2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue


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Life<br />

Science<br />

Catalog<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

Worldwide Contact List<br />

Section<br />

Contents<br />

Table of<br />

Contents<br />

Cell Signaling<br />

Molecular Weight Markers<br />

72<br />

BenchTop DNA Markers<br />

Product Size Cat.# Price ($)<br />

BenchTop ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers 250 µl G7511 239.00<br />

BenchTop pGEM ® DNA Markers 250 µl G7521 186.00<br />

BenchTop PCR Markers 300 µl G7531 239.00<br />

BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder 600 µl G7541 189.00<br />

BenchTop 100bp DNA Ladder 300 µl G8291 183.00<br />

For Laboratory Use.<br />

Description: The BenchTop DNA Markers offer the convenience of storage<br />

at room temperature (22–25°C) as well as the capability of direct loading onto<br />

agarose gels. The BenchTop DNA Markers are supplied in a stabilizing solution<br />

of 1X Blue/Orange Loading Dye, which circumvents any requirements for<br />

further manipulation.<br />

BenchTop ΦX174 DNA/HaeIII Markers: Eleven phenol-extracted, ethanolprecipitated<br />

DNA fragments ranging in size from 72bp to 1,353bp.<br />

BenchTop pGEM ® DNA Markers: Fifteen phenol-extracted, ethanol-precipitated<br />

DNA fragments ranging in size from 36bp to 2,645bp. These unique<br />

markers are generated from separate digests of pGEM ® -3 Vector DNA with<br />

HinfI, RsaI and SinI later combined to form the markers.<br />

BenchTop PCR Markers: Six bands of equal intensity of 50, 150, 300, 500,<br />

750, and 1,000bp. The BenchTop PCR Markers may be run on polyacrylamide<br />

gels with less loading volume; however, additional bands may be visible compared<br />

to those visible on agarose gels.<br />

2% agarose<br />

bp<br />

– 1,353<br />

– 1,078<br />

– 872<br />

– 603<br />

BenchTop φX174<br />

DNA/HaeIII Markers<br />

Cat.# G7511<br />

Load 5µl/lane.<br />

– 310<br />

– 281/271<br />

– 234<br />

– 194<br />

– 118<br />

– 72<br />

2% agarose<br />

BenchTop pGEM ®<br />

DNA Markers<br />

Cat.# G7521<br />

Load 5µl/lane.<br />

bp<br />

– 2,645<br />

– 1,605<br />

– 1,198<br />

– 676<br />

– 517<br />

– 460<br />

– 396<br />

– 350<br />

– 222<br />

– 179<br />

– 126<br />

– 75/65<br />

[51,36]<br />

bp<br />

2% agarose<br />

BenchTop<br />

PCR Markers<br />

Cat.# G7531<br />

Load 6µl/lane.<br />

BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder: Thirteen blunt-ended fragments with sizes<br />

ranging from 250bp to 10,000bp. The 1,000bp and 3,000bp fragments have<br />

increased intensity relative to the other bands on ethidium bromide-stained<br />

agarose gels for easy identification. All other fragments are of equal intensity.<br />

The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5´ end-labeling with radioisotopes<br />

using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, allowing visualization by autoradiography.<br />

BenchTop 100bp DNA Ladder: Eleven fragments that range in size from<br />

100bp to 1,000bp in 100bp increments with an additional band at 1,500bp.<br />

The 500bp fragment is present at increased intensity for easy identification.<br />

The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5´ end-labeling with radioisotopes<br />

using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, allowing visualization by autoradiography.<br />

Recommended Loading: Cat.# G7511, G7521: Load 5μl/lane. Cat.# G7531,<br />

G7541, G8291: Load 6μl/lane.<br />

Features:<br />

• Convenient: Storage at 22–25°C.<br />

• Efficient: Premixed with loading buffer. Ready to load onto agarose gels.<br />

• Versatile: Five different BenchTop DNA Markers available.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at 22–25°C.<br />

– 1,000<br />

– 750<br />

– 500<br />

– 300<br />

– 150<br />

– 50<br />

bp<br />

– 10,000<br />

– 8,000<br />

– 6,000<br />

– 5,000<br />

– 4,000<br />

– 3,000<br />

– 2,500<br />

– 2,000<br />

– 1,500<br />

– 1,000<br />

– 750<br />

– 500<br />

– 250,<br />

253<br />

0.7% agarose<br />

BenchTop 1kb<br />

DNA Ladder<br />

Cat.# G7541<br />

Load 6µl/lane.<br />

2% agarose<br />

For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog<br />

bp<br />

– 1,500<br />

– 1,000<br />

– 900<br />

– 800<br />

– 700<br />

– 600<br />

– 500<br />

– 400<br />

– 300<br />

– 200<br />

– 100<br />

BenchTop<br />

100bp DNA Ladder<br />

Cat.# G8291<br />

Load 6µl/lane.<br />


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