HANSER Hanser Publishers, Munich • Hanser Gardner Publications ...

HANSER Hanser Publishers, Munich • Hanser Gardner Publications ...

HANSER Hanser Publishers, Munich • Hanser Gardner Publications ...


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The Reynolds number ReL, based on the length L = 200 mm is<br />

Substituting ReL = 24262 and Pr = 0.69 into Equation 3.56 gives<br />

As the fluid is in motion on both sides of the film, the Nusselt number is calculated<br />

according to [3]<br />

For turbulent flow Nu111^ follows from Equation 3.57:<br />

The resulting Nusselt number Nu is<br />

Heat transfer coefficient a results from<br />

3.6 Heat Transfer by Radiation<br />

Heating by radiation is used in thermoforming processes to heat sheets or films, so that<br />

the shaping process can take place. Because at temperatures above 300 0 C a substantial<br />

part of the thermal radiation consists of wavelengths in the infrared range, heat transfer<br />

by radiation is also termed as infrared radiation [14]. According to the Stefan-Boltzmann<br />

law the rate of energy radiated by a black body per unit area es is proportional to the<br />

absolute temperature T to the fourth power (Figure 3.13) [I]:<br />

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant has the value<br />


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