Full paper text [PDF 3515k] - New Zealand Parliament

Full paper text [PDF 3515k] - New Zealand Parliament

Full paper text [PDF 3515k] - New Zealand Parliament


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Credit risk<br />

Credit risk is the risk that a third party will<br />

default on its obligation to the Health and<br />

Disability Commissioner, causing the Health<br />

and Disability Commissioner to incur a loss.<br />

Due to the timing of its cash infl ows<br />

and outfl ows, the Health and Disability<br />

Commissioner invests surplus cash with<br />

registered banks.<br />

The Health and Disability Commissioner’s<br />

maximum credit exposure for each class<br />

of fi nancial instrument is represented by<br />

the total carrying amount of cash and cash<br />

equivalents (note 6), and net debtors<br />

(note 7). There is no collateral held as<br />

security against these fi nancial instruments,<br />

including those instruments that are<br />

overdue or impaired.<br />

The Health and Disability Commissioner has<br />

no signifi cant concentrations of credit risk,<br />

as it has a small number of credit customers<br />

and only invests funds with registered<br />

banks with specifi ed Standard and Poor’s<br />

credit ratings of AA or better.<br />

Liquidity risk<br />

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Health and<br />

Disability Commissioner will encounter<br />

diffi culty raising liquid funds to meet<br />

commitments as they fall due. Prudent<br />

liquidity risk management implies<br />

maintaining suffi cient cash, the availability<br />

of funding through an adequate amount of<br />

committed credit facilities and the ability to<br />

close out market positions. The Health and<br />

Disability Commissioner aims to maintain<br />

fl exibility in funding by keeping committed<br />

credit lines available.<br />

In meeting its liquidity requirements,<br />

the Health and Disability Commissioner<br />

maintains a target level of investments that<br />

must mature within specifi ed time frames.<br />

Sensitivity analysis<br />

As at 30 June 2012, if the deposit rate<br />

had been 50 basis points higher or lower,<br />

with all other variables held constant, the<br />

surplus/defi cit for the year would have<br />

been $5,000 (2011: $8,150) higher/lower.<br />

This movement is attributable to increased<br />

or decreased interest expense on the<br />

cash deposits.<br />

The table below analyses the Health<br />

and Disability Commissioner’s fi nancial<br />

liabilities into relevant maturity groupings<br />

based on the remaining period at the<br />

balance sheet date to the contractual<br />

maturity date. Future interest payments on<br />

fl oating rate debt are based on the fl oating<br />

rate at the balance sheet date. The amounts<br />

disclosed are the contractual undiscounted<br />

cash fl ows. The contractual undiscounted<br />

amounts equal the carrying amounts.<br />



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