ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology

ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology

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Background The concept of microwave power transmission has been examined for a very long time both in theory and in the laboratory. To date there have been no commercial implementations of microwave power transmission beyond feasibility study. The most promising application for microwave power transmission is a solar power satellite. A very large solar array at geosynchronous orbit converts solar energy to electrical energy which is transmitted as microwaves to an Earth station. At the Earth station rectennas convert the microwave energy to direct current which can be either converted to alternating current for direct distribution through a power grid, or can be used to split hydrogen from water. The hydrogen is then liquefied and transported to wherever needed. Another application that is being studied a great deal worldwide concerns aerosats. An aerosat provides the same services as a satellite, remote sensing, communications, etc., however the aerosat remains within the Earth's atmosphere. The aerosat can be either a fixed wing craft in a stationary flight pattern, or a rotary wing craft at hover. Microwave power transmission has been proposed as a means to provide a continuous power source to the aerosat. Canada has successfully flown a prototype fixed wing microwave powered aerosat as part of their SHARP study. SABER is intended to promote public interest and understanding concerning microwave power transmission. SABER will also fulfill a more tangible role as it is the culmination of a three part study of which the first two portions were completed over twenty years ago under the direction of Mr. William C. Brown, formerly of Raytheon. The first study, completed in 1965, concerned a rotary wing supported platform guided by tethers [1]. The platform obtained all of its power from an incident 2.45 GHz beam, converted to DC via a rectenna array. The second study, completed in 1968, also concerned a rotary wing supported platform. In the second study the platform was guided by an on board controller which was fully autonomous. Power was supplied to the platform through an umbilical cord. The unique point to the study was that the controller obtained information about five out of six degrees of freedom from sensors placed in an incident 10 GHz beam. The sixth variable was the height of the platform, and that was externally controlled by a human operator. A third study was envisioned in which elements from the first two studies would be combined to build a rotary wing supported platform which derived all of its power, its attitude, and its position from an incident 2.45 GHz beam utilizing an autonomous controller. The height of the platform would be directed by an external human operator. The third study was never conducted. Mr. Brown has spent the last twenty years determined to complete the third study, and SABER will realize that goal. Overview Figure 1 is a block diagram for SABER indicating the flow of energy through the system from AC input to the output thrust from the rotor blades. AC energy is converted to DC energy and supplied to a magnetron by a controlled current source. The magnetron converts the DC energy into microwave energy at 2.45 GHz. The microwave energy is then radiated from the slotted waveguide array (SWGA) in a tight beam. A portion of the microwave beam is intercepted by a rectenna array. The rectenna array converts the microwave energy back into DC energy that is used by the rotary winged platform (helicopter) to provide control and support, enabling the platform to stay aloft indefinitely.

Transmission In Figure 1 the blocks labeled Magnetron and Slotted Waveguide Array form part of a modular transmission system, an electrically steerable phased array antenna (ESPAM), developed by Mr. Brown. The magnetron is replaced by a magnetron directional amplifier (MDA) in the ESPAM. The MDA is capable of significant tuning in both its frequency of operation and in its output power level, while still maintaining the high efficiency that is characteristic of magnetron devices. The slotted waveguide array is a light weight, highly directional array capable of mass fabrication. When a large number of the MDA/SWGA elements are combined together with suitable processing power, they form an efficient phased array perfectly suited for microwave power transmission at 2.45 GHz. SABER will be a demonstration vehicle for one ESPAM element, minus the MDA. The transmission system will radiate more than one kilowatt of power. Rectenna The rectenna array will consist of 99 rectenna elements from the original JPL Goldstone experiment in which over 30 kW of power was received over a one mile distance [3]. Each element is a complete rectenna consisting of dipole, diode, and matching section. The elements will be reconditioned and joined to form a rigid, light weight, two-dimensional array capable of supplying power to the SABER subsystems. Figure 2 is a six element detail of a section of the rectenna array illustrating how the elements will be arranged. The final array will consist of nine strings of eleven elements each in offset geometry. The output of the rectenna array is routed through power conditioning circuitry in order to provide voltage levels that are suitable for the other subsystems. The need to dump unneeded energy absorbed by the array is handled by the power conditioning circuitry. A key point of this design is that the rectenna elements themselves form part of the array structure. Sensors The sensor design utilizes four slot antennas and appropriate circuitry to provide roll, pitch, forward translation, and side translation information to the helicopter controller. Figure 3 is a photograph of the pitch and forward translation sensor circuit. The outputs from each pair of slot antennas are routed into power splitters. One output from each power splitter is fed into a rectifying circuit. The outputs from the rectifying circuits, two per sensor, are then connected to a differential amplifier that produces an output proportional to translational motion. The other outputs from the power splitters are fed into ring couplers. Outputs are taken from the ring couplers and manipulated by circuitry to provide outputs proportional to rotational motion. These signals are possible because the microwave beam varies in both magnitude and phase symmetrically in a plane parallel to the transmitting antenna face. A pair of crossed dipoles at the center of the helicopter body and mounted below will provide yaw information with suitable circuitry. Controller The control system for SABER will be implemented in a single microcontroller. Forward_translation-inclination-yaw, side_translation-vertical_translation-roll, and motor_speed-power_dumping are the control divisions. Figures 4 through 6 are block diagrams for each subcontroller. The subcontrollers use state space methods to provide the necessary control laws. The control algorithms will be

Background<br />

The concept of microwave power transmission has been exam<strong>in</strong>ed for a very long<br />

time both <strong>in</strong> theory and <strong>in</strong> the laboratory. To date there have been no commercial<br />

implementations of microwave power transmission beyond feasibility study. The<br />

most promis<strong>in</strong>g application for microwave power transmission is a solar power<br />

satellite. A very large solar array at geosynchronous orbit converts solar energy to<br />

electrical energy which is transmitted as microwaves to an Earth station. At the<br />

Earth station rectennas convert the microwave energy to direct current which can<br />

be either converted to alternat<strong>in</strong>g current for direct distribution through a power<br />

grid, or can be used to split hydrogen from water. The hydrogen is then liquefied<br />

and transported to wherever needed. Another application that is be<strong>in</strong>g studied a<br />

great deal worldwide concerns aerosats. An aerosat provides the same services as a<br />

satellite, remote sens<strong>in</strong>g, communications, etc., however the aerosat rema<strong>in</strong>s<br />

with<strong>in</strong> the Earth's atmosphere. The aerosat can be either a fixed w<strong>in</strong>g craft <strong>in</strong> a<br />

stationary flight pattern, or a rotary w<strong>in</strong>g craft at hover. Microwave power<br />

transmission has been proposed as a means to provide a cont<strong>in</strong>uous power source<br />

to the aerosat. Canada has successfully flown a prototype fixed w<strong>in</strong>g microwave<br />

powered aerosat as part of their SHARP study.<br />

SABER is <strong>in</strong>tended to promote public <strong>in</strong>terest and understand<strong>in</strong>g concern<strong>in</strong>g<br />

microwave power transmission. SABER will also fulfill a more tangible role as it is<br />

the culm<strong>in</strong>ation of a three part study of which the first two portions were<br />

completed over twenty years ago under the direction of Mr. William C. Brown,<br />

formerly of Raytheon. The first study, completed <strong>in</strong> 1965, concerned a rotary w<strong>in</strong>g<br />

supported platform guided by tethers [1]. The platform obta<strong>in</strong>ed all of its power<br />

from an <strong>in</strong>cident 2.45 GHz beam, converted to DC via a rectenna array. The second<br />

study, completed <strong>in</strong> 1968, also concerned a rotary w<strong>in</strong>g supported platform. In the<br />

second study the platform was guided by an on board controller which was fully<br />

autonomous. Power was supplied to the platform through an umbilical cord. The<br />

unique po<strong>in</strong>t to the study was that the controller obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>formation about five<br />

out of six degrees of freedom from sensors placed <strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>cident 10 GHz beam. The<br />

sixth variable was the height of the platform, and that was externally controlled by<br />

a human operator. A third study was envisioned <strong>in</strong> which elements from the first<br />

two studies would be comb<strong>in</strong>ed to build a rotary w<strong>in</strong>g supported platform which<br />

derived all of its power, its attitude, and its position from an <strong>in</strong>cident 2.45 GHz<br />

beam utiliz<strong>in</strong>g an autonomous controller. The height of the platform would be<br />

directed by an external human operator. The third study was never conducted. Mr.<br />

Brown has spent the last twenty years determ<strong>in</strong>ed to complete the third study, and<br />

SABER will realize that goal.<br />

Overview<br />

Figure 1 is a block diagram for SABER <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g the flow of energy through the<br />

system from AC <strong>in</strong>put to the output thrust from the rotor blades. AC energy is<br />

converted to DC energy and supplied to a magnetron by a controlled current<br />

source. The magnetron converts the DC energy <strong>in</strong>to microwave energy at 2.45<br />

GHz. The microwave energy is then radiated from the slotted waveguide array<br />

(SWGA) <strong>in</strong> a tight beam. A portion of the microwave beam is <strong>in</strong>tercepted by a<br />

rectenna array. The rectenna array converts the microwave energy back <strong>in</strong>to DC<br />

energy that is used by the rotary w<strong>in</strong>ged platform (helicopter) to provide control<br />

and support, enabl<strong>in</strong>g the platform to stay aloft <strong>in</strong>def<strong>in</strong>itely.

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