2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue


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Cell Signaling<br />

Riboprobe ® System Components and Buffers<br />

Product Size Conc. Cat.# Price ($)<br />

Riboprobe ® System Buffers 1 system P1121 146.00<br />

rATP, rCTP, rGTP, rUTP, each at 10mM<br />

in separate tubes<br />

Available Separately<br />

0.5 ml 10 mM P1221 187.00<br />

RQ1 RNase-Free DNase 1,000 u 1 u/µl M6101 86.00<br />

rATP, 10mM 0.5 ml 10 mM P1132 69.00<br />

rCTP, 10mM 0.5 ml 10 mM P1142 69.00<br />

rGTP, 10mM 0.5 ml 10 mM P1152 69.00<br />

rUTP, 10mM 0.5 ml 10 mM P1162 69.00<br />

DTT, Molecular Grade 100 µl 100 mM P1171 47.00<br />

Transcription Optimized 5X Buffer 200 µl P1181 47.00<br />

Nuclease-Free Water<br />

For Laboratory Use.<br />

50 ml P1193 70.00<br />

Description: Riboprobe ® System Buffers are components of the single and<br />

combination Riboprobe ® Systems. The buffers are also available as standalone<br />

products.<br />

RQ1 RNase-Free DNase is used to remove template DNA from RNA<br />

preparations and is qualified for use in applications where maintaining the<br />

integrity of RNA is critical. Product is quality tested to ensure the absence of<br />

detectable RNase activity. 10X Reaction Buffer and 10X Stop Buffer included.<br />

rATP, rCTP, rGTP and rUTP are provided in individual tubes, qualified for use<br />

with the Riboprobe ® Systems. The rNTPs are supplied in nuclease-free water.<br />

Purity has been verified by HPLC analysis.<br />

Features:<br />

• Pretested: Reagents are tested with other Riboprobe ® System components.<br />

rNTPs are tested for functionality with in vitro transcription reactions.<br />

• Transcription Qualified: Reagents are qualified for use for in vitro<br />

transcription reactions with SP6, T7 or T3 RNA Polymerase.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C.<br />

Protocol Part#<br />

Riboprobe ® In Vitro Transcription Systems Technical Manual TM016<br />

Ribo m 7 G Cap Analog<br />

Product Size Conc. Cat.# Price ($)<br />

Ribo m7G Cap Analog 10 A254 units 40 mM P1711 354.00<br />

25 A254 units 40 mM P1712 673.00<br />

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.<br />

Description: The Ribo m 7 G Cap Analog is a modified ribonucleotide with the<br />

structure (m 7 G(5´)ppp(5´)G). This methylated ribonucleotide can be incorporated<br />

onto the 5´-end of transcripts synthesized in vitro and simulates the 7-methyl<br />

guanosine 5´-cap structure found on most eukaryotic mRNA molecules.<br />

Features:<br />

• Improved Translation: Enhances translation efficiency in many<br />

reticulocyte-based reactions.<br />

• Effective: Protects RNA from intracellular digestion.<br />

• Flexible: Can be used in either the Riboprobe ® Systems or RiboMAX<br />

Large Scale RNA Production Systems.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C.<br />

Protocol Part#<br />

Ribo m7G Cap Analog Protocol 9PIP171<br />

For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog<br />

pGEM ® Express Positive Control Template<br />

Product Size Cat.# Price ($)<br />

pGEM ® Express Positive Control Template<br />

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.<br />

10 µg P2561 85.00<br />

Description: The pGEM ® Express Positive Control Template is created by<br />

linearizing a vector with the restriction enzyme ScaI. The Positive Control<br />

Template may be used to monitor in vitro transcription reactions when using<br />

the Riboprobe ® Systems.<br />

Features:<br />

• Multi-Sized RNAs: SP6 RNA polymerase produces transcripts of 1,787<br />

and 2,566 bases; T7 RNA polymerase produces transcripts of 1,065 and<br />

2,346 bases; T3 RNA Polymerase produces transcripts of 250 and 1,525<br />

bases.<br />

• Flexible: Template can be used with SP6, T7 or T3 RNA polymerases.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C.<br />

Protocol Part#<br />

pGEM ® Express Positive Control Template Product Information 9PIP256<br />

AP1, (c-Jun), Human, Recombinant<br />

Product Size Cat.# Price ($)<br />

rhAP1 (c-Jun)<br />

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.<br />

50 fpu E3061 402.00<br />

Description: c-Jun is the protein encoded by the human proto-oncogene, cjun.<br />

Its expression is greatly modulated by extracellular stimuli such as phorbol<br />

ester and growth factor treatment. It is a member of the AP1 family. In many<br />

cell types, AP1 activity is composed primarily of Jun and Fos heterodimers and<br />

secondarily of Jun homodimers as in HeLa cells. Jun homodimers bind AP1<br />

sites in vitro and activate transcription. c-Jun is expressed in E. coli from a<br />

human cDNA clone and has a molecular weight of 40kDa.<br />

Features:<br />

• Performance-Tested: Tested in gel-shift and footprinting applications.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at –70°C.<br />

285<br />

16<br />

RNA Analysis<br />

Section<br />

Contents<br />

Table of<br />


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