong> the Birds. From c Attar, Mantiq al-Tayr, 1493. <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, MS. Elliott 246, fol. 25v (detail). In association with the State Library <strong>of</strong> Victoria, Australia. Designed and published by Zetta Florence Trading Pty Ltd 2011. All rights reserved<br />

A5 Journal – Preparations for<br />

a Royal Picnic £10.50<br />

4 5

Events<br />

Talks and Lectures<br />

free AdMission – All welCoMe<br />

13.00 - 13.30 Convocation House, Old <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

Please note that places are limited in Convocation House (100 places per lecture), so we<br />

recommend booking in advance via the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library website: www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/events.<br />

However, if places are still available on the day, early arrival might secure you a place.<br />

leCtures to ACCoMpAny tHe<br />

exHiBition ‘love And devotion:<br />

froM persiA And Beyond’<br />

(see pages 4-5)<br />

Wednesday, 16 January<br />

Divine Ascent: Prophet, Poets, Pilgrim<br />

Birds, and the Art <strong>of</strong> Illustrating the<br />

Unutterable<br />

Rafal Stepien (Academic Visitor, Wadham<br />

College, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Wednesday, 13 February<br />

Love and Devotion: Epic and Romance<br />

Barbara Brend (Independent Scholar, London)<br />

Wednesday, 6 March<br />

Sa‛di’s Love Poetry<br />

Homa Katouzian (Faculty <strong>of</strong> Oriental Studies,<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

leCture to ACCoMpAny tHe displAy<br />

‘eArly enGlisH CHildHood’<br />

(see page 15)<br />

Wednesday, 23 January<br />

Early English Childhood in the <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

Collections<br />

Nicholas Orme (Emeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />

History, Exeter <strong>University</strong>)<br />

If you have any enquiries regarding our talks and lectures,<br />

please contact us on:<br />

E-mail: rsvp@bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

Tel: 01865 277000<br />

lunCHtiMe leCture<br />

To mark the 400th anniversary <strong>of</strong><br />

Sir Thomas Bodley’s death<br />

Wednesday, 30 January<br />

Our Debt to Sir Thomas Bodley<br />

(1545-1613)<br />

David Vaisey CBE (Bodley’s Librarian Emeritus)<br />

leCture to ACCoMpAny tHe world<br />

BooK dAy displAy At tHe BodleiAn<br />

(see page 14)<br />

Thursday, 7 March<br />

Early Children’s Books in the Opie and<br />

Other Collections in the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

Clive Hurst (Head <strong>of</strong> Rare Books & Printed<br />

Ephemera, <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library)<br />

leCture to ACCoMpAny tHe<br />

displAy ‘MexiCo: froM piCture to<br />

print’ (see page 15)<br />

Thursday, 14 March<br />

Mexico: from Picture to Print<br />

Dr Clive Griffin (Retired <strong>University</strong> Lecturer<br />

in Latin American Literature, Fellow <strong>of</strong> Trinity<br />

College, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />



TO <strong>THE</strong> PUBLIC.<br />



www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/events<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Lunchtime Lectures<br />

free AdMission – All welCoMe<br />

13.00-13.30 Convocation House<br />

Tuesday, 12 February<br />

Pretty Tales and Pretty Things: some neglected children’s books from<br />

the second half <strong>of</strong> the long eighteenth century<br />

David Hounslow<br />

Tuesday, 5 March<br />

Historical collections from European religious houses now in the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

Dr Cristina Dondi (Faculty <strong>of</strong> History and <strong>of</strong> Medieval and Modern<br />

Languages, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Wine and sandwiches will be served in Chancellor’s Court after each<br />

lecture at a cost <strong>of</strong> £7 per person, for which bookings should be made<br />

and paid for in advance at fob@bodleian.ox.ac.uk or 01865 277234.<br />

tHe oxford seMinArs in CArtoGrApHy<br />

20th Annual series<br />

Thursday, 31 January<br />

The Military Survey <strong>of</strong> Scotland (1747-1755): a family affair?<br />

Rachel Hewitt (Wolfson College, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

17.00 - 18.30 <strong>Oxford</strong> Centre for the Environment, South Parks<br />

Road, <strong>Oxford</strong>, OX1 3QY<br />

Thursday, 21 February<br />

TOSCA Field Trip – Mapping the Spheres: a visit to Oriel<br />

College Library and Archives<br />

Space limited on the field trip - for further details, please contact:<br />

nick.millea@bodleian.ox.ac.uk or 01865 287119<br />

supported By:<br />

The Friends <strong>of</strong> TOSCA, ESRI (UK) Ltd<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong> Cartographers<br />

The British Cartographic Society<br />

The Charles Close Society<br />

The School <strong>of</strong> Geography and the Environment<br />

6 7<br />

Events<br />

Top: The Golden Primer, 1815, an<br />

early hand-coloured battledore, or<br />

alphabet card.<br />

Bottom: Sir Thomas Bodley

Events<br />

Camouflaged warship - sketch passed to Lewis Harcourt at a Cabinet meeting, Feb. 1915<br />

Modern politiCAl pApers MAsterClAsses - AutHorsHip, MeMory &<br />

MAnusCripts<br />

17.00 – 18.00 Colin Matthew Seminar Rooms, History Faculty building (entrance: New Inn<br />

Hall Street)<br />

The seminars explore key <strong>Bodleian</strong> documents in the modern political manuscript collections<br />

used by the speakers in their current research. For this third series each seminar has a guest<br />

chair. In place <strong>of</strong> a seminar on 4 March there is a joint <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library, History Faculty and<br />

OUP/<strong>Oxford</strong> Dictionary <strong>of</strong> National Biography event marking the life <strong>of</strong> Jim Callaghan, Baron<br />

Callaghan (1912-2005) on Thursday, 7 March (see separate listing on the next page)<br />

Monday, 21 January<br />

Researching the life <strong>of</strong> R H Tawney (1880-1962), historian and political thinker<br />

Dr Lawrence Goldman (St Peter’s College, <strong>Oxford</strong>, and editor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Oxford</strong> Dictionary <strong>of</strong><br />

National Biography)<br />

Chair: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jose Harris (St Catherine’s College, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Monday, 4 February<br />

Policy from Below: The UN and the Congo Crisis (1960-1964), research at <strong>Oxford</strong>’s United<br />

Nations Career Records Project<br />

Dr Teresa Tomas Rangil (Jesus College, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Chair: Dr Patricia Clavin (Jesus College, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Monday, 18 February<br />

Asquith’s Cabinet at War: the un<strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong> Lewis Harcourt 1914-1916<br />

Mike Webb (Department <strong>of</strong> Special Collections, <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library, <strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Chair: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Hew Strachan (Chichele Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the History <strong>of</strong> War, All Souls College,<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong>)<br />

Special Seminar<br />

17.30 – 20.00 Convocation House and Divinity School<br />

Thursday, 7 March<br />

Jim Callaghan Remembered: Centenary Reflections on Callaghan,<br />

Labour and Britain since 1912<br />

A joint event presented by the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library, the History Faculty,<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, and <strong>Oxford</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press/Dictionary <strong>of</strong><br />

National Biography marking the life <strong>of</strong> Jim Callaghan, Baron Callaghan<br />

(1912-2005). A leading campaigner against British colonialism during<br />

the 1950s, Callaghan became one <strong>of</strong> the key figures in the Wilson<br />

governments, 1964-70 and 1974-6 holding all three <strong>of</strong> the most senior<br />

Cabinet posts: Chancellor <strong>of</strong> the Exchequer, Home Secretary, and<br />

Foreign Secretary. From 1976 to 1979 he served as Prime Minister. In<br />

retirement he was an active Elder Statesman. His private papers in the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Library are a major historical resource.<br />

17.30 Centenary event. Speakers include Baroness Jay, Lord<br />

Hattersley, Lord Morgan, and Andrew Smith, MP. The event is<br />

chaired by Dr Lawrence Goldman, editor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> Dictionary <strong>of</strong><br />

National Biography.<br />

18.45 Reception<br />

Further information<br />

from the convenor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the seminars,<br />

Helen Langley,<br />

Curator <strong>of</strong> Modern<br />

Political Papers.<br />

E-mail: helen.langley@<br />

bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

Tel: 01865 277147<br />

8 9<br />

Events<br />

Top: Undated (1950s) photograph <strong>of</strong><br />

Jim Callaghan<br />

Left: Extract from Lord Callaghan’s<br />

Ruskin anniversary Speech, London,<br />

October 1996

Information<br />

Visit the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

fermentum sed a,<br />

viverra sed ipsum.<br />

Sed tincidunt mi et<br />

diam.<br />

velit ipsum. Praesent<br />

vel mi sit amet elit<br />

ultrices consequat in<br />

at mi. Duis at ligula<br />

lectus. Cum sociis t<br />

amet arcu mauris, r<br />

adipiscing elit.<br />

Old Schools Quadrangle, <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

The <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library was founded by Sir Thomas Bodley and <strong>of</strong>ficially opened in 1602. Today,<br />

together with the other libraries which serve the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, the <strong>Bodleian</strong> is the<br />

largest university library in the UK. In its reading rooms generations <strong>of</strong> famous scholars have<br />

studied through the ages, amongst them five monarchs, 40 Nobel Prize winners, 26 British<br />

Prime Ministers and writers including Oscar Wilde, CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien. The <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

Library is also a major visitor attraction drawing over 300,000 visitors a year.<br />

experienCe And enJoy<br />

The <strong>Bodleian</strong> welcomes visitors to see its iconic buildings and learn about the Library’s history<br />

and its vast collections. Whether you have just half an hour or half a day to spare, there is always<br />

a chance to explore the historic buildings and quadrangles.<br />

You may wish to see the magnificent Divinity School at your own pace, take a self-guided audio<br />

tour or book a guided tour.<br />

our world fAMous BuildinGs inClude:<br />

• The Old Schools Quadrangle with its magnificent buildings and monumental Tower <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Five Orders <strong>of</strong> Architecture<br />

• The Divinity School, a masterpiece <strong>of</strong> English Gothic architecture with its beautiful carved<br />

stone ceiling - the oldest teaching room and the first examination school <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Oxford</strong><br />

• The 17th-century Convocation House, where Parliament was held during the Civil War,<br />

and Chancellor’s Court<br />

• The medieval Duke Humfrey’s Library, our oldest reading room<br />

• The Radcliffe Camera, the first rotunda library built in Britain<br />

• The Gladstone Link, the former underground bookstacks beneath the Radcliffe Square and<br />

the tunnel between the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library and the Radcliffe Camera.<br />

Tours at a glance<br />

dAily tours<br />

We <strong>of</strong>fer a range <strong>of</strong> daily tours varying in length between 30 and 60 minutes<br />

and led by our guides. All include a visit to Duke Humfrey’s Library.<br />

extended tours<br />

Extended tours take 90 minutes and include a visit to the Divinity<br />

School, Convocation House, Chancellor’s Court, the Old Schools<br />

Quadrangle, Duke Humfrey’s Library and the Radcliffe Camera.<br />

GuIDED TOurs<br />

30-minute mini tour £4.50<br />

60-minute standard tour £6.50<br />

90-minute extended tour (can be booked in advance) £13.00<br />

AuDIO TOurs (sELf GuIDED)<br />

Individual Ticket £2.50<br />

Family Ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) £6.00<br />

DIvINITy scHOOL vIsIT (sELf GuIDED)<br />

Individual Ticket £1.00<br />

Individual Ticket with introductory talk<br />

(must be booked in advance) £2.00<br />

fAmILy vIsIT DIvINITy scHOOL<br />

(Includes Thomas Bodley’s children’s trail sheet)<br />

Admits 2 adults and up to 3 children £3.50<br />

All tours are subject to availability. Groups must be booked in advance.<br />

Children aged 11 and over may join guided tours.<br />

TOur vOucHEr<br />

Visit the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library in January or February 2013 for a<br />

one-hour guided tour for just £5 per person<br />

when 2 people book (usual price £6.50).<br />

Tickets are sold from 9am on the day on a first-come first-served basis,<br />

when you present this voucher. Please check in advance for times and dates.<br />

Groups (10-13 people) must be booked in advance.<br />

Please ask for a booking form, quoting wHAtson2013<br />

Call 01865- 277224 or see www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

Offer subject to availability and in exchange for voucher only. No copies.<br />

Normal terms and conditions also apply.<br />

for More<br />

inforMAtion<br />

on tours pleAse<br />

ContACt:<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 277224<br />

Email: tours@bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/about/visitors<br />

Top: Old Schools Quadrangle<br />

Bottom: Duke Humfrey’s Library<br />

10 11<br />


Events<br />

12<br />

friends <strong>of</strong> tHe BodleiAn<br />

williAM sHAKespeAre’s<br />

twelftH niGHt,<br />

or wHAt you will<br />

Saturday 9 February 2013 at 7pm<br />

Divinity School, <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library, <strong>Oxford</strong><br />

performed by sovereign Arts, a theatre<br />

company comprising current students and<br />

alumni <strong>of</strong> the university <strong>of</strong> oxford as part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

royal shakespeare Company’s open stages project.<br />

it is produced in association with thelma Holt.<br />

A pre-performance panel discussion involving a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> high-pr<strong>of</strong>ile speakers will take place at<br />

5pm in Convocation House, bodleian library.<br />

light refreshments will be served between<br />

4.30pm and 5pm in the divinity school.<br />

tiCKets: £30 (performance) and £5 (pre-performance talk) are available from the<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice: 01865 277234 or fob@bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

What’s Online<br />

redisCoverinG ryCote<br />

The history <strong>of</strong> a lost Tudor<br />

mansion<br />

Rycote Park website -<br />

COMiNG SOON.<br />

Rediscovering Rycote is a project<br />

which centres upon Rycote Park,<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong>shire, and its associated<br />

owners and their families who<br />

have played a key role in local<br />

and national events and the<br />

project explores these connections<br />

through illustrated biographical<br />

guides <strong>of</strong> key personalities. The<br />

project website will incorporate a<br />

diverse selection <strong>of</strong> digital images<br />

<strong>of</strong> drawings, maps, music, letters,<br />

accounts and inventories from the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong>’s collections to present an<br />

illustrated history <strong>of</strong> Rycote Park.<br />

oxford-GooGle<br />

diGitizAtion reACHes<br />

Milestone<br />

The <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong>’ books<br />

digitized by Google, as part <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Oxford</strong>-Google Digitization<br />

project established in 2004, are<br />

now fully available to the academic<br />

community and the general<br />

public for the first time. Much<br />

<strong>of</strong> the material that the <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

collaboratively digitized with<br />

Google has only been available in<br />

“snippet” or “metadata-only” view<br />

to users <strong>of</strong> Google Books outside<br />

the US. By making the <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

copy <strong>of</strong> the digitized books available<br />

online, the material becomes fully<br />

available to all users in PDF format.<br />

This feature has proved popular<br />

since its s<strong>of</strong>t launch in March last<br />

year. From the initial load <strong>of</strong> about<br />

335 thousand books, users from<br />

all over the world have made over<br />

60,000 downloads.<br />

Now the materials digitized are<br />

being added to SOLO, the online<br />

catalogue <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>’s collections<br />

(http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk).<br />

Making these digitized works<br />

accessible via SOLO enables<br />

the <strong>Bodleian</strong> to provide a direct<br />

link between the digital version<br />

and the physical item scanned,<br />

which can be very important for<br />

researchers who need to work<br />

with a particular copy <strong>of</strong> a text.<br />

Moreover, the <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong><br />

are working on providing enhance<br />

functionality such as improved<br />

scans or better full-text searching.<br />

‘Google Books is revolutionising<br />

- and significantly speeding<br />

up - the process <strong>of</strong> research. As<br />

a historical researcher now, I<br />

use it regularly for preliminary<br />

research and bibliographical<br />

purposes and I’m thrilled that<br />

so many rare and older texts are<br />

now being made fully available<br />

online through the <strong>Oxford</strong>-<br />

Google digitization project.’<br />

Dr Nazneen Ahmed,<br />

Research Assistant, COMPAS/<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> History<br />

13<br />

What’s Online<br />

Top: South East view <strong>of</strong> Rycote Chapel,<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong>shire<br />

Bottom: Rycote Park

Special Event<br />

Shirley Hughes at the <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

The Golden Primer, 1815, an early hand-coloured battledore, or alphabet card.<br />

10.00 – 16.00 Divinity School, <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

Thursday, 7 March<br />

LUNCHTIME LECTURE (see page 6)<br />

To celebrate the acquisition <strong>of</strong> the Shirley Hughes archive, the <strong>Bodleian</strong> will mark World Book<br />

Day 2013 with a small display <strong>of</strong> original drawings and manuscripts featuring Alfie, Dogger and<br />

other favourites by this much loved children’s author and illustrator.<br />

Shirley Hughes, an award-winning children’s author and illustrator, deposited her collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> original artwork with the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library in September 2012. It contains sketches and<br />

paintings from many <strong>of</strong> her works including the Alfie and My Naughty Little Sister collections,<br />

Dogger, and Ella’s Big Chance. It was when Ms Hughes was studying at <strong>Oxford</strong>’s Ruskin<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Drawing and Fine Art that she was encouraged to work in the format for which she<br />

became famous.<br />

Each year the Library celebrates World Book Day by exhibiting its great treasures. Past displays<br />

include:<br />

The Gutenberg Bible (2004);<br />

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the autograph manuscripts (2005);<br />

Shakespeare’s ‘First Folio’ (2006);<br />

The original Wind in the Willows: the centenary <strong>of</strong> a children’s masterpiece (2007);<br />

The Creation as told in the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an (2008);<br />

Uncommon Readers: St Margaret <strong>of</strong> Scotland to Queen Elizabeth I (2009);<br />

There and Back Again: The Hobbit (2010);<br />

John le Carré’s newly bequeathed archive (2011);<br />

Jane Austen material (2012).<br />

Temporary Displays - AdMission free<br />

The Romance <strong>of</strong> Alexander<br />

Entrance Hall (Proscholium)<br />

eArly enGlisH CHildHood<br />

12 January – 17 February<br />

The history <strong>of</strong> children entered a new era between about 1300 and 1500. Illuminated<br />

manuscripts began to feature historic children, such as Christ and the young Virgin Mary, and<br />

children <strong>of</strong> the period playing various kinds <strong>of</strong> games. More literature was written for children,<br />

ranging from Latin schoolbooks to Chaucer’s Astrolabe, courtesy books and the humorous story<br />

The Friar and the Boy. The <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library has rich holdings in these areas, a selection <strong>of</strong> which<br />

will be on display in the Proscholium during January, with an accompanying lunchtime lecture<br />

by Canon Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Nicholas Orme (see page 6).<br />

MexiCo: froM piCture to print<br />

23 February – 31 March<br />

The first printing press in the Americas began operating in what would become Mexico City<br />

in 1540, a good hundred years before the English colonies in the Americas. This display<br />

showcases a number <strong>of</strong> early printed books from Mexico, including volumes in indigenous<br />

languages such as Nahuatl and Zapotec. The books reflect the history <strong>of</strong> printing in the<br />

New World, as well as exploring themes <strong>of</strong> travel and discovery. The centrepiece <strong>of</strong> the<br />

exhibition, however, will not be a printed book. The Codex Mendoza, commissioned by<br />

Antonio de Mendoza, first Viceroy <strong>of</strong> Mexico 1535−1550, is one <strong>of</strong> the treasures <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong>. As well as copies <strong>of</strong> a lost chronicle <strong>of</strong> the Aztec lords <strong>of</strong> Tenochtitlan, and an<br />

ancient Tribute Roll, this fascinating manuscript depicts Aztec life from birth to death in<br />

traditional Aztec pictograms, with annotations in Spanish made by a Nahuatl-speaking<br />

Spanish priest. A lunchtime lecture accompanies this display (see page 6).<br />

14 13<br />

15<br />


Weddingss<br />

16<br />

Corporate and private events, weddings and receptions<br />

tHe BodleiAn liBrAry is liCensed<br />

for Civil weddinGs And<br />

Civil pArtnersHip CereMonies<br />

Historic Venues Office<br />

01865 277224<br />

events@bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/about/venue<br />

Celebrations at the<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

picture by Justa Milinska<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Library Publishing - new titles<br />

Roy Strong: Self-Portrait as a Young Man<br />

Roy Strong<br />

For nearly half a century, Roy Strong has been at the forefront <strong>of</strong> the arts<br />

world in Britain. Yet remarkably little is known about his life prior to<br />

the Swinging Sixties, when he burst onto the scene as the revolutionary<br />

young director <strong>of</strong> the National Portrait Gallery at the age <strong>of</strong> just thirtyone.<br />

In this book, richly illustrated with drawings, letters, photographs<br />

and other archival material, he recounts for the first time the story <strong>of</strong> his<br />

social origins and the roots <strong>of</strong> his life-long passion for the culture and<br />

history <strong>of</strong> England.<br />

Price £25.00 hb, March<br />

Ware’s Victorian Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Slang and Phrase<br />

J. Redding Ware with an introduction by John Simpson<br />

Ware’s dictionary, first published in 1909, is a treasure trove <strong>of</strong> the words<br />

and phrases <strong>of</strong> everyday English from the 19th century. Reproduced in<br />

facsimile with an introduction by John Simpson, Chief Editor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong> English Dictionary, this eminently readable dictionary provides<br />

a fascinating and highly entertaining witness to the colourful history <strong>of</strong><br />

un<strong>of</strong>ficial English.<br />

Price £25.00 hb, March<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong> Literary Festival 2013<br />

Come along to the fascinating talks by <strong>Bodleian</strong> authors speaking about<br />

their books, including Roy Strong (in conversation with Brian Sewell),<br />

Michael Phillips – Blake’s Marriage <strong>of</strong> Heaven and Hell, Jeremy Barlow<br />

– A Dance Through Time, Melanie King – Can Onions Cure Ear-ache?<br />

and Christopher de Hamel – Bibles.<br />

More information and bookings from<br />

http://oxfordliteraryfestival.org/<br />

16 -24 March<br />

Request a catalogue, or place an order:<br />

Tel: 01767 604968<br />

Email: publishing@bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

Web: www.bodleianbookshop.co.uk<br />

Follow us on twitter<br />

@bodpublishing<br />

17<br />


Friends<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong> – the oldest<br />

organization <strong>of</strong> this kind – helps the Library<br />

enrich its collections with unique manuscripts<br />

and rare books which would otherwise<br />

be beyond its reach. Notable acquisitions<br />

include: a 14th-century manuscript Book <strong>of</strong><br />

Hours, the Sheldon tapestry map, autographs<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Jane Austen’s<br />

The Watsons, Felix Mendelssohn’s Hebrides<br />

overture and Franz Kafka’s letters. The Friends<br />

also support preservation <strong>of</strong> the priceless<br />

collections and explain their significance<br />

through lectures as well as literary, musical<br />

and other events.<br />

wHy not Join us todAy And<br />

enJoy A rAnGe <strong>of</strong> Benefits:<br />

• Free lectures on the Library’s history,<br />

buildings, collections and services, and on<br />

more general cultural topics<br />

• Literary and musical evenings with eminent<br />

figures discussing their work<br />

• Private views <strong>of</strong> the Library’s exhibitions<br />

Events and other events<br />

• Special tours <strong>of</strong> the Library and visits to<br />

other libraries in <strong>Oxford</strong> and elsewhere<br />

• Two issues per year <strong>of</strong> the Friends’ Newsletter<br />

• Opportunity to take guests to visit Arts End<br />

in Duke Humfrey’s Library<br />

• 10% discount on a <strong>Bodleian</strong> reader’s ticket,<br />

subject to the Library’s normal admission<br />

requirements<br />

• 10% discount in the Library Shop<br />

• 10% discount in the <strong>Bodleian</strong> café<br />

fermentum sed a,<br />

MeMBersHip<br />

viverra sed ipsum.<br />

Sed tincidunt mi et<br />

diam.<br />

velit ipsum. Praesent<br />

vel mi sit amet elit<br />

• Student membership £12 ultrices consequat in<br />

• Ordinary membership at £32 mi. Duis at ligula<br />

• Ordinary dual membership lectus. £50 Cum sociis t<br />

• Honourable membership<br />

amet<br />

£50<br />

arcu mauris, r<br />

adipiscing elit.<br />

• Honourable dual membership £85<br />

• Life membership £700<br />

• Dual Life membership £1100<br />

14th-century manuscript Book <strong>of</strong> Hours for use<br />

at St George’s church built in <strong>Oxford</strong> in 1074<br />

for More inforMAtion pleAse visit:<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/bodley/friends or contact the Friends’ Administrator:<br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> Library, Broad Street, <strong>Oxford</strong> OX1 3BG Tel: (0) 1865 277234/277596<br />

Email: fob@bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

Calendar <strong>of</strong> Events<br />

JAnuAry event pAGe<br />

Wednesday, 16 LECTURE: Divine Ascent: Prophet, Poets, Pilgrim Birds, 6<br />

January<br />

and the Art <strong>of</strong> Illustrating the Unutterable<br />

Monday, 21 MASTERCLASS: Researching the life <strong>of</strong> R H Tawney 8<br />

January<br />

(1880-1962), historian and political thinker<br />

Wednesday, 23<br />

January<br />

LECTURE: Early English Childhood in the <strong>Bodleian</strong> 6<br />

Wednesday, 30<br />

January<br />

LECTURE: Our Debt to Sir Thomas Bodley (1545- 1613) 6<br />

Thursday, 31 SEMINAR: The Military Survey <strong>of</strong> Scotland (1747-1755): 6<br />

January<br />

A family affair?<br />

feBruAry<br />

Monday, 4<br />

February<br />

Tuesday, 12<br />

February<br />

Wednesday, 13<br />

February<br />

Monday, 18<br />

February<br />

Thursday, 21<br />

February<br />

MASTERCLASS: Policy from Below: The UN and the 8<br />

Congo Crisis (1960-1964), research at <strong>Oxford</strong>’s United<br />

Nations Career Records Project<br />

FOB LECTURE: Pretty Tales and Pretty Things: some 7<br />

neglected children’s books from the second half <strong>of</strong> the long<br />

eighteenth century<br />

LECTURE: Love and Devotion: Epic and Romance 6<br />

MASTERCLASS: Asquith’s Cabinet at War: the un<strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

journal <strong>of</strong> Lewis Harcourt 1914-1916<br />

TOSCA FIELD TRIP: Mapping the Spheres: a visit to Oriel<br />

College Library and Archives<br />

MArCH<br />

Tuesday, 5 FOB LECTURE: Historical collections from European 7<br />

March<br />

religious houses now in the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library<br />

Wednesday, 6<br />

March<br />

LECTURE: Sa‛di’s Love Poetry 6<br />

Thursday, 7<br />

March<br />

DISPLAY AND LECTURE: World Book Day 14, 6<br />

Thursday, 7 SEMINAR: Jim Callaghan Remembered: Centenary 9<br />

March<br />

Reflections on Callaghan, Labour and Britain since 1912<br />

Thursday, 14<br />

March<br />

LECTURE: Mexico: from Picture to Print 6<br />

16-24 March <strong>Oxford</strong> Literary Festival 17<br />

For more details, please visit our website: www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/events<br />

18 19<br />

8<br />

7<br />

Ca le nda r

<strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong><br />

<strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong><br />

Broad Street<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong> OX1 3BG<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk<br />

trAnsforMinG And supportinG<br />

tHe BodleiAn<br />

The major restoration and renovation <strong>of</strong> the New <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library on<br />

Broad Street continue apace. Now in the construction phase, with the<br />

countdown underway to reopening to the public as the Weston Library<br />

in 2015, it is not long now until all visitors will enjoy exhibitions in<br />

new specially-designed galleries and events in the auditorium. The<br />

redevelopment will also ensure high-quality storage for the valuable<br />

special collections and space for the support <strong>of</strong> advanced research.<br />

We are most grateful to all donors for their support at any level, and there<br />

are various opportunities to be part <strong>of</strong> this exciting new chapter in the<br />

history <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong>.<br />

For further information please contact us on 01865 611552 and<br />

development@bodleian.ox.ac.uk and see www.campaign.ox.ac.uk<br />


COURT<br />

NEW<br />

<strong>BODLEIAN</strong><br />




UNTIL 2015)<br />



<strong>THE</strong>ATRE<br />



1ST FLOOR<br />





SCHOOL<br />



ROOM<br />


KINGS<br />

ARMS<br />





ROOM<br />



OLD<br />

<strong>BODLEIAN</strong><br />



QUAD)<br />


CAMERA<br />



SHOP<br />


Closed eAster sundAy, 31 MArCH<br />

JAnuAry - MArCH 2013<br />

visitor<br />

openinG Hours<br />

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00<br />

Sat 9.00 - 16.30<br />

Sun 11.00 - 17.00<br />

Keep in touCH<br />

If you would like to receive<br />

our monthly e-update with<br />

information on exhibitions<br />

and events, subscribe to:<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/<br />

about/exhibitions/register<br />

friends Go for free<br />

Join the Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong><br />

and you can have a private tour<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library for free.<br />

For details see page 14 or visit<br />

the FOB website:<br />

www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/bodley/<br />

friends<br />

ACCess<br />

Most public areas, including the<br />

exhibition room, are wheelchair<br />

accessible. However, our guided<br />

tours involve climbing stairs<br />

and in some buildings there is<br />

no lift. If you have restricted<br />

mobility and you are uncertain<br />

about participating in a tour,<br />

please telephone 01865 277224<br />

for advice. There are five onstreet<br />

disabled parking spaces<br />

near the <strong>Bodleian</strong> Library.<br />

Assistance dogs welcome.<br />

Transcripts and large-print<br />

materials are available.<br />

follow us:<br />


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