Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy

Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy

Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy


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Tom Sawyer: Hero <strong>of</strong> Middle America 221<br />

Lawrence, had finaUy reached an impasse. But one day during the noon<br />

in the lock.<br />

recess, Becky passes the schoolmaster's desk and sees the key<br />

The master keeps a book there, the identity <strong>of</strong> which is the great and<br />

tormenting mystery <strong>of</strong> the school. Becky turns the key, opens the drawer,<br />

and presently is inspecting the anatomy text with its handsomely engraved<br />

frontispiece, "a human figure, stark<br />

naked."<br />

At that moment Tom steps up<br />

behind her, Becky starts, and as luck would have it, tears the page. Becky<br />

bursts into tears: her terror <strong>of</strong> discovery and punishment thereupon<br />

multiply a thousandfold her grievance against Tom.<br />

What old Dobbins does in such cases is to demand <strong>of</strong> the class that the<br />

guUty party step forward. When no one volunteers, he asks each <strong>of</strong> the<br />

scholars in turn, fixing his gaze full upon him or her, to discover evidences<br />

<strong>of</strong> guUt. Such a procedure might not succeed with such a hardened<br />

prevaricator as Tom, but it cannot faU with such an innocent as Becky.<br />

Becky might have confessed had she not been so paralyzed by fear. The<br />

that is the sure punishment for such a crime appears to her in aU<br />

beating<br />

the lurid hght <strong>of</strong> eternal damnation. But Tom has been licked times<br />

without number. We have seen him dehberately court a licking<br />

to be sent to sit with the girls, the first day Becky<br />

in order<br />

had come to the school.<br />

He can't understand why Becky is so bitter at the prospect. "That's just<br />

hke a girl they're so thin-skinned and<br />

chicken-hearted,"<br />

he comments.<br />

But <strong>of</strong> course we know that that is part <strong>of</strong> their charm for Tom. At the<br />

same time, we know that taking a licking is about the smallest price Tom<br />

could possibly pay for any good thing he might desire. At the crucial<br />

moment, just as Dobbins reaches Becky<br />

in his relentless search for the<br />

guilty one, Tom has another <strong>of</strong> his great inspirations. "He sprang to his<br />

feet and shouted / done it!'<br />

. . . and when he stepped forward to go<br />

to his punishment the surprise, the gratitude, the adoration that shone<br />

upon him out <strong>of</strong> poor Becky's eyes seemed pay enough for a hundred<br />

floggings."<br />

Their reconciliation is complete. Indeed, it should be charac<br />

terized, not as a reconciliation, but as a conquest. No knight slaying<br />

dragon had ever won fair lady by what the lady had perceived as greater<br />

valor.<br />

So Tom and Becky<br />

are inseparable upon the long-delayed picnic. In<br />

the afternoon the children take to exploring McDougal's cave. There was<br />

a main avenue that was familiar to most. No one, the<br />

cave, for there were labyrinths beyond labyrinths, and it was not custom<br />

ary<br />

we are told "knew"<br />

to venture beyond the main avenue and the corridors and recesses<br />

immediately<br />

adjacent thereto. "Tom Sawyer knew as much <strong>of</strong> the cave<br />

one."<br />

as any<br />

Tom leads Becky on into the cave, beyond the known portion to the<br />

unknown, until finally they are lost, with no idea, and finally no rational<br />

hope, <strong>of</strong> emerging alive. Why? At a certain point, "the ambition to be a<br />

discoverer seized him."<br />

Tom is a venturer; his is the spirit <strong>of</strong> enterprise.<br />

But Tom never seeks danger for its own sake; nor does he willingly face<br />

danger except when, as in the courtroom, it is suppressed by another,

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