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Q.83 Match Column-I with Column-II Column-I Column-II A Ear pinna I Collects vibrations in the air which produces sound B Ear canal II Passage for sound wave from ear pinna to ear drum C Tympanic membrane D Ear Ossicles III Transfers sound wave to ear ossicles IV Increases the efficiency of transmission of sound waves to the inner ear E Cochlea V Has hearing receptors F Eustachian tube G. Auditory nerves VI Equlizes the pressure on both sides of ear drum VII Impulse transfer from organ of corti to auditory cortex in temporal lobe of cerebrum (1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV, E-V, F-VI, G-VII (2) A-VII, B-VI, C-V, D-IV, E-III, F-II, G-I (3) A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III, E-V, F-VI, G-VII (4) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV, E-V, F-VII, G-VI Q.84 Select the true statement(s) (1) A-band is present in the middle of sarcomere (2) H-zone is present in the middle of A-band (3) M-line is present in the middle of H-zone (4) All of the above Q.85 Which of the following statements is false (1) Mucosal epithelium has goblet cells which secrete mucus for lubrication (2) Mucosa forms gastric glands in the stomach and crypts of leiberkuhn in between the bases of villi in intestine (3) Cells lining the villi has brush border or microvilli (4) All the four basic layer in the wall of gut never modification in different parts of the alimentary canal Q.83 LrEHk-I dk LrEHk-II ls feyku dfj;s LrEHk-I LrEHk-II A d.kZ iYyo I gok ls dEiu laxzg.k djuk tks /ofu B d.kZ ufydk mRiknu djrs gS II /ofu rajxksa dk iFk tks d.kZ iYyo ls d.kZ iVg rd tkrk gSA C d.kZ iVg III /ofu rajxksa dk d.kZ vfLFkdkvksa rd D d.kZ vfLFkdk,sa LFkkukUrfjr djrk gSA IV /ofu rajxksa ds LFkkukUrj.k dh {kerk dks vkarfjd d.kZ rd c

Q.86 Na + – K + pump – I. Need energy (ATP) to work II. Expels 3 Na+ for every 2K+ ions imported III. Works against a concentration gradient IV. Maintains resting membrane potential (1) All are correct (2) Only II and III are correct (3) Only I and III are correct (4) None is correct Q.87 Natural selection favours those alleles which make the organisms better adapted to the environment. Under which condition the two alternative alleles make an organism equally well adapted - (1) Genetic drift (2) In absence of predator (3) Mutation (4) Bottle neck effect Q.88 Which is incorrect w.r.t. cockroach - (1) Opening of spiracles is regulated by the sphincters (2) Malphigian tubule is lined by glandular and stereo ciliated cells (3) Each eye is consist of 2000 ommatidium (4) Dioecious Q.89 Match the column – Column-I Column-II A Adipose tissue I Epidermis B Stratified epithelium II Plasma C Hyaline cartilage III Storage of excess of nutrients in the form of fat D Fluid connective tissue IV Tip of nose (1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV (2) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV (3) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II (4) A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III Q.86 Na + – K + iEi – I. dk;Z ds fy;s (ATP) ÅtkZ dh vko';drk gksrh gSA II. izR;sd 2K + vk;u ds izkIr djus ds fy;s 3Na+ ckgj fudkyrk gSA III. lkanzrk foHko ds foijhr dk;Z djrk gSA IV. foJke dyk foHko cuk;s j[krk gSA (1) lHkh lgh gS (2) dsoy II ,oa III lgh gS (3) dsoy I ,oa III lgh gS (4) dksbZ lgh ugha gS Q.87 izkd`frd p;u mu ;qXefodYiksa dh lgk;rk djrk gS tks tho dks okrkoj.k esa vuqdwyu ds fy;s lgk;d gksrs gSA fdu voLFkkvksa esa nks ,dkUrj ;qXe fodYi tho dks vPNh rjg vuqdwyu ;qDr cukrs gS - (1) vkauqokf'kd fopyu (2) ijHk{kh dh vuqifLFkfr esa (3) mRifjorZu (4) ckWVyusd izHkko Q.88 dkWdjksp ds lEcU/k esa D;k vlR; gS - (1) LikbjsdYl dk [kqyuk fLaQVjksa }kjk fu;fer gksrk gSA (2) esYihf?k;u ufydk,sa xzfUFky ,oa n`

Q.83 Match Column-I with Column-II<br />

Column-I Column-II<br />

A Ear pinna I Collects vibrations in<br />

the air which<br />

produces sound<br />

B Ear canal II Passage for sound<br />

wave from ear pinna<br />

to ear drum<br />

C Tympanic<br />

membrane<br />

D Ear<br />

Ossicles<br />

III Transfers sound<br />

wave to ear ossicles<br />

IV Increases the<br />

efficiency of<br />

transmission of<br />

sound waves to the<br />

inner ear<br />

E Cochlea V Has hearing receptors<br />

F Eustachian<br />

tube<br />

G. Auditory<br />

nerves<br />

VI Equlizes the pressure<br />

on both sides of ear<br />

drum<br />

VII Impulse transfer from<br />

organ of corti to<br />

auditory cortex in<br />

temporal lobe of<br />

cerebrum<br />

(1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV, E-V, F-VI, G-VII<br />

(2) A-VII, B-VI, C-V, D-IV, E-III, F-II, G-I<br />

(3) A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III, E-V, F-VI, G-VII<br />

(4) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV, E-V, F-VII, G-VI<br />

Q.84 Select the true statement(s)<br />

(1) A-band is present in the middle of sarcomere<br />

(2) H-zone is present in the middle of A-band<br />

(3) M-line is present in the middle of H-zone<br />

(4) All of the above<br />

Q.85 Which of the following statements is false<br />

(1) Mucosal epithelium has goblet cells which<br />

secrete mucus for lubrication<br />

(2) Mucosa forms gastric glands in the stomach<br />

and crypts of leiberkuhn in between the<br />

bases of villi in intestine<br />

(3) Cells lining the villi has brush border or<br />

microvilli<br />

(4) All the four basic layer in the wall of gut<br />

never modification in different parts of the<br />

alimentary canal<br />

Q.83 LrEHk-I dk LrEHk-II ls feyku dfj;s<br />

LrEHk-I LrEHk-II<br />

A d.kZ iYyo I gok ls dEiu laxzg.k<br />

djuk tks /ofu<br />

B d.kZ<br />

ufydk<br />

mRiknu djrs gS<br />

II /ofu rajxksa dk iFk tks<br />

d.kZ iYyo ls d.kZ<br />

iVg rd tkrk gSA<br />

C d.kZ iVg III /ofu rajxksa dk d.kZ<br />

vfLFkdkvksa rd<br />

D d.kZ<br />

vfLFkdk,sa<br />

LFkkukUrfjr djrk gSA<br />

IV /ofu rajxksa ds<br />

LFkkukUrj.k dh {kerk<br />

dks vkarfjd d.kZ rd<br />


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