2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue


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Life<br />

Science<br />

Catalog<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

Worldwide Contact List<br />

Section<br />

Contents<br />

Table of<br />

Contents<br />

Cell Signaling<br />

220<br />

pTargeT Mammalian Expression Vector<br />

System<br />

Product Size Cat.# Price ($)<br />

pTargeT Mammalian Expression Vector<br />

System 20 reactions A1410 569.00<br />

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.<br />

Description: The pTargeT Mammalian Expression Vector System is a<br />

convenient system for cloning PCR products and for expression of cloned PCR<br />

products in mammalian cells. The vector is prepared by digestion with EcoRV<br />

followed by addition of a 3´ terminal thymidine to each end. These single 3´-T<br />

overhangs at the insertion site greatly improve the efficiency of ligation of<br />

a PCR product into the plasmid in two ways. First, the overhangs prevent<br />

recircularization of the vector; second, they provide a compatible overhang<br />

for PCR products generated by certain thermostable polymerases. These<br />

polymerases often add a single deoxyadenosine, in a template-independent<br />

fashion, to the 3´-ends of amplified fragments. The pTargeT Vector also<br />

contains a modified version of the coding sequence of the α-peptide of<br />

β-galactosidase, which allows recombinants to be selected using blue/white<br />

screening.The pTargeT Vector carries the human cytomegalovirus (CMV)<br />

immediate-early enhancer/promoter region to promote constitutive expression<br />

of cloned DNA inserts in mammalian cells. This vector also contains the neomycin<br />

phosphotransferase gene, a selectable marker for mammalian cells. The<br />

pTargeT Vector can be used for transient expression or for stable expression<br />

by selecting transfected cells with the antibiotic G-418.<br />

Features:<br />

• Simple PCR Cloning: “T” overhangs permit direct ligation of PCR<br />

products generated by thermostable enzymes such as Taq DNA<br />

polymerase.<br />

• Strong, Constitutive Expression: The CMV enhancer/promoter region<br />

allows strong, constitutive expression in many cell types. In transgenic<br />

mice, expression of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene<br />

under the regulation of the CMV enhancer/promoter was observed in<br />

24 of the 28 tissues examined. The vector is maintained as an episome<br />

in cells expressing the SV40 large T antigen, leading to even higher levels<br />

of expression.<br />

• Blue/White Screening: Allows the easy identification of recombinant<br />

clones. A single digest removes the insert DNA.<br />

• Stable Transfectants: Select for stable transfectants using the neomycin<br />

phosphotransferase gene.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store competent cells at –70°C; store all other<br />

components at –20°C or –70°C.<br />

Protocol Part#<br />

pTARGET Mammalian Expression Vector System Technical Manual TM044<br />

Ampr<br />

ori<br />

Synthetic<br />

poly(A)<br />

Neo<br />

BglII 5665<br />

CMV<br />

Enhancer/Promoter<br />

pTARGET<br />

Vector<br />

(5670bp)<br />

Intron<br />

fl ori<br />

SV40 Enhancer/<br />

EarlyPromoter<br />

SgfI 664<br />

SV40 Late<br />

poly (A)<br />

I-PpoI<br />

851<br />

T<br />

T<br />

lacZ<br />

T7<br />

EcoRI<br />

BamHI<br />

NheI<br />

XhoI<br />

MluI<br />

SmaI<br />

KpnI<br />

SalI<br />

AccI<br />

NotI<br />

EcoRI<br />

lacZ<br />

➞<br />

T overhangs<br />

1250<br />

1256<br />

1264<br />

1270<br />

1276<br />

1293<br />

1301<br />

1303<br />

1304<br />

1311<br />

1318<br />

1505VA07_6A<br />

pTargeT Sequencing Primer<br />

Product Size Cat.# Price ($)<br />

pTargeT Sequencing Primer<br />

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.<br />

2 µg Q4461 134.00<br />

Description: The pTargeT Sequencing Primer is designed for sequencing<br />

inserts cloned into the pTargeT Mammalian Expression Vector (Cat.# A1410).<br />

The sequencing primer hybridizes to the region of the lacZ gene from<br />

nucleotides 1367–1344 on the pTargeT Vector.<br />

The primer can be used only for sequencing inserts cloned into the pTargeT<br />

Vector. The primer sequence is not a binding site for any RNA polymerases and<br />

cannot be used to generate in vitro transcripts.<br />

The sequence of the pTargeT Sequencing Primer is 5´-d(TTACGCCAAGTTAT<br />

TTAGGTGACA)-3´.<br />

The primer is supplied at a concentration of 10ng/μl (1.25pmol/μl) in sterile<br />

water.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C.<br />

For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog

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