Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Department of Education ...

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Department of Education ...

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms - Department of Education ...


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-s 48<br />

scyt-<br />

compare - 1 b used to form the plural <strong>of</strong> proper nouns<br />

that end in postconsonantal y Italys Marys c used to<br />

form the plural <strong>of</strong> abbreviations, numbers, letters, <strong>and</strong> symbols<br />

used as nouns MCs 4s s <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten preceded by an<br />

apostrophe Bs ps s 2 ME -es, -s, pl. ending <strong>of</strong><br />

nouns, fr. -es, -s, gen. sing. ending <strong>of</strong> nouns functioning<br />

adverbially, as in nedes needs, alweys always, fr. OE -es <br />

used to form plural nouns with adverbial function denoting<br />

usual or repeated action or state always at home Sundays<br />

can reach him there mealtimes morningshe stops by the<br />

newsst<strong>and</strong> compare - 2<br />

-s n suffix used to form nicknames expressing affection or<br />

familiarity Moms Dads or designating a characteristic<br />

feature or activity <strong>of</strong> the person named Fats Freckles<br />

Cuddles Smiles or an object characteristically associated<br />

with the person named Boots Sparks<br />

-s vb suffix ME Northern North Midl<strong>and</strong> dial. -es, fr. OE<br />

Northumbrian dial. -es, -as, prob. fr. -es, -as, 2d pers. sing.<br />

pres. indic. ending more at - used to form the third<br />

person singular present <strong>of</strong> most verbs that do not end in s, z,<br />

sh, ch, or postconsonantal y falls takes plays compare<br />

- 1<br />

-s n suffix or pron suffix ME -s, -es, gen. sing. ending <strong>of</strong> nouns,<br />

fr. OE -es, gen. sing. ending <strong>of</strong> some masc. neut. nouns<br />

akin to OHG -es, gen. sing. ending <strong>of</strong> some masc. neut.<br />

nouns, ON -s, Goth -is, Gk -ou, Gk Homeric -oo, -oio, Skt<br />

-asya used to form the possessive <strong>of</strong> singular nouns<br />

boys, <strong>of</strong> plural nouns not ending in s childrens, <strong>of</strong> some<br />

pronouns anyones, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> word groups functioning as<br />

nouns the man in the corners hat or pronouns someone<br />

elses<br />

-s n pl suffix ME -s, alter. <strong>of</strong> -es more at - used to<br />

form the plural possessive <strong>of</strong> most nouns that do not end in s,<br />

z, sh, ch, or postconsonantal y girls workers voters<br />

sacc- or sacci- or sacco- combining form NL, fr. L sacc-, saccibag,<br />

fr. saccus : sac saccate sacciform Saccomys<br />

sacchar- or sacchari- or saccharo- combining form L saccharum,<br />

fr. Gk sakcharon, fr. Pali sakkhar, fr. Skt śarkar gravel,<br />

grit, sugar 1 :sugar saccharic sacchariferous saccharometer<br />

2 :saccharine <strong>and</strong> saccharomucilaginous<br />

sacr- or sacro- combining form ME sacr-, fr. MF L MF, fr.<br />

L, fr. sacr-, sacer 1 :sacred : something sacred sacral 2<br />

: sacred <strong>and</strong> sacropictorial<br />

sacr- or sacro- combining form NL, fr. sacrum 1 :sacrum<br />

sacral 2 :sacrum <strong>and</strong> sacrococcyx : sacral <strong>and</strong> sacrotuberous<br />

sali- combining form L, fr. sal : salt saliferous salimeter<br />

salicyl- or salicylo- combining form ISV, fr. salicyl salicyloyl<br />

: related to salicylic acid salicylamide salicyloyl<br />

salin- or salini- or salino- combining form saline 1 : salt<br />

: saline salinize saliniform salinometer 2 :saline <strong>and</strong><br />

salinosulfureous<br />

salping- or salpingo- combining form NL, fr. salping-, salpinx<br />

1:salpinx salpingectomy salpingemphraxis salpingitis<br />

2:fallopian tube salpingotomy salpingorrhaphy 3 a : fallopian<br />

tube <strong>and</strong> salpingo-oophorectomy salpingo-uterostomy<br />

b : eustachian <strong>and</strong> salpingonasal salpingopalatine<br />

salpingopharyngeal<br />

sangui- combining form MF, fr. L, fr. sanguis : blood sanguimotor<br />

sanguini- combining form fr. sanguine : - sanguinicolous<br />

sanguino- combining form F, fr. sanguin sanguine, fr. MF<br />

: blood sanguinopurulent<br />

sapr- or sapro- combining form Gk, fr. sapros perh. akin to<br />

Lith upti to rot 1 :rotten : putrid sapremia saprostomous<br />

2 :dead or decaying organic matter saprodontia<br />

saprophyte 3 : saprophytic Saprolegnia 4 : sapropel<br />

saprocoll saprodil<br />

sarc- or sarco- combining form Gk sark-, sarko-, fr. sark-, sarx<br />

: flesh sarcic sarcidium sarcoblast sarcosepsis<br />

-sarc n combining form - Gk sark-, sarx flesh : flesh : fleshy<br />

material ectosarc perisarc<br />

saur- or sauro- combining form NL, fr. Gk, fr. sauros : lizard<br />

-saura n combining form NL, fr. Gk saura, sauros : lizard <br />

in generic names Chamaesaura<br />

-sauria n pl combining form NL, fr. -saurus + -ia : lizards : animals<br />

resembling lizards in names <strong>of</strong> higher taxa<br />

Pterosauria Ankylosauria<br />

-saurus n combining form NL, fr. Gk saura, sauros : lizard <br />

in generic names in zoology Brontosaurus Icthyosaurus<br />

saxi- combining form L, fr. saxum akin to L secare to cut<br />

: rock saxicolous<br />

-scape n combining form - l<strong>and</strong>scape : view : pictorial representation<br />

<strong>of</strong> a specified type <strong>of</strong> view cityscape waterscape<br />

scaph- or scapho- combining form scaphoid 1 : scaphoid<br />

scaphocephaly 2 :scaphoid <strong>and</strong> scapholunar<br />

scapi- combining form L scapus shaft <strong>of</strong> a column, stalk<br />

: scape : stem : shaft scapiform scapigerous<br />

scapul- or scapulo- combining form L scapula 1 : scapula<br />

scapulectomy scapulopexy 2 :scapular <strong>and</strong> scapuloaxillary<br />

scel- or scelo- combining form NL, fr. Gk skelos : leg scelalgia<br />

Sceloporus<br />

-schisis n combining form, pl -schises also -schisises NL, fr. Gk<br />

schisis cleavage, fr. schizein to split : breaking up <strong>of</strong> attachments<br />

or adhesions : fissure gastroschisis<br />

schisto- combining form NL, fr. Gk schistos divided, divisible<br />

: cleft : divided Schistocephalus<br />

schiz- or schizo- combining form NL, fr. Gk schizo-, fr. schizein<br />

to split 1 :split : cleft : divided schizaxon 2 :characterized<br />

by or involving cleavage schizogenesis : produced by<br />

cleavage schizocoel 3 :schizophrenia schizophasia<br />

sci- or scio- also scia- or skia- combining form NL, fr. Gk ski-,<br />

skio-, fr. skia : shadow sciogram scioptic scialytic<br />

skiascope<br />

scientifico- combining form scientific + -o- : scientific <strong>and</strong> scientificoromantic<br />

scientificophilosophic<br />

scler- or sclero- combining form NL, fr. Gk sklr-, sklro-, fr.<br />

sklros hard 1 a : hard : dry sclerite scleroblast b :sclerotic<br />

scleroderma c : hardness sclerometer 2 : sclera<br />

scleritis<br />

scolec- or scoleco- combining form Gk sklk-, sklko-, fr.<br />

sklk-, sklx worm, grub : worm scolecology scolecospore<br />

: scolex scolecoid<br />

-scolex n combining form NL, fr. Gk sklx worm, grub<br />

: worm in generic names Desmoscolex<br />

-scope n combining form - NL -scopium, fr. Gk -skopion, fr.<br />

skopein : a means as an instrument for viewing with the eye<br />

or observing in any way microscope<br />

scopi- combining form L scopa broom : brush scopiform<br />

-scopic adj combining form Gk scopein + E -ic 1 :looking in<br />

a specified direction basiscopic 2 :viewing or observing<br />

orthoscopic nooscopic<br />

-scopus n combining form NL, fr. Gk skopos : one that watches<br />

in generic names<br />

-scopy n combining form - Gk -skopia, fr. skopein to view +<br />

-ia -y : viewing, examination, scrutiny, observation fluoroscopy<br />

microscopy spectroscopy<br />

scoto- combining form, usu cap NL, fr. LL Scotus Scot 1<br />

: Scotch Scoto-Celtic 2 :Scotch <strong>and</strong> Scoto-Irish<br />

scr<strong>of</strong>ul- or scr<strong>of</strong>ulo- combining form NL, fr. ML scr<strong>of</strong>ula 1<br />

: scr<strong>of</strong>ula scr<strong>of</strong>ulosis 2 :scr<strong>of</strong>ulous <strong>and</strong> scr<strong>of</strong>ulotuberculous<br />

scut- or scuti- combining form NL, fr. L scutum shield 1<br />

: shield scutal scutella Scutibranchia 2 :scute : scutum<br />

scutation scutiped<br />

scyph- or scypho- also scyphi- combining form NL, fr. L scyphus<br />

cup, scyphus : cup : can : scyphus scyphiform<br />

Scyphozoa scyphose<br />

scyt- or scyto- combining form NL, fr. Gk skyto-, fr. skytos<br />

skin, leather : skin : integument scytitis scytoblastema

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