Zoru Bhathena

Zoru Bhathena Zoru Bhathena


TOCICO CONFERENCE 2008 TOCICO 2008 Conference Is this Theory of Constraints or Theory of Liberating Minds Presented By: Zoru Bhathena – Director Director, Nat Steel Equipment Pvt Pvt. Ltd Ltd., Mumbai Ravi Gilani – Managing Consultant, Goldratt India Sanjay Ghoshal – Director, Avenir Date: 3 rd November 2008 1


TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

Is this Theory of Constraints or<br />

Theory of Liberating Minds<br />

Presented By: <strong>Zoru</strong> <strong>Bhathena</strong> – Director Director, Nat Steel Equipment Pvt Pvt. Ltd Ltd., Mumbai<br />

Ravi Gilani – Managing Consultant, Goldratt India<br />

Sanjay Ghoshal – Director, Avenir<br />

Date: 3 rd November 2008<br />


Storyline<br />

• Who is Nat Steel<br />

− History<br />

− Products & Customers<br />

• Nat Steel an average company in the beginning of 2002<br />

• Enter TOC<br />

− How TOC was brought in the company<br />

− IImplementation l t ti of f first fi t principles i i l<br />

− Extra-ordinary results<br />

• Stagnating at a higher level<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Re-igniting TOC philosophy and Breaking all the conventional rules<br />

• Achieving Viable Vision within a year<br />

• What made the Difference – A TOC Practitioners Perspective<br />

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A Modest Start<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Nat a SSteel ee was as sstarted a ed in 1947 9 by Mr. Ardeshir des <strong>Bhathena</strong> a e a<br />

(my Grandfather) as manufacturer of cupboards and<br />

hospital furniture<br />

• In the 1950 ours was the 1 st company to manufacture<br />

Sterilizers in India<br />

• In the 1970’s 1970 s we started manufacture of Laundry<br />

Equipment for hospital use & Industrial Kitchen<br />

Equipment for hospitals & factory canteens<br />

• All three products lines were manufactured in three<br />

separate factories situated in Bombay city<br />

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A Sellers Market<br />

• The eMain a cuso customers eswere eeHospitals, ospas, Pharma a a<br />

companies<br />

− Word of Mouth<br />

− Repeat Purchase<br />

− Personnel moving to other Hospitals<br />

• We were well known for quality equipments<br />

• We were was also well known for high prices<br />

• However, primarily we were known for our “late<br />

deliveries”<br />

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TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Now looking back, we often wonder why the customers<br />

were buying equipments from us

With time there comes competition<br />

• By y 1990, 990, competition co pe o was as aall oover e us<br />

• We became a classical Unico. and me Alex Rogo<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

− Promised lead time of 3 months (Actual lead time was as<br />

much as 9 months!)<br />

− Dissatisfied customers threatening to move to competition<br />

− We used to dread customer calls<br />

− High inventory etc.<br />

• WWe brought b ht the th three th ffactories t i under d one roof, f but b t<br />

could not integrate. They were known as India,<br />

Pakistan and Bangladesh.<br />

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Enter Ravi Gilani – Start of a change<br />

• In 2002, 00 , aafter e aalmost os two o<br />

years of discussion, we<br />

finally roped in Ravi<br />

Gilani for a one year<br />

engagement<br />

• We agreed g on two ggoals:<br />

− To Deliver on Time<br />

− To Generate Positive<br />

CCash h Fl Flow<br />

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We had no idea about what is going on…<br />

• No o pproper ope list s oof receivables ece ab es<br />

• No proper record of inventory<br />

• No proper records of orders<br />

• No proper understanding of DDP<br />

− Nine months delay in production, production but no priority list<br />

Simple Rules of Survival:<br />

• Respond to the customer who shouts the loudest<br />

• If customer has paid advance, advance ignore him the most<br />

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TOCICO 2008 Conference

Success lies in simple solutions<br />

• Ravi’s a s Rule u e 1: List st aall tthe e pe pending d g oorders de s aand d<br />

prioritize<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

− How is it possible to prioritize when everything is urgent<br />

• We attempted anyway!<br />

• I am very proud to say that this Excel Sheet termed<br />

by us as “Order Priority” has stood the test of time time.<br />

• If somebody wanted his machine moved up or<br />

down the priority list list- he had to interact with only 1<br />

person - me!<br />

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We started measuring our performance simply by<br />

measuring “Cash in Bank”<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• When we started, we had very heavy borrowings…when we<br />

finished we had a tidy deposit! Our bankers could not understand<br />

how we had converted ourselves from a borrower to a depositor &<br />

refused to close our borrowing limits, “Just incase you need it”,<br />

they said!<br />

• More difficult was trying to convince my MBA friends, who were<br />

consultants with Accenture, KPMG, etc.<br />

They could not believe that there was a ‘consultant’ who measured<br />

the companies performance with ‘Cash in Bank’! They insisted that<br />

I should measure efficiency, productivity….. and other such<br />

important sounding words. But for me ‘Cash in Bank’ sounded the<br />

most logical measurement<br />

measurement.<br />

• At the end of the day, we managed to pay back all our bank<br />

borrowings & started depositing money. What better proof that the<br />

‘ ‘consultant’s lt t’ metric t i was accurate!<br />

t !<br />

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Insight: No No-body body (including customer) has any clue<br />

when the machines are really required<br />

Sales Executive:<br />

Yesterday When do<br />

want the<br />

machine<br />

Customer:<br />

@$%&<br />

What do you mean when?<br />

I wanted it yesterday<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

desptached?<br />

Now try and build the machine on urgent basis and you find out<br />

that the machine is not required at-least for next six months<br />

SSo there th goes your Reliability R li bilit and d Rapid R id Response R offer…out ff t of f the th<br />

window<br />

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Choke the release!<br />

• Ravi’s Rule 2: No more than 3 machines on<br />

the shop floor<br />

− How is it possible, there are so many pending<br />

machines!<br />

• In 2001 we took more than 3 months to<br />

manufacture one machine<br />

• We tried to manufacture 20 machines<br />

sim simultaneously ltaneo sl and failed miserably miserabl<br />

• We brought down the lead time dramatically<br />

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Full Kit Corollary<br />

• Corollary y to the Rule 2: No machine to be<br />

manufactured unless 100% raw material<br />

was available<br />

− 100% raw material…you t i l must t bbe<br />

crazy<br />

• Result – We crashed the lead time to 7<br />

days! Today we manufacture the machines<br />

in 3 to 5 days<br />

• Now that we need only 3 days, start<br />

manufacturing only when the customer<br />

shouts.<br />

• Ti Time to t time ti the th customer t still till delayed d l d<br />

accepting the machines<br />

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Never believe the customer<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• We then devised a rule- “Never Believe the Customer”<br />

• Once an order is received- it is OUR responsibility to<br />

inspect the customer site at the time of receiving the<br />

order and it is the sales person’s responsibility to give<br />

his estimate about the expected date of delivery<br />

• A week before this date date- OUR service engineer visit<br />

the site, inspect and take the customers signature that<br />

the site is ready for delivery<br />

• It is a different matter that NO customer ever signed!<br />

They insisted- deliver the machine- we will get the site<br />

ready<br />

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You need to push the customer!<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Since S ce the e cus customer o e was as not o willing g to o ssign g a ‘site s e ready eady<br />

certificate’ we started pushing them to get it ready<br />

• We sent our service technician again and again to visit<br />

the site<br />

• We started asking “shall we do it for you”?<br />

• This had the immediate required reaction, sites started<br />

getting ready and we were able to start planning our<br />

manufacturing more meaningfully!<br />

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The power of Daily Meetings<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• We started a daily factory meeting. Whenever I was free, I would<br />

go g to the shop p floor, , the watchman would sounds the lunch siren.<br />

ALL the staff and workers would assemble at one point<br />

• We would run through the order priority list. The idea is to have a<br />

common understanding about which machine has priority over the<br />

other<br />

• For the workers who work on a ‘physical/ visible’ machine this was<br />

never a problem problem. However However, the man in the machine shop did not<br />

have a clue where his machined parts went.<br />

• Initially we had problems with every worker. Not enough machines<br />

to work on on, not enough helpers helpers, not enough help from the previous<br />

department etc.<br />

• Soon people started speaking the same language and started<br />

hhelping l i each h other. th They Th sorted t d out t th their i problems bl amongst t<br />

themselves and stopped mentioning it at the meetings<br />

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The power of Visibility<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• We affixed a white board inside the entrance of our factory with the<br />

priority p y list<br />

• All persons entering whether customers, staff, workers and most<br />

importantly suppliers could see the list for themselves and decide<br />

on their course of action<br />

• We gave operations only 1 week notice before giving OK to start<br />

manufacture of a machine<br />

− In 1 week time they were expected to procure 100% of the RM<br />

required and manufacture the machine. N<br />

− No RM stock was permitted to be stored in the factory, the stores<br />

were not to be used for storing any longer longer. So we moved the stores<br />

from a 5000 sq feet room to a 100 sq feet room<br />

− The idea being if they did not have enough place to sit, they would<br />

stop buying & storing RM<br />

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The power of Supply Chain<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Do you feel it is possible to procure 100% RM in 1 week, when you<br />

have over 300 totally y different components p on each machine !<br />

• Sounds difficult?<br />

• This was the easiest policy to implement, in-fact our suppliers<br />

lloved d us with ith thi this changed h d working ki environment. i t<br />

• They were amazed at our changed agility and quickly adapted to<br />

our requirement. Today if we need ANY part, I can guarantee that<br />

it will be delivered within 24 hours!<br />

• Obstacles: Some large suppliers have ERP (SAP) systems in<br />

place! p<br />

− How wonderful! These suppliers need just 5 working days to input<br />

our order into their system!!!<br />

− We learned, learned very soon soon, how to manipulate their ERP system & also<br />

who was the correct person to telephone, who was able to bypass<br />

the ERP system and deliver the RM<br />

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The power of Self Regulated System (or in other<br />

words Excel Worksheets)<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Who the hell wants to wait a week for the ERP system to input<br />

data!<br />

• My advice to all using ERP…throw it away …shift to Excell!<br />

• Th The more rules l & regulations l ti you put t iinto t place, l th the more ttrouble bl<br />

your company is going to be in.<br />

• Anyone who’s been to India would know how the traffic is like!<br />

• The only reason everyone survives is because there is no control.<br />

No cops, No Signal…just a simple rule… might is right<br />

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Slide 18<br />

SG2 Add Video<br />

Sanjay Ghoshal, 8/4/2008

Celebrations!<br />

25% Growth<br />

RReduced d dL Lead dTi Time<br />

Excellent DDP<br />

Happy Customers<br />

CCash h in i Bank B k<br />

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TOCICO 2008 Conference

Curse of TOC – Stagnation at a higher level<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

Almost no<br />

growth! th!<br />

We became<br />

complacent,<br />

not hungry<br />

enough<br />

4%<br />

Revenue Growth<br />

3%<br />

Good but not<br />

enough g<br />

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TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

Good growth, growth<br />

but production<br />

on the brink of<br />

breakdown<br />

27%<br />

Up from the Slumber<br />

19%<br />

FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007

Re Re-enter enter Ravi!<br />

• I am unimpressed<br />

unimpressed…<br />

• Are you hungry enough to look<br />

at some “Real” growth?<br />

• Do you want to double your<br />

“T”?<br />

Ravi <strong>Zoru</strong><br />

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TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

What?<br />

Doubling T in a year?<br />

I do not believe it!<br />

But you have done<br />

magic before. Let’s<br />

start again

Price Paradigm<br />

• Ravi a sugges suggested ed we e increase c ease the e pprice! ce<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

− Are you crazy! We are any way expensive! we will not sell<br />

anything!<br />

• However, We increased our prices by 30%, 3 months<br />

later we increased a further 30% and 3 months later<br />

another 30% 3 %<br />

• Contrary to popular belief! we got flooded with orders<br />

− Our factory was working on the edge!<br />

− We again started facing delayed deliveries!!!<br />

• And we thought g the sales will drop!!! p<br />

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Product Mix Rationalization<br />

• We e thought oug that a ou our capac capacity y is s the e bo bottleneck e ec<br />

• Laundry was taking double the time of Sterilizer<br />

− T/day for Sterilizers was double that of Laundry<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• We decided to drop the laundry equipment, but how?<br />

• We doubled our prices prices…<br />

• Guess what, our sales also doubled!!!<br />

• What a product mix rationalization!!!<br />

Hope my customers are not listening<br />

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Ravi introduced Sanjay, who came equipped with<br />

latest thoughts from Eli’s Viable Vision initiative<br />

• He e cchanged a ged ou our viewpoint e po from o<br />

“bottleneck should always be in production”<br />

to<br />

“bottleneck should always be in the orders”<br />

• Initiall Initially it so sounded nded horrible to us s<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

“what if we don’t have enough orders? Then what will<br />

we do?” do?<br />

• But that’s what happened…we doubled our “T”<br />

The production increased by 72% 72%, and we still had<br />

some capacity left<br />

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“Man “Man cannot cannot discover discover new new oceans oceans until until he he has has<br />

the the courage courage to to lose lose sight sight of of the the shore” shore”<br />

• When e we e left e ou our fears ea s be behind d<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

− We realized that our factory production was hugely elastic<br />

− We had huge hidden and undiscovered capacity<br />

• It was our wrong belief that production is fixed!<br />

• It’s amazing g that anything y g the mind believes can be<br />

truly achieved!<br />

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Viable Vision in One Year!<br />

In 2007-2008 00 008 we e were e e ab able e to o ac achieve: e e<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

a) Our Manufacturing Despatches increased by 72%!<br />

(The Government was the happiest- as it earned record<br />

revenue from our company!)<br />

b) Our despatches were always on time!<br />

c) ) Our profits p increased by y 400% over our last year’s y pprofits!<br />

d) We achieved a 96% increase in Throughput,<br />

All this was achieved without increasing a single resourceno<br />

o add additional o a manpower a po e nor o add additional o a investment es e in pplant a &<br />

machinery!<br />

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So what happened!<br />

“Measurements easu e e s ddrive e be behaviour” a ou<br />

“The power of simplicity”<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

“when when you change the way you look at things things, the things<br />

you look at change”<br />

“ it is not because things g are difficult that we do not dare.<br />

It is because we do not dare that they seem difficult”<br />

“ A dream is not what we see in our sleep; A dream in<br />

what does not let us sleep”<br />

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Theory of Liberating Mind<br />

• In 2007-2008 00 008 we e ddid d not o increase c ease pprices ces further u e<br />

• We did not increase staff/employees<br />

• We did not increase machinery<br />

• Yet Yet- we e increased T bby 100%!!!<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• This is the power of TOC, it all about changing our<br />

mindset!<br />

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What made the Difference – A TOC<br />

Practitioners Perspective<br />

• Owners win-win attitude<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• Encourage people to aim high, but provide safety net…do not<br />

punish for failure!!!<br />

• AAvoid id analysis-paralysis…only l i l i l corrective ti action ti<br />

• Focus on company performance…rather than individual, regional<br />

or any other such measures<br />

• What is a month? An year consist of 52 weeks<br />

• No negative talks please!!!<br />

• Talk about empowerment…people can take the pricing decision on<br />

their own..from zero to 1000% of the list price<br />

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So what next?<br />

TOCICO 2008 Conference<br />

• This company p y is already y the market leader in the hospital p<br />

sector with significant share of the market<br />

• Time has come to elevate the market now<br />

• Ph Pharma sector t is i a growing i segment t in i India I di with ith large l<br />

potential<br />

• The price and thruput is much more in this sector as<br />

compared to the hospital segment<br />

• The direction of Nat Steel is to enter this segment<br />

• However However, a successful entry would require dramatic changes<br />

in the quality. Nat Steel commits to improve its quality<br />

parameters suitable to Pharma sector and attain market<br />

leadership p in an years y<br />

time<br />

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About <strong>Zoru</strong> <strong>Bhathena</strong><br />

• 3rd generation entrepreneur from<br />

Bombay Bombay, India India, studied his<br />

Bachelors of Commerce from<br />

Bombay and thankfully never got<br />

down to doing his MBA!<br />

• CComes ffrom a ffamily il of f Car C Racers; R<br />

won the Indian Rally Championship<br />

in the un-modified group<br />

championship and is probably the<br />

youngest Rally Champion,<br />

Champion<br />

worldwide, to achieve this feat!<br />

• A broken wrist put him ‘out of<br />

action’ from motorsports for a few<br />

months…. th having h i nothing thi better b tt to t<br />

do, he started attending his fathers<br />

business.<br />

• Started working g at Nat Steel, , since<br />

1995, <strong>Zoru</strong> loves to solve problems!<br />

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TOCICO 2008 Conference

About Ravi Gilani<br />

• Ravi Gilani, is the founder and<br />

managing g g consultant of<br />

Goldratt India<br />

• Ravi introduced TOC in India in<br />

1998.<br />

• Ravi helps organizations<br />

increase their profits by<br />

simplifying their<br />

measurements. He enjoys<br />

striving g for the impossible by y<br />

challenging h ll i sacred d<br />

assumptions and simplifying<br />

complexity.<br />

• Ravi has been on the board of<br />

TOCICO since i November N b 2005. 2005<br />

• Ravi can be contacted at<br />

ravigilani@goldrattindia.com<br />

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About Sanjay Ghoshal<br />

• Sanjay is one of the founding<br />

Director of Avenir Avenir, a<br />

management consulting firm<br />

focused on TOC<br />

• Sanjay was the Regional<br />

Director of Goldratt Consulting<br />

till 2007<br />

• Sanjay j y was involved in many y<br />

Viable Vision projects in India<br />

• Sanjay has worked in SFSCo.<br />

To develop the marketing and<br />

sales solution for Viable Vision<br />

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[Color Photo of Presenter]

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