ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology

ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology

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of the later models have shown general agreement with experimental measurements made with the phantom models and animals. Presently most scientists in the field use the concept of specific absorption rate for determining the Dosimetry (dosages) of electromagnetic radiation. Specific absorption rate is the intensity of the internal electric field or quantity of energy absorbed... However, the use of these classical concepts of electrodynamics does not explain some experimental results and clinical findings. For example, according to classical physics, the frequency of visible light would indicate that it is reflected or totally absorbed within the first few millimeters of tissue and thus no light should pass through significant amounts of tissue. But it does. Also, classical theory indicates that the body should be completely invisible to extremely low frequencies of light where a single wave length is thousands of miles long. However, visible light has been used in clinical medicine to trans illuminate various body tissues‖. In other words, the classical theories are partially wrong in that they do not fully explain all of the reactions which are observed in the body. The Navy has abstracted over a thousand international professional papers by private and government scientists which explore these issues. The Navy is well aware of the current research which shows the non-thermal effects of various electromagnetic radiations when they interact with living tissue, Tyler continues, ―A second area where classical theory fails to provide an adequate explanation for observed effects is in the clinical use of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields. Researchers have found that pulsed external magnetic fields at frequencies below 100 Hertz (pulses/cycles per second) will stimulate the healing of nonunion fractures, congenital pseudarthroses, and failed arthroses. The effects of these pulsed magnetic fields have been extremely impressive, and their use in orthopedic conditions has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration‖. Even the FDA, one of the most vigorous regulatory authorities in the country, accepts these non-thermal effects. Tyler adds, ―Recently, pulsed electromagnetic fields have been reported to induce cellular transcription (this has to do with the duplication or copying of information from DNA, a process important to life). At the other end of the non ionizing spectrum, research reports are also showing biological effects that are not predicted in classical theories. For example, Kremer and others have published several papers showing that low intensity millimeter waves produce biological effects. They have also shown that not only are the effects seen at very low power, but they are also frequency-specific‖. Tyler goes on to discuss the results of this new thinking and the possible effects of these low energy radiations in terms of information transfer and storage, and their effects on the nervous system. Research has shown that very specific frequencies cause very specific reactions, and, once a critical threshold is passed, negative reactions occur. The key to Pandora's box has been turned, and the box has now been opened. Will it result in life or death? Tyler‘s paper created a good deal of controversy but was based upon good research and an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter covered. In the decade since its publication, the public debate on the material has continued to grow, even though many of the sources cited in these pages have limited distribution. The topics in this section could elevate the debate on military technologies. What will these areas of research yield? Should citizens take a greater interest in public affairs and remove the layers of secrecy which mask these research efforts? These are the issues we all face now, and will continue to face as we move further down the road of new technology. "If you adequately educate your community, you will find that the politicians will be scrambling to become better educated themselves."

PART FOUR STOP THE "MUSIC" Chapter Twenty-five PLAYING THE HAARP The HAARP program funding was temporarily frozen in 1995 by the United States Senate. Yet the project moved forward, funded from unknown sources. The activity was on schedule for the most part, and it included the normal kinds of start-up activity. The schedule was as follows: December 18-22, 1994. This period was used to integrate the system through a number of tests. January 18-25, 1995. The system integration phase of testing was continued. February 21 - March 2, 1995. A number of performance tests were run on the system. March 29 - April 13, 1995. Formal testing of the device was done. July 25 - August 10, 1995. Improvement evaluations were made, to correct problems with the transmitter. Low power testing was being done, in which the military "swept 5000 channels in 3.2 second sweeps between 2.8 and 10 megaHertz". In the sweep there were three "even mode resonances" discovered which, when hit, caused a malfunction in the device. Electrical arcing occurred between the antenna array and the lightning arresters, causing a four inch diameter aluminum plug to vaporize. The only thing left of the plug was an aluminum coating it left on insulating wires when it disappeared. The interesting fact about this problem was it occurred with only 100 watts of power from each of thirty-six operating antennas. What unexpected things will happen when the array is fully energized? September 11-22, 1995. The system will be used to test patent number 5,041,834. The HIPAS facility near Fairbanks, Alaska will be used with HAARP. Both heaters will be sending energy to the same point in the ionosphere during these tests. The heating will take place at 250 - 300 kilometers above the earth. Sensing instruments will be set up in Alaska at facilities in Anchorage, Glenallen and near Fairbanks. Winter/Spring 1996. Testing of earth-penetrating-tomography will begin. This testing is part of a $10 million 1996 appropriation for HAARP. This funding was provided under the Counter-proliferation Support section of the U.S. federal budget, used for limiting and monitoring nuclear weapons development in other countries. The HAARP antennae are rated for 10,000 watts each at full power. In the second phase planned for HAARP the array will be increased in size in order to provide 4,700,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 watts of effective radiated power. HAARP is going forward but there are still some mechanical problems which are delaying its progress. These delays are the result of some problems with the power levels coming from the array. The energy gain is caused by an effect referred to as negative impedance. The effect was described as ―more power returning to the transmitter than is outgoing from the adjacent antennas‖. Instead of the energy level matching with say 10,000 watts going out and 10,000 watts returning - it is returning energy at 12,000 to 18,000 watts. What does this mean? It is an unexpected result which is occurring in low energy level testing. What will happen at the higher levels of energy planned for the future is not known. Is there a HAARP acting like a harpoon - is there an accident in the making?



Chapter Twenty-five<br />

<strong>PLAY</strong>ING THE <strong>HAARP</strong><br />

The <strong>HAARP</strong> program fund<strong>in</strong>g was temporarily frozen <strong>in</strong> 1995 by the United States<br />

Senate. Yet the project moved forward, funded from unknown sources. The activity was on<br />

schedule for the most part, and it <strong>in</strong>cluded the normal k<strong>in</strong>ds of start-up activity.<br />

The schedule was as follows:<br />

December 18-22, 1994. This period was used to <strong>in</strong>tegrate the system through a<br />

number of tests.<br />

January 18-25, 1995. The system <strong>in</strong>tegration phase of test<strong>in</strong>g was cont<strong>in</strong>ued.<br />

February 21 - March 2, 1995. A number of performance tests were run on the system.<br />

March 29 - April 13, 1995. Formal test<strong>in</strong>g of the device was done.<br />

July 25 - August 10, 1995. Improvement evaluations were made, to correct problems<br />

with the transmitter. Low power test<strong>in</strong>g was be<strong>in</strong>g done, <strong>in</strong> which the military "swept 5000<br />

channels <strong>in</strong> 3.2 second sweeps between 2.8 and 10 megaHertz". In the sweep there were<br />

three "even mode resonances" discovered which, when hit, caused a malfunction <strong>in</strong> the<br />

device. Electrical arc<strong>in</strong>g occurred between the antenna array and the lightn<strong>in</strong>g arresters,<br />

caus<strong>in</strong>g a four <strong>in</strong>ch diameter alum<strong>in</strong>um plug to vaporize. The only th<strong>in</strong>g left of the plug was<br />

an alum<strong>in</strong>um coat<strong>in</strong>g it left on <strong>in</strong>sulat<strong>in</strong>g wires when it disappeared. The <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g fact<br />

about this problem was it occurred with only 100 watts of power from each of thirty-six<br />

operat<strong>in</strong>g antennas. What unexpected th<strong>in</strong>gs will happen when the array is fully energized?<br />

September 11-22, 1995. The system will be used to test patent number 5,041,834. The<br />

HIPAS facility near Fairbanks, Alaska will be used with <strong>HAARP</strong>. Both heaters will be send<strong>in</strong>g<br />

energy to the same po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> the ionosphere dur<strong>in</strong>g these tests. The heat<strong>in</strong>g will take place at<br />

250 - 300 kilometers above the earth. Sens<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>struments will be set up <strong>in</strong> Alaska at<br />

facilities <strong>in</strong> Anchorage, Glenallen and near Fairbanks.<br />

W<strong>in</strong>ter/Spr<strong>in</strong>g 1996. Test<strong>in</strong>g of earth-penetrat<strong>in</strong>g-tomography will beg<strong>in</strong>. This test<strong>in</strong>g<br />

is part of a $10 million 1996 appropriation for <strong>HAARP</strong>. This fund<strong>in</strong>g was provided under the<br />

Counter-proliferation Support section of the U.S. federal budget, used for limit<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

monitor<strong>in</strong>g nuclear weapons development <strong>in</strong> other countries.<br />

The <strong>HAARP</strong> antennae are rated for 10,000 watts each at full power. In the second phase<br />

planned for <strong>HAARP</strong> the array will be <strong>in</strong>creased <strong>in</strong> size <strong>in</strong> order to provide 4,700,000,000 to<br />

10,000,000,000 watts of effective radiated power.<br />

<strong>HAARP</strong> is go<strong>in</strong>g forward but there are still some mechanical problems which are delay<strong>in</strong>g<br />

its progress. These delays are the result of some problems with the power levels com<strong>in</strong>g from<br />

the array. The energy ga<strong>in</strong> is caused by an effect referred to as negative impedance.<br />

The effect was described as ―more power return<strong>in</strong>g to the transmitter than is outgo<strong>in</strong>g<br />

from the adjacent antennas‖. Instead of the energy level match<strong>in</strong>g with say 10,000 watts<br />

go<strong>in</strong>g out and 10,000 watts return<strong>in</strong>g - it is return<strong>in</strong>g energy at 12,000 to 18,000 watts. What<br />

does this mean? It is an unexpected result which is occurr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> low energy level test<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

What will happen at the higher levels of energy planned for the future is not known.<br />

Is there a <strong>HAARP</strong> act<strong>in</strong>g like a harpoon - is there an accident <strong>in</strong> the mak<strong>in</strong>g?

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