Full paper text [PDF 3515k] - New Zealand Parliament

Full paper text [PDF 3515k] - New Zealand Parliament

Full paper text [PDF 3515k] - New Zealand Parliament


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6.2 Output Class 2: Advocacy<br />

Performance and measures Achievement<br />

Output 1 – Complaints to advocates are addressed promptly and resolved in a timely manner.<br />

Complaints are closed within reasonable timeframes<br />

Estimated Annual Volume:<br />

Estimated 3,800 complaints received.<br />

Estimated Resolution Times:<br />

1. 85% closed within 3 months.<br />

2. 95% closed within 6 months.<br />

3. 100% closed within 9 months.<br />

Complaints managed reach resolution<br />

90% of complaints closed by advocacy are partially or<br />

fully resolved.<br />

Consumers and providers are satisfi ed with the service and the<br />

skills of the advocate<br />

Surveys of consumers and providers who have used/dealt with<br />

the advocacy service will report that 80% of the respondents are<br />

satisfi ed with the service and the skills of the advocate.<br />

Complaints managed reach resolution<br />

90% of complaints closed by advocacy are partially or<br />

fully resolved.<br />

Targets achieved<br />


3,025 new complaints were received. When the 384 open<br />

complaints carried over from the last reporting year are added to<br />

this, the YTD complaints managed total is 3,409. The YTD total<br />

complaints closed is 3,089.<br />

Targets substantially achieved<br />

1. 87% (2676 of 3089) closed within 3 months.<br />

2. 99% (3061 of 3089) closed within 6 months.<br />

3. 100% (3086 of 3089) closed within 9 months.<br />

Targets achieved<br />

90% (2780 of 3089) of complaints closed by advocacy are partially<br />

or fully resolved.<br />

Targets achieved<br />

Surveys are provided to consumers and providers on a monthly<br />

basis. The results for the fi rst half of the year show that 85% of<br />

providers and 91% of consumers are satisfi ed with the<br />

advocacy service.<br />

The results for the second half of the year show that 85%<br />

of providers and 92% of consumers are satisfi ed with the<br />

advocacy service.<br />

Targets achieved<br />

90% (2780 of 3089) of complaints closed by advocacy are partially<br />

or fully resolved.<br />

Output 2 – Advocacy will establish and maintain contact with consumers and providers within the local community.<br />

Vulnerable consumers (in rest homes and disability homes)<br />

have access to advocacy through regular contact<br />

1. Advocates to have two contacts with 60% of rest homes by 30<br />

June 2012.<br />

2. Advocates to have two contacts with 60% of disability homes<br />

by 30 June 2012.<br />

Consumer and provider networks have regular contacts<br />

from the advocates<br />

Advocates to have 3,000 network contacts with consumers<br />

and providers.<br />

Target achieved<br />

100% (679 of 680) of rest homes have had one contact by an<br />

advocate and 74% (506 of 680) have had two contacts.<br />

100% (957 of 961) of disability homes have had one contact by an<br />

advocate and 68% (657 of 961) have had two contacts.<br />

Target achieved<br />

4,189 network contacts with consumers and providers were made<br />

by the advocates – this represents 139.6% of the annual target.<br />


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