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<strong>Munich</strong> <strong>Re</strong> Group Notes on the accounts<br />

Notes on the consolidated accounts<br />

The business year 1995/96 covers the <strong>Munich</strong> <strong>Re</strong>insurance Company’s<br />

underwriting business for the calendar year 1995 and the result of its<br />

investments plus all other income and expenditure for the period from<br />

1st July 1995 to 30th June 1996; in the case of the consolidated<br />

subsidiaries it covers their last full business year – mostly the calendar<br />

year 1995.<br />

The consolidated accounts for 1995/96 are our first consolidated financial<br />

statements prepared in accordance with the new regulations resulting from<br />

the implementation of the EC insurance accounting directive in German<br />

law, i.e. the amended provisions of the German Commercial Code and the<br />

new German statutory order on insurance companies’ accounting. Previous<br />

years’ figures have been adjusted accordingly to take account of the new<br />

format.<br />

In accordance with the new accounting regulations, all the underwriting<br />

business of the reinsurers (including life) and of the non-life insurers is<br />

contained in Part I of the profit and loss account, whilst Part II covers the<br />

underwriting business of the life insurers (including the result of their<br />

investments).<br />

Notes on consolidation<br />

Consolidated companies, In addition to the <strong>Munich</strong> <strong>Re</strong>insurance Company as the parent company,<br />

associated companies all the subsidiaries operating as reinsurers or direct insurers have been<br />

consolidated, plus all our significant holding and investment companies.<br />

The group of consolidated companies did not change significantly in the<br />

year under review. The business of the foreign travel insurers acquired or<br />

established by Europäische <strong>Re</strong>iseversicherung AG in Denmark, France,<br />

Sweden, the Czech <strong>Re</strong>public and Slovakia in autumn 1995 and the first half<br />

of 1996 will not be included in our consolidated accounts until the business<br />

year 1996/97. The gross premiums of these new subsidiaries in 1995<br />

totalled around DM 190 million.<br />

In the first half-year 1996 the <strong>Munich</strong> <strong>Re</strong>insurance Company acquired the<br />

10 % stake held by VICTORIA Lebensversicherung AG, Düsseldorf, in the<br />

share capital of <strong>Munich</strong> American <strong>Re</strong>assurance Company, Atlanta, so that<br />

it now holds 100 % of the shares in this subsidiary.<br />

We have not consolidated those companies in which we have a majority<br />

interest but which are not significant individually or together for assessing<br />

the Group’s assets, liabilities, financial position and results.<br />

Participations in non-affiliated companies on whose business and financial<br />

policy the <strong>Munich</strong> <strong>Re</strong>insurance Company or any other company<br />

consolidated in the Group accounts exercises a significant influence are<br />

treated as associated companies and valued at equity in the accounts.<br />


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