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Java Card 3 Platform<br />

Peter Allenbach<br />

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Agenda<br />

From plastic to Java Card 3.0<br />

Things to know about Java Card 3.0<br />

Introducing Java Card 3.0<br />

Java Card 3.0 vs. Java SE<br />

Java Card 3.0 vs. Java ME<br />

Java Card 3.0 vs. Java EE<br />

More About Web Applications<br />

Reference Implementation (RI)<br />

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

Q & A<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2

From Plastic to Java Card 3.0<br />

The Beginning<br />

Plastic cards<br />

• Introduced in the 50's<br />

• Cardholder identification and authentication<br />

• Signature, then magstripe and PIN codes<br />

Smart cards<br />

• Introduced in the 80's<br />

• Local authentication server, stored value<br />

• On-card PIN verification<br />

• Storage of sensitive information<br />

• Later, cryptography<br />

Original photo by Mitek<br />

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikek/40737702/<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3

From Plastic to Java Card 3.0<br />

The Smart in the Card<br />

A single chip in every card<br />

Very limited resources<br />

• In particular, RAM<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4

From Plastic to Java Card 3.0<br />

Java Card 2<br />

Introduces applications to smart cards<br />

• Interoperability of platforms, portability of applications<br />

• Multiple applications, with security guarantees<br />

• Dynamic application management<br />

Runs on low-end smart cards<br />

• Less memory (4-8K of RAM and 32-64K of EEPROM)<br />

• 8 Bit Processors (Slow)<br />

Widely used technology for a decade<br />

• It is the dominant smart card technology today<br />

Very limited subset of Java<br />

• Partial support of basic types (8/16-bit values, no float, no String)<br />

• Very small subset of the APIs<br />

• Specific and pre-processed binary file format (CAP file)<br />

• Single threaded, no garbage collection<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5

From Plastic to Java Card 3.0<br />

Java Card 3.0<br />

Major evolution of Java Card 2<br />

• Same principles: interoperability, security, multiple applications<br />

• Exploitation of new hardware features<br />

• More memory, more processing power, enhanced communication<br />

New capabilities for new use cases<br />

• A true personal Web server for enhanced user interaction<br />

• Possibility to initiate an action for more flexibility<br />

• Enhanced application model for more collaboration<br />

Two editions<br />

• Classic Edition<br />

• Supports only Classic Applets<br />

• Basically, Java Card 3.0 Classic is an evolution of Java Card 2<br />

• Connected Edition<br />

• New and improved model, and the topic of this talk<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6

Most Important Thing About Java Card<br />

Security is Paramount<br />

“Web Server in the Street”<br />

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Things to know about Java Card<br />

Java Card is a Server<br />

VM never exits<br />

Two heaps<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

Firewall between applications<br />

Inter Application Communication<br />

Atomicity and Transactions<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Java Card is a server<br />

• Process incoming requests, and send response back to client<br />

Communication Protocols<br />

• APDUs (serial) is the traditional card-specific protocol<br />

• HTTP(S) for Java Card 3.0 Connected Edition using high speed<br />

interfaces like USB<br />

Two major communication interfaces<br />

• Contactless<br />

• Just put the card close to the reader<br />

• Contacted<br />

• Inserted into card reader<br />

• USB<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9

Things to know about Java Card<br />

VM Never Exits<br />

“Card Initialization” happens only once<br />

• This is when the VM initialization happens<br />

• All required static data structures are created at this time<br />

• Card starts listening for Incoming requests<br />

“Card Reset” happens every time the card loses power<br />

• If card is taken out (card tear) – everything stops<br />

• When card is inserted again into card reader<br />

• RAM heap is lost<br />

• System ensures that data is consistent across tears<br />

• Card starts listening for incoming requests<br />

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Things to know about Java Card<br />

Two Heaps<br />

Unlike standard Java, Java Card has two heaps<br />

• All Session Objects created in Volatile Memory<br />

• Objects that are reachable from root of persistence will be in Non-<br />

Volatile Memory<br />

Non-Volatile Heap Volatile Heap<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

Session Objects<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

public class PersistenceExample {<br />

}<br />

void aMethod() {<br />

}<br />

Vector v = new Vector();<br />

v.addElement(new String(“1111”)); // String s1<br />

v.addElement(new String(“2222”)); // String s2<br />

someRootObject.addObject(v); // v is promoted<br />

Non-Volatile Heap Volatile Heap<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

public class PersistenceExample {<br />

}<br />

void aMethod() {<br />

}<br />

Vector v = new Vector();<br />

v.addElement(new String(“1111”)); // String s1<br />

v.addElement(new String(“2222”)); // String s2<br />

someRootObject.addObject(v); // v is promoted<br />

Non-Volatile Heap Volatile Heap<br />

v<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 13

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

public class PersistenceExample {<br />

}<br />

void aMethod() {<br />

}<br />

Vector v = new Vector();<br />

v.addElement(new String(“1111”)); // String s1<br />

v.addElement(new String(“2222”)); // String s2<br />

someRootObject.addObject(v); // v is promoted<br />

Non-Volatile Heap Volatile Heap<br />

v<br />

s1<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

public class PersistenceExample {<br />

}<br />

void aMethod() {<br />

}<br />

Vector v = new Vector();<br />

v.addElement(new String(“1111”)); // String s1<br />

v.addElement(new String(“2222”)); // String s2<br />

someRootObject.addObject(v); // v is promoted<br />

Non-Volatile Heap Volatile Heap<br />

v<br />

s2<br />

s1<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 15

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Persistent Objects<br />

public class PersistenceExample {<br />

}<br />

void aMethod() {<br />

}<br />

s2<br />

Vector v = new Vector();<br />

v.addElement(new String(“1111”)); // String s1<br />

v.addElement(new String(“2222”)); // String s2<br />

someRootObject.addObject(v); // v is promoted<br />

s1<br />

v<br />

G Garbage<br />

Non-Volatile Heap Volatile Heap<br />

G<br />

G<br />

G<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 16

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Firewall between applications<br />

All applications run in the same VM, and exist in the same<br />

heap<br />

• Objects created by one application cannot be accessed by another<br />

application<br />

• Every object access is checked by the firewall<br />

• SecurityException is thrown if access is not permitted<br />

App1 Objects<br />

Firewall Check<br />

App2 Objects<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Inter Application Communication<br />

Applications can communicate with each other using Shared<br />

Interface Objects (SIO)<br />

• App1 defines and implements a Shareable Interface<br />

• App1 allows App2 to access this SIO<br />

• Firewall allows App2 to access the SIO object<br />

App1 Objects<br />

SIO of App1<br />

Firewall Check<br />

App2 Objects<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18

Things to know about Java Card<br />

Atomicity and Transactions<br />

Card Tear may happen at any time<br />

• Card can be pulled out of the card reader at any time<br />

• Java Card must guarantee the integrity of user data<br />

Individual persistent writes are atomic<br />

• Every write into Non-Volatile memory is atomic<br />

Transaction Facility<br />

• Transactions may be used to group persistent writes<br />

• The application specifies the start and end of transactions<br />

• Unfinished or aborted updates will be rolled back<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 19

Introducing Java Card 3.0<br />

What's New<br />

Runs on recent (high-end) smart cards<br />

• More Memory (Approx 24K of Volatile and 128K of Non-Volatile)<br />

• 32 bit Processor (Fast)<br />

Full Java Language Support<br />

• All data types except float and double<br />

• Multiple Threads<br />

• Extensive API support (java.lang, java.util, GCF, ...)<br />

• Handles class files directly, with all loading and linking on card<br />

• All new Java language syntax constructs, like enums, generics,<br />

enhanced for loops, auto boxing/unboxing, etc.<br />

• Automatic Garbage Collection<br />

The technology for the coming years<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. <strong>20</strong>

Introducing Java Card 3.0<br />

Connectivity Layers and Protocol Stack<br />

New In Java Card 3.0<br />

Connected Edition<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 21

Introducing Java Card 3.0<br />

High Level Architecture<br />

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Introducing Java Card 3.0<br />

Application Models<br />

Classic Applets<br />

• Communication using APDU protocol<br />

• For backward compatibility<br />

• Java Card 2 limitations apply for these applications<br />

Extended Applets<br />

• Communication using APDU protocol<br />

• Similar to Classic Applets, but can use all the new API, like Threads,<br />

Strings, GCF, etc.<br />

Servlet Applications<br />

• Based on Servlet 2.4 API<br />

• Communication using standard HTTP/ HTTPS protocol<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 23

Java Card 3.0 vs. Java SE<br />

Application start is not main() method<br />

• Java Card applications do not have main() method<br />

• “life cycle” model<br />

• Applet Container and Servlet Container<br />

• Application components are either Java Card Applets or Servlets<br />

Network programming using GCF API<br />

• Connector.open(“http://.....”);<br />

• Connector.open(“socket://host:1234”);<br />

Not Entire API is supported<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 24

Java Card 3.0 vs. Java ME<br />

Java Card 3.0 is very close to Connected Limited Device<br />

Configuration (CLDC)<br />

Class files compiled with JDK 6<br />

• Class file major version is 50<br />

Class File Verification is same as in CLDC<br />

• But no preverifier, because JDK6 generates StackMapTables<br />

• JDK 6 Stackmaps are a little different than preverifier generated<br />

Stackmaps, but the purpose is same<br />

Not MIDlets, but Java Card Applets and Servlets<br />

JAD file of MIDlet suite can be compared to Java Card Runtime<br />

Descriptor<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 25

Java Card 3.0 vs Java EE<br />

Servlet Container with full Servlet lifecycle support<br />

WAR file format is supported with Java Card 3.0 specific<br />

information, like Java Card Runtime Descriptor<br />

No JSP support<br />

• Just servlets (and static HTMLs) with listeners, filters<br />

Transactions using Annotations<br />

• @TransactionSupport(TransactionSuportType.REQUIRED)<br />

Per Application SSL is new in Java Card 3.0<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 26

More about Web Applications<br />

Format of the deployment unit<br />

Same as Standard Web Application format<br />

No lib folder<br />

Some additional Java Card Specific Information<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 27

More about Web Applications<br />

Java Card 3.0 specific information<br />

Java Card Runtime Descriptor<br />

Manifest-Version: 1.0<br />

Runtime-Descriptor-Version: 3.0<br />

Application-Type: web<br />

Web-Context-Path: /hello<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 28

More about Web Applications<br />

Java Card 3.0 specific information<br />

Java Card Application Descriptor<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

remote<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 29

Reference Implementation (RI)<br />

2Q 09<br />

Contents of RI<br />

• Card Emulator<br />

• Tools to build and deploy<br />

• Off-card installer<br />

• Packager<br />

• Converter<br />

• Normalizer<br />

• Introductory How-TO samples<br />

• Documentation<br />

NetBeans Plugin<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 30

Reference Implementation (RI)<br />

Source<br />

files<br />

Card<br />

Browser/Client<br />

compile/build/IDE<br />

Class files and<br />

Other resources<br />

(or)<br />

WAR file<br />

Off-Card Installer<br />

Load<br />

create<br />

delete<br />

unload<br />

Packager<br />

Ready to<br />

deploy<br />

Module<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 31

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

HelloServlet.java<br />

import javax.servlet.*;<br />

import javax.servlet.http.*;<br />

import java.io.*;<br />

public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {<br />

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,<br />

HttpServletResponse response) {<br />

PrintWriter out = request.getPrintWriter();<br />

out.println(“”);<br />

out.println(“Hello! JavaOne <strong>20</strong>08”);<br />

out.println(“”);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 32

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

web.xml<br />

<br />

<br />

helloservlet<br />

<br />

HelloServlet<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

helloservlet<br />

/*<br />

<br />

<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 33

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

MANIFEST.MF (Java Card Runtime Descriptor)<br />

Manifest-Version: 1.0<br />

Runtime-Descriptor-Version: 3.0<br />

Application-Type: web<br />

Web-Context-Path: /hello<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 34

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

Compiling Java Sources<br />

Use the NetBeans Module; easy way to build everything<br />

Use javac to compile the source code.<br />

• Sources must be compiled using Java Card API<br />

• Set bootclasspath to Java Card 3.0 API<br />

• javac -bootclasspath jcapi.jar *.java<br />

• Use provided annotation processor to detect float and double usages.<br />

• javac -processorpath jcapt.jar -processor<br />

com.sun.javacard.apt.JCAnnotationProcessor -Amode=connected *.java<br />

• Or -<br />

• Simply use the java card compiler script<br />

• jcc_connected.bat *.java<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 35

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

Building Web Application Module<br />

Compiled class files and other resources need to be bundled<br />

together into WAR file format<br />

Using NetBeans makes it a click away<br />

Packager tool<br />

• can be used to create the final module file from raw WAR file or folder<br />

• can be used to validate pre-shipped application modules/WAR files<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 36

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

Load & Create the Application Module<br />

Deployment is a 2 step process<br />

• Load – loads the module onto the card<br />

• Create – creates a persistent instance of loaded module<br />

Use off-card installer to load the Application Module<br />

Use off-card installer to create the instance<br />

Browse to the page<br />

• Ex: http://localhost:8019/hello/<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 37

Say Hello using Java Card 3.0 RI<br />

Delete & Unload the Application Module<br />

If the application is no longer needed on the card, it can be<br />

removed completely<br />

2 step process<br />

• Delete – deletes given persistent instance of the application<br />

• Unload – completely removes all class files and related resource files<br />

from the card<br />

Use off-card installer to delete the application instance<br />

Use off-card installer to unload the application<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 38

Peter Allenbach<br />

Sun Microsystems<br />

Q & A<br />

Copyright <strong>20</strong>09 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 39

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