
Stevia-EMAP Stevia-EMAP


• Pinching tips: Since Stevia has a significant apical dominance, the plant tends to grow tall and lanky. Pinching out the tips of the plants about every 3-4 weeks for first 1-2 months after transplanting in the feild. This will encourage side branching

• Fertilizer application: • Balanced, slow release organic fertilizer or manure, which is tilled into the soil before planting, provides the ideal nutrition. •The recommended dose of fertilizer is 110:45:45 NPK/feddan/year.

• Fertilizer application:<br />

• Balanced, slow release organic fertilizer<br />

or manure, which is tilled into the soil<br />

before planting, provides the ideal<br />

nutrition.<br />

•The recommended dose of fertilizer is<br />

110:45:45 NPK/feddan/year.

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