2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue

2012 Promega catalogue


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Life<br />

Science<br />

Catalog<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

Worldwide Contact List<br />

Section<br />

Contents<br />

Table of<br />

Contents<br />

Cell Signaling<br />

108<br />

Wizard ® SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System<br />

Product Size Cat.# Price ($)<br />

Wizard ® SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System 1 × 96 preps A9340 276.00<br />

4 × 96 preps A9341 1039.00<br />

8 × 96 preps A9342 1929.00<br />

100 × 96 preps A9345 Pls. Enq.<br />

Available Separately<br />

Membrane Binding Solution 20 ml A9301 81.00<br />

Wizard ® SV 96 Binding Plates<br />

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.<br />

10 pack A2271 1450.00<br />

Description: The Wizard ® SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System is designed for highthroughput<br />

purification of 100bp to 10kb PCR products from excess nucleotides,<br />

primers and primer dimers. This membrane-based system recovers<br />

>90% PCR fragments in as little as 20 minutes. The purified DNA can be used<br />

for automated fluorescent sequencing, cloning, labeling, restriction digestion<br />

or microarray analysis without further manipulation. The Wizard ® SV 96 PCR<br />

Clean-Up System uses 96-well filtration without the need to disassemble the<br />

manifold. Filtrate waste is delivered directly to a vacuum trap, eliminating the<br />

need to dispose of collected waste within the manifold assembly. Protocols are<br />

available for automated instruments from Beckman Coulter and PerkinElmer.<br />

Features:<br />

• High Performance: Optimized methods deliver purified PCR products<br />

suitable for demanding applications such as microarray analysis.<br />

• Confidence: Average recovery for 100–500bp fragments of >90%.<br />

Automated fluorescent sequencing Phred* 20 scores >600.<br />

• Automation: Validated automated methods available at:<br />

www.promega.com/automethods/<br />

• Your Choice of Configuration: Learn more about our custom options for<br />

this product at: www.promega.com/myway/<br />

*A Phred score is a widely recognized method to measure the quality of DNA<br />

sequences. Phred is a base-calling program for DNA sequence traces available<br />

from Codoncode Corporation.<br />

Storage Conditions: Store at 22–25°C.<br />

Protocol Part#<br />

Wizard ® SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System Technical Bulletin TB311<br />

A.<br />

+ Betaine – Betaine<br />

U P P P P U P P P P<br />

B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

Microarray of purified PCR products. PCR products (300bp) were<br />

amplified in the presence or absence of 1M betaine, then purified using the<br />

Wizard ® SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System. Panel A. Agarose gel analysis. Purified<br />

(P) and unpurified (U) PCR products amplified with (+) or without (–) betaine<br />

were separated on an ethidium bromide-stained, 2% agarose gel.<br />

Panel B. Representative microarray blocks of purified PCR product hybridized<br />

to complementary Cy ® -labeled cDNA. Betaine interferes with microarray<br />

analysis, so the fact that the microarray data for PCR with and without betaine<br />

are equivalent clearly demonstrates removal of betaine using the Wizard ®<br />

SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System. 1. PCR product amplified under standard<br />

amplification conditions (–betaine). 2. 1M betaine added to the PCR mix.<br />

For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog<br />


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